Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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oh dear ... that's twice now - you don't have yer facts straight. there ARE (R)s on that there committee. you would know that if you lived in this country.
No, there are two Pisslosi sock puppets on that committee. You’d know that if you lived in reality.
Hey asshole, quote where I said elections are illegal. Hey asshole, it’s YOUR man Xiden who has already called the midterms illegitimate. You’ll jail nobody asshole. How’d your prediction on MacAuliffe go dancing turd? Throwing the Communist shit out again. Trying not desperately to hide your love for Putin and Xi.
We've already jailed hundreds of you chimps, some for multi year sentences. But then you dont reside in reality. You support trump who gleefully quotes from card carrying members of the communist party at his rallies. And he gets cheered for doing so.
140+ cops injured with crushed spines, lost eyes, stabbed, tazed into a heart attack, beaten with brass knuckles, metal poles, sprayed with chemicals, beaned with a fire extinguisher... & 4 comitted suicide due to PTSD. bombs were found just outside the capital grounds. molitov cocktails, & yes - GUNS & AMMO stockpiled a short distance away, ready for quick transport by a group of thugs whose members included ex cops, military vets, AND active duty.

ha ha ha ... what a hoot!
Two dozen cops killed. Hundreds more injured. Billions in property damage and theft. Assault of the elderly. All things done by YOUR side, while you cheered them on.
Trump isn’t going to jail. Fact is come November Pisslosi and a lot of other people truly responsible for the carnage will be put under oath and forced to answer questions. When you Commie bastards get shellacked in November, that will be the best day in decades.
You are a traitor to America. LOL more of your delusional thinking. We're locking you traitors up that is an indisputable fact. All you have is "we're gonna". LOL. You arent going to do anything, coward.
So now you’re changing your story. You morons screamed insurrection for a year, now want something different. Can’t even keep your lies straight. Sorry, reality doesn’t work that way.
Something more SERIOUS you fucking dolt...which acounts for the higher sentence
We've already jailed hundreds of you chimps, some for multi year sentences. But then you dont reside in reality. You support trump who gleefully quotes from card carrying members of the communist party at his rallies. And he gets cheered for doing so.
More Communist bullshit. Mores racist comments. You support Communists who refuse to stop Putin with sanctions and will gladly let him take Ukraine. Note that you couldn’t produce a quote to back up your lie. Yes I support Trump. You support a dementia suffering insectuous pedo.
You are a traitor to America. LOL more of your delusional thinking. We're locking you traitors up that is an indisputable fact. All you have is "we're gonna". LOL. You arent going to do anything, coward.
What a tantrum you’re throwing. You have yet to lock up ONE person for insurrection. You are the one who won’t do anything. Nothing but threats from under your bed in mommy’s basement.
What a tantrum you’re throwing. You have yet to lock up ONE person for insurrection. You are the one who won’t do anything. Nothing but threats from under your bed in mommy’s basement.
A jail cell is a jail cell. Doesnt really matter how you got there. You're still stuck behind bars for years. Which is where these traitors belong. That's reality.
weapons were a plenty. are guns the only means to subdue or kill somebody?

credible unbiased link?

lol ...


Last updated on April 18th, 2021 at 12:23 pm

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'nuff said.
Yes. You ignore truth and reality and only accept what pedo run CNN and MSNBCCP tell you. Videos don’t lie about Epps and scaffold guy. But you won’t watch them.
More Communist bullshit. Mores racist comments. You support Communists who refuse to stop Putin with sanctions and will gladly let him take Ukraine. Note that you couldn’t produce a quote to back up your lie. Yes I support Trump. You support a dementia suffering insectuous pedo.

You evidently didnt get the latest right wing talking point from Tucker about how Russia is the good guy.

Daily Caller​

Last updated on November 17th, 2021 at 09:27 am

Daily Caller - Right Biased - Conservative - Republican - Libertarian - Not Credible
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These media sources are moderate to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information reporting that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per-article basis.
Daily Caller

you're not very good at this, sergei.
More denying reality. Even when from one your beloved left wing sources. But truth hurts traitors like you,
Yes. You ignore truth and reality and only accept what pedo run CNN and MSNBCCP tell you. Videos don’t lie about Epps and scaffold guy. But you won’t watch them.
Meanwhile, an actual republican pedophile in Congress is being investigated for sex trafficking a minor.
Meanwhile, an actual republican pedophile in Congress is being investigated for sex trafficking a minor.
That’s only been going on for over a year and these morons can’t seem to find anything. This should be easy to prove if it actually happened. Meanwhile, we have a diary and hundreds of photos of Creepy Uncle Joe.
That’s only been going on for over a year and these morons can’t seem to find anything. This should be easy to prove if it actually happened. Meanwhile, we have a diary and hundreds of photos of Creepy Uncle Joe.
The fact that they are still investigating Gaetz a year later speaks volumes. You support pedophiles.
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