Stock Market Tells the Tale: Trump Set to Win in November

New employment figures come out next Friday.

Not going to be pretty
Yup! - It's all about Jobs, not how much printed money Trump can pump into crappy zombie companies like Boeing to drive up the stock prices. Trump is protecting all companies from whistle blowers & lawsuits. The workers & voters can't even afford toilet paper & Trump supporters think he is the greatest.
Whose fault is it that workers can't afford toilet paper?

Boeing has always been regarded as one of the best companies in America. It's the source of a big chunk of our exports.
It WAS until they outsourced their manufacturing & programming in 2002 under Republicans Bush2, House & Senate. Boeing is a Wallstreet created Turd! Trump has been bailing it out since he was elected. It's production fell 66% after Trump gave them $75 Billion since elected in 2016 + $70 billion in federal loans & all those planes are grounded. Their Rockets can't get into Space. Government has to finance their exports to get companies to buy their junk! SpaceX & Airbus run circles around them for way less without outsourcing or compromising quality.
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New employment figures come out next Friday.

Not going to be pretty
Yup! - It's all about Jobs, not how much printed money Trump can pump into crappy zombie companies like Boeing to drive up the stock prices. Trump is protecting all companies from whistle blowers & lawsuits. The workers & voters can't even afford toilet paper & Trump supporters think he is the greatest.

Who cant afford toilet paper?


Go to another store.
Up Yours! - There is no other store for 40 miles & they are out. Amazon is $11.50 per roll. It's best to vote out Trump!
View attachment 342164

You chose where to live. I bought a package of 24 rolls for $10.99 last week at Publix.

Hate the gougers, not Trump.

Why don’t you blame China?
It's not China's fault Trump blew off the virus and ended up murdering 100,000 Americans through his incompetence.

I'm sure you all grovel behind Trump and eat his shit right up, but don't expect any intelligent people to join you.

You post like someone who is genuinely worried about the November outcome.

And, well. you should be! :auiqs.jpg:
Every last thing the tard herd and Trump criticized Obama for has come to pass in spades.

Record unemployment.

Record trade deficits. And that was BEFORE the pandemic.

Massive deficits. Trump added $3 trillion to the debt BEFORE the pandemic. I always said he would shatter Obama's debt record, but I thought it would take him two terms to do it. Now it looks like it will take only one!

Record golf trips.

Total moral depravity.

The most corrupt administration since Grant. Possibly ever.

The list goes on and on and on.

And you submissive cucks just sit there and take it.

Trump has projected all of his own personal failings onto others so much, I am starting to think he was born in Kenya.

I already think that you were born in Wuhan.
China, with more than four times our population, has less than 1/20th of the Covid deaths than the US does.

Trump is a total disaster. A mass-murdering incompetent.
China, with more than four times our population, has less than 1/20th of the Covid deaths than the US does.

Trump is a total disaster. A mass-murdering incompetent.

China put a total lockdown in place. Their enforcement of it would make our stay at home orders look like a suggestion.

Mar 26, 2020 - Chinese officials have ordered people to regularly wear face masks as a precaution against catching the coronavirus during the outbreak.
Liberals downplay the stock market except when it is down its Republicans’ fault and then if it is up when they are in power, they take credit.
New employment figures come out next Friday.

Not going to be pretty
Yup! - It's all about Jobs, not how much printed money Trump can pump into crappy zombie companies like Boeing to drive up the stock prices. Trump is protecting all companies from whistle blowers & lawsuits. The workers & voters can't even afford toilet paper & Trump supporters think he is the greatest.
Whose fault is it that workers can't afford toilet paper?

Boeing has always been regarded as one of the best companies in America. It's the source of a big chunk of our exports.
It WAS until they outsourced their manufacturing & programming in 2002 under Republicans Bush2, House & Senate. Boeing is a Wallstreet created Turd! Trump has been bailing it out since he was elected. It's production fell 66% after Trump gave them $75 Billion since elected in 2016 + $70 billion in federal loans & all those planes are grounded. Their Rockets can't get into Space. Government has to finance their exports to get companies to buy their junk! SpaceX & Airbus run circles around them for way less without outsourcing or compromising quality.
Trump gave them $75 billion? Please post some evidence. Don't list defense contracts because those aren't gifts. What $70 billion in federal loans?

Airbus is one of the most subsidized companies in the world. The A380 is about to become obsolete. No one is buying it.
New employment figures come out next Friday.

Not going to be pretty
Yup! - It's all about Jobs, not how much printed money Trump can pump into crappy zombie companies like Boeing to drive up the stock prices. Trump is protecting all companies from whistle blowers & lawsuits. The workers & voters can't even afford toilet paper & Trump supporters think he is the greatest.

Who cant afford toilet paper?


Go to another store.
Up Yours! - There is no other store for 40 miles & they are out. Amazon is $11.50 per roll. It's best to vote out Trump!
View attachment 342164

You chose where to live. I bought a package of 24 rolls for $10.99 last week at Publix.

Hate the gougers, not Trump.

Why don’t you blame China?
It's not China's fault Trump blew off the virus and ended up murdering 100,000 Americans through his incompetence.

I'm sure you all grovel behind Trump and eat his shit right up, but don't expect any intelligent people to join you.

You post like someone who is genuinely worried about the November outcome.

And, well. you should be! :auiqs.jpg:
Every last thing the tard herd and Trump criticized Obama for has come to pass in spades.

Record unemployment.

Record trade deficits. And that was BEFORE the pandemic.

Massive deficits. Trump added $3 trillion to the debt BEFORE the pandemic. I always said he would shatter Obama's debt record, but I thought it would take him two terms to do it. Now it looks like it will take only one!

Record golf trips.

Total moral depravity.

The most corrupt administration since Grant. Possibly ever.

The list goes on and on and on.

And you submissive cucks just sit there and take it.

Trump has projected all of his own personal failings onto others so much, I am starting to think he was born in Kenya.

I already think that you were born in Wuhan.
China, with more than four times our population, has less than 1/20th of the Covid deaths than the US does.

Trump is a total disaster. A mass-murdering incompetent.
China fooled another sucker.
Trump gave them $75 billion? Please post some evidence. Don't list defense contracts because those aren't gifts.

Defense contracts are the biggest gifts the federal government gives out. What other company gets a "cost plus" contract to build something, or when their product is delivered late, overbudget, and with serious flaws, they get the contract to fix it.
Suck on it, Dims!

What is the stock market telling us about the November election?
Despite the fact that America currently has over 38 million unemployed workers, the market is down 8.5% this year, having gone up 32% since the late March low. Why is the stock market going up while our economy teeters on the edge of a Great Depression?
There are several factors currently at work in the market with the most obvious being the extraordinary intervention by our leaders in Washington. Congress has authorized mind-boggling amounts of stimulus funds while the Fed has signaled that it is ready to purchase nearly anything and mostly everything. Even more spending and buying are sure to follow. This money flood is so massive that undoubtedly there are mind-boggling sums going into equities.
Washington's interventions in the markets has had a calming effect on prices and volatility, allowing investors to begin to look ahead to November, where it seems that President Trump is ever more likely to win re-election. There are several key reasons why more and more voters are beginning to lean toward Trump. Prior to the Pandemic Lockdown, America was enjoying a tremendous economy, which many voters attributed to Trump's pro-growth policies, such as cutting taxes and reducing regulations. As bad as current economic conditions are now, people are beginning to hope that perhaps the worst has passed. The economy is starting to be perceived as poised to improve rather than worsen, certainly a trend that greatly favors Trump.

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. The stock market has very little to do with reality. The fact is that businesses are getting massive amounts of aid through the Federal Reserve while ordinary people are left to twist in the wind. Trump's pandemic response has been a disaster. Voters have not attributed the economy to Trump. The tax cuts are not very popular and people favor clean air and water. Voters are not leaning to Trump as Trump shows he is crazy Even Rasmussen shows a new low in his approvals at 42%.
Suck on it, Dims!

What is the stock market telling us about the November election?
Despite the fact that America currently has over 38 million unemployed workers, the market is down 8.5% this year, having gone up 32% since the late March low. Why is the stock market going up while our economy teeters on the edge of a Great Depression?
There are several factors currently at work in the market with the most obvious being the extraordinary intervention by our leaders in Washington. Congress has authorized mind-boggling amounts of stimulus funds while the Fed has signaled that it is ready to purchase nearly anything and mostly everything. Even more spending and buying are sure to follow. This money flood is so massive that undoubtedly there are mind-boggling sums going into equities.
Washington's interventions in the markets has had a calming effect on prices and volatility, allowing investors to begin to look ahead to November, where it seems that President Trump is ever more likely to win re-election. There are several key reasons why more and more voters are beginning to lean toward Trump. Prior to the Pandemic Lockdown, America was enjoying a tremendous economy, which many voters attributed to Trump's pro-growth policies, such as cutting taxes and reducing regulations. As bad as current economic conditions are now, people are beginning to hope that perhaps the worst has passed. The economy is starting to be perceived as poised to improve rather than worsen, certainly a trend that greatly favors Trump.
Well, I read a lot of financial and economic news now that I have tons of free time on my hands (no kids). And my take is very, very different than yours.
I see that the equity market (particularly tech stocks) are heading towards extreme bubble valuations, with basically no where to go but down. My theory (which is supported by many market followers) is that the COVID-19 crisis is causing many people to become amateur day traders. Yes, they are looking successful at this point, but it is fool's gold. Once Mr. Market figures out that this global pandemic is going to rise again in the fall, the markets will probably tank even more than they did in March/April.
Suck on it, Dims!

What is the stock market telling us about the November election?
Despite the fact that America currently has over 38 million unemployed workers, the market is down 8.5% this year, having gone up 32% since the late March low. Why is the stock market going up while our economy teeters on the edge of a Great Depression?
There are several factors currently at work in the market with the most obvious being the extraordinary intervention by our leaders in Washington. Congress has authorized mind-boggling amounts of stimulus funds while the Fed has signaled that it is ready to purchase nearly anything and mostly everything. Even more spending and buying are sure to follow. This money flood is so massive that undoubtedly there are mind-boggling sums going into equities.
Washington's interventions in the markets has had a calming effect on prices and volatility, allowing investors to begin to look ahead to November, where it seems that President Trump is ever more likely to win re-election. There are several key reasons why more and more voters are beginning to lean toward Trump. Prior to the Pandemic Lockdown, America was enjoying a tremendous economy, which many voters attributed to Trump's pro-growth policies, such as cutting taxes and reducing regulations. As bad as current economic conditions are now, people are beginning to hope that perhaps the worst has passed. The economy is starting to be perceived as poised to improve rather than worsen, certainly a trend that greatly favors Trump.
Well, I read a lot of financial and economic news now that I have tons of free time on my hands (no kids). And my take is very, very different than yours.
I see that the equity market (particularly tech stocks) are heading towards extreme bubble valuations, with basically no where to go but down. My theory (which is supported by many market followers) is that the COVID-19 crisis is causing many people to become amateur day traders. Yes, they are looking successful at this point, but it is fool's gold. Once Mr. Market figures out that this global pandemic is going to rise again in the fall, the markets will probably tank even more than they did in March/April.
And my portfolio, which admittedly has fallen off in the last few weeks, shows I put my money where my mouth is. I've shorted three different asset classes, and am only long gold and silver.
Suck on it, Dims!

What is the stock market telling us about the November election?
Despite the fact that America currently has over 38 million unemployed workers, the market is down 8.5% this year, having gone up 32% since the late March low. Why is the stock market going up while our economy teeters on the edge of a Great Depression?
There are several factors currently at work in the market with the most obvious being the extraordinary intervention by our leaders in Washington. Congress has authorized mind-boggling amounts of stimulus funds while the Fed has signaled that it is ready to purchase nearly anything and mostly everything. Even more spending and buying are sure to follow. This money flood is so massive that undoubtedly there are mind-boggling sums going into equities.
Washington's interventions in the markets has had a calming effect on prices and volatility, allowing investors to begin to look ahead to November, where it seems that President Trump is ever more likely to win re-election. There are several key reasons why more and more voters are beginning to lean toward Trump. Prior to the Pandemic Lockdown, America was enjoying a tremendous economy, which many voters attributed to Trump's pro-growth policies, such as cutting taxes and reducing regulations. As bad as current economic conditions are now, people are beginning to hope that perhaps the worst has passed. The economy is starting to be perceived as poised to improve rather than worsen, certainly a trend that greatly favors Trump.

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. The stock market has very little to do with reality. The fact is that businesses are getting massive amounts of aid through the Federal Reserve while ordinary people are left to twist in the wind. Trump's pandemic response has been a disaster. Voters have not attributed the economy to Trump. The tax cuts are not very popular and people favor clean air and water. Voters are not leaning to Trump as Trump shows he is crazy Even Rasmussen shows a new low in his approvals at 42%.
As usual you have no clue what you are talking about.
Trump gave them $75 billion? Please post some evidence. Don't list defense contracts because those aren't gifts.

Defense contracts are the biggest gifts the federal government gives out. What other company gets a "cost plus" contract to build something, or when their product is delivered late, overbudget, and with serious flaws, they get the contract to fix it.
I knew that's what you were referring to when you said the federal government "gave" them $70 billion.

You're an idiot, of course.
Liberals downplay the stock market except when it is down its Republicans’ fault and then if it is up when they are in power, they take credit.

The stock market has not a proxy for the economy for a long time. It just exists.
Suck on it, Dims!

What is the stock market telling us about the November election?
Despite the fact that America currently has over 38 million unemployed workers, the market is down 8.5% this year, having gone up 32% since the late March low. Why is the stock market going up while our economy teeters on the edge of a Great Depression?
There are several factors currently at work in the market with the most obvious being the extraordinary intervention by our leaders in Washington. Congress has authorized mind-boggling amounts of stimulus funds while the Fed has signaled that it is ready to purchase nearly anything and mostly everything. Even more spending and buying are sure to follow. This money flood is so massive that undoubtedly there are mind-boggling sums going into equities.
Washington's interventions in the markets has had a calming effect on prices and volatility, allowing investors to begin to look ahead to November, where it seems that President Trump is ever more likely to win re-election. There are several key reasons why more and more voters are beginning to lean toward Trump. Prior to the Pandemic Lockdown, America was enjoying a tremendous economy, which many voters attributed to Trump's pro-growth policies, such as cutting taxes and reducing regulations. As bad as current economic conditions are now, people are beginning to hope that perhaps the worst has passed. The economy is starting to be perceived as poised to improve rather than worsen, certainly a trend that greatly favors Trump.

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. The stock market has very little to do with reality. The fact is that businesses are getting massive amounts of aid through the Federal Reserve while ordinary people are left to twist in the wind. Trump's pandemic response has been a disaster. Voters have not attributed the economy to Trump. The tax cuts are not very popular and people favor clean air and water. Voters are not leaning to Trump as Trump shows he is crazy Even Rasmussen shows a new low in his approvals at 42%.
As usual you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are the one who has no clue what you are talking about. Rasmussen is a pro-Trump pollster and he is at 42% approval. That is fact.
Suck on it, Dims!

What is the stock market telling us about the November election?
Despite the fact that America currently has over 38 million unemployed workers, the market is down 8.5% this year, having gone up 32% since the late March low. Why is the stock market going up while our economy teeters on the edge of a Great Depression?
There are several factors currently at work in the market with the most obvious being the extraordinary intervention by our leaders in Washington. Congress has authorized mind-boggling amounts of stimulus funds while the Fed has signaled that it is ready to purchase nearly anything and mostly everything. Even more spending and buying are sure to follow. This money flood is so massive that undoubtedly there are mind-boggling sums going into equities.
Washington's interventions in the markets has had a calming effect on prices and volatility, allowing investors to begin to look ahead to November, where it seems that President Trump is ever more likely to win re-election. There are several key reasons why more and more voters are beginning to lean toward Trump. Prior to the Pandemic Lockdown, America was enjoying a tremendous economy, which many voters attributed to Trump's pro-growth policies, such as cutting taxes and reducing regulations. As bad as current economic conditions are now, people are beginning to hope that perhaps the worst has passed. The economy is starting to be perceived as poised to improve rather than worsen, certainly a trend that greatly favors Trump.

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. The stock market has very little to do with reality. The fact is that businesses are getting massive amounts of aid through the Federal Reserve while ordinary people are left to twist in the wind. Trump's pandemic response has been a disaster. Voters have not attributed the economy to Trump. The tax cuts are not very popular and people favor clean air and water. Voters are not leaning to Trump as Trump shows he is crazy Even Rasmussen shows a new low in his approvals at 42%.
As usual you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are the one who has no clue what you are talking about. Rasmussen is a pro-Trump pollster and he is at 42% approval. That is fact.
Nuh uhn!
Plugs will take the handful of states where election tampering is permitted encouraged. I don't think that drooling, stuttering fuck could carry 1 of the 57 states if every vote was legitimate.

But 'merica is land of opporunity, if you dont like it just leave! (unless you've been banned from entering)
New employment figures come out next Friday.

Not going to be pretty
Yup! - It's all about Jobs, not how much printed money Trump can pump into crappy zombie companies like Boeing to drive up the stock prices. Trump is protecting all companies from whistle blowers & lawsuits. The workers & voters can't even afford toilet paper & Trump supporters think he is the greatest.
Whose fault is it that workers can't afford toilet paper?

Boeing has always been regarded as one of the best companies in America. It's the source of a big chunk of our exports.
It WAS until they outsourced their manufacturing & programming in 2002 under Republicans Bush2, House & Senate. Boeing is a Wallstreet created Turd! Trump has been bailing it out since he was elected. It's production fell 66% after Trump gave them $75 Billion since elected in 2016 + $70 billion in federal loans & all those planes are grounded. Their Rockets can't get into Space. Government has to finance their exports to get companies to buy their junk! SpaceX & Airbus run circles around them for way less without outsourcing or compromising quality.
Trump hasn't given them a dime, you sleazy lying douchebag.

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