Stocks soar as confidence builds

Go get the numbers that show how many are working cleanup and how many have lost their jobs due to the Oil spill

I'll take that as a decisive "No".

I am merely suggesting that you take a look at every factor before you start blaming one thing for a poor job market.
yup low interest rates, an anti business President in trouble, the rest of the world economies recovering better than us.
But this semitment can change in a nano second. A bad jobs number Friday could have them runnign for the hills.
How many workers have lost their jobs due to the oil spill?

No idea. Don't you think it would have been a good idea to get that data before you made your claim?

It effected every sector of employement in the effected area.

I am sure that every sector of Employment was effected. But I don't see that all of the sector was negatively effected.

the lack of tourism alone killed many service jobs.

I don't think the service industry has been hurt as much as you seem to think. From what I've heard hotels havent suffered as much as the news media is claiming mainly because they now have a bunch of out of state workers and journalists staying in the hotels. I am confident they need to eat. So if my information is accurate, the resturants are probably still getting service.

I don't feel like breaking down the entire tourism industry bit by bit. However, I think it's important to look at what kind of jobs were created. The main damage I see is to the fishing industry. But is it a net loss? Does it even out? is there a net gain in jobs?

I have no idea. I don't have any stats. It appears you don't either. So you really shouldn't be making claims you can't support.

Besides, if you haven't noticed, we've had some high unemployment for a while. I really don't think it was completely the result of the Oil Spill.
There is no way the Right can accept any improvement in the Economy...not now.
There is no way the Right can accept any improvement in the Economy...not now.
When banks start lending to my clients without them ponying up 50% for their construction projects, I'll then believe that the economy is turning around.

Until then, I'll go by what lefty icon Molly Ivins said about 10 years ago, that what's good for Dow Jones doesn't always benefit Fred Jones.
Obviously real estate is now way less a piece of the pie. It could be a good while before it's robust again.
why is it chris and rightwinger only post economic news when its good, never when its not....


and btw....not saying this is good, we'll see
There is no way the Right can accept any improvement in the Economy...not now.

I'd love an improvement in the economy. I am just tired of hearing every month that the economy is getting better while more people are losing their jobs and their houses. We've been hearing that the economy is proving since Obama got into office. But it's gotten worse.

Now could this be the beginning of a recovery? Sure. But I find it very unlikely considering the trend and the absolutely abysmal economic policies being pursued. It's just not very condusive for creating businesses and jobs. Until it is, we are not going to see any sort of serious growth.

I think this is a blip if anything, and we should be wary before assuming all is well again. Because the fundamental problems with our society, IE the corruption, dishonesty, and selfishness are still running rampant.
I never said teh right was mostly rich.

The right is mostly misguided people who refuse facts to retain failed ideas.
I never said teh right was mostly rich.

The right is mostly misguided people who refuse facts to retain failed ideas.

So then you're saying the left is the rich? True. but I never thought youd admit that.
Roger Simon nails it pretty well:

We live in an era — the worst economically since the Depression — when the daughter of the first couple of the Democratic Party has a multi-million dollar, Marie Antoinette-style wedding with port-a-potties almost as luxurious as a toilette in Baden Baden; its self-proclaimed environmental leader, the first global warming billionaire, sprouts “green” McMansions from Nashville to Montecito; and its already multi-billionaire senator from Massachusetts moors his yacht in another state to escape taxes we hoi polloi could only dream of paying.

But wait, as they say, there’s more. At this moment, two of their leaders from a supposedly disadvantaged minority are about to be tried for ethical transgressions (read: thievery) even Congress couldn’t sweep under the rug. Never mind that these transgressions mostly exploit the very minority these people purport to represent. It’s part of the game. Convince minorities they should act like victims. Extort guilt payments from the majority and keep the change. Meanwhile, nothing improves for the minority because it would interrupt the system.

This all occurs during the administration of a president who once trumpeted “transparency” and “change,” pronouncements that seem to have been made so long ago now you can’t remember if it happened before or after the fall of the Roman Empire. This same Democratic president, however, continues to collect big royalties from books he may or may not have written. He’s certainly not the first....

Roger L. Simon The Party of the Rich

The Dems have transmogrified into the Party of the Ruling Elite for Big Government and their Cronies. They use The Poor as voting filler, and throw them crumbs extracted by the ever more burdened middle classes.
The right is going to shit their pants when the economy starts to move robustly

What is Robustly?

When un-employment gets down to 7%, when 50% of the foreclosed homes have people once again living in them, when New Homes starts are up 50%, when the Dow is over 12,000 (it's peak was 14,066 in oct 2007), when the truth really matters. --- Then, that will be a Robust Improvement!!!!!!!!!

Lots of things are breaking out - China, copper, the VIX appears to be going lower.

Usually, Mondays are strong. Usually, the first of the month is strong. Usually, August is strong. So its hard to ascertain what is going on.

You could see it last week when the bears tried to knock the markets down in the morning, only for stocks to rise into the close. That's often a bullish sign.

We are either at the top of a trading range or about to break out after consolidating for the past 5 months. I think we're about to break out, but I could be wrong.
There is $850 billion dollars of corporate cash sitting on the sidelines waiting for an investment.

Once that starts rolling, we can go a long way.
The right is going to shit their pants when the economy starts to move robustly

What is Robustly?

When un-employment gets down to 7%, when 50% of the foreclosed homes have people once again living in them, when New Homes starts are up 50%, when the Dow is over 12,000 (it's peak was 14,066 in oct 2007), when the truth really matters. --- Then, that will be a Robust Improvement!!!!!!!!!


Robustly sure as heck ain't goin' from 5.5% to 3.7%, and then down to 2.4% GDP growth.

Just sayin'.
There is $850 billion dollars of corporate cash sitting on the sidelines waiting for an investment.

Once that starts rolling, we can go a long way.

If the U.S. continues it's inane policies, much of that cash will be used to invest in more growth friendly economies overseas.

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