Stock market after Trump victory

Alexis John

Nov 24, 2016
Warren Buffett doesn’t see a shift in market direction, despite the stunning victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. And this prediction from the world’s most successful income investor came after he sharply criticized the Republican candidate for his economic policies.

“The stock market will be higher 10, 20 and 30 years from now and it would have been with Hillary [Clinton] and it will be with Trump,” Buffett said in an interview with CNN.

For Warren Buffett, Trump’s protectionist trade policies still pose a threat for U.S. growth, as the “Oracle of Omaha”r predicts both China and Mexico may retaliate if Trump pursues his trade agenda. Despite this warning, Buffett doesn’t see these policies “would cause a recession” in the U.S.

Thats a breather for scared investors I guess.

Any Views Anyone??
Warren Buffett doesn’t see a shift in market direction, despite the stunning victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. And this prediction from the world’s most successful income investor came after he sharply criticized the Republican candidate for his economic policies.

“The stock market will be higher 10, 20 and 30 years from now and it would have been with Hillary [Clinton] and it will be with Trump,” Buffett said in an interview with CNN.

For Warren Buffett, Trump’s protectionist trade policies still pose a threat for U.S. growth, as the “Oracle of Omaha”r predicts both China and Mexico may retaliate if Trump pursues his trade agenda. Despite this warning, Buffett doesn’t see these policies “would cause a recession” in the U.S.

Thats a breather for scared investors I guess.

Any Views Anyone??

Buffet is a true Capitalist even though he claims to supportthe Democrats ideas.
Consider this-
Buffet bought $5 billion worth of Bank of America in 2011. It's worth over $13 billion today when you add the $300 million yearly dividend.

So The Oracle of Omaha has made Billions while 10s of thousand have lost their job at BoA-

You love this guy liberals? He made over $8 billion while over 50,000 lost their jobs.
Buffett's major problem is that he became the de facto successor fund to Graham-Newman the most successful investment firm ever. (Beat the Dow 4 to 1 1926-56.) He was friends with the Graham family, not just his mentor Benjamin Graham of Graham-Newman. So after looking around a bit the vast majority of Graham-Newman investors moved their money into what would become Berkshire Hathaway. Even with direct investment and owning insurance companies to provide below market leverage Buffet has never come close to Graham's average and it is only recently that he has had the team needed to do the mass firings that improve the bottom line.
The market is unchanged because interest rates are essentially unchanged. For this economy to actually grow (as opposed to the last 8 years), interest rates are going to have to double or treble.
Warren Buffet’s portfolio consists of 44 publicly traded companies. The vast majority of them (32) provide dividends, a number of which provide annual dividends in excess of four percent. Below is a list of the 10 highest-paying dividend stocks in Warren Buffet’s portfolio.

Some of the stocks he has invested in looks Trump-proof as well like:
International Business Machines Corp.
Wells Fargo & Company
The Coca-Cola Company
Procter & Gamble Company
These look like a good stocks for 2017.
Source: Warren Buffett dividend stocks

Trump has promised tax relief for partnerships and small businesses. Under the Trump plan, the number of individual income tax brackets will be whittled down from seven to three. Corporate taxes will fall from 35% to 15%, which Trump promises will spark a wave of innovation, job creation, and new business investment.
Donald Trump could trigger the largest wave of dividends and buybacks in American history. And Apple stock could be the biggest winner.

Last quarter, the tech giant reported that it now had $237.6 billion in cash, of which $216.0 billion is held overseas. Assuming Trump’s repatriation holiday rate were to prevail, Apple would be able to clear up to $194.4 billion if the company brought its money back to the United States.
AAPL stock wouldn’t be the only winner. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has nearly $110.0 billion in cash stashed overseas. A Trump holiday would allow the software giant to repatriate nearly $99.0 billion after taxes.
Trump has promised tax relief for partnerships and small businesses. Under the Trump plan, the number of individual income tax brackets will be whittled down from seven to three. Corporate taxes will fall from 35% to 15%, which Trump promises will spark a wave of innovation, job creation, and new business investment.
Donald Trump could trigger the largest wave of dividends and buybacks in American history. And Apple stock could be the biggest winner.

Last quarter, the tech giant reported that it now had $237.6 billion in cash, of which $216.0 billion is held overseas. Assuming Trump’s repatriation holiday rate were to prevail, Apple would be able to clear up to $194.4 billion if the company brought its money back to the United States.
AAPL stock wouldn’t be the only winner. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has nearly $110.0 billion in cash stashed overseas. A Trump holiday would allow the software giant to repatriate nearly $99.0 billion after taxes.

Both companies are borrowing money to pay dividends on their overseas earnings so there are a lot of revenue streams to look at.
Warren Buffett doesn’t see a shift in market direction, despite the stunning victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. And this prediction from the world’s most successful income investor came after he sharply criticized the Republican candidate for his economic policies.

“The stock market will be higher 10, 20 and 30 years from now and it would have been with Hillary [Clinton] and it will be with Trump,” Buffett said in an interview with CNN.

For Warren Buffett, Trump’s protectionist trade policies still pose a threat for U.S. growth, as the “Oracle of Omaha”r predicts both China and Mexico may retaliate if Trump pursues his trade agenda. Despite this warning, Buffett doesn’t see these policies “would cause a recession” in the U.S.

Thats a breather for scared investors I guess.

Any Views Anyone??
Nobody seems to worry much about the long term.

They are always worried about the short term however.

In the short term NBR on PBS reported today that they expect small and mid cap stocks to outperform large cap stocks in 2017.

This is because the USD is expected to strengthen under Trump and therefore sales of large cap's products will decline internationally. Ergo their profits will go down.
Trump has promised tax relief for partnerships and small businesses. Under the Trump plan, the number of individual income tax brackets will be whittled down from seven to three. Corporate taxes will fall from 35% to 15%, which Trump promises will spark a wave of innovation, job creation, and new business investment.

“The wealthy are going to create tremendous jobs. They’re going to expand their companies,” Trump promised on the campaign trail, predicting that his plan will employ millions of Americans.

...and, yet, the only income that is taxable to a corporation is net profit AFTER expenses, including those expenses for innovation, job creation, and new business investment, so one has to wonder what is stopping corporations from investing in those things now. In fact, the tax that they will save for investing in these things in the future will be less than the tax they save by investing in them now. All this means,. of course, is that Donald is all smoke and mirrors. But, of course, thinking people already know that.
Warren Buffett doesn’t see a shift in market direction, despite the stunning victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. And this prediction from the world’s most successful income investor came after he sharply criticized the Republican candidate for his economic policies.

“The stock market will be higher 10, 20 and 30 years from now and it would have been with Hillary [Clinton] and it will be with Trump,” Buffett said in an interview with CNN.

For Warren Buffett, Trump’s protectionist trade policies still pose a threat for U.S. growth, as the “Oracle of Omaha”r predicts both China and Mexico may retaliate if Trump pursues his trade agenda. Despite this warning, Buffett doesn’t see these policies “would cause a recession” in the U.S.

Thats a breather for scared investors I guess.

Any Views Anyone??
Stock market rally died, and is falling back under 20k....What happened?
What President-elect Trump means for the stock, bond, other markets

Donald Trump is the nation’s president-elect. Wall Street investors have let that stunning outcome of the U.S. race for the highest seat in the land wash over it for all of about two seconds before wagering broadly that there may still be money to be made. Stock markets have mostly soared, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.03% touching record closes and the S&P 500 SPX, +0.06% and the Nasdaq Composite Index COMP, -0.11% touching their own recently.

Warren Buffett purchased $12 billion of stock since Trump election victory

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett revealed he beefed up his stock portfolio at Berkshire Hathaway after Donald Trump's election win.
In an interview with talk show host Charlie Rose that aired Friday, Buffett said, "We've, net, bought $12 billion of common stocks since the election."

Buffett added it was "in large part" his decision.

The Omaha, Nebraska-based conglomerate owned $102.5 billion of equities as of Sept. 30, excluding its stake in Kraft Heinz, according to a regulatory filing.
Stocks and Treasury yields jumped in the wake of Trump's victory, amid the prospects for looser regulations in certain sectors, lower tax rates and fiscal stimulus. The rally has waned recently as investors evaluated the president's executive order that barred entry of certain nationals into the U.S.
Warren Buffett doesn’t see a shift in market direction, despite the stunning victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. And this prediction from the world’s most successful income investor came after he sharply criticized the Republican candidate for his economic policies.

“The stock market will be higher 10, 20 and 30 years from now and it would have been with Hillary [Clinton] and it will be with Trump,” Buffett said in an interview with CNN.

For Warren Buffett, Trump’s protectionist trade policies still pose a threat for U.S. growth, as the “Oracle of Omaha”r predicts both China and Mexico may retaliate if Trump pursues his trade agenda. Despite this warning, Buffett doesn’t see these policies “would cause a recession” in the U.S.

Thats a breather for scared investors I guess.

Any Views Anyone??
Stock market rally died, and is falling back under 20k....What happened?
Seen the stock market today? hmmmmm?
Warren Buffett doesn’t see a shift in market direction, despite the stunning victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. And this prediction from the world’s most successful income investor came after he sharply criticized the Republican candidate for his economic policies.

“The stock market will be higher 10, 20 and 30 years from now and it would have been with Hillary [Clinton] and it will be with Trump,” Buffett said in an interview with CNN.

For Warren Buffett, Trump’s protectionist trade policies still pose a threat for U.S. growth, as the “Oracle of Omaha”r predicts both China and Mexico may retaliate if Trump pursues his trade agenda. Despite this warning, Buffett doesn’t see these policies “would cause a recession” in the U.S.

Thats a breather for scared investors I guess.

Any Views Anyone??
Stock market rally died, and is falling back under 20k....What happened?
Seen the stock market today? hmmmmm?

Someone once said: 'There's nothing rational about stocks. It's all about insider trading and data manipulation for the wolves and emotional decisions by the sheep.'
Warren Buffett doesn’t see a shift in market direction, despite the stunning victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. And this prediction from the world’s most successful income investor came after he sharply criticized the Republican candidate for his economic policies.

“The stock market will be higher 10, 20 and 30 years from now and it would have been with Hillary [Clinton] and it will be with Trump,” Buffett said in an interview with CNN.

For Warren Buffett, Trump’s protectionist trade policies still pose a threat for U.S. growth, as the “Oracle of Omaha”r predicts both China and Mexico may retaliate if Trump pursues his trade agenda. Despite this warning, Buffett doesn’t see these policies “would cause a recession” in the U.S.

Thats a breather for scared investors I guess.

Any Views Anyone??
Stock market rally died, and is falling back under 20k....What happened?
Seen the stock market today? hmmmmm?

Someone once said: 'There's nothing rational about stocks. It's all about insider trading and data manipulation for the wolves and emotional decisions by the sheep.'
Then you need to invest in a savings account from your bank. I feel much different and have done nicely.
Sounds good to me but I stick to the three S&P indices when I screen for undervalued shares. Also I rarely check my accounts more than twice a week.
The stock market is in a bubble and lot of people are going to get screwed when it bursts.
It depends on your timeline and Yield. CHK pays me about 12% in option premiums + the dividend yield is nice too but not as much. Another 20% decline with those returns enhanced would not bother me.

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