Still havent gotten that straight answer from the left about the vaccines.

100 year old data...mmhhhmmm.

And the lack of reporting then doesn't phase you a bit about how actually mild that influenza is relative to coronavirus...and that it's two completely different viruses that attack two completely different systems in a person.

Let's try Zitka virus about Dengue? You know...the ones that are similar that cause shrunken head syndrome.

There are outbreaks around the world in some regions but they're not on a global scale that I know of.
Wrong libtard. The virus will live on, mutate and reinfect humans forever even if you vaccinate 100% of humans because it also lives in animal reservoirs. Science just OH SNAPPED this fool ^^^.
Sure will

As long as it has a steady supply of the unvaccinated to infect and mutate
Bubonic plague wasn't exactly a global pandemic...but it sure did a number on Europe.
Another example of a culling of the herd via a disease. Nearly everyone that died from it were either peasants or the serf class.

Somehow the upper class in that feudalism (essentially marxism) were pretty much kept safe from it.

Biological warfare is an ancient practice in war and mass population control.

But like everything else in life it is taught to us in a particular way.
Another example of a culling of the herd via a disease. Nearly everyone that died from it were either peasants or the serf class.

Now we are culling those who refuse to be vaccinated
And the 99 percent recovery rate from a disease that will never be fully eradicated despite how many are vaccinated means what?

You don't think there is any possibility whatsoever that big pharma is cashing in on this?

You seem to think big pharma was a greedy institution full of drug pushing doctors before.

Until NOOOW.....

I think that big Pharma was and is full of drug pushing corporations and lobbyists. I see Doctors and something separate. I have seen a lot of death despite your 99% downplay. I do believe we need to get back to normal and many have gone overboard with the hysteria. I don't think the way to get there is to fight it like the anti mask, anti vax crowd is going about it... I think that only fuels the problem.
I think that big Pharma was and is full of drug pushing corporations and lobbyists. I see Doctors and something separate. I have seen a lot of death despite your 99% downplay. I do believe we need to get back to normal and many have gone overboard with the hysteria. I don't think the way to get there is to fight it like the anti mask, anti vax crowd is going about it... I think that only fuels the problem.
You actually think doctors aren't motivated to push drugs for compensation? You, cannot possibly be this naive. Cannot possibly be this naive.
You actually think doctors aren't motivated to push drugs for compensation? You, cannot possibly be this naive. Cannot possibly be this naive.
Of course they are incentivized by drug sales but they are also incentivized by providing the best care possible for their patients and if they violate that trust they are done

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