
Our men and women of the military being screwed by a bunch of legal BS................denied their benefits because of the political BS of these damned cases..........

It's a travesty of justice................The victims paying and even greater price because of the BS of this administration and the damned way they prosecuted the case.............

Having to go outside of the box to Ross Perot as the article get medical help.

Just like the VA while Vets died waiting to be seen.............Our gov't shitting on the fallen, the wounded, and families of those who served...............
How about following a dictionary definition of the term 'stigmatize,' and not what you call 'a rule of thumb?'

Perhaps you should direct that charge at the people accusing others of "stigmatizing" Islam. I doubt they even know what the word means either, since they so often bandy it about so nonchalantly.

To stigmatize someone or some group is to single them out for condemnation, to make them worthy of disgrace due to events or circumstances. You can even go so far as to label it as a form of stereotyping.

In the liberal PC playbook, to speak a truth about Islam constitutes a stigma. In essence, truth is the lie. They don't have a clue what stigmatism is, and to that extent, you as well.

That's not what "stigmatize" means.

No "lies" are needed to "stigmatize".

"Stigmatize" means "to mark", generally in a negative context. It comes from the Ancient Greek practice of branding slaves and criminals with a "stigma". This is also where the word "stigmata" comes from - it's the plural form of "stigma".

In this context, Obama is warning against "marking" the entire religion of Islam due to the actions of the few - which is of course exactly what you clowns are doing.

I have a dictionary right here in my room. I also referenced the definition of the term online just to be sure. That is a practice I've held since I began commenting on political boards. Now let's clear this up:


1. a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

That comes right out of the dictionary.

The "stigma" here is based on a circumstance, and the perceived quality of a group of people. That circumstance being terrorism and the tolerance thereof, and the people happen to be the followers of Islam. I used the term properly, and I defined it just so.

I have studied the English language for most of my life, when I was old enough to pick up a book and start reading, I was fascinated by it. Though I don't have a fancy degree to prove my prowess in the most prevalent language on earth, the composition of my posts here should prove it.

This must be a new record, however. We've skipped the debate part entirely and moved straight to the "splitting hairs" part. You probably took issue with how I worded it no doubt.

Now, to the point, Obama warned us not to mark an entire religion due to the actions of a few, but he clearly did it when he referenced the actions of the Crusaders who "justified" their violence in the name of Christ, and of those who enforced the Jim Crow laws, using Christ's name to justify their racism. His colossal tu quoque went like this:

"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Was he not "marking" Christianity while warning others not to do the same to Islam?
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How about following a dictionary definition of the term 'stigmatize,' and not what you call 'a rule of thumb?'

Perhaps you should direct that charge at the people accusing others of "stigmatizing" Islam. I doubt they even know what the word means either, since they so often bandy it about so nonchalantly.

To stigmatize someone or some group is to single them out for condemnation, to make them worthy of disgrace due to events or circumstances. You can even go so far as to label it as a form of stereotyping.

In the liberal PC playbook, to speak a truth about Islam constitutes a stigma. In essence, truth is the lie. They don't have a clue what stigmatism is, and to that extent, you as well.

That's not what "stigmatize" means.

No "lies" are needed to "stigmatize".

"Stigmatize" means "to mark", generally in a negative context. It comes from the Ancient Greek practice of branding slaves and criminals with a "stigma". This is also where the word "stigmata" comes from - it's the plural form of "stigma".

In this context, Obama is warning against "marking" the entire religion of Islam due to the actions of the few - which is of course exactly what you clowns are doing.

I have a dictionary right here in my room. I also referenced the definition of the term online just to be sure.


1. a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

That comes right out of the dictionary.

I have studied the English language for most of my life, when I was old enough to pick up a book and start reading, I was fascinated by it. Though I don't have a fancy degree to prove my prowess in the most prevalent language on earth, the composition of my posts here should prove it.

This must be a new record. We've skipped the debate part entirely and moved straight to the "splitting hairs" part. You probably took issue with how I worded it no doubt.

Now, to the point, Obama warned us not to mark an entire religion due to the actions of a few, but he clearly did it when he referenced the actions of the Crusaders who "justified" their violence in the name of Christ, and of those who enforced the Jim Crow laws, using Christ's name to justify their racism.

"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Was he not "marking" Christianity while warning others not to do the same to Islam?

I think you're missing his point entirely.

He's not stigmatizing Christianity, he's pointing out that neither Islam nor Christianity should be stigmatized by the actions of the few.
Victims of ‘workplace violence’ incident at Fort Hood to finally receive Purple Heart - Hot Air

In 2012, nearly 150 Fort Hood victims and their family members filed suit against the Department of Defense, seeking compensation for their suffering and lost benefits. But the case has bogged down, and the Senate has balked at passing legislation that would give victims of the 2009 shooting the same benefits as soldiers killed or wounded in combat or terrorism attacks.

Obama is in charge of the government. The DOJ is under his authority.......These people were denied benefits via not classifying it as a terrorist attack......or dying in combat........SCREWED THE VICTIMS families.............

Victims of ‘workplace violence’ incident at Fort Hood to finally receive Purple Heart - Hot Air

“Despite extensive evidence that Hasan was in communication with al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack, the military has denied the victims a Purple Heart and has treated the incident as ‘workplace violence’ instead of ‘combat related’ or terrorism,” ABC News reported in 2013.

On Friday, the Pentagon changed its tune. After the U.S. Senate passed the Defense Reauthorization bill in December that included a provision reclassifying the Fort Hood attack an act of domestic terrorism rather than anodyne and non-specific “workplace violence,” it freed the Pentagon’s hand to honor the attack’s wounded veterans in a way they deserve.

Reclassified finally after calling it domestic terrorism................His PC stance screwed the families of the victims.

You seemed to have missed the point. All of the drama you're posting is political theater and nothing more.

If not "workplace violence", what UCMJ charges do you believe should have been brought against Major Hassan? Or should he have been charged in a regular criminal court?


UCMJ Article 94: Mutiny and sedition

UCMJ Article 104: Aiding the enemy

UCMJ Article 106 Spies

UCMJ Article 106a Espionage
(Most especially this one. He would be considered an enemy combatant against the United States. Capital offence.)

UCMJ Article 134: General


Victims of ‘workplace violence’ incident at Fort Hood to finally receive Purple Heart - Hot Air

In 2012, nearly 150 Fort Hood victims and their family members filed suit against the Department of Defense, seeking compensation for their suffering and lost benefits. But the case has bogged down, and the Senate has balked at passing legislation that would give victims of the 2009 shooting the same benefits as soldiers killed or wounded in combat or terrorism attacks.

Obama is in charge of the government. The DOJ is under his authority.......These people were denied benefits via not classifying it as a terrorist attack......or dying in combat........SCREWED THE VICTIMS families.............

Victims of ‘workplace violence’ incident at Fort Hood to finally receive Purple Heart - Hot Air

“Despite extensive evidence that Hasan was in communication with al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack, the military has denied the victims a Purple Heart and has treated the incident as ‘workplace violence’ instead of ‘combat related’ or terrorism,” ABC News reported in 2013.

On Friday, the Pentagon changed its tune. After the U.S. Senate passed the Defense Reauthorization bill in December that included a provision reclassifying the Fort Hood attack an act of domestic terrorism rather than anodyne and non-specific “workplace violence,” it freed the Pentagon’s hand to honor the attack’s wounded veterans in a way they deserve.

Reclassified finally after calling it domestic terrorism................His PC stance screwed the families of the victims.

You seemed to have missed the point. All of the drama you're posting is political theater and nothing more.

If not "workplace violence", what UCMJ charges do you believe should have been brought against Major Hassan? Or should he have been charged in a regular criminal court?


UCMJ Article 94: Mutiny and sedition

UCMJ Article 104: Aiding the enemy

UCMJ Article 106 Spies

UCMJ Article 106a Espionage
(Most especially this one. He would be considered an enemy combatant against the United States. Capital offence.)

UCMJ Article 134: General



We've discussed all of those already. How about you actually read each of those sections of the UCMJ, and explain how this would fit into any of them.
I think you're missing his point entirely.

That is a matter of opinion.

He's not stigmatizing Christianity, he's pointing out that neither Islam nor Christianity themselves should be stigmatized by the actions of the few.

I beg to differ. It came off to me as his trying to justify Islam's overall silence on the issue of terrorism, using the Crusades--and more distinctly, Christians-- as a scapegoat.
The USMJ has many laws with which they could have prosecuted him for.................Treason.............would be one............In a time of War aiding and abetting the enemy is Treason and the penalty is death.............He was in contact with the enemy when he joined them............

The Obama administration tries to water this shit down, and he fucked the families in the process.

There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........

You know that Hassan was already sentenced to death, right?
Of course I do you idiot.........

You know the Governments charging it this way screwed the victims families.........RIGHT..............

No, that's another lie you've been fed.

Those soldiers wouldn't have gotten Purple Hearts had Hassan been tried with "Espionage" or "Aiding the Enemy", either.


If he were charged with a capital offence and the ruling declared him a enemy combatant the soldiers and their have been entitled to benefits and Purple Hearts.


I think you're missing his point entirely.

That is a matter of opinion.

He's not stigmatizing Christianity, he's pointing out that neither Islam nor Christianity themselves should be stigmatized by the actions of the few.

I beg to differ. It came off to me as his trying to justify Islam's overall silence on the issue of terrorism, using the Crusades--and more distinctly, Christians-- as a scapegoat.

That's ridiculous, man.

He's saying that we shouldn't stigmatize Islam for the actions people do in its name, just like how we don't stigmatize Christianity for the actions people have done it its name.

He's not speaking in code, it's pretty basic stuff. I can't for the life of me see where you're getting that nonsense from.
There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........

You know that Hassan was already sentenced to death, right?
Of course I do you idiot.........

You know the Governments charging it this way screwed the victims families.........RIGHT..............

No, that's another lie you've been fed.

Those soldiers wouldn't have gotten Purple Hearts had Hassan been tried with "Espionage" or "Aiding the Enemy", either.


If he were charged with a capital offence and the ruling declared him a enemy combatant the soldiers and their have been entitled to benefits and Purple Hearts.



He was charged with a capital offense (he's on death row as we speak), and there's no way he could have been declared an "enemy combatant".
Victims of ‘workplace violence’ incident at Fort Hood to finally receive Purple Heart - Hot Air

In 2012, nearly 150 Fort Hood victims and their family members filed suit against the Department of Defense, seeking compensation for their suffering and lost benefits. But the case has bogged down, and the Senate has balked at passing legislation that would give victims of the 2009 shooting the same benefits as soldiers killed or wounded in combat or terrorism attacks.

Obama is in charge of the government. The DOJ is under his authority.......These people were denied benefits via not classifying it as a terrorist attack......or dying in combat........SCREWED THE VICTIMS families.............

Victims of ‘workplace violence’ incident at Fort Hood to finally receive Purple Heart - Hot Air

“Despite extensive evidence that Hasan was in communication with al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack, the military has denied the victims a Purple Heart and has treated the incident as ‘workplace violence’ instead of ‘combat related’ or terrorism,” ABC News reported in 2013.

On Friday, the Pentagon changed its tune. After the U.S. Senate passed the Defense Reauthorization bill in December that included a provision reclassifying the Fort Hood attack an act of domestic terrorism rather than anodyne and non-specific “workplace violence,” it freed the Pentagon’s hand to honor the attack’s wounded veterans in a way they deserve.

Reclassified finally after calling it domestic terrorism................His PC stance screwed the families of the victims.

You seemed to have missed the point. All of the drama you're posting is political theater and nothing more.

If not "workplace violence", what UCMJ charges do you believe should have been brought against Major Hassan? Or should he have been charged in a regular criminal court?


UCMJ Article 94: Mutiny and sedition

UCMJ Article 104: Aiding the enemy

UCMJ Article 106 Spies

UCMJ Article 106a Espionage
(Most especially this one. He would be considered an enemy combatant against the United States. Capital offence.)

UCMJ Article 134: General



We've discussed all of those already. How about you actually read each of those sections of the UCMJ, and explain how this would fit into any of them.


I served on the Master-At-Arms force, both full time and part time, for nearly half my military career.

How about you explain how they don't fit.


Death row................pfft..............they should a round in his head the day of the shootings........saved us all this BS.......

Hell, I'd do it for them........

His costs and prison as casualties of the shootings were denied benefits because of the BS with no intestines left because they were shot out by the asshat Hassan.........

Here is whining like a little bitch story and costing us an arm and a leg while they with held pay and medical expenses to those he shot.


On bad behavior: Nidal Hasan whining about jail

Hasan was held at the jail while awaiting a verdict and sentence for murdering 13 people and wounding another 32 at nearby Fort Hood near Killeen, Texas, on Nov. 5, 2009.

An investigation by KXAS-TV in Dallas-Fort Worth revealed Hasan during that time had cost taxpayers the following:

  • $200,000 spent on daily helicopter rides to ferry Hasan from the jail to Fort Hood
  • Tens of thousands of dollars setting up a private Fort Hood office for Hasan, who insisted on representing himself at trial
  • $5 million in expenses, travel for government lawyers, fees paid to expert witnesses, vehicles and cell phones purchased and major security renovations at the base
  • $300,000 in military pay between his arrest and his dishonorable discharge in September 2013.
KXAS-TV was the first to send a news crew inside the jail and see the room known as MW1, the medical ward that housed Hasan before he was eventually moved to the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, where he today awaits execution while his case is on appeal.

The news crew reported the room was much larger than a typical cell and would normally house up to three inmates, but was granted to Hasan alone, along with a private guard who watched him through a window at least 12 hours a day and took notes on what Hasan read and watched on television.

Even Hasan’s civil attorney balked at the all the expense.

“I mean, it’s just a bunch of overkill,” attorney John Galligan told KXAS-TV. “Unnecessary funds that were spent.”

In addition, the Bell County Sheriff’s Office was paid nearly $650,000 to house Hasan, and in return, official records reveal, Hasan filled his jailors’ lives with nearly incessant grief.

For example, on April 15, 2010, Hassan demanded a clock so he could roll over every two hours to avoid bed sores, visits from an imam and the temperature held at no less than 70 degrees.

A jail officer responded that the medical staff would ensure he did not suffer bed sores, that a Sgt. Alexander and Hasan’s own doctor had confirmed the cell’s temperature between 70 and 74 degrees, and that the local Muslim community had been contacted to see if someone would visit.

Hasan filed a repeat request on April 19, complaining of the cold, no clock and no visits from an imam – and when on April 24 his demands had not been met, the inmate began defecating in his cell’s trash can.

“I request that you properly evacuate your bowel,” the officer handling Hasan’s requests responded. “You know how to do it properly, and now after 19 days, you want to do it improperly. This has nothing to do with my staff. Do what you are supposed to do, Major Hasan.”

Nonetheless, Hasan’s complaints kept pouring in, sometimes more than once daily.

Read more at On bad behavior: Nidal Hasan whining about jail
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........

You know that Hassan was already sentenced to death, right?
Of course I do you idiot.........

You know the Governments charging it this way screwed the victims families.........RIGHT..............

No, that's another lie you've been fed.

Those soldiers wouldn't have gotten Purple Hearts had Hassan been tried with "Espionage" or "Aiding the Enemy", either.


If he were charged with a capital offence and the ruling declared him a enemy combatant the soldiers and their have been entitled to benefits and Purple Hearts.



He was charged with a capital offense (he's on death row as we speak), and there's no way he could have been declared an "enemy combatant".


If he's considered/judged to be a spy he is then an enemy combatant.


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Top 10 Traitors in US History - Listverse


3 Nidal Malik Hasan

Nidal Malik Hasan was a U.S. Army Major, and the sole suspect in a shooting at the Fort Hood military base, only weeks before he would have deployed to Afghanistan. Prior to the shooting, Hasan had repeatedly expressed extremist views, most of which had been communicated to his superiors and the FBI. The Feds had even monitored his e-mails to Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, also known as the “Bin Laden of the Internet”. Sadly, political correctness and a slow-moving investigation prevented the Army from taking action before Hasan murdered 13 people and wounded 30 others. Oddly, the Pentagon never mentions Hasan’s Islamism in its entire 86-page review of the incident. Never mind that during the attack, he was not in uniform, but dressed in traditional Muslim clothing, and was shooting unarmed victims while shouting “Allah Ackbar”. Hasan currently resides under heavy guard at the Brooke Army Medical Center in Houston, Texas, reportedly a paraplegic.

Knock yourself out, if it makes you feel better - but unless any of them have a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence", then you're still failing to make a point.

Nidal Hasan’s Murders Termed ‘Workplace Violence’ by U.S.

Nope, no Obama quote there, either.

Obama: Iran not following 'spirit' of deal

Did you post that link by accident, or are you trying to move the goal posts to an entirely different planet?

Just trying to point out that Barry feels like he got jobbed as well.
He's saying that we shouldn't stigmatize Islam for the actions people do in its name, just like how we don't stigmatize Christianity for the actions people have done it its name.

I can also reference another comment he made, saying that Christians have a "us-versus-them" mentality, and claiming that those who "take their religion seriously" are suspicious of those who aren't like them. Surely he wasn't referring to Muslims, was he? There was precedent for his comments about Christians and the Crusades, and there is my current desire for him to practice what he preaches (no pun intended). He was stigmatizing Christianity.

President Obama & Marilynne Robinson: A Conversation in Iowa
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He's saying that we shouldn't stigmatize Islam for the actions people do in its name, just like how we don't stigmatize Christianity for the actions people have done it its name.

I can also reference another comment he made, saying that Christians have a "us-versus-them" mentality, and claiming that those who "take their religion seriously" are suspicious of those who aren't like them. Surely he wasn't referring to Muslims, was he? There was precedent for his comments about Christians and the Crusades, and there is my current desire for him to practice what he preaches (no pun intended). He was stigmatizing Christianity.

President Obama & Marilynne Robinson: A Conversation in Iowa

Again, you're picking and choosing sentence fragments to take out of context. Read the rranscript, he's not maligning Christianity in any way.
Again, you're picking and choosing sentence fragments to take out of context. Read the transcript, he's not maligning Christianity in any way.

If I were "picking and choosing" I wouldn't have cited the entire transcript.

So what did he mean by "us versus them" or that they are "suspicious of those who aren't like them"?
Again, you're picking and choosing sentence fragments to take out of context. Read the transcript, he's not maligning Christianity in any way.

If I were "picking and choosing" I wouldn't have cited the entire transcript.

So what did he mean by "us versus them" or that they are "suspicious of those who aren't like them"?

Why don't you post the full quotes, rather than sentence fragments?

You're a smart guy, if you look at the entire quotes you'll be able to figure out what he meant.
That is what the president is accusing many of you folks of. Stigmatizing Islam. One should note that in order to "stigmatize" a person or group you need to lie about them. So following that rule of thumb lets see how I do.

"When the Amish flew those planes into the World Trade Center"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Baptists killed all those people in France"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Quakers blew a hole in the USS Cole"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Mormons killed all those people in Brussels"....
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Catholics set off those bombs in Boston"...
Oh, that was muslins.

"When the Methodists killed all those people in Munich 72"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Pentecostal's killed all those people in San Bernardino"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Pagans killed all those children at an Easter egg hunt"..
Oh, that was muslims

"When the Atheists killed all those people in Mosul"...
Oh, that was muslims.

In order to "stigmatize" a person OR group of people you HAVE to lie about them. So WHO is lying? Me OR the president of the United States?


Stop crying bigot.

You've been called out by our great Prez.

Sit down and take your medicine. Maybe you'll learn something.
Top 10 Traitors in US History - Listverse


3 Nidal Malik Hasan

Nidal Malik Hasan was a U.S. Army Major, and the sole suspect in a shooting at the Fort Hood military base, only weeks before he would have deployed to Afghanistan. Prior to the shooting, Hasan had repeatedly expressed extremist views, most of which had been communicated to his superiors and the FBI. The Feds had even monitored his e-mails to Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, also known as the “Bin Laden of the Internet”. Sadly, political correctness and a slow-moving investigation prevented the Army from taking action before Hasan murdered 13 people and wounded 30 others. Oddly, the Pentagon never mentions Hasan’s Islamism in its entire 86-page review of the incident. Never mind that during the attack, he was not in uniform, but dressed in traditional Muslim clothing, and was shooting unarmed victims while shouting “Allah Ackbar”. Hasan currently resides under heavy guard at the Brooke Army Medical Center in Houston, Texas, reportedly a paraplegic.


1- The Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 , determined to disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary

2- In 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey - he accepted a 2 million dollar donation from Ben Gurion and assurances that he would get the Jewish vote - subsequently he made 2 million Palestinians foreigners in their own homeland

3- The US has been financing the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949

4- in 1990 the US invaded Iraq under false pretenses and remained there for 18 years - the US slaughtered millions of Iraqis

5- The US invaded the Afpak region where it has slaughtered thousand of Muslims

6- The US invaded Syria where it completely destroyed the country . According to recently disclosed emails , Ms Clinton stated that Syria was invaded in order to defend Israel


The US government must adhere to Constitutional restraints which DOES NOT authorize it to

A) meddle in the internal affairs of other nations


B) support and defend any country especially one which is a THEOCRATIC state


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