Steyer gone

Steyer isn't through spending money to kick Trump's ass. His main goal of Trump going down in defeat remains.

Because, like Bloomberg, he wants China First again. The same shytehole that sent the world the coronavirus an steals your jobs.

Steyer should be forced to dance in every attack ad he makes from now until the election. Some guys don't give a damn about the constituents they are apparently running to represent. They are weak on China, and for this reason, Trump is going to have a big stick in his hand come general election debates. Americans know more than ever, the threat that the communists pose.

You be sure to keep a copy of all that. You'll need all the made up mud you can come up with to sling at all the people joining in the effort to defeat Trump. There are lots of us, and Trump's money will be pocket change compared to those out to get him.

Pro Trump Democrats ?

Is Hillary's e-mail scandal falling apart?

L.A. Times Tracking Poll: Donald Trump Leads Hillary Clinton by 5.4 Percent

You know, Trump is not that bad!

Yes, I was wrong about the final outcome, but only because of that gltch in the EC. Hillary did get 3 million more votes than him. You'll note that I didn't say anything about the outcome. Only that there is a sunami of well funded opposition heading for him, and he never faced anything like this election before. The complacency of 2016 is long gone.
What “glitch”? The Donald won 30 out of 50 states. The states he won have more people than the 20 states Hillary managed to win.
'Mr. Lollypop' Steyer is the posterboy for the saying: A Liberal who made his millions gambling in the oil industry is a fool whose millions are soon parted'.
Steyer isn't through spending money to kick Trump's ass. His main goal of Trump going down in defeat remains.

I was wondering if even one single Democrat was going to defend Steyer and......well son of a bitch. :laugh:
Yes, I was wrong about the final outcome, but only because of that gltch in the EC. Hillary did get 3 million more votes than him. You'll note that I didn't say anything about the outcome. Only that there is a sunami of well funded opposition heading for him, and he never faced anything like this election before. The complacency of 2016 is long gone.
The EC isnt a glitch.

If you were old enough to vote and didn't know how America does elections, that explains why you're a Democrat
Steyer isn't through spending money to kick Trump's ass. His main goal of Trump going down in defeat remains.

Because, like Bloomberg, he wants China First again. The same shytehole that sent the world the coronavirus an steals your jobs.

Steyer should be forced to dance in every attack ad he makes from now until the election. Some guys don't give a damn about the constituents they are apparently running to represent. They are weak on China, and for this reason, Trump is going to have a big stick in his hand come general election debates. Americans know more than ever, the threat that the communists pose.

You be sure to keep a copy of all that. You'll need all the made up mud you can come up with to sling at all the people joining in the effort to defeat Trump. There are lots of us, and Trump's money will be pocket change compared to those out to get him.

Pro Trump Democrats ?

Is Hillary's e-mail scandal falling apart?

L.A. Times Tracking Poll: Donald Trump Leads Hillary Clinton by 5.4 Percent

You know, Trump is not that bad!

Yes, I was wrong about the final outcome, but only because of that gltch in the EC. Hillary did get 3 million more votes than him. You'll note that I didn't say anything about the outcome. Only that there is a sunami of well funded opposition heading for him, and he never faced anything like this election before. The complacency of 2016 is long gone.
"The complacency of 2016".

Tom Steyer has dropped out the race to be the Democrats Presidential nominee despite his wealth I guess he figured he wasted enough money on this maybe Bloomberg will be next.
Tom Steyer drops out of the 2020 presidential race

I'm not crazy about Bloomberg. In fact, I'm sick of millionaires buying elections: Bloomberg and Trump.
Perhaps I'm remembering wrong but didn't Hillary outspend Trump by a pretty wide margin in 2016? Trump unlike Bloomberg was in the race the whole way starting Iowa and going all the way through the primaries he didn't sit the first three or four out and try and use tons of TV ads for super Tuesday. Trump succeeded in no small part by being able to use the media to his advantage and get them to give him tons of free air time and advertising.

Only if you don't count all the free TV time he got from all the networks. He was such a clown till they all reported on him every day, so he didn't have to spend anything on advertising. They will still report on him every day, but they will point out his lies instead of just letting them pass like before.

Free TV time spent trying to tear him down while propping up the Hildebeast and they even admitted s much on the glorious night that she was bitch-slapped. It's not like anyone that had two braincells to rub together didn't know that Trump was running.....

He was reported on as if his absurd pronouncements were the words of a sane person. He won't receive such fauning treatment except by fox this time.

Girl, soon as he won the nomination, the hit pieces on him rose to a fever pitch. Some members of the media (stunned that Trump won) owned up to the fact that they tried to carry her over the finish line. Her "signaling" to the moderators of the first debate to getting debate questions for the second debate. You are blinded by stupidity and the need to deny that all was done to rig the election for Hildebeast.

"MY TEAM LOST!!! NO FAIR!!!" because we all know that leftards never lose elections but rather are "out-cheated" of their rightful place in power. The ends justifies the means as long as it benefits the commie agenda. No lie too big, no deed too despicable and is considered a meritorious action.

BTW, you and saneness barely have a nodding acquaintance with each other since Trump pushed your ass over the edge.
I'm not crazy about Bloomberg. In fact, I'm sick of millionaires buying elections: Bloomberg and Trump.
Perhaps I'm remembering wrong but didn't Hillary outspend Trump by a pretty wide margin in 2016? Trump unlike Bloomberg was in the race the whole way starting Iowa and going all the way through the primaries he didn't sit the first three or four out and try and use tons of TV ads for super Tuesday. Trump succeeded in no small part by being able to use the media to his advantage and get them to give him tons of free air time and advertising.

Only if you don't count all the free TV time he got from all the networks. He was such a clown till they all reported on him every day, so he didn't have to spend anything on advertising. They will still report on him every day, but they will point out his lies instead of just letting them pass like before.

Free TV time spent trying to tear him down while propping up the Hildebeast and they even admitted s much on the glorious night that she was bitch-slapped. It's not like anyone that had two braincells to rub together didn't know that Trump was running.....

He was reported on as if his absurd pronouncements were the words of a sane person. He won't receive such fauning treatment except by fox this time.

Girl, soon as he won the nomination, the hit pieces on him rose to a fever pitch. Some members of the media (stunned that Trump won) owned up to the fact that they tried to carry her over the finish line. Her "signaling" to the moderators of the first debate to getting debate questions for the second debate. You are blinded by stupidity and the need to deny that all was done to rig the election for Hildebeast.

"MY TEAM LOST!!! NO FAIR!!!" because we all know that leftards never lose elections but rather are "out-cheated" of their rightful place in power. The ends justifies the means as long as it benefits the commie agenda. No lie too big, no deed too despicable and is considered a meritorious action.

BTW, you and saneness barely have a nodding acquaintance with each other since Trump pushed your ass over the edge.

I'll give all that some serious consideration as soon as I read Trump's report on Obama's birth certificate. The team that Trump sent down there found some amazing stuff, and I'm sure it will be released any day now.
Perhaps I'm remembering wrong but didn't Hillary outspend Trump by a pretty wide margin in 2016? Trump unlike Bloomberg was in the race the whole way starting Iowa and going all the way through the primaries he didn't sit the first three or four out and try and use tons of TV ads for super Tuesday. Trump succeeded in no small part by being able to use the media to his advantage and get them to give him tons of free air time and advertising.

Only if you don't count all the free TV time he got from all the networks. He was such a clown till they all reported on him every day, so he didn't have to spend anything on advertising. They will still report on him every day, but they will point out his lies instead of just letting them pass like before.

Free TV time spent trying to tear him down while propping up the Hildebeast and they even admitted s much on the glorious night that she was bitch-slapped. It's not like anyone that had two braincells to rub together didn't know that Trump was running.....

He was reported on as if his absurd pronouncements were the words of a sane person. He won't receive such fauning treatment except by fox this time.

Girl, soon as he won the nomination, the hit pieces on him rose to a fever pitch. Some members of the media (stunned that Trump won) owned up to the fact that they tried to carry her over the finish line. Her "signaling" to the moderators of the first debate to getting debate questions for the second debate. You are blinded by stupidity and the need to deny that all was done to rig the election for Hildebeast.

"MY TEAM LOST!!! NO FAIR!!!" because we all know that leftards never lose elections but rather are "out-cheated" of their rightful place in power. The ends justifies the means as long as it benefits the commie agenda. No lie too big, no deed too despicable and is considered a meritorious action.

BTW, you and saneness barely have a nodding acquaintance with each other since Trump pushed your ass over the edge.

I'll give all that some serious consideration as soon as I read Trump's report on Obama's birth certificate. The team that Trump sent down there found some amazing stuff, and I'm sure it will be released any day now.

Two European experts on documents (and Barrypuppet fans) had to sadly admit that his birth certificate was a forgery and not a good one at that. Whomever was in charge of posting it on the .gov website posted the file instead of printing it out, put it through a copier and THEN posting it. By the time the mistake was discovered, around 100k or so had already downloaded it and found numerous layers to it. THEN, the lady that verified it mysteriously dies in a plane crash where she is the only casualty....imagine that?

Frankly, I don't give a shit where Barrypuppet was born but it's just another piece of evidence that proves Barrypuppet was a deep state operative with lots to his membership in the queer "Down Low" bath-house club.
Only if you don't count all the free TV time he got from all the networks. He was such a clown till they all reported on him every day, so he didn't have to spend anything on advertising. They will still report on him every day, but they will point out his lies instead of just letting them pass like before.

Free TV time spent trying to tear him down while propping up the Hildebeast and they even admitted s much on the glorious night that she was bitch-slapped. It's not like anyone that had two braincells to rub together didn't know that Trump was running.....

He was reported on as if his absurd pronouncements were the words of a sane person. He won't receive such fauning treatment except by fox this time.

Girl, soon as he won the nomination, the hit pieces on him rose to a fever pitch. Some members of the media (stunned that Trump won) owned up to the fact that they tried to carry her over the finish line. Her "signaling" to the moderators of the first debate to getting debate questions for the second debate. You are blinded by stupidity and the need to deny that all was done to rig the election for Hildebeast.

"MY TEAM LOST!!! NO FAIR!!!" because we all know that leftards never lose elections but rather are "out-cheated" of their rightful place in power. The ends justifies the means as long as it benefits the commie agenda. No lie too big, no deed too despicable and is considered a meritorious action.

BTW, you and saneness barely have a nodding acquaintance with each other since Trump pushed your ass over the edge.

I'll give all that some serious consideration as soon as I read Trump's report on Obama's birth certificate. The team that Trump sent down there found some amazing stuff, and I'm sure it will be released any day now.

Two European experts on documents (and Barrypuppet fans) had to sadly admit that his birth certificate was a forgery and not a good one at that. Whomever was in charge of posting it on the .gov website posted the file instead of printing it out, put it through a copier and THEN posting it. By the time the mistake was discovered, around 100k or so had already downloaded it and found numerous layers to it. THEN, the lady that verified it mysteriously dies in a plane crash where she is the only casualty....imagine that?

Frankly, I don't give a shit where Barrypuppet was born but it's just another piece of evidence that proves Barrypuppet was a deep state operative with lots to his membership in the queer "Down Low" bath-house club.

And i'm sure Trmp's team will report that, right?
Free TV time spent trying to tear him down while propping up the Hildebeast and they even admitted s much on the glorious night that she was bitch-slapped. It's not like anyone that had two braincells to rub together didn't know that Trump was running.....

He was reported on as if his absurd pronouncements were the words of a sane person. He won't receive such fauning treatment except by fox this time.

Girl, soon as he won the nomination, the hit pieces on him rose to a fever pitch. Some members of the media (stunned that Trump won) owned up to the fact that they tried to carry her over the finish line. Her "signaling" to the moderators of the first debate to getting debate questions for the second debate. You are blinded by stupidity and the need to deny that all was done to rig the election for Hildebeast.

"MY TEAM LOST!!! NO FAIR!!!" because we all know that leftards never lose elections but rather are "out-cheated" of their rightful place in power. The ends justifies the means as long as it benefits the commie agenda. No lie too big, no deed too despicable and is considered a meritorious action.

BTW, you and saneness barely have a nodding acquaintance with each other since Trump pushed your ass over the edge.

I'll give all that some serious consideration as soon as I read Trump's report on Obama's birth certificate. The team that Trump sent down there found some amazing stuff, and I'm sure it will be released any day now.

Two European experts on documents (and Barrypuppet fans) had to sadly admit that his birth certificate was a forgery and not a good one at that. Whomever was in charge of posting it on the .gov website posted the file instead of printing it out, put it through a copier and THEN posting it. By the time the mistake was discovered, around 100k or so had already downloaded it and found numerous layers to it. THEN, the lady that verified it mysteriously dies in a plane crash where she is the only casualty....imagine that?

Frankly, I don't give a shit where Barrypuppet was born but it's just another piece of evidence that proves Barrypuppet was a deep state operative with lots to his membership in the queer "Down Low" bath-house club.

And i'm sure Trmp's team will report that, right?

Water under the bridge,,,,,,,
He was reported on as if his absurd pronouncements were the words of a sane person. He won't receive such fauning treatment except by fox this time.

Girl, soon as he won the nomination, the hit pieces on him rose to a fever pitch. Some members of the media (stunned that Trump won) owned up to the fact that they tried to carry her over the finish line. Her "signaling" to the moderators of the first debate to getting debate questions for the second debate. You are blinded by stupidity and the need to deny that all was done to rig the election for Hildebeast.

"MY TEAM LOST!!! NO FAIR!!!" because we all know that leftards never lose elections but rather are "out-cheated" of their rightful place in power. The ends justifies the means as long as it benefits the commie agenda. No lie too big, no deed too despicable and is considered a meritorious action.

BTW, you and saneness barely have a nodding acquaintance with each other since Trump pushed your ass over the edge.

I'll give all that some serious consideration as soon as I read Trump's report on Obama's birth certificate. The team that Trump sent down there found some amazing stuff, and I'm sure it will be released any day now.

Two European experts on documents (and Barrypuppet fans) had to sadly admit that his birth certificate was a forgery and not a good one at that. Whomever was in charge of posting it on the .gov website posted the file instead of printing it out, put it through a copier and THEN posting it. By the time the mistake was discovered, around 100k or so had already downloaded it and found numerous layers to it. THEN, the lady that verified it mysteriously dies in a plane crash where she is the only casualty....imagine that?

Frankly, I don't give a shit where Barrypuppet was born but it's just another piece of evidence that proves Barrypuppet was a deep state operative with lots to his membership in the queer "Down Low" bath-house club.

And i'm sure Trmp's team will report that, right?

Water under the bridge,,,,,,,

You're quite selective about what you consider to be water under the bridge.

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