Still havent gotten that straight answer from the left about the vaccines.

You're spreading even more misinfo and you're being called out for it.
Nope...I personally know a lot of antivaxxers...they were the original anti-mask people...and many have died or become disabled because of their beliefs.

They fill my Facebook page.
And yet the VAST majority of people getting infected and dying are unvaxxed
And so the vaccinated feel dreadfully threatened from the unvaxxed.....becaaaaause.

I think I know where these people are being deluded and pushed towards the demonization process.

They think if everyone on the planet got a fauci ouchi the disease will be eradicated and the most dangerous virus ever thrust onto humans that has a 99 percent recovery rate among the unvaxxed will be eradicated?

Is this what the left are thinking? I really think so.
At a SIGNIFICANTLY lower percentage

Stop pretending that they are the same
I never said they were the same, newb. You said "Because the unvaccinated are a fertile breeding ground for the virus to continue", which you just walked back. Good for you, you fucking newb.
And yet the VAST majority of people getting infected and dying are unvaxxed

Nope...I personally know a lot of antivaxxers...they were the original anti-mask people...and many have died or become disabled because of their beliefs.

They fill my Facebook page.

Unfortunately, thousands who posted on FB and were injected, died shortly after they posted their hatred to those who didn't take the injection.
And so the vaccinated feel dreadfully threatened from the unvaxxed.....becaaaaause.

becaaause…..We should be well past this fucking virus by now

The misinformation and refusal to vaccinate ensured that COVID assays with us

Don‘t like having to wear a mask or your children having to wear masks at school?
becaaause…..We should be well past this fucking virus by now

The misinformation and refusal to vaccinate ensured that COVID assays with us

Don‘t like having to wear a mask or your children having to wear masks at school?

No, more misinfo. The injections are prolonging this pandemic. Spanish flu was gone in about a year and a half and there was no vaccine for it.
Unfortunately, thousands who posted on FB and were injected, died shortly after they posted their hatred to those who didn't take the injection.
I know of no one who has been harmed by the vaccines...none are on my Facebook page.
That can't be said about the anti mask and antivaxxers.

I don't care what news article you post...I'm going strictly by the people I know.
becaaause…..We should be well past this fucking virus by now

The misinformation and refusal to vaccinate ensured that COVID assays with us

Don‘t like having to wear a mask or your children having to wear masks at school?
Pandemics last several years...we are only year two... probably going to take at least five to ten for this one.
I know of no one who has been harmed by the vaccines...none are on my Facebook page.
That can't be said about the anti mask and antivaxxers.

I don't care what news article you post...I'm going strictly by the people I know.

I know three people who died from taking the injection, two heart attacks, one stroke. All healthy.
Because the unvaccinated are a fertile breeding ground for the virus to continue

Same reason we have not been able to eradicate Measles
Wrong libtard. The virus will live on, mutate and reinfect humans forever even if you vaccinate 100% of humans because it also lives in animal reservoirs. Science just OH SNAPPED this fool ^^^.
Why again are the leftists who insist the vaccines work feeling dreadfully unsafe from the unvaccinated?

We know this will eventually go to the race card.
The vaccines don’t make anybody completely safe, they just make people safer. The unvaxxed are a large part of whom are propelling and elongating this pandemic which is why they get so much slack. The exception are those who have caught Covid and are unvaxxed. They have immunity better than the vaxxed but are still getting the criticism
The vaccines don’t make anybody completely safe, they just make people safer. The unvaxxed are a large part of whom are propelling and elongating this pandemic which is why they get so much slack. The exception are those who have caught Covid and are unvaxxed. They have immunity better than the vaxxed but are still getting the criticism
And the 99 percent recovery rate from a disease that will never be fully eradicated despite how many are vaccinated means what?

You don't think there is any possibility whatsoever that big pharma is cashing in on this?

You seem to think big pharma was a greedy institution full of drug pushing doctors before.

Until NOOOW.....

And the 99 percent recovery rate from a disease that will never be fully eradicated despite how many are vaccinated means what?

You don't think there is any possibility whatsoever that big pharma is cashing in on this?

You seem to think big pharma was a greedy institution full of drug pushing doctors before.

Until NOOOW.....

Democrats need Covid to blame their failures on.
Democrats need Covid to blame their failures on.
Well, most of them, like most that post here, are sheep of their globalist overlords that believes any and all crap devised in the globalist think tanks. Especially when it comes to racial divide disguised as racial unity. Human psychology is quite interesting.

Others are fully aware of the tactic and carry on because of their nefarious intentions. Like JoeB.

You think that guy is that dumb or understands fully the intention of the marxist movement?
More misinfo. The spanish flu only lasted about a year and a half, was worse than covid, and there was no vaccine.
100 year old data...mmhhhmmm.

And the lack of reporting then doesn't phase you a bit about how actually mild that influenza is relative to coronavirus...and that it's two completely different viruses that attack two completely different systems in a person.

Let's try Zitka virus about Dengue? You know...the ones that are similar that cause shrunken head syndrome.

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