
I have not called it "workplace violence", only rightwingers claim that.

He was charged and convicted of murder and attempted murder, not "workplace violence".

If not "workplace violence", what UCMJ charges do you believe should have been brought against Major Hassan? Or should he have been charged in a regular criminal court?
You came pretty close.

No, I didn't. Learn to understand context.

I'm happy to offer the same questions to you that I asked above:

What UCMJ charges do you believe should have been brought against Hassan? Or should he have been tried in regular criminal courts?
If all you're gonna do is dance around, split hairs, and argue over technicalities and meanings of words, I have better things to do.


If you can't define your terms, that's not my problem. I prefer to understand the meanings of the words that I use, rather than just feel the feelings they induce.

But don't let me keep you from your "important business". I couldn't give less of a shit whether or not you respond to my posts.
Looks like I was right the first time after all.

You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).


I thought you'd already flounced out of this thread.

One of these days I'm going to write a paper on the amazing phenomenon of people seeing what they want to see, and ignoring anything that doesn't fit their narrative.
Exclusive: Fort Hood shooter's attorney says crime was not 'workplace violence'

Watch the video and read the transcript............from the lawyer who represented Hassan for 5 years.

Yeah, it wasn't "workplace violence", because there is no such thing in the UCMJ. We've been over this already.

Hassan's lawyer isn't agreeing with you, he's agreeing with me.
Exclusive: Fort Hood shooter's attorney says crime was not 'workplace violence'

KELLY: Not terrorism.

GALLIGAN: No. They could have elected to proceed along that line, but the government chose not to.

Although, during the course of the trial, a lot of the evidence that they presented seemed to suggest, or they wanted the jury to believe that there was a terrorist base to that.

KELLY: You've met with him repeatedly. You've represented him. You've been with this case from the beginning.

GALLIGAN: Correct.

He's a 30 year man.........with 35 years with the UCMJ..........and the attorney for Hassan up to the trial...................

He stated they could have charged him outside the UCMJ under terror attacks................the results would have been the same........and the Victims wouldn't have had to wait 6 years to get benefits from the attack.................or it could have been settled by an EO..........that didn't happen. The victims were forced to go to court against the DOD, and it finally took Congressional action to right the wrongs done to them by the administrations path to trying Hassan.

Yeah, they could have tried him in a regular criminal court for terrorism. Is that what you would have preferred?

I'm fairly sure I remember a whole lot of yammering from the right about how he should be tried in a military tribunal.
As long as he dies I don't really care................Causing the victims to lose benefits by not classifying it...............then yeah it would have been better to go for terrorism and murder in Federal Court.........At least that way they could have discharged him from the army and stopped the dang paychecks.............
I wish they would have shot and killed the asshole the day of the shootings............Saved a lot of trouble..........
"That is what the president is accusing many of you folks of. Stigmatizing Islam"

And the president is correct – many on the right are attempting to demonize Islam, consistent with the GOP’s politics of fear and division, for some perceived partisan gain.

The evidence of this can be found on this very forum, where conservatives contrive and seek to propagate the lie that Islam is a ‘terrorist religion,’ that Islam is somehow ‘responsible’ for terrorism, and that Muslims must be ‘held suspect,’ presumed guilty of being ‘terrorist sympathizers.’
You came pretty close.

No, I didn't. Learn to understand context.

I'm happy to offer the same questions to you that I asked above:

What UCMJ charges do you believe should have been brought against Hassan? Or should he have been tried in regular criminal courts?
If all you're gonna do is dance around, split hairs, and argue over technicalities and meanings of words, I have better things to do.


If you can't define your terms, that's not my problem. I prefer to understand the meanings of the words that I use, rather than just feel the feelings they induce.

But don't let me keep you from your "important business". I couldn't give less of a shit whether or not you respond to my posts.
Looks like I was right the first time after all.

You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).


I thought you'd already flounced out of this thread.

One of these days I'm going to write a paper on the amazing phenomenon of people seeing what they want to see, and ignoring anything that doesn't fit their narrative.
Now THAT'S ironic. :lol:
The obvious answer is since we still aren't taking islam seriously, we need a lesson we will never forget. It has to be worse than 911, that lesson has already been forgotten. No wonder muslims are planning a dirty nuclear bomb.
Well, we will get the predictable responses.

But but but...Christians. (code for white right wing republicans have blown up abortion clinics and they love bringing up McVeigh to highlight their warped point)


ALL RELIGIONS are bad. (Code for obfuscation from the BROWN stink bombs who commit all of these atrocities and suggest that atheists like them are the only rational thinkers and white christians are the real trouble makers.)

In fact it was in post two.

Now, do you have something to say on the topic, or are you just here to stigmatize other posters?

Yeah, cause you people never stigmatize people. Oh wait a minute. The arrogant left do it, it is perfectly ok. Why? Cause we on the right are these flat earther knuckle dragging toothless members of the KKK.

Again, the hypocrisy of the left is just so......automatic.

Let us all know how "good" muslims are.

In the meantime let us see your predictable responses. Obfuscating from muslims to the horrible things Christians do.

Tell me. Have you have seem the charitable work that TRUE Christians have been doing for 2000 years? Want me to list those things.

Instead of going to the old abortion clinics being bombed (not nearly as as common as the deliberate targeting of random citizens and not worthy of any sort of comparison whatsoever), why don't we list the things Christians do all around the world for.......(like I said) 2000 years.

I know, to a left winger, a charitable deed is insisting that governments ought to be doing these things.

Anyway, let us see the attacks on Christians. I know what that is code for as I stated. You can deny it. That is when I snicker to myself.

IOW, :blahblah: Nothing to say on the topic, just your usual hateful spew. Carry on.
No "lies" are needed to "stigmatize".

"Stigmatize" means "to mark", generally in a negative context. It comes from the Ancient Greek practice of branding slaves and criminals with a "stigma". This is also where the word "stigmata" comes from - it's the plural form of "stigma".

In this context, Obama is warning against "marking" the entire religion of Islam due to the actions of the few - which is of course exactly what you clowns are doing.
By calling Fort Hood Work place violence.............

Sorry............that dog doesn't hunt.............

I'd love it if you can find a single quote of Obama's referring to the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence".

(Hint: You can't, because he never said those words)

I can post up as many of these as you want.....
Cortney O'Brien - Five Years After Callous 'Workplace Violence' Designation, Fort Hood Victims Awarded Purple Hearts
No "lies" are needed to "stigmatize".

"Stigmatize" means "to mark", generally in a negative context. It comes from the Ancient Greek practice of branding slaves and criminals with a "stigma". This is also where the word "stigmata" comes from - it's the plural form of "stigma".

In this context, Obama is warning against "marking" the entire religion of Islam due to the actions of the few - which is of course exactly what you clowns are doing.
By calling Fort Hood Work place violence.............

Sorry............that dog doesn't hunt.............

I'd love it if you can find a single quote of Obama's referring to the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence".

(Hint: You can't, because he never said those words)

I can post up as many of these as you want.....
Cortney O'Brien - Five Years After Callous 'Workplace Violence' Designation, Fort Hood Victims Awarded Purple Hearts

Knock yourself out, if it makes you feel better - but unless any of them have a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence", then you're still failing to make a point.
No "lies" are needed to "stigmatize".

"Stigmatize" means "to mark", generally in a negative context. It comes from the Ancient Greek practice of branding slaves and criminals with a "stigma". This is also where the word "stigmata" comes from - it's the plural form of "stigma".

In this context, Obama is warning against "marking" the entire religion of Islam due to the actions of the few - which is of course exactly what you clowns are doing.
By calling Fort Hood Work place violence.............

Sorry............that dog doesn't hunt.............

I'd love it if you can find a single quote of Obama's referring to the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence".

(Hint: You can't, because he never said those words)

I can post up as many of these as you want.....
Cortney O'Brien - Five Years After Callous 'Workplace Violence' Designation, Fort Hood Victims Awarded Purple Hearts

Knock yourself out, if it makes you feel better - but unless any of them have a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence", then you're still failing to make a point.

Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.
No "lies" are needed to "stigmatize".

"Stigmatize" means "to mark", generally in a negative context. It comes from the Ancient Greek practice of branding slaves and criminals with a "stigma". This is also where the word "stigmata" comes from - it's the plural form of "stigma".

In this context, Obama is warning against "marking" the entire religion of Islam due to the actions of the few - which is of course exactly what you clowns are doing.
By calling Fort Hood Work place violence.............

Sorry............that dog doesn't hunt.............

I'd love it if you can find a single quote of Obama's referring to the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence".

(Hint: You can't, because he never said those words)

I can post up as many of these as you want.....
Cortney O'Brien - Five Years After Callous 'Workplace Violence' Designation, Fort Hood Victims Awarded Purple Hearts

Knock yourself out, if it makes you feel better - but unless any of them have a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence", then you're still failing to make a point.

Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.

Nope, no Obama quote there, either.
By calling Fort Hood Work place violence.............

Sorry............that dog doesn't hunt.............

I'd love it if you can find a single quote of Obama's referring to the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence".

(Hint: You can't, because he never said those words)

I can post up as many of these as you want.....
Cortney O'Brien - Five Years After Callous 'Workplace Violence' Designation, Fort Hood Victims Awarded Purple Hearts

Knock yourself out, if it makes you feel better - but unless any of them have a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence", then you're still failing to make a point.

Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.

Nope, no Obama quote there, either.

Obama: Iran not following 'spirit' of deal
I'd love it if you can find a single quote of Obama's referring to the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence".

(Hint: You can't, because he never said those words)

I can post up as many of these as you want.....
Cortney O'Brien - Five Years After Callous 'Workplace Violence' Designation, Fort Hood Victims Awarded Purple Hearts

Knock yourself out, if it makes you feel better - but unless any of them have a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence", then you're still failing to make a point.

Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.

Nope, no Obama quote there, either.

Obama: Iran not following 'spirit' of deal

Did you post that link by accident, or are you trying to move the goal posts to an entirely different planet?
I'd love it if you can find a single quote of Obama's referring to the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence".

(Hint: You can't, because he never said those words)

I can post up as many of these as you want.....
Cortney O'Brien - Five Years After Callous 'Workplace Violence' Designation, Fort Hood Victims Awarded Purple Hearts

Knock yourself out, if it makes you feel better - but unless any of them have a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence", then you're still failing to make a point.

Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.

Nope, no Obama quote there, either.

Obama: Iran not following 'spirit' of deal
Iran is fucking obama in the ass and he likes it.
ok then you are lying.

There are 1.6 billion muslims on earth, a very small percentage of that 1.6 billion has actually performed a terrorist act

If you really wish to know the truth of the matter, Islam is responsible for bringing this so-called stigma on itself. Islam claims to be a religion of peace, yet it rarely speaks out against these acts of violence. I'm sure someone else here could point out some isolated examples, but I rarely hear them coming on the news to condemn it

Christianity was once a religion of violence, until we renounced it. We routinely speak out against violence committed in the name of our faith. Yet we are stigmatized often by liberals, for being bigots, racists, or overall hateful people, even hostile. However, Islam is responsible for an acute indifference toward women and homosexuals. They punish anyone who tries to convert from Islam. Under their teachings, personal freedom is strictly limited.

So, where are people like you when Christianity is so often stigmatized? Where is our advocate? Where is our defense? Who is willing to defend us from that stigma? It is only when someone points out the obvious truths of Islam that they accused of a "stigma" against Muslims.
Last edited:
How about following a dictionary definition of the term 'stigmatize,' and not what you call 'a rule of thumb?'

Perhaps you should direct that charge at the people accusing others of "stigmatizing" Islam. I doubt they even know what the word means either, since they so often bandy it about so nonchalantly.

To stigmatize someone or some group is to single them out for condemnation, to make them worthy of disgrace due to events or circumstances. You can even go so far as to label it as a form of stereotyping.

In the liberal PC playbook, to speak a truth about Islam constitutes a stigma. In essence, truth is the lie. They don't have a clue what stigmatism is, and to that extent, you as well.
How about following a dictionary definition of the term 'stigmatize,' and not what you call 'a rule of thumb?'

Perhaps you should direct that charge at the people accusing others of "stigmatizing" Islam. I doubt they even know what the word means either, since they so often bandy it about so nonchalantly.

To stigmatize someone or some group is to single them out for condemnation, to make them worthy of disgrace due to events or circumstances. You can even go so far as to label it as a form of stereotyping.

In the liberal PC playbook, to speak a truth about Islam constitutes a stigma. In essence, truth is the lie. They don't have a clue what stigmatism is, and to that extent, you as well.

That's not what "stigmatize" means.

No "lies" are needed to "stigmatize".

"Stigmatize" means "to mark", generally in a negative context. It comes from the Ancient Greek practice of branding slaves and criminals with a "stigma". This is also where the word "stigmata" comes from - it's the plural form of "stigma".

In this context, Obama is warning against "marking" the entire religion of Islam due to the actions of the few - which is of course exactly what you clowns are doing.
How the Obama adminstration failed the victims of the first Fort Hood attack

Although Hasan is an avowed jihadist with links to Al Qaeda, the Pentagon labeled that incident "workplace violence"—a term that seems more fitting for last week's attack based on the sketchy details that have emerged about the alleged shooter, Spc. Ivan Lopez.

The decision to brand the event workplace violence has had profound consequences for survivors of the first Fort Hood shooting, many of whom say they've had difficulty providing for themselves and obtaining medical care due to the lack of benefits. (The Army declined to answer questions about specific services victims allege they were denied, but in a written statement to Mother Jones said that it "provides emergency treatment and long term access to care to all of our beneficiaries, regardless of the circumstances under which these injuries took place." An Army spokeswoman also noted that the Fort Hood victims are eligible for a number of financial benefits, including life insurance and funeral allowances.) In late 2012, nearly 150 Fort Hood victims and their family members filed a lawsuitagainst the Department of Defense, accusing it of "reckless disregard" for the victims' lives and emotional wellbeing. They're seeking unspecified damages for their suffering and lost benefits.

Among the plaintiffs is former Army reservist Keara Bono-Torkelson, who was shot in the back by Hasan. She recalls the nurse at the Army hospital where she was rushed for treatment patting her on the head and telling her she was fine. Only weeks later, when she visited her family doctor in Missouri, did she discover that she also had a bullet lodged in her head.

With her injuries, Torkelson—who suffers from back spasms, PTSD, and crippling headaches—found it difficult to do her job. Rather than send her to a special unit for wounded soldiers, as it usually does with reservists wounded in combat, the Army pulled her off active duty and sent her home. She says her paycheck subsequently shrank from $1,400 a month to roughly $200 and she lost her military health insurance, leaving her no access to medical care.

"Having to fight for benefits on top of the injuries and the money worries has made things far worse."
In 2010, after months of fighting the Army for treatment with mixed results, she reached out to Ross Perot, who has quietly helped other wounded soldiers with their medical expenses. The billionaire Texas businessman and former presidential contender paid for Torkelson to go to the Mayo Clinic, where doctors quickly pinpointed the source of her headaches: Besides the slug that had been removed from her scalp, she had multiple bullet fragments in her skull—something her military doctors could have detected with a simple x-ray.

The "workplace violence" label has also kept victims of the first Fort Hood attack from being honored for their heroism. Private First Class Amber Gadlin, who was 19 at the time, braved gunfire to drag other soldiers to safety, even after being shot in the back. During the 2009 Fort Hood memorial, the president praised her for her valor. But because of the way the shooting was classified, Gadlin isn't eligible for awards, such as the Purple Heart, or the accompanying benefits, which include extra pay, priority access to medical care, and, in certain cases, free in-state tuition for the honorees' children.

Gadlin, who says she can only sit for a half hour at a stretch because of severe back pain, scrapes by on her $1,400 a month disability payment from the Department of Veterans Affairs and has struggled to get treatment for her depression and PTSD. "Having to fight for benefits on top of the injuries and the money worries has made things far worse," says her mother, Lisa Bahr Pfund. "There have been plenty of times I've been expecting a phone call saying she's gone. Meaning, you know, she's taken care of her problems permanently."

Other survivors have similar stories. Retired Staff Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, a 6-foot-9, 300-pound North Carolina resident, was shot seven times during the 2009 attack, including once in the head. Even as he lay bleeding in the parking lot with medics attending to his wounds, Hasan kept firing at him.

Several months after the incident, Lunsford tried to check into an Army PTSD clinic near El Paso. But he says he was turned away on the grounds that he wasn't injured in combat. Eventually, Lunsford, who served in the Army for 22 years, managed to get into a Navy clinic in San Diego. The Army was supposed to pick up the tab. But instead, he says, it deducted most of the expenses from his paycheck.

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