Stop Antisemitism

That was not Ms Alibhai-Brown’s first offence of this nature either. The year before, she replied to journalist Stephen Bush’s reaction to being appointed to lead a Jewish charity’s review of racial inclusivity in the Jewish community by tweeting: “maybe ask them about the Palestinians.” The review was concerned with British Jews and was unrelated to Israel, a distinction that Ms Alibhai-Brown is apparently incapable of apprehending.

Previously Ms Alibhai-Brown also expressed her opposition to the Labour Party’s adoption of the International Definition of Antisemitism, describing the fringe minority of Jewish individuals who agreed with her as “good Jews”.

Newspapers and television broadcasters who host Ms Alibhai-Brown must think again before giving a platform to someone who takes such positions.

Campaign Against Antisemitism’s Antisemitism Barometer 2019 showed that antisemitism on the far-left of British politics has surpassed that of the far-right.

(full article online)

A writer in Syria's Al Watan, Hassan M. Yousef, has extended this fairy tale to connect the Khazars to the Elders of Zion conspiracy theory of rich Jewish world domination.

In the year 802 AD, a number of Jewish merchants, led by Rabbi Ebadi, came to Khazaria from Iran after a revolt broke out against them. The shrewd rabbi succeeded in persuading Khagan Khazaria to convert to Judaism in order to remain independent, because his conversion to Islam would make him a follower of Baghdad, and his conversion to Christianity would make him a follower of Constantinople. After Judaism was declared the official religion of the country, the rabbi refused the entry of the entire population into his religion, and made Judaism a monopoly on the nobility of the major merchants, army leaders and notables of the people.

The Russian historian and archaeologist Lev Gumilyov states in his book “The Discovery of Khazaria,” that the immigrant Jews “bloodily and brutally suppressed any popular revolt demanding a limitation of the domination of foreign Jews.”

The important thing is that Khazaria, thanks to its strategic location, controlled the trade of Chinese silk and Siberian fur, and collected taxes from the caravans that passed through it. In the year 965 AD, the Russians were fed up with its policy and attacked it from the land and across the Volga River under the leadership of Prince Svetislav, and its Jews were scattered in Eastern and Central Europe. The most amazing thing that historians have reported is that the Jews of the ruling class in Khazaria disappeared with their money and gold just before it fell into the hands of the Russians. The old Russian references say: "When the Russians entered the city of Itil, the capital of Khazaria, they did not find any of its rulers or anything from the treasury." It is said that the rich Jews of Khazaria left with their money and went to Venice and Sardinia via Byzantium, where they established maritime trading companies that dominated trade in the Mediterranean, through which they doubled their wealth and then moved to Andalusia. After the weakening of Spain's role, they moved to Britain, and established the Bank of England, which collected most of the world's gold reserves. In the mid-nineteenth century, their grandchildren transferred their money to America, which is called “the second Khazaria,” and there they established Hollywood and the American Federal Treasury, and those who remained in Europe established the Zionist movement. As for the rest of the story, we not only know it, but we live it as a daily tragedy.

See? Khazars, Jews, money, brutality, theft, controlling Spain, somehow taking over England 200 years before Jews were allowed to return there, then to take over Hollywood and create the Federal Reserve and also Zionism. It all fits together so perfectly!

Hassan Yousef has a long resume of books, articles, films, stories, and awards.

(full article online)

Arab antisemitism was, and remains, antisemitism. Arab opposition to Zionism and Israel has always been antisemitic. It predates Zionism: the first Arab attack was on Jews in Petah Tikva in 1886 and the first altercation at the Western Wall occurred in 1911. Elder traces all the major influences, from conspiracy theories and blood libels to the role of the wartime Mufti of Jerusalem, author of the 1937 Nazi pamphlet ‘Islam and Judaism’ , through to Holocaust denial/ inversion and the Hamas charter.

An important factor perpetuating the conflict is the misplaced Arab sense of honour. Arab tenants in the Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrahare encouraged not to pay rent because it is more honourable to be homeless than to admit that Jews own the homes they live in.

But in Elder’s estimation, the greatest challenge to Arab antisemites comes from within their own ranks: those countries who have signed the Abraham Accords with Israel. It is a game-changer.

Section Two focuses on international law and all the familiar accusations routinely levelled at Israel: proportionality, distinction, the use or misuse of human shields. What does international law say on settlements and the Right of Return? Elder has plenty to say.

Section Three is about the pernicious corruption of academic Middle East Studies by so-called Experts – the likes of Judith Butler, Ilan Pappé , Jasbir Puar and Avi Shlaim. Peter Beinart, the American liberal turned-anti-Zionist, is a clever propagandist setting the framework to win the argument before it even starts.

What to do ? Elder of Ziyon’s solution is: “To fight it, expose it’ . When Elder writes his blogposts, he tries to ensure that the reader learns something they didn’t know before. And there is bound to be much that even a seasoned antisemitism-watcher can learn from this clearly-laid out and comprehensive guide.

(full article online)

“We are not anti-Christian,” she emphasized. “We appreciate the assistance, but we must draw the line when it comes to proselytizing. To exploit a humanitarian crisis to sell Jesus is just wrong.”

Evangelical Christians are known as strong supporters of Israel, but Nuszen rejected the idea that Israeli government officials and Jews should look the other way and accept the aid without criticizing the missionary agenda among many of them.

“They are targeting vulnerable people who are looking for food and shelter [in order] to rob them of their faith,” she said. “This is not the way that a true friend would act.”

(full article online)‘This+Isn’t+Obama’s+Iran+Deal_+It’s+Much%2C+Much+Worse’&utm_campaign=20220327_m167162061_ATTACK%3A+ISIS-inspired+Terrorists+Kill+2+Israelis%3B+Christian+Missionaries+Exploit+Ukrainian+Jewish+Refugees+Wherever+They+Go%3B+‘This+Isn’t+Obama’s+Iran+Deal_+It’s+Much%2C+Much+Worse’&utm_term=_0D_0A_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09Read+Now_0D_0A_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09_09
The terror groups, and Fatah's "military wing," are more open about their support of terror, and quite proud of the attacks. Even though the attacks are associated with ISIS, which mainstream Arabs generally hate. They are effectively allies of the Islamic State.

Israeli Arabs, on the other hand, appear to be genuinely upset. Part of it might be because of worries about any backlash against them, but their responses to these two attacks do not strike me as being insincere, unlike the reluctant condemnations that we have seen in the past from the PA which appeared to be given under pressure from the US and Europe.

So we have three disparate reactions to terrorism, but really only two: the Palestinian Authority incites terror attacks themselves and praises terrorists constantly in their media. When forced to make a statement, their condemnations ring hollow.

Deep down, they are happy.

There is another group that is important to track as well: the Western apologists for Palestinian "rights." They pretend to be against terror but they always end up justifying it. Their reactions are very similar to the Palestinian Authority. During the height of the second intifada, the Western champions of the Palestinian cause did everything they could to come up with reasons why terrorism against Jews was justified. And you can see them, today, in the pages of Mondoweiss and Electronic Intifada and even UN Special Rapporteur reports.

Notably, the attendees at the Negev Summit from Egypt, the UAE, Morocco and Bahrain condemned the attack.

The Arab world has been divided. We can see these divisions in how they react to the idea of Jews having their own state. And the divisions are mirrored in the Western world - with some people who claim to want peace being the ones who justify terror.

The common denominator is old fashioned antisemitism. That is what drives both the the Western haters of Israel and apologists for terror and the Arab rejectionist front - who generally are also pro-Iran and pro-Russia.

It is a different world now, and the divisions between good and evil, moral and immoral, philosemitic and antisemitic are lined up with the divisions between those who oppose terror without any caveats and those who justify it.

(full article online)

( Nazis have been feeling very free to show their learned hatred of Jews. Thank you president T )


Nazi Armband-Wearing Woman Accosts Elderly Jewish Man in California​

According to Orange County Sheriff’s Department spokesperson Jaimee Blashaw, the woman made antisemitic comments and threatened an 80-year-old Jewish man who confronted her about the armband.

The Anti-Defamation League posted a photo of the woman, which it said had been provided by a citizen who wished to remain anonymous. It showed a woman wearing a black outfit, wearing a red Nazi armband prominently displaying a swastika.

Blashaw said two witnesses intervened, one of whom took the armband from the woman.

According to local media reports, a complaint was forwarded to the district attorney’s office. It recommended that the woman be charged with threatening the man and hate crimes related to her antisemitic remarks.

(full article online)

The Guardian’s new Jerusalem correspondent, Bethan McKernan, began her assignment in early December, 2021.

Here is a list of terror attacks which resulted in injury or death since that time:


Dec. 4: A 20 year old Israeli man was seriously injured after being stabbed multiple times by a Palestinian in Jerusalem.

Dec. 6th: An Israeli security guard was seriously wounded in a car-ramming attack at the Te’enim Checkpoint in the West Bank.

Dec. 16th: Palestinians ambushed a car driving near Homesh in the West Bank. Yehuda Dimentman, 25, was killed and two other Israelis wounded.

Dec. 18th: A 38-year-old Israeli was injured in a stabbing attack by a Palestinian woman near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

Dec. 21st: A 14 year old Palestinian girl stabbed an Israeli woman, 26-year-old Moriah Cohen, several times in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem.

Dec. 29th: An Israeli civilian was injured by sniper fire from terrorists in Gaza.


Jan. 11: An Israeli soldier was moderately wounded by a Palestinian car-ramming attack near the Halamish settlement

Feb. 6: A 91 year old Holocaust survivor died of wounds suffered by a Gaza rocket attack fired during last year’s war.

March 2: a 48-year-old Jewish Israeli man was moderately hurt in a stabbing attack by a Palestinian assailant in the West Bank town of Hizme.

March 3: A Jewish Israeli man in his 40s was moderately hurt after apparently being stabbed in Hizme

March 6: two policemen were wounded in a stabbing attack by a Palestinian assailant nearby in Jerusalem’s Old City

March 7: Two police officers were moderately hurt in a Palestinian stabbing attack in Jerusalem’s Old City

March 19: an Israeli man was stabbed by and lightly hurt by a Palestinian man when he was out jogging on Jerusalem’s Hebron Road.

March 20:, Two Israeli police officers were hurt in a Palestinian stabbing attack in East Jerusalem’s Ras al-Amud neighborhood,

March 22: Four Israeli civilians were killed and two others wounded in a ramming and stabbing attack in Beersheba by an Arab Israeli.

(*These are merely the attacks which resulted in an injury or fatality. From December through February, Israel’s Security Agency has documentedhundreds of ‘unsuccessful’ attacks in Judea and Samaria.)

In all of McKernan’s reports since early December, the only time she even mentioned any of these attacks was in a Dec. 19th article about Israeli settler violence. The two sentences were buried in the 13th paragraph of the 1545 word article:

The Palestinians can also turn to violence. Earlier this week, gunmen ambushed a car with Israeli license plates as it left Homesh in the northern West Bank, killing a 25-year-old and wounding two others.
So, since Dec. 1st, 2021, the Guardian’s Jerusalem correspondent has devoted 34 words, in total, to the issue of Palestinian terror over the course of 15 terror events. Further, though, in previous years, the Guardian would sometimes publish wire service reports (from AP, AFP or Reuters) on Palestinian terror attacks if their Jerusalem correspondent wasn’t available at the time, no such wire service reports on the terror incidents listed above were published.

As we observed in a post in December, we’ve written about McKernan for years prior to her Guardian appointment – when she was the Middle East correspondent for the Independent, and we documented her egregious pro-Palestinian bias. The recent failure of McKernan and her editors to report on Palestinian terrorism – and the impact such racist-inspired violence has on Israeli-Palestinian relations – is another reflection of the Guardian’s institutional hostility to Israel and (at best) indifference to antisemitism.

Knell does not adequately clarify that the “Palestinians in Israeli jails” are convicted terrorists and that “those killed by Israeli forces” were carrying out terror attacks at the time. Her failure – once again – to adequately clarify those crucial points compromises the ability of readers and listeners to understand why “Israel argues that these encourage terrorism”.

Neither does she explain that the US Congress acts in accordance with the Taylor Force Act, as explained in an article at the Jerusalem Post late last year:

“In the US, the Taylor Force Act (TFA) raised the stakes, conditioning the vast majority of US aid to the PA on abolishing the PA’s terror reward payments. Following the US, the Netherlands and Australia cut off all funding to the PA. In parallel, the Israeli parliament passed legislation deducting the amount the PA paid to terrorists from the taxes Israel collects and gives to the PA.

As a result of TFA, the PA has lost over $600 million of potential aid from the US alone. Information recently provided to PMW by the Finance Ministry shows that the implementation of the Israeli law has so far cost the Palestinians over 1.4 billion shekels.”

The “problems” behind the Palestinian Authority’s self-inflicted financial crisis (which the BBC has been reporting badly for years) are hence in no small part rooted in the fact that it prioritises financial rewards for terrorismand encourages incitement to hate and glorification of terror. As explained in the same Jerusalem Post article:

“Now imagine if the PA would stop incentivizing terror by rewarding terrorists: the PA and the Palestinian economy would enjoy a four-fold windfall. First, the PA would save the estimated 700 million to a billion shekels it pays annually to terrorists and their families. Next, the US, the Netherlands, Australia and others who cut funding would be able to renew their aid to the PA, bringing in hundreds of millions of additional dollars. Israel could stop implementing its law, thereby inflating the PA coffers by another 600 million shekels annually. Finally, if the PA also stopped promoting terror, in the absence of constant violence, investment activity in the PA could potentially boom.”

However, not for the first time, rather than challenging the Palestinian Authority officials who are responsible for those harmful policies, Yolande Knell once again preferred to focus audience attentions on some of their effects: the plight of helpless patients and hospital staff.

(full article online )

However, before the community could do anything about it, the Egyptian Antiquities Authority entered the cemetery and - without any supervision from any Jewish authorities, and apparently without even trying to use modern preservation methods - grabbed the huge collection of documents, stuffing them into bags for 48 hours, and took them away.

It is theorized that the Egyptian government was worried that the documents would be smuggled to Israel so they decided to grab them all now, against the wished of the remaining Jews in Cairo, whose relatives might be mentioned in the collection.

It is unknown how old the genizah is. No one had had the chance to study it yet. The Bassatine cemetery is the second oldest Jewish cemetery in the world, built in the ninth century. The burial plot for the genizah belonged to the Moussiri family, who immigrated to Egypt from Italy in the 18th century.

Ahmed Gendy, an Egyptian professor of Jewish and Zionist Studies who has studied the famous medieval Cairo genizah confirms that the Egyptian Antiquities Authority has been negligent on how they handled that priceless collection. When he would request an item from the genizah to study, he said that they would bring them to him in cloth bags, where insects and humidity could damage them.

Nevertheless, he supports the antisemitic actions of the authority by invoking his own antisemitism:
What the members of the Egyptian Antiquities Authority did by transferring the contents of the discovered Genizah is right, from the reality of the first experience that witnessed the theft or sale of the contents of the ancient Genizah.

What the Jewish community did most likely was done in coordination with the Israeli authorities, in order to internationalize the issue, so that the international community and its institutions would pressure Egypt to implement what the members of the community want in Egypt, on the basis that what was discovered may be linked to Jewish families, and that they do not belong to the Egyptian government. But the fact that members of this sect live in Egypt, and hold Egyptian citizenship, makes the issue of their resorting to the American embassy in order to pressure Egypt on this issue reprehensible, and confirms what we mentioned earlier in another place about the Jews of their constant feeling of isolation and lack of belonging to the countries in which they live.

The community saw that the Egyptian authorities were stealing their property from their own cemetery and ignoring their protests, so they appealed to the Americans who were also working on fixing up the cemetery. This "expert" who understands how little the Egyptian Antiquities Authority cares about the preservation of priceless Jewish items says that this is proof of how Jews in Egypt aren't really patriotic Egyptians.

As far as whether Israel has the right to these documents: The Egyptian Jewish community in Egypt is reportedly down to only 3 members, while there are over 50,000 Egyptian Jews in Israel. Tens of thousands of Egyptian Jews in Israel should have a large say on their own relatives' possessions, especially when the Egyptian authorities' interest in those items is more to keep them away from Jews than to benefit from them. As with priceless Jewish objects from Iraq and Yemen, it is disingenuous to say that the antisemites who drove out the ancient Jewish communities out of their countries should have the rights to the possessions of those very people they expelled.

(full article online)

Yet there are undeniable cases of antisemitism out there which get little or no attention. Not hints of antisemitism, not events that can be interpreted as antisemitic by some definition. I'm talking about the real deal, no two ways about it.

Which brings us to this article in Jordan's Addustour (Constitution) newspaper by Dr. Mohamed Khairy Labada, a medical doctor and writer from Amman.

He writes:
This golden rule described by Goebbels, the well-known advocate of Nazism, I doubt that anyone in this world - except that Satan - has applied it to the fullest extent, and exploited it to the end like the Zionist movement.

Lie as much you like, for there is only a limited number of people who know the truth to oppose you, for if some of them raised their voices, the torrential propaganda torrent would cover them up.

Palestine, and with it the Arab East, and the destinies of its people, is not the victim of a single myth, but rather a victim of a complex series of legends...

It was launched, then repeated, then established facts, and we are hard at work trying to find the way to know its dimensions, and they did not all come together, because they were local myths, for each stage of the Zionist crusade had its appropriate slogans, and its programmed lie. Six million Jews in gas furnaces, and such as that the Jews are a poor and peaceful people that the Arabs want to slaughter, and that the Jews are the only oppressed people in human history, and they are a people and loved ones that have existed for three thousand years until today, and they are God’s chosen people and the people of geniuses, and that Palestine is the promised land, and it is God Jehovah who promised them, and they are also the first owners of Palestine. The repetition of these legends, slogans, and absolute sayings, inserted between facts and axioms, are heard even among some Arabs...The status quo, power, time, and circumstances are new facts that, in turn, put forward other new myths, such as the myth of security that justified the sequential seizure of land and expansion in connected episodes, after which security always remains threatened without end, and there is no security for others. And the legend of the strong army; had it not been for the humiliating umbilical cord that links it to the American arsenal, it would never have been, and “Israel” would not exist!!

A man who literally cannot tell the difference between truth and lies is accusing Israel of the same. Projection is rarely this obvious.

And as is invariably the case, there is no pushback from the larger Arab world against this bigotry. Antisemitism is mainstream in the entire nation of Jordan but no one wants to talk about it as they accuse their political opposites of not being sufficiently outraged at a hint of antisemitism that is only visible to those with special glasses.

(full article online)


The survey found a high correspondence between those who have the most anti-Zionist views and those who have the most classical antisemitic views:

Twenty one percent of New Zealanders held two or more classical antisemitic views (out of eight questions), and 25% held two or more Zionophobic views (out of seven). This survey found there is a relationship between those holding Zionophobic views and those who hold classical antisemitic views. It shows the more extreme anti-Israel sentiment someone has, the more classical antisemitic tropes they will believe in, and vice versa. For example, there is only a 25% chance that someone who holds four classical antisemitic views will hold no anti-Israel antisemitic views, and only a 29% chance that someone who holds four anti-Israel antisemitic views will hold no classical antisemitic views. This is consistent with a United Kingdom study which also showed a clear empirical link between the two forms of antisemitism.
I had seen the high level results of the UK survey but hadn't seen that analysis of the link between classic antisemitic attitudes and anti-Israel attitudes.

The nexus where classic antisemitism and anti-Zionism meet is perhaps in the questions comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. In the New Zealand survey, 12% agreed that "Israeli government policies are similar to those of the Nazi regime," in the latest UK survey, 24% agreed that “Israel treats the Palestinians like the Nazis treated the Jews” - which is down from the 31% who agreed in 2019!

One other question asked in New Zealand but not asked in the UK is also another indication of where left-wing antisemitism mirrors classic antisemitism: 14% agreed that "Jews have White privilege."

(full article online )

Losing two teaching positions didn't deter Salaita from continuing his demonization of the Jewish state, backing the antisemitic Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and supporting known terrorists.
In 2018, he alleged that pro-Palestinian speech is being censored and went on an antisemitic tantrum on Twitter:

Salaita also outrageously compared himself to convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh who was involved in a terror bombing that resulted in the death of two young Jewish students. Fanning over the cold-blooded murderer, Salaita claimed that like Odeh, he's being prosecuted and tweeted a photo of himself with Odeh stating "I was lucky enough to meet a true hero tonight..."

Despite Salaita's track record of making harmful, dangerous, and antisemitic statements, earlier this week Virginia Tech Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) invited him to take part in its Research Symposium and Exposition. Calls from students, faculty, and advocacy groups to rescind the invitation didn't suffice. The university provided Salaita a stage to spew his hatred and allegedly paid him a $12,000 speaking fee while refusing to issue a public statement about the highly disputed incident.

This is not the first time that the student senate has acted against the interest of pro-Israel and Jewish students. Last Semester they passed a BDS measure creating a hostile climate on our campus, especially for Jewish graduate students.

College administrations have a great responsibility to ensure the safety of all their students. Universities must stop green-lighting and bank-rolling antisemitic speakers whose sole purpose is to demonize the Jewish people.

(full article online)

In a gesture of startling hypocrisy, If Americans Knew, Sabeel, Arab Resource Organizing Center, Jewish Voice for Peace, American Muslims for Palestine, CAIR, Al Awda and others ignored their own established policies against "normalization" and hosted a member of Israel's government.

Oh, but he wasn't a Jew. That matters, apparently. These extremists hosted Sami Abu Shehadeh, a member of Israel's Knesset member of the representing the Arab nationalist party, Balad. If you ever had a doubt that BDS and the movement to isolate Israel economically, politically and socially was directed solely toward Jews, now you have evidence.

The very presence of of Sami Abu Shehadeh within the Israeli government negates the claims of these groups that assert that Israel is an "apartheid" state.

Incidentally, although Jewish Voice for Peace has, on paper at least, denounced white supremacist Alison Weir, they had no trouble promoting and co-sponsoring this event with her and her group "If Americans Knew". So much for that "formal policy".

Arabs make up nearly 20% of Israel’s population. They have full citizenship, including the right to vote, and have a major presence in the fields of medicine, academia and in government. Whatever these groups original intention was in sponsoring Sami Abu Shejadeh, it was lost in translation. The event only served to shine a spotlight on the hypocrisy and the falacies of their own movement.

(full article online)

Elected NUS president in 2008, Streeting said that since becoming the Ilford North MP he had tried not to provide a running commentary on the student body because “it is for each generation of leaders to set their priorities.”

But he continued: “I just don’t feel I can stay silent when you have got such obvious problems.”

And in a direct message to the current NUS leadership he said: “It should never be for the Union of Jewish Students to fight antisemitism alone.

“I would appeal to student unions who ultimately call the shots in the NUS, whether in policy terms, or the people they elect to lead the organisation.

“Student unions need to really get a grip on this and take NUS back.”

Asked how much of what has happened to the NUS in relation to Jewish students was a legacy of the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, which oversaw the closure of moderate organisations such as Labour Students, Streeting said: “I think Corbynism has left a long legacy including poisoning the well of the student movement.

“It really breaks my heart that an organisation that has throughout its history played a leading role in the fight against antisemitism has fallen so spectacularly short.

(full article online)

In an email sent to CAMERA, seen by the JC, the BBC acknowledged previous instances of the mistake in its Arabic-language output, promising it had corrected them and taken “internal action with the journalist who edited the piece”. The corporation also claimed to have reminded “all staff” about its impartiality guidelines.

CAMERA has since identified continued, repeated occurrences of the same mistake. In many cases the BBC’s articles correctly refer to other countries using their capital cities, while referring to Israel as “Tel Aviv”, suggesting a blind spot when it comes to the Jewish state.

Critics say in doing so the BBC is breaking its commitment to adhere to its own impartiality guidelines by making an alleged “politicised error.”

The BBC incorrectly used Tel Aviv to refer to Israel in a wide variety of news stories, including reports on Gulf-Israel relations, Israeli plans to allocate billions of dollars to improving conditions for Arabs in the country, Israeli supplying water to Jordan, Israeli relations with Bahrain and Israel’s investigation into the Lag Ba’Omer stampede in Meron.

In January, the BBC published a report mentioning dealings between Morocco and Israel, referencing “relations between Rabat and Tel Aviv”. In an article last month about diplomatic relations between Turkey and Israel, the BBC referred to Israel’s government as Tel Aviv five times, including a reference to “a Turkish desire to send messages to Tel Aviv”.

A separate report the same month described Turkish actions towards Israel and Egypt, correctly referring to the Egyptian government as Cairo but once again using Tel Aviv to describe Israel’s.

(full article online)

The McGill Daily, an independent student newspaper, recently covered a public demonstration on campus against the university’s criticism of the SSMU’s recent resolution, but rather than straightforward coverage of the dispute between the university and the student union, author Saylor Catlin simply repeated the talking points of anti-Israel student groups on campus.

Despite its frequent use in anti-Israel messaging, the allegation repeated uncritically in Catlin’s March 28 article that Israel practices “settler-colonial apartheid” is absurdly false. Israel is the national homeland for the Jewish People, who have continued to live there for three thousand years, against all odds. Not only is Israel definitively not a settler colonial state, it embodies the exact opposite: the hope of a small and marginalized people, long colonized by larger powers, taking back their ancestral homeland and reviving their ancient language.

“At the rally, calls for ‘Free, free, Palestine!,’ ‘No peace on stolen land,’ and ‘the students, united, will never be divided’ bounced off the exterior walls of the James Administration Building, echoing through campus,” Catlin wrote. “Attendees waved Palestinian flags, while one individual mounted the scaffolding in front of the building’s entrance to lead the crowd in chants. Multiple speakers delivered speeches to the crowd, celebrating the passing of the Palestine Solidarity Policy, shaming the university, and encouraging SSMU to stand its ground.”

(full article online)


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