Stock Market Trading Halted Again

No one can lead a stampede of cattle and sheep and that is exactly what this is. If the herd goes over a cliff then a lot of those cattle and sheep are gonna die.
If you have a stampede of you cattle go over the cliff, then the cattleherder you hired is no doubt a tremendous fuck up.

Because he couldn't stop a Thunderstorm from happening?
You hire a cattle herder for his competence and if he leads his cattle near a cliff and loses control, well, that is on the cattle herder.
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?
Truth and unity

Meaningless buzzwords.
This is what is to be expected when you have a senile old man leading the nation who inspires no confidence. The markets have no faith that this prevaricator and incompetent oaf can do the right thing or take the right action. The idiot can not keep on message and his Administration looks like it is in chaos.
What does Trump have to do with Russia vs OPEC?
No one can lead a stampede of cattle and sheep and that is exactly what this is. If the herd goes over a cliff then a lot of those cattle and sheep are gonna die.
If you have a stampede of you cattle go over the cliff, then the cattleherder you hired is no doubt a tremendous fuck up.

Because he couldn't stop a Thunderstorm from happening?
You hire a cattle herder for his competence and if he leads his cattle near a cliff and loses control, well, that is on the cattle herder.

Nice attempt to save your analogy, but it fails.
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?

First of all stop lying.

Second solve the testing problem.

Third, stop talking about bailing out big business and address the real needs for most Americans faced with possible financial destruction from not working. A payroll tax cut won't help anyone who isn't working. All it will do is put more money in the hands of those who don't need it and remove needed revenues. Why do conservatives believe that the solution to everything is tax cuts? It's not. Especially not for the rich.

Fourth, get insurance companies to pay for more than just the testing. Get the insurance companies to pay for treatment of the virus. Some are going to end up in the hospital. That's expensive.

Fifth work on making sure there's enough beds, respirators and all necessary medical equipment and facilities available.

Sixth, do something about the homeless population. If it gets in the homeless population it will get much, much worse since they don't have a place to go to quarantine themselves.

Seventh, pass paid sick leave. Those who can't go to work because of the virus can be financially destroyed. They can lose their homes because they can't pay rent. They will go to work because they can't lose their homes which will spread the virus more.

That's just some of the things he can do but has not done.

Trading has restarted again. It didn't do anything to stop the bleeding. The dow is down over 1900 points.

The dow was around 20 thousand when trump took office. Which means just about all the gains from the trump years are gone.
Solve the testing? It was the brown turd Oblummer who chased all manufacturing over to China. Wuhan let it go, because it would damage the world, with its NWO depopulating plan. Just President Trump jumped on the problem from the first and put out travel bans, now China is doing what it can to not lose its population, but fuck Europe who has plenty of people going into there from all over. Dickheads like you are the problem for what we have today, by electing that turd and keeping him in office till China could get away with murder, thus making you and accessory to murder.
South Korea is testing the same amount of people a day than we have tested total in the US. Does that sound right to you?

It’s a problem... a non Partisan problem
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?

First of all stop lying.

Second solve the testing problem.

Third, stop talking about bailing out big business and address the real needs for most Americans faced with possible financial destruction from not working. A payroll tax cut won't help anyone who isn't working. All it will do is put more money in the hands of those who don't need it and remove needed revenues. Why do conservatives believe that the solution to everything is tax cuts? It's not. Especially not for the rich.

Fourth, get insurance companies to pay for more than just the testing. Get the insurance companies to pay for treatment of the virus. Some are going to end up in the hospital. That's expensive.

Fifth work on making sure there's enough beds, respirators and all necessary medical equipment and facilities available.

Sixth, do something about the homeless population. If it gets in the homeless population it will get much, much worse since they don't have a place to go to quarantine themselves.

Seventh, pass paid sick leave. Those who can't go to work because of the virus can be financially destroyed. They can lose their homes because they can't pay rent. They will go to work because they can't lose their homes which will spread the virus more.

That's just some of the things he can do but has not done.

Trading has restarted again. It didn't do anything to stop the bleeding. The dow is down over 1900 points.

The dow was around 20 thousand when trump took office. Which means just about all the gains from the trump years are gone.
Everything you posted after the second line wouldn't affect the markets one way or the other.

The testing problem is a minor issue. They are making tests kits faster than ever and the cases of deaths by corvid19 in this country are still minuscule.

You'll have to detail what lies he has told about the virus so I can get a handle on what you're talking about.

Do you want to calm the markets?

Get the media to stop lying and fomenting hysteria.
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?

First of all stop lying.

Second solve the testing problem.

Third, stop talking about bailing out big business and address the real needs for most Americans faced with possible financial destruction from not working. A payroll tax cut won't help anyone who isn't working. All it will do is put more money in the hands of those who don't need it and remove needed revenues. Why do conservatives believe that the solution to everything is tax cuts? It's not. Especially not for the rich.

Fourth, get insurance companies to pay for more than just the testing. Get the insurance companies to pay for treatment of the virus. Some are going to end up in the hospital. That's expensive.

Fifth work on making sure there's enough beds, respirators and all necessary medical equipment and facilities available.

Sixth, do something about the homeless population. If it gets in the homeless population it will get much, much worse since they don't have a place to go to quarantine themselves.

Seventh, pass paid sick leave. Those who can't go to work because of the virus can be financially destroyed. They can lose their homes because they can't pay rent. They will go to work because they can't lose their homes which will spread the virus more.

That's just some of the things he can do but has not done.

Trading has restarted again. It didn't do anything to stop the bleeding. The dow is down over 1900 points.

The dow was around 20 thousand when trump took office. Which means just about all the gains from the trump years are gone.
Solve the testing? It was the brown turd Oblummer who chased all manufacturing over to China. Wuhan let it go, because it would damage the world, with its NWO depopulating plan. Just President Trump jumped on the problem from the first and put out travel bans, now China is doing what it can to not lose its population, but fuck Europe who has plenty of people going into there from all over. Dickheads like you are the problem for what we have today, by electing that turd and keeping him in office till China could get away with murder, thus making you and accessory to murder.
South Korea is testing the same amount of people a day than we have tested total in the US. Does that sound right to you?

It’s a problem... a non Partisan problem

We should not just be testing people randomly. That creates panic.

IF......IF! you think you have been exposed, then get tested.

Because the lord knows, if your healthy and young, you're not going to get anything more than a sniffle from this.
Oh , I have $20,000 right now waiting till the bottom hits, then I am going to make tons of money when it rebounds.
thats wonderful. Those with a lot of extra money will surely capitalize off the crash and rebound. Those who just lost a quarter of their savings may not have that luxury. The money comes from from somewhere and it’s not the rich who will be feeling the brunt of the pain
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?

First of all stop lying.

Second solve the testing problem.

Third, stop talking about bailing out big business and address the real needs for most Americans faced with possible financial destruction from not working. A payroll tax cut won't help anyone who isn't working. All it will do is put more money in the hands of those who don't need it and remove needed revenues. Why do conservatives believe that the solution to everything is tax cuts? It's not. Especially not for the rich.

Fourth, get insurance companies to pay for more than just the testing. Get the insurance companies to pay for treatment of the virus. Some are going to end up in the hospital. That's expensive.

Fifth work on making sure there's enough beds, respirators and all necessary medical equipment and facilities available.

Sixth, do something about the homeless population. If it gets in the homeless population it will get much, much worse since they don't have a place to go to quarantine themselves.

Seventh, pass paid sick leave. Those who can't go to work because of the virus can be financially destroyed. They can lose their homes because they can't pay rent. They will go to work because they can't lose their homes which will spread the virus more.

That's just some of the things he can do but has not done.

Trading has restarted again. It didn't do anything to stop the bleeding. The dow is down over 1900 points.

The dow was around 20 thousand when trump took office. Which means just about all the gains from the trump years are gone.
Solve the testing? It was the brown turd Oblummer who chased all manufacturing over to China. Wuhan let it go, because it would damage the world, with its NWO depopulating plan. Just President Trump jumped on the problem from the first and put out travel bans, now China is doing what it can to not lose its population, but fuck Europe who has plenty of people going into there from all over. Dickheads like you are the problem for what we have today, by electing that turd and keeping him in office till China could get away with murder, thus making you and accessory to murder.
South Korea is testing the same amount of people a day than we have tested total in the US. Does that sound right to you?

It’s a problem... a non Partisan problem
I think it's because they're a smaller country and testing takes the same amount of time that it takes us.
Oh , I have $20,000 right now waiting till the bottom hits, then I am going to make tons of money when it rebounds.
thats wonderful. Those with a lot of extra money will surely capitalize off the crash and rebound. Those who just lost a quarter of their savings may not have that luxury. The money comes from from somewhere and it’s not the rich who will be feeling the brunt of the pain
I did the same thing back in 2008 when Nancy Pelosi and the Demoncraps crashed the housing market. Took $40,000 bought into CMG and made 1/4 million dollars on that deal.
This is what is to be expected when you have a senile old man leading the nation who inspires no confidence. The markets have no faith that this prevaricator and incompetent oaf can do the right thing or take the right action. The idiot can not keep on message and his Administration looks like it is in chaos.
What does Trump have to do with Russia vs OPEC?
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?

First of all stop lying.

Second solve the testing problem.

Third, stop talking about bailing out big business and address the real needs for most Americans faced with possible financial destruction from not working. A payroll tax cut won't help anyone who isn't working. All it will do is put more money in the hands of those who don't need it and remove needed revenues. Why do conservatives believe that the solution to everything is tax cuts? It's not. Especially not for the rich.

Fourth, get insurance companies to pay for more than just the testing. Get the insurance companies to pay for treatment of the virus. Some are going to end up in the hospital. That's expensive.

Fifth work on making sure there's enough beds, respirators and all necessary medical equipment and facilities available.

Sixth, do something about the homeless population. If it gets in the homeless population it will get much, much worse since they don't have a place to go to quarantine themselves.

Seventh, pass paid sick leave. Those who can't go to work because of the virus can be financially destroyed. They can lose their homes because they can't pay rent. They will go to work because they can't lose their homes which will spread the virus more.

That's just some of the things he can do but has not done.

Trading has restarted again. It didn't do anything to stop the bleeding. The dow is down over 1900 points.

The dow was around 20 thousand when trump took office. Which means just about all the gains from the trump years are gone.
Everything you posted after the second line wouldn't affect the markets one way or the other.

The testing problem is a minor issue. They are making tests kits faster than ever and the cases of deaths by corvid19 in this country are still minuscule.

You'll have to detail what lies he has told about the virus so I can get a handle on what you're talking about.

Do you want to calm the markets?

Get the media to stop lying and fomenting hysteria.
I think Trump should declare a media blackout on all reporting that can be perceived to be negative or fear inducing.....
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?

First of all stop lying.

Second solve the testing problem.

Third, stop talking about bailing out big business and address the real needs for most Americans faced with possible financial destruction from not working. A payroll tax cut won't help anyone who isn't working. All it will do is put more money in the hands of those who don't need it and remove needed revenues. Why do conservatives believe that the solution to everything is tax cuts? It's not. Especially not for the rich.

Fourth, get insurance companies to pay for more than just the testing. Get the insurance companies to pay for treatment of the virus. Some are going to end up in the hospital. That's expensive.

Fifth work on making sure there's enough beds, respirators and all necessary medical equipment and facilities available.

Sixth, do something about the homeless population. If it gets in the homeless population it will get much, much worse since they don't have a place to go to quarantine themselves.

Seventh, pass paid sick leave. Those who can't go to work because of the virus can be financially destroyed. They can lose their homes because they can't pay rent. They will go to work because they can't lose their homes which will spread the virus more.

That's just some of the things he can do but has not done.

Trading has restarted again. It didn't do anything to stop the bleeding. The dow is down over 1900 points.

The dow was around 20 thousand when trump took office. Which means just about all the gains from the trump years are gone.
Everything you posted after the second line wouldn't affect the markets one way or the other.

The testing problem is a minor issue. They are making tests kits faster than ever and the cases of deaths by corvid19 in this country are still minuscule.

You'll have to detail what lies he has told about the virus so I can get a handle on what you're talking about.

Do you want to calm the markets?

Get the media to stop lying and fomenting hysteria.
I think Trump should declare a media blackout on all reporting that can be perceived to be negative or fear inducing.....
No one cares what you think.
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?
Truth and unity

Meaningless buzzwords.
Haha, I’m sure that’s true for a person like yourself. But in the past we came together as a people during tragedy and we did so because there was some sense of trust in each other. That’s pretty much gone now and that’s a major problem
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

I’m sure braindead Joe has a brilliant plan. Too bad he can’t put two sentences together to tell us what it is.
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?
Truth and unity

Meaningless buzzwords.
Haha, I’m sure that’s true for a person like yourself. But in the past we came together as a people during tragedy and we did so because there was some sense of trust in each other. That’s pretty much gone now and that’s a major problem

And who's fault is that?
No one can lead a stampede of cattle and sheep and that is exactly what this is. If the herd goes over a cliff then a lot of those cattle and sheep are gonna die.
If you have a stampede of you cattle go over the cliff, then the cattleherder you hired is no doubt a tremendous fuck up.
trump owns the Media? hly fk are you lost.
Trading was open for 5 minutes then halted because of large losses again.

We are halted at 21,856.91 with a loss of 1696.31.

trump isn't taking the proper action to calm the markets.

That ridiculous speech he gave last night only made things worse. Again.

The Dow and S&P are now in bear market.

S&P 500 drops more than 6% at the open, joins the Dow in bear market territory

What would be the proper action to calm the markets?

First of all stop lying.

Second solve the testing problem.

Third, stop talking about bailing out big business and address the real needs for most Americans faced with possible financial destruction from not working. A payroll tax cut won't help anyone who isn't working. All it will do is put more money in the hands of those who don't need it and remove needed revenues. Why do conservatives believe that the solution to everything is tax cuts? It's not. Especially not for the rich.

Fourth, get insurance companies to pay for more than just the testing. Get the insurance companies to pay for treatment of the virus. Some are going to end up in the hospital. That's expensive.

Fifth work on making sure there's enough beds, respirators and all necessary medical equipment and facilities available.

Sixth, do something about the homeless population. If it gets in the homeless population it will get much, much worse since they don't have a place to go to quarantine themselves.

Seventh, pass paid sick leave. Those who can't go to work because of the virus can be financially destroyed. They can lose their homes because they can't pay rent. They will go to work because they can't lose their homes which will spread the virus more.

That's just some of the things he can do but has not done.

Trading has restarted again. It didn't do anything to stop the bleeding. The dow is down over 1900 points.

The dow was around 20 thousand when trump took office. Which means just about all the gains from the trump years are gone.
Solve the testing? It was the brown turd Oblummer who chased all manufacturing over to China. Wuhan let it go, because it would damage the world, with its NWO depopulating plan. Just President Trump jumped on the problem from the first and put out travel bans, now China is doing what it can to not lose its population, but fuck Europe who has plenty of people going into there from all over. Dickheads like you are the problem for what we have today, by electing that turd and keeping him in office till China could get away with murder, thus making you and accessory to murder.
South Korea is testing the same amount of people a day than we have tested total in the US. Does that sound right to you?

It’s a problem... a non Partisan problem

We should not just be testing people randomly. That creates panic.

IF......IF! you think you have been exposed, then get tested.

Because the lord knows, if your healthy and young, you're not going to get anything more than a sniffle from this.
A young person with a sniffle can give a death hug to their grandparents. You get that right?

And your wrong about testing... getting tested quickly and easily can calm fears and identify those who need to be treated. I promise you a ton of people out there with a cough or allergy attack are getting very worried about the what if’s.
What would be the proper action to calm the markets?

First of all stop lying.

Second solve the testing problem.

Third, stop talking about bailing out big business and address the real needs for most Americans faced with possible financial destruction from not working. A payroll tax cut won't help anyone who isn't working. All it will do is put more money in the hands of those who don't need it and remove needed revenues. Why do conservatives believe that the solution to everything is tax cuts? It's not. Especially not for the rich.

Fourth, get insurance companies to pay for more than just the testing. Get the insurance companies to pay for treatment of the virus. Some are going to end up in the hospital. That's expensive.

Fifth work on making sure there's enough beds, respirators and all necessary medical equipment and facilities available.

Sixth, do something about the homeless population. If it gets in the homeless population it will get much, much worse since they don't have a place to go to quarantine themselves.

Seventh, pass paid sick leave. Those who can't go to work because of the virus can be financially destroyed. They can lose their homes because they can't pay rent. They will go to work because they can't lose their homes which will spread the virus more.

That's just some of the things he can do but has not done.

Trading has restarted again. It didn't do anything to stop the bleeding. The dow is down over 1900 points.

The dow was around 20 thousand when trump took office. Which means just about all the gains from the trump years are gone.
Solve the testing? It was the brown turd Oblummer who chased all manufacturing over to China. Wuhan let it go, because it would damage the world, with its NWO depopulating plan. Just President Trump jumped on the problem from the first and put out travel bans, now China is doing what it can to not lose its population, but fuck Europe who has plenty of people going into there from all over. Dickheads like you are the problem for what we have today, by electing that turd and keeping him in office till China could get away with murder, thus making you and accessory to murder.
South Korea is testing the same amount of people a day than we have tested total in the US. Does that sound right to you?

It’s a problem... a non Partisan problem

We should not just be testing people randomly. That creates panic.

IF......IF! you think you have been exposed, then get tested.

Because the lord knows, if your healthy and young, you're not going to get anything more than a sniffle from this.
A young person with a sniffle can give a death hug to their grandparents. You get that right?

And your wrong about testing... getting tested quickly and easily can calm fears and identify those who need to be treated. I promise you a ton of people out there with a cough or allergy attack are getting very worried about the what if’s.
A young person who has never been near anyone with corona can give a grandparent a death hug. The flu, like the corvid19, can kill the elderly.

People are getting worried because the media and people like you are intentionally creating a panic.

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