Stock Market Drop Totally Predictable


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Federal Reserve is doing its job to moderate the markets and try to stabilize the economy, dampening down the roaring economy and trying to pump up slow economies. This is why they generally are raising rates during Republican administrations and lowering them during Dimocratic administrations.

So just chillax guys and short the markets for a bit.

Bah, Humbug! Fed Chair Jerome Powell Gives America Financial Panic for Christmas | Breitbart

While almost all of the data — aside from the stock markets — still point to a robust economy, the rising interest rates have evidently weighed heavily on companies that took out large amounts of debt during the long period of quantitative easing that followed the Great Recession of 2007-9.

So despite the strongest job market in decades, rising wages, and economic growth well above three percent, Wall Street worries about liquidity threaten to put an end to the good times — thanks, in large part, to Powell and the Fed.

Some Trump supporters could be forgiven for suspecting a political motive — especially since some noted Trump-haters celebrated the market slide in the hope it will “shake Republican support for Trump.” The drop in confidence also coincided with Democrats winning the U.S. House in November, promising tax hikes and more regulations.

Ironically, the Fed may be doing exactly what it is supposed to do, according to the basic doctrines of Economics 101. Students in high school economics courses are taught the famous dictum of Fed chair William McChesney Martin, which is that the Fed’s job is “to take away the punch bowl just as the party gets going” — i.e. to slow exuberant markets lest they overheat and crash. Better to come down slowly than all at once, the thinking goes.

Likewise, the Fed may also be taking advantage of the strong economy to disentangle itself from private industry, and to build up interest rates that it can lower later in a recession. The danger is that Powell may be doing too much too quickly — leading to the very recession the Fed’s actions, theoretically, are supposed to prevent.​
So the markets reversed as investors saw some predictability in the economy and re-invested back in, the DOW climbed over 1,000 points, which I've never even heard of before.

The markets go up, the markets go down, just dont lose your water over it all.
No... I think it's more of a case the Trump haters over at the FED don't want him to have such a good economy. They pumped $85,000,000,000.00 a MONTH into the stock market in the name of QUANTITATIVE EASING and lowered interests rates ridiculously low to prop up the kenyan's failing economy, but here comes President Trump and he turns things around and they have to SLAM THE BRAKES ON IT? Why? Ya... because they HATE HIM is why.
No... I think it's more of a case the Trump haters over at the FED don't want him to have such a good economy. They pumped $85,000,000,000.00 a MONTH into the stock market in the name of QUANTITATIVE EASING and lowered interests rates ridiculously low to prop up the kenyan's failing economy, but here comes President Trump and he turns things around and they have to SLAM THE BRAKES ON IT? Why? Ya... because they HATE HIM is why.

You are not considering how the Fed works, raising interest rates during a good economy and lowering them in a bad economy, so it basically testifies as to who is better at working/managing the economy.
No... I think it's more of a case the Trump haters over at the FED don't want him to have such a good economy. They pumped $85,000,000,000.00 a MONTH into the stock market in the name of QUANTITATIVE EASING and lowered interests rates ridiculously low to prop up the kenyan's failing economy, but here comes President Trump and he turns things around and they have to SLAM THE BRAKES ON IT? Why? Ya... because they HATE HIM is why.

You are not considering how the Fed works, raising interest rates during a good economy and lowering them in a bad economy, so it basically testifies as to who is better at working/managing the economy.
Yes I am considering how the FED works, and I explained why.
No... I think it's more of a case the Trump haters over at the FED don't want him to have such a good economy. They pumped $85,000,000,000.00 a MONTH into the stock market in the name of QUANTITATIVE EASING and lowered interests rates ridiculously low to prop up the kenyan's failing economy, but here comes President Trump and he turns things around and they have to SLAM THE BRAKES ON IT? Why? Ya... because they HATE HIM is why.

You are not considering how the Fed works, raising interest rates during a good economy and lowering them in a bad economy, so it basically testifies as to who is better at working/managing the economy.
Yes I am considering how the FED works, and I explained why.
The FEd has been doing this since the 1930's.

There has been no change in their policies just to spite Trump is my point.

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