Still No Evidence Against Trump...But There Is Against Hillary

Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter

"To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is being asked to do something that is manifestly unattainable".

Zero evidence, and the Indictnents against Manafort equate to a tax fraud xase, nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump Collusion...

Billary Clinton and the case that can be made against her, however, is something different altogether:

"Hillary Clinton

It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.

Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity."

This is called the 'tip of the iceberg'.

"But that’s not all. Damning new evidence appears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise."

What we know so far
  • Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and a business associate, Rick Gates, on Monday pleaded not guilty to an indictment for money laundering, tax evasion, failure to register as agents for foreign interests and conspiracy to defraud the US government.
  • Documents unsealed on Monday also revealed that George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, pleaded guilty on 5 October to lying to FBI agents over contact with people he believed to be senior Russian government officials. He has since acted as a “proactive cooperator” with the inquiry.
  • The indictments were the first issued by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion by members of the Trump campaign.
  • Donald Trump tweeted furiously after news broke of the indictments against Manafort and Gates:
Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren’t Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus????? … Also, there is NO COLLUSION!

  • The president has not tweeted since the announcement of Papadopoulos’ guilty plea.
  • Manafort and Gates spent Monday night under house arrest, with bail set at $10m and $5m respectively.
  • White House chief of staff John Kelly kept to the official administration line that the offences in the indictments relate to a period before the men were connected to the Trump campaign (this fact check rates that claim as “mostly false”),
Trump finds Russia investigation 'very distracting', says John Kelly – as it happened

Busted liar!!!
Nothing you just posted proves me to be a liar.

Manafort was indicted for Tax Evasion charges dating back to 2006.
- No evidence against Trump. No collusion.
- If Manafort was guilty of tax evasion in 2006 then why didn't Mueller take him down then?
- Mueller's indictment of Manafort is his 'Scooter Libby', a desperate attempt to justify spending $20 MILLION dollars on an investigation that has come up with NO evidence or indictments of Trump but a lame-ass indictment against Manafort for Tax Evasion dating back to 2006.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying, not for anything to do with Tump, no evidence against Trump. The guy was also wearing a wire and shopping a book deal 3 weeks ago - he is an obvious Mueller 'plant'.

There is still no evidence against Trump, none to support the Collusion Lie. There IS evidence to prove criminal activity against the Podestas, the Clintons, Holder, Mueller, and Obama.

Nice still lose.

If trump's goal was to drain the swamp then why hire a guy like that. The fact is that Trump's talk about draining the swamp was talk. He is just restocking it. The fact is that Manafort was under investigation by the Justice Department and that investigation was handed to Mueller when he was appointed special counsel. That is why Manafort was forced to register as a foreign agent earlier this year.

You don't know what Papadoupoulos is doing. It is not unusual for witnesses who provide relevant information to plead guilty on a lesser charge. We have no clue what it is all about.

There is evidence that links the Trump campaign to collusion. Donald Trump Jr met with a Russian National to get dirt on Clinton. His e-mail is proof of at least 1 case of collusion. There is no evidence of crimes against the Clintons or even Podesta at this point. You sound just like another crazy conspiracy theorist.
Trump wasn't responsible for letting Papadopoulos in his campaign. He was just a low level volunteer without pay. Now he's been tied to Fusion GPS and the dossier source and oh, there is no Russian collusion directly linked to Trump.

Papadopoulos Is Connected to Fusion Dossier: Was in Contact with Sergie Millian, the Steele Source for the Dossier
No, Trump's not responsible for anything that backfires on him. He's only responsible when he can take credit for something whether he deserves it or not.
Must be nice.
Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter

"To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is being asked to do something that is manifestly unattainable".

Zero evidence, and the Indictnents against Manafort equate to a tax fraud xase, nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump Collusion...

Billary Clinton and the case that can be made against her, however, is something different altogether:

"Hillary Clinton

It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.

Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity."

This is called the 'tip of the iceberg'.

"But that’s not all. Damning new evidence appears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise."

What we know so far
  • Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and a business associate, Rick Gates, on Monday pleaded not guilty to an indictment for money laundering, tax evasion, failure to register as agents for foreign interests and conspiracy to defraud the US government.
  • Documents unsealed on Monday also revealed that George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, pleaded guilty on 5 October to lying to FBI agents over contact with people he believed to be senior Russian government officials. He has since acted as a “proactive cooperator” with the inquiry.
  • The indictments were the first issued by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion by members of the Trump campaign.
  • Donald Trump tweeted furiously after news broke of the indictments against Manafort and Gates:
Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren’t Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus????? … Also, there is NO COLLUSION!

  • The president has not tweeted since the announcement of Papadopoulos’ guilty plea.
  • Manafort and Gates spent Monday night under house arrest, with bail set at $10m and $5m respectively.
  • White House chief of staff John Kelly kept to the official administration line that the offences in the indictments relate to a period before the men were connected to the Trump campaign (this fact check rates that claim as “mostly false”),
Trump finds Russia investigation 'very distracting', says John Kelly – as it happened

Busted liar!!!
Nothing you just posted proves me to be a liar.

Manafort was indicted for Tax Evasion charges dating back to 2006.
- No evidence against Trump. No collusion.
- If Manafort was guilty of tax evasion in 2006 then why didn't Mueller take him down then?
- Mueller's indictment of Manafort is his 'Scooter Libby', a desperate attempt to justify spending $20 MILLION dollars on an investigation that has come up with NO evidence or indictments of Trump but a lame-ass indictment against Manafort for Tax Evasion dating back to 2006.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying, not for anything to do with Tump, no evidence against Trump. The guy was also wearing a wire and shopping a book deal 3 weeks ago - he is an obvious Mueller 'plant'.

There is still no evidence against Trump, none to support the Collusion Lie. There IS evidence to prove criminal activity against the Podestas, the Clintons, Holder, Mueller, and Obama.

Nice still lose.

Then explain why Russia was working against Clinton in the 2016 elections. You are relying on a guilt by association theory. If we use that then we should examine the business deals that Trump has made with various Russia linked entities.
1. How exactly did the Russians work against Hillary?
- You mean how Hillary paid several million for a fake dossier filled with Russian Propaganda from a foreign agent from Fusion GPS and then used it illegally against Trump?

- Are you talking about how the Russians were paying Leftist organizations like The Black Fist, Black Lies matter, and Antifa to incite racial violence and discord?

- Please tell me you are not talking about hacking the DNC e-mails, especially after DWS gave the Pakistanis access to all of those e-mails complete with usernames and passwords...and after they refused to allow the server to be examined to prove it was hacked.
-- A later analysis found the DNC e-mails were hacked from the inside onto a USB, so that is debunked.

2. Guilt by Association?
The Podesta trail leads DIRECTLY to the KGB Bank that leads DIRECLY to Bill and Hillary Clinton. There was no 'association'. The KGB Bank paid the Podestas, paid Bill Clinton for the speeches, and the money donated to the Clintons was backed / provided by the KGB bank.

Good grief

Trump on Saturday downplayed the significance of Russian-bought Facebook ads, which leading lawmakers investigating election meddling have said were intended to influence last year's campaign in favor of Trump and divide Americans.

During a visit to Washington last week, Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg acknowledged that the company made mistakes during the 2016 campaign, including selling more than $100,000 in ads to a Russian company linked to the Kremlin.

Even Republicans know you are full of shit. The House and Senate intelligence committees are reviewing the Facebook ads as they attempt to investigate matters related to Russia's bid to help elect Trump president.

"Their aim was to sow chaos," Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, recently said. "In many cases, it was more about voter suppression rather than increasing turnout."

A batch of more than 3,000 Russian-bought ads that Facebook turned over to Congress included some promoting African American rights groups, including Black Lives Matter, and others suggesting that these same groups pose a rising political threat. Other ads highlighted support for Democrat Hillary Clinton among Muslim women.

It was all fake news from Russia with love for Trump in order to have Trump win. It worked. It riled up the whites and got the blacks to stay home. Brilliant really. Just illegal for the Trump team to coordinate this with Russia.
Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter

"To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is being asked to do something that is manifestly unattainable".

Zero evidence, and the Indictnents against Manafort equate to a tax fraud xase, nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump Collusion...

Billary Clinton and the case that can be made against her, however, is something different altogether:

"Hillary Clinton

It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.

Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity."

This is called the 'tip of the iceberg'.

"But that’s not all. Damning new evidence appears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise."

What we know so far
  • Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and a business associate, Rick Gates, on Monday pleaded not guilty to an indictment for money laundering, tax evasion, failure to register as agents for foreign interests and conspiracy to defraud the US government.
  • Documents unsealed on Monday also revealed that George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, pleaded guilty on 5 October to lying to FBI agents over contact with people he believed to be senior Russian government officials. He has since acted as a “proactive cooperator” with the inquiry.
  • The indictments were the first issued by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion by members of the Trump campaign.
  • Donald Trump tweeted furiously after news broke of the indictments against Manafort and Gates:
Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren’t Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus????? … Also, there is NO COLLUSION!

  • The president has not tweeted since the announcement of Papadopoulos’ guilty plea.
  • Manafort and Gates spent Monday night under house arrest, with bail set at $10m and $5m respectively.
  • White House chief of staff John Kelly kept to the official administration line that the offences in the indictments relate to a period before the men were connected to the Trump campaign (this fact check rates that claim as “mostly false”),
Trump finds Russia investigation 'very distracting', says John Kelly – as it happened

Busted liar!!!
Nothing you just posted proves me to be a liar.

Manafort was indicted for Tax Evasion charges dating back to 2006.
- No evidence against Trump. No collusion.
- If Manafort was guilty of tax evasion in 2006 then why didn't Mueller take him down then?
- Mueller's indictment of Manafort is his 'Scooter Libby', a desperate attempt to justify spending $20 MILLION dollars on an investigation that has come up with NO evidence or indictments of Trump but a lame-ass indictment against Manafort for Tax Evasion dating back to 2006.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying, not for anything to do with Tump, no evidence against Trump. The guy was also wearing a wire and shopping a book deal 3 weeks ago - he is an obvious Mueller 'plant'.

There is still no evidence against Trump, none to support the Collusion Lie. There IS evidence to prove criminal activity against the Podestas, the Clintons, Holder, Mueller, and Obama.

Nice still lose.

If trump's goal was to drain the swamp then why hire a guy like that. The fact is that Trump's talk about draining the swamp was talk. He is just restocking it. The fact is that Manafort was under investigation by the Justice Department and that investigation was handed to Mueller when he was appointed special counsel. That is why Manafort was forced to register as a foreign agent earlier this year.

You don't know what Papadoupoulos is doing. It is not unusual for witnesses who provide relevant information to plead guilty on a lesser charge. We have no clue what it is all about.

There is evidence that links the Trump campaign to collusion. Donald Trump Jr met with a Russian National to get dirt on Clinton. His e-mail is proof of at least 1 case of collusion. There is no evidence of crimes against the Clintons or even Podesta at this point. You sound just like another crazy conspiracy theorist.
Trump wasn't responsible for letting Papadopoulos in his campaign. He was just a low level volunteer without pay. Now he's been tied to Fusion GPS and the dossier source and oh, there is no Russian collusion directly linked to Trump.

Papadopoulos Is Connected to Fusion Dossier: Was in Contact with Sergie Millian, the Steele Source for the Dossier
So everyone on his team colluded with Trump and he's not responsible?

Why doesn't Trump have to play by his own rules?

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013

Now you're saying Trump isn't responsible. Reminds me of when Republican Gov. Rick Snyder poisoned Michiganders with Led poisoning and you guys said he wasn't responsible. The cronies he hired were. He gets to walk free.

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