Stinking Muslilms Get a Permit??? We Don't???

Hey it just dawned on me, your username is because you own a Road Star Warrior with a 102 ci engine ?

I did for many years. Had a 2002. Rode it for about six years. Was a FREAKING SCREAMER. Louder than hell - extremely powerful. Had 220's on the rear, V/H straight pipes. Never lost a drag race. Moved up to a H/D Ultra Classic several years ago. I am more refined now... LOL

Excellent. I have a 2005 Warrior. Wish I could make it to D.C. with you.
Link to that being their purpose for gathering. TIA
Link to it not being.

Jealous, eh? You guys have a fight? I told you two Bottoms never work out.
Boy your homo is really showing now. I know it hurts to know we'd never play your perverted games. Just not that sick in the head... really sorry.

You made the claim. But I will accept your admitting that you lied about what the MMM is about.
It's common knowledge that muslims like to build mosques where they've had a victory, as in killing infidels. It is also common knowledge that the muslim march will be to celebrate the same thing.

But I will accept you're admitting that you lie to obfuscate the truth to protect your beloved islamic killers.
Bullshit - we're riding Wednesday, 9/11 -- TWO MILLION of us!!!
All D.C. had to do is give us a permit (they gave the camel fuckers one) and it would have been quick and done. Their stupidity is going to cause the nation's worst traffic jam - and we don't give a fuck.

God Bless America...

Report: DC denies permit for 9/11 bikers; Planners move ahead anyway | Twitchy

More power to ya!. one million roaring motorcycles is music to my ears,one million Muslims sticking thier asses up at God on 9/11 is an insult to God and America.
This was first being called the Million Muslim March and then it was changed...they picked this day of all days to show how muslims have been discriminated against after 9/11

just a slap in your face people and this government has it's hand in it...

give me the warm fuzzies this government showing it's DISCRIMINATION against the REST OF YOU, how about you people WHO VOTED FOR THEM?
A lot of bikers I have known were not American friendly either.

What countries did these acquaintances of your pledge allegiance to? I've never met a brother who rides to be anything but pro-American
I, too, believe this to be true, Warrior; that most American bikers are patriots.

I do not ride myself, but I'm acquainted with a number of them, and even related to a few, in my outer family, and know them to be fiercely loyal to the Republic and our People.

Bikers, as a genre, may very well have a few other stereotypical collective faults, like any group, but patriotism and loyalty to Country and Family generally aren't among them.

A lot of bikers are also vets. Bikers also do a lot of charitable good. Here we have a huge Toys for tots ride,everybody and their old lady shows up. God Bless you guys for riding on 9/11. I wish I could participate but I don't have a bike... yet.
Hey it just dawned on me, your username is because you own a Road Star Warrior with a 102 ci engine ?

I did for many years. Had a 2002. Rode it for about six years. Was a FREAKING SCREAMER. Louder than hell - extremely powerful. Had 220's on the rear, V/H straight pipes. Never lost a drag race. Moved up to a H/D Ultra Classic several years ago. I am more refined now... LOL

Excellent. I have a 2005 Warrior. Wish I could make it to D.C. with you.

i have a 2001
Link to it not being.

Boy your homo is really showing now. I know it hurts to know we'd never play your perverted games. Just not that sick in the head... really sorry.

You made the claim. But I will accept your admitting that you lied about what the MMM is about.
It's common knowledge that muslims like to build mosques where they've had a victory, as in killing infidels. It is also common knowledge that the muslim march will be to celebrate the same thing.

But I will accept you're admitting that you lie to obfuscate the truth to protect your beloved islamic killers.

If it were common've have no problem finding evidence to prove your assertion.'s common knowledge that you make an assertion and fail to provide proof, it's because you were lying in the first place.

Common knowledge. :D
So what are you guys protesting?

We're not protesting anything - moron. We're riding in memory of those who died on 9/11.
What do you have planned for 9/11? Pissing on the American Flag?

All evidence to the contrary. Do you know on the app they ask what websites you use to market the event? The CP go there and read everything and if anything looks different than the stated reasons for the rally or goes your permit.

OK, so what should they do NOW?
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We're not protesting anything - moron. We're riding in memory of those who died on 9/11.
What do you have planned for 9/11? Pissing on the American Flag?

All evidence to the contrary. Do you know on the app they ask what websites you use to market the event? The CP go there and read everything and if anything looks different than the stated reasons for the rally or goes your permit.

OK, so what should they do NOW?

First I would get a powerful congressional sponsor, a senator would be nice but a HOR member would do. I would request a sit down with the Metro and Capitol Police to see how this event could be worked out within the law. Your sponsor should be there, they are intimidating. I would jettison any attempts at stops or rallies or speeches and concentrate on the bike ride.

An example...if the cops say "you can't have more then 500 bikers" I would submit separate permit applications for every two hours on that day. At 9am and every two hours after 500 bikers will begin their tour. I would keep the road map to 1 hour maximum...there is nothing that DC citizens and lawmakers abhor then people frakking up the traffic. 9-11-1-3 o'clock so it's done by 5. The cops running interference for the ride can circle back and pick up the next group so it puts less pressure on the PD.

2000 bikers, you're statement is made, you'll make all the press deadlines, the cops love you and you aren't afoul of the law.

That's what a smart organizer would do.

The leaders should have gotten someone fro Rolling Thunder who is familiar with this process. they know where all the bodies are buried and could help streamline the process. The cops in DC are familiar with them and love them. That's a home run going in. Your Senator or HOR sponsor is the closer.
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All evidence to the contrary. Do you know on the app they ask what websites you use to market the event? The CP go there and read everything and if anything looks different than the stated reasons for the rally or goes your permit.

OK, so what should they do NOW?

First I would get a pwerful congressional sponsor, a senator would be nice but a HOR member would do. I would request a sit down with the Metro and Capitol Police to see how this event could be worked out within the law. I would jettison any attempts at stops or rallies or speeches and concentrate on the bike ride.

An example...if the cops say "you can't have more then 500 bikers" I would submit separate permit applications for every two hours on that day. At 9am and every two hours after 500 bikers will begin their tour. I would keep the road map to 1 hour maximum...there is nothing that DC citizens and lawmakers abhor then people frakking up the traffic. 9-11-1-3 o'clock so it's done by 5.

2000 bikers, you're statement is made, you'll make all the press deadlines and you aren't afoul of the law.

that's what a smart organizer would do.


Honestly, I don't know why were you attacked as your advices seem what is to be needed here.

Do you think they still have time? It is 1 day before the event.
P.S. Do you mind me copy& pasting those advises to the pertinent blog?
DC politics is a game. if you know how to play it and observe the rules, written and unwritten, it's quite easy. Go against the game and you are an outsider looking in.

In DC, you don't want to be looking in. It's a club and they are very tribal.
OK, so what should they do NOW?

First I would get a pwerful congressional sponsor, a senator would be nice but a HOR member would do. I would request a sit down with the Metro and Capitol Police to see how this event could be worked out within the law. I would jettison any attempts at stops or rallies or speeches and concentrate on the bike ride.

An example...if the cops say "you can't have more then 500 bikers" I would submit separate permit applications for every two hours on that day. At 9am and every two hours after 500 bikers will begin their tour. I would keep the road map to 1 hour maximum...there is nothing that DC citizens and lawmakers abhor then people frakking up the traffic. 9-11-1-3 o'clock so it's done by 5.

2000 bikers, you're statement is made, you'll make all the press deadlines and you aren't afoul of the law.

that's what a smart organizer would do.


Honestly, I don't know why were you attacked as your advices seem what is to be needed here.

Do you think they still have time? It is 1 day before the event.

No. Instead of taking a deep breath and asking themselves "How CAN we get this done" they decided to burn the bridge. They accused the people who make these decisions (including the cops...for gods sake) of being bigots and that they were going to plow through with their plans anyway.

BIG mistake. Play by the rules and you MIGHT get what you want. Go it alone and all of DC will be against you.
You made the claim. But I will accept your admitting that you lied about what the MMM is about.
It's common knowledge that muslims like to build mosques where they've had a victory, as in killing infidels. It is also common knowledge that the muslim march will be to celebrate the same thing.

But I will accept you're admitting that you lie to obfuscate the truth to protect your beloved islamic killers.

If it were common've have no problem finding evidence to prove your assertion.'s common knowledge that you make an assertion and fail to provide proof, it's because you were lying in the first place.

Common knowledge. :D
I don't have to prove it. Everyone knows I'm right and you're wrong, not to mention you're just being lazy and stupid.
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DC politics is a game. if you know how to play it and observe the rules, written and unwritten, it's quite easy. Go against the game and you are an outsider looking in.

In DC, you don't want to be looking in. It's a club and they are very tribal.

I know.

It is not only DC.

I am always amazed about gun-ho approach where something is much easier accomplished in a different way.

However, it is LATE in the game.
They need Congressional or Senatorial help - ASAP.

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