Stolen Elections

I would've thought, in the interests of good faith, you would acquiesce to my demands, but I thought wrong!
I never take demands. Especially from trolls.

It’s easy to do, you dildo. Click the name in the post to which you are responding. That will take you to the prior post. Click your own name since I replied to you. It will then take you tonight post. Proceed accordingly.
I never take demands. Especially from trolls.

It’s easy to do, you dildo. Click the name in the post to which you are responding. That will take you to the prior post. Click your own name since I replied to you. It will then take you tonight post. Proceed accordingly.
I know that's what I should do, but I'm not gonna. Sorry. But if you do have a change of heart, state your position and I will respond.
When Stacey Abraham loses an election bid, it was all about election fraud and voter suppression.

But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after crystal clear evidence suggesting massive voting fraud of various types, any claim of a stolen election is just kook “conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections.

Imagine the Dim clamor had Trump won! Imagine that the Dims and their handmaiden apparatchik media claimed that the GOP had constructed an elaborate set of election frauds in the swing states (as is now alleged against the Dims).

There would already have been a third impeachment circus. The media cacophony would be loud, endlessly looped and more screechy than Hillary’s cackles.

And by 'crystal clear evidence', you mean ludicrous and contradictory conspiracy theories that collapse with the slightest review?
And by 'crystal clear evidence', you mean ludicrous and contradictory conspiracy theories that collapse with the slightest review?
No, you dope. Obviously that is not what I mean.

I can’t help you see the light when you cover your eyes and hide in dark caves.
No, you dope. Obviously that is not what I mean.

I can’t help you see the light when you cover your eyes and hide in dark caves.

So much for your 'crystal clear evidence'. You can't even help yourself, clinging to empty conspiracy theories in face of overwhelming evidence contradicting you.

Let alone factually establish your silly conspiracy.
So much for your 'crystal clear evidence'. You can't even help yourself, clinging to empty conspiracy theories in face of overwhelming evidence contradicting you.

Let alone factually establish your silly conspiracy.
So much for your “argument” when you have to lie about things I have said or you need to make up things I’ve never said.

And it’s not a “silly conspiracy.” You’re the one busy denying reality.

Let me try to talk down to you sufficiently for your tiny mind to grasp what is and what is not being said: the evidence of fraud is crystal clear.

Note well; this is not the same thing as claiming that the 2020 election was “stolen.”
The latter is not a claim I have made, simply because I have not found sufficient evidence to support that conclusion.

I realize your petty little mind won’t accept any hint of evidence, nonetheless there are some people (yes, even some liberals) who have minds sufficiently “open” to at least consider the evidence.

2000 Mules.

Again: there is a great deal of crystal clear evidence of voter fraud. To simply deny it is absurdly weak of you, Skyl.

And again: try to grasp the distinction between noting it versus claiming that the election was “stolen.” The latter is not a claim I’ve made; and, in fact, I’ve specifically disavowed that claim for lack of sufficient evidence.
So much for your “argument” when you have to lie about things I have said or you need to make up things I’ve never said.

And it’s not a “silly conspiracy.” You’re the one busy denying reality.

Let me try to talk down to you sufficiently for your tiny mind to grasp what is and what is not being said: the evidence of fraud is crystal clear.

Note well; this is not the same thing as claiming that the 2020 election was “stolen.”
The latter is not a claim I have made, simply because I have not found sufficient evidence to support that conclusion.

I realize your petty little mind won’t accept any hint of evidence, nonetheless there are some people (yes, even some liberals) who have minds sufficiently “open” to at least consider the evidence.

2000 Mules.

Again: there is a great deal of crystal clear evidence of voter fraud. To simply deny it is absurdly weak of you, Skyl.

And again: try to grasp the distinction between noting it versus claiming that the election was “stolen.” The latter is not a claim I’ve made; and, in fact, I’ve specifically disavowed that claim for lack of sufficient evidence.

Laughing.....I think you just blinked. Show me in any of my replies to you where I said anything about a 'stolen election'.

YOU inserted that phrase when I questioned your 'crystal clear evidence'. I think she doth protest too much.

As for your 'peer reviewed paper' actually read what you're quoting.
I realize your petty little mind won’t accept any hint of evidence, nonetheless there are some people (yes, even some liberals) who have minds sufficiently “open” to at least consider the evidence.

"New research of mine is forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice, and it finds evidence of around 255,000 excess votes...."

Who, pray tell, peer reviewed that paper? The only peer review I was able to find was the PNAS....where they laughably shredded Lott's entire analysis.

And nothing says 'independent analysis' like John Lott, famed gun rights advocate and right wing pundit. Why would I ignore the national academy of science and instead believe John Lott?

Let the excuses for why you're going to ignore the peer review of John Lott's paper......dazzle us with your 'petty little mind'.
Laughing.....I think you just blinked. Show me in any of my replies to you where I said anything about a 'stolen election'.

YOU inserted that phrase when I questioned your 'crystal clear evidence'. I think she doth protest too much.

As for your 'peer reviewed paper' actually read what you're quoting.
I realize your petty little mind won’t accept any hint of evidence, nonetheless there are some people (yes, even some liberals) who have minds sufficiently “open” to at least consider the evidence.

New research of mine is forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice, and it finds evidence of around 255,000 excess votes....

Who, pray tell, peer reviewed that article? The only peer review I was able to find was the PNAS....where they laughably shredded Lott's entire analysis.

And nothing says 'independent analysis' like John Lott, famed gun rights advocate and right wing pundit. Why would I ignore the national academy of science and instead believe John Lott?

Let the excuses for why you're going to ignore the peer review of John Lott's paper......dazzle us with your 'petty little mind'.
I think you just caved. You can’t reply on point (obviously) so you deflect.

Not unexpected from a weak sauce libtard such as you.

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