Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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So answer the question

i dun did, sergei. is it my fault you can't follow the bouncing ball?

fake news is what flunks the fact checkers, & upright bipeds understand that facts are true & alternative facts are not. are they allowed to flourish? yep - under the constitution they shirley can.

can they be challenged & shown to be lies ... YEP.

duh ... doy ... damn.
Fuck you asshole. MagaRat cops let those Trump assholes in. They have been fired.

Wrong fukface...Epps did NOT encourage violence. He specifically said "peacefully"

And Sullivan was Proudboys
No, once again fuck YOU lying piece of shit. Capitol police allowed people in by removing barricades. On video fucktard. Epps told people to enter the Capital. As ordered by the FBI. And Sullivan is a BLM member you moron. Now fuck off you lying dimtard.
Fantasy charges? No, they really did get charged with seditious conspiracy. See that's what sane people call reality. If you lived in reality, you wouldnt be calling them "fantasy charges". LOL calling me a racist. Why, because I think you low end trumpanzees are a disgrace to the white race?

Lots more work left to be done locking more of you right wing domestic terrorists up though.
Another lefturd racist proud to be a know nothing. Assholes like you are the true disgrace. Uneducated, no class, bigots with no future. Fantasy charges. Yeah you racist, as in not based in reality. Lock up right wing people? Go ahead and try coward. Now go back under your bridge.
You're nothing but a mouthpiece for anti-American propaganda and you're too stupid to realize it. Commie.
No, I live in reality you fucking shitstain. Unlike you. You Anti-American, freedom hating assholes are going to find out just how much America hates you come November. Then you can cry when the real criminals get put on trial. Resorting to calling somebody a Communist because that’s what you are. A useless idiot. Just like the drunk playtime.
you don't get to vandalize it or beat & try to kill those protecting the persons inside from being hunted down.
And you also don’t get to trap people inside a FEDERAL building in Portland and attempt to murder them by trying to burn it down. Checkmate loser.
The penalty for sedition is greater than Insurrection dimwit
So now you’re changing your story. You morons screamed insurrection for a year, now want something different. Can’t even keep your lies straight. Sorry, reality doesn’t work that way.
No, I live in reality you fucking shitstain. Unlike you. You Anti-American, freedom hating assholes are going to find out just how much America hates you come November. Then you can cry when the real criminals get put on trial. Resorting to calling somebody a Communist because that’s what you are. A useless idiot. Just like the drunk playtime.
I never have to worry about a thing you say because none of it ever comes to fruition. Meanwhile, we'll keep jailing and prosecuting your ilk (domestic terrorists). You're the one that says our elections are illegal and undermine democracy. You cant get more anti-American than that, commie.
You mean other than the Jan 6 Committee?

Yea he was
The Jan. 6 “committee” can’t clear Epps. Or remove him from the mostly wanted list. Or legally do 99% of the shit they’re pulling. No investigation or questioning of Epps. Because he’s one of theirs.
So now you’re changing your story. You morons screamed insurrection for a year, now want something different. Can’t even keep your lies straight. Sorry, reality doesn’t work that way.
Fact is they are in jail. And they are going to be in jail for a long time. You hear trumps speech this weekend? It's pretty obvious he's worried about going to jail. If he does, that will be one of the greatest days in American history.
I never have to worry about a thing you say because none of it ever comes to fruition. Meanwhile, we'll keep jailing and prosecuting your ilk (domestic terrorists). You're the one that says our elections are illegal and undermine democracy. You cant get more anti-American than that, commie.
Hey asshole, quote where I said elections are illegal. Hey asshole, it’s YOUR man Xiden who has already called the midterms illegitimate. You’ll jail nobody asshole. How’d your prediction on MacAuliffe go dancing turd? Throwing the Communist shit out again. Trying not desperately to hide your love for Putin and Xi.
Fact is they are in jail. And they are going to be in jail for a long time. You hear trumps speech this weekend? It's pretty obvious he's worried about going to jail. If he does, that will be one of the greatest days in American history.
Trump isn’t going to jail. Fact is come November Pisslosi and a lot of other people truly responsible for the carnage will be put under oath and forced to answer questions. When you Commie bastards get shellacked in November, that will be the best day in decades.
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