Stinking Muslilms Get a Permit??? We Don't???

I identify with libberhoid. Of course I don't have hemorrhoids, so I just consider myself a liberal.

How are your hemorrhoids these days, I bet they sting when riding the bike. I hear tucks help.

They tried to give him an asshole transplant, but the asshole rejected him.

You ought to know. Judging by your avatar, you have a thing for butt holes, even if it's a cartoon.

Sick fucking little bitch.

007 on his bike;

Why should there be a fight?

The bikers have a right to go to DC, as does all Americans.

Again, I ask. Why are some people opposed to the Bikers going to DC? Makes no sense to me
My money is on the cops. They'll have law and order on their side.

A lot of us riding ARE cops, you stupid little fuck.
What laws are you alleging any of these law-abiding motorcyclists are breaking?

I see red splats in your sock's future, asswipe.
Why should there be a fight?

The bikers have a right to go to DC, as does all Americans.

Again, I ask. Why are some people opposed to the Bikers going to DC? Makes no sense to me

They don't want images of bikers whupping Muslim arse across our nations capital if something does happen, those images will be broadcast all over the world and enrage Muslim countries.
I don't care where the bikers go as long as they don't disrupt tonights football game
Why should there be a fight?

The bikers have a right to go to DC, as does all Americans.

Again, I ask. Why are some people opposed to the Bikers going to DC? Makes no sense to me

I'm not against it just as I am not against the Muslims doing it also. It's part of the freedoms we have in this nation.
My money is on the cops. They'll have law and order on their side.

A lot of us riding ARE cops, you stupid little fuck.
What laws are you alleging any of these law-abiding motorcyclists are breaking?

I see red splats in your sock's future, asswipe.

So you're a cop? Weird, your avatar shows you selling dollar merchandise at a county fair.
Why should there be a fight?

The bikers have a right to go to DC, as does all Americans.

Again, I ask. Why are some people opposed to the Bikers going to DC? Makes no sense to me

They don't want images of bikers whupping Muslim arse across our nations capital if something does happen, those images will be broadcast all over the world and enrage Muslim countries.

Just what I thought. Some people let fear run their lives.

That is just sad.

I was thinking the other day..(yeah, once in a while I actually think) :D about all the brave people in history. And how they fought to get us the freedoms we have enjoyed. And it took one day to scatter American unity like never before. Fear is the root of losing freedoms. THAT is what I find to be so very sad :(
Why should there be a fight?

The bikers have a right to go to DC, as does all Americans.

Again, I ask. Why are some people opposed to the Bikers going to DC? Makes no sense to me

I'm not against it just as I am not against the Muslims doing it also. It's part of the freedoms we have in this nation.

I don't have a problem with it either, if I still had a bike I might join in.

But I do take exception when they whine about not getting their little girls in pink tutus.
you should watch what you post about others..

She should watch what she posts about herself on the public Internet. The idiot posted her wedding pictures. Talk about a hideous sight.

Only a fucking dope would post personal shit like that.

Ah...big talk for such a little man. How many times have you been told to put up and you run away? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Why should there be a fight?

The bikers have a right to go to DC, as does all Americans.

Again, I ask. Why are some people opposed to the Bikers going to DC? Makes no sense to me

I'm not against it just as I am not against the Muslims doing it also. It's part of the freedoms we have in this nation.

I don't have a problem with it either, if I still had a bike I might join in.

But I do take exception when they whine about not getting their little girls in pink tutus.

Some people never grow up.
It's not their goal, it's the purpose of their gathering.

Why you do you libtards insist on playing stupid? Or are you not playing?

Link to that being their purpose for gathering. TIA
Link to it not being.

Prove he's hitting on him and not insulting him.

Jealous, eh? You guys have a fight? I told you two Bottoms never work out.
Boy your homo is really showing now. I know it hurts to know we'd never play your perverted games. Just not that sick in the head... really sorry.

You made the claim. But I will accept your admitting that you lied about what the MMM is about.

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