Stole a Bag of Frozen Meatballs- Facing As Much Jail Time As Steubenville

I really don't care, she'll have plenty of time to think of why she shouldn't steal.

Good time to remember that the law in its infinite wisdom bars the rich as well as the poor from sleeping under bridges.

America, a culture of opportunity and second chances in my youth, has become a punitive culture for people outside the top 20%. Perhaps because so many have so little and it keeps "the other" from forgetting their place at the table is behind and to the right?
The distinction, of course, is that you are comparing the maximum amount of prison time which this person is facing versus the actual time given to the rapist. The person is charged with 2 misdemeanor counts which carry a maximum sentence of one year each. If she is sentenced to the maximum on both counts and if it is ordered that her 2 sentences run consecutively instead of concurrently, then she would have similar jail time to the rapist. That eventuality is quite unlikely and I would be surprised if she got more than a fine + probation + time served.
The Steubenville rapists should have gotten way more time, but they are juveniles. The housekeeper was on the job for 28 years and was probably stealing for the entire time. She should have gotten more time too. There is no license to steal because you should be permitted to take. In this case, take from the government.
Thanks to the statute of limitations she faces more time than Bill Clinton had to face.
America, a culture of opportunity and second chances in my youth, has become a punitive culture for people outside the top 20%.

If you feel that way, why don't you find some other place to live?

Why would someone like me move? My ancestors took this land and made it something. Something that has been degraded a little bit every year since the 1970s by corporations buying politicians.

The United States today is governed by asslicking sleazebags herding people like you into positions that preserve and protect lifestyles like mine. That I am aware enough to see it and honest enough to admit the change is a stark one from when America had better leadership doesn't imply anything - anything at all, let alone something as absurdly hilarious as me moving to some shit for brains country with more risks than benefits.

You might want to get back to stampeding white trash into standing in line to die in some parasitic Asian hellhole.
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The two years is the maximum she could get. A judge might give her the max sentence if she was a serial thief and this was her twentieth conviction. First of all, the case may well be thrown out, or if it is pursued, she'll get a slap on the wrist. Our justice system is a mess, but I don't have a problem with this.

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