Stop Antisemitism

Does the soccer player know your using him to spit on Jews and show your level of Jew hatred?

I hope he sues.
I think it has something to do with the duality of man.....Some of us have the ability to joke about what we find repugnant....Especially when the subject has been beaten to death.....Lighten the fuck up. ;)
Thank you for owning up to being a Jew hater.

I am as light as a feather. :)
When Ms Epstein was asked by our host whether she was surprised that polling by Campaign Against Antisemitism showed that a shocking 46% of British Jews said that they do not display visible signs of their Judaism due to antisemitism, she replied that she was not.

“Antisemitism is the oldest hatred documented in terms of people’s disregard, hatred, dislike for cultures that they feel are alien to them,” Ms Epstein said. “I completely understand why in certain circumstances, loathe as we are to admit it considering our history, that people would want to not display their Jewish credentials.”

Ms Epstein went on to reveal that the issue of Jewish visibility was a personal one to her after her son was nearly attacked.

“One of my kids was rounded upon by three Arab-speaking men when he was travelling recently in Europe. They were staying in the same place…the night before they had seen him and he wasn’t wearing his kippah and they were perfectly friendly. And the next day, when they saw him and he was, they rounded upon him,” Ms Epstein said.

She added: “Fortunately, the German police were very good and they have since been arrested.”

Ms Epstein stated that the incident was an example of what happens “when you display your Judaism in certain situations,” adding: “There are lots of people who are amenable and reasonable but equally, it’s an age-old hatred and we still haven’t found out why they don’t like us.”

Throughout the interview, Ms Epstein touched upon a wide variety of topics, including her Jewish Ukrainian heritage, how her last name can sometimes conjure unwanted connotations, and what it means to be a Jewish mother.

(full article online)

Two teenagers have been found guilty of carrying out a hate crime against a rabbi and sentenced in Bonita Springs, Florida.

Seventeen-year-old Tucker Bachman and fourteen-year-old Case Leckbee have been found guilty of criminal mischief when they defaced Rabbi Mendy Greenberg’s home, spray-painting the word “Jew’s” on his driveway, destroying his mailbox, and smashing his car window.

Mr Bachman and Mr Leckbee were reportedly sentenced to community service and a curfew. They also have to attend a Neighbourhood Accountability Board with their parents or guardian, at which Rabbi Greenberg will be present.

State Attorney Amira Fox said: “These juveniles will face their consequences immediately from the community they injured. They will learn of the impact of their senseless behaviour by meeting with leaders of the Jewish community and, together, the community will determine how best to repair the harm.”

(full article online)

(Progress )

For the first time since the signing of the Abraham Accords, an Israeli research book has been published in Abu Dhabi. The UAE's largest public research institute, the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, has published Zionism in Arab Discourse by Prof. Uriya Shavit, Head of the Religious Studies Program and the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, both at the Entin Faculty of Humanities at Tel Aviv University, and Dr. Ofir Winter, a researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies. Translated into Arabic at the initiative of Egyptian Rami Abd el-Hai Kabil, this is the first Hebrew research book ever published in the UAE.

Initially published in Hebrew in 2013 by HaKibbutz HaMeuchad Publishing House and in English in 2016 by the Manchester University Press, the book has aroused considerable interest. Its main thesis is that, alongside animosity towards Zionism and Israel, quite a number of Arab thinkers since the end of the 19th century, including members of the Muslim Brothers, have regarded various aspects of the Zionist enterprise as models which the Arab world should also adopt. Arab texts noted by the book glorify a range of Zionist qualities, such as Israeli democracy, the figures of Herzl and Ben Gurion, the status of women in Israeli society, the revival of the Hebrew language, relations between Israel and the Jewish diaspora, and the achievements of Israeli science and academia.

(full article online)

The new report said that NRM aims to stage a revolution to replace democratic governments with a Nazi dictatorship encompassing Scandinavia and the Nordic region. The ADL noted that the group, which vandalized a Swedish synagogue with bloody baby dolls during Passover in 2021, has expanded internationally, including in Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. It also has ties with American white supremacist organizations.

“What is so alarming about the Nordic Resistance Movement is its obsession with violence and its antisemitic core beliefs,” said Sharon Nazarian, ADL senior vice president of international affairs. “Their name refers to its belief that it is fighting a war of resistance against Jews and they have held hundreds of combat training sessions in preparation for what they claim will be the overthrow of European democracies.”

“The NRM distinguishes itself from other Swedish right-wing extremists,” said Daniel Poohl, CEO of the Expo Foundation, the co-author of the report. “They are more violent, more ambitious and more well-organized than any other group. They actively work to disrupt democracy at the local level by intimidating and attacking anyone they deem a target – Jews and other minorities as well as activists, local politicians and journalists. For a quarter of a century, they have successfully sought to expand their reach beyond Sweden’s borders, establishing branches in neighboring countries and forging alliances with extremists across the world.”

(full article online)

Appearing on a QAnon-aligned podcast on Monday, Fox Nation presenter Lara Logan claimed that Jews paid Charles Darwin to invent the theory of evolution.

Logan hosts Fox Nation’s “Lara Logan Has No Agenda.”

Logan, a former investigative journalist, told the podcast, “And We Know,” that the Rothschild family paid to Darwin to manufacture his theory of evolution.
The article Logan shared also included an infographic claiming that “Zionists” are behind communism, radical feminism, multi-culturalism, the slave trade and a host of other evils.

antisemitic conspiracy theories

An antisemitic infographic appearing in an article shared by journalist Lara Logan. (Screenshot)
In December, Logan angered American Jews by comparing Dr. Anthony Fauci to Dr. Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor who performed experiments on Jews in Auschwitz on Fox News.

“What you see on Dr. Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn’t represent science to them. He represents Josef Mengele — Dr. Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps,” she said.

Organizations such as Yad Vashem, the Auschwitz Memorial Museum and the ADL condemned Logan’s comparisons as outlandish, offensive and accused her of exploiting the Holocaust.

As a result of those remarks, the United Talent Agency, which represents entertainers, athletes, journalists and other professionals severed its ties with Logan over her Mengele comments.

Jews on Twitter denounced Logan.

“Fox has a problem. A vanishingly thin line separates the world of conspiracy theories with antisemitism. So you have Tucker Carlson talking about “the great replacement” – a classic White Supremacist antisemitic trope – and now this,” tweeted Paul Gross, a senior fellow at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center.

(full article)

Put aside the fact that Gregson is pushing Arthur Koestler’s Khazar myth – which denies Jews their history. I also do not want to focus on the ahistorical Bundist rewrite, which misunderstands Bundism entirely. Nor will I expand here on the lie that only after the Holocaust did the Jews make demands for a state. These are all points I can make another day.

I want to deal only with the Holocaust denial. In this email Gregson states that Hitler only killed Bundists. He goes on to say that the Bundists died and the Zionists lived. Which means – obscenely, in Gregson’s eyes a bad Jew is one who survived Hitler’s slaughter. The good Jews all died. Gregson is taking ownership of the Holocaust – and he – and the Palestinians become its living victims. I, as a Zionist am disconnected from the Holocaust – and become a ‘demon’ who profits from the suffering of others.

Ahistorical, abusive garbage, Holocaust denial and blatant antisemitism.

Gregson – ‘I looked up Judaism’​

Finally, there is the part of the email, where Peter Gregson tries to tell me, a Jew, what ‘Judaism’ is about. It is not just that Gregson fails to understand that ‘Jewish’ is not the same as ‘Judaism’, falling into the classic trap that many people who can only understand religion through Christian eyes fall into.

It is more about the racist arrogance that sits behind the comment. Peter Gregson’s mind is full of misconceptions and false history. He has so wrapped himself up in this hatred, that he actually believes in what he promotes. And he is so sure about his position, that he is confident enough to racially abuse Jewish people who support Zionism. This is what antisemitic anti-Zionism turns these people into – racist abusers.

Lie after lie​

The entire petition process has been built with antisemitic lies and was put together by a Jew hating racist. In the email Gregson claims that Israel ‘carpet bombs Gaza’ which is nonsensical garbage. He also claims that Hamas have only murdered 44 Israelis in more than 20 years, which is absurd. On Gregson’s website, which is the biggest load of ahistorical garbage you will likely ever see, he even tries to pass some Holocaust images off as being from the 1948 civil conflict. Lie after vicious lie.

Instead of rejecting the petition outright – as they should have done – this is what the councillors in Edinburgh intended to give a platform to – until they were scared away by potential legal implications.

Two final notes.

I received two responses from Councillors to my forwarded email. They were strange to say the least. As the vote did not take place, it is difficult to decipher what the Councillors had intended to do – and for this reason, I am currently not publishing the emails I received.

It is also interesting that Gregson lists the Palestinian activist Issa Amro as a Patron of his antisemitic gang. I asked Amro directly if this were true and his response was not clear, so I have since forwarded him Gregson’s email as he requested – and await his response.

I will keep you posted.

(full article online)

“As we know, viruses mutate,” he says. When we look at antisemitism, what often is called the world’s oldest hatred, we’re looking at something that is not clearly defined. Antisemitism is not A, B and C. Antisemitism is used in every generation as a form of Jew-hatred in whatever way we need to apply it.”

In Cobb recently, antisemitism has been applied via social media. At Pope and Lassiter high schools, students posted pictures of swastikas and the words ‘Heil Hitler’ drawn on bathroom walls. The students who did it said it was part of a social media challenge. Lily says the pictures spread quickly.

“When I first saw the Snapchat stories, I was definitely a little thrown back,” she says. “I was like, ‘What do you mean? Like, is this real?’ It took a moment to realize that it actually had happened because I was sitting in my sixth-period class and it was down the hall from me.”

A few students were involved in the antisemitic posts. One of them, who we’re referring to as John, has been working with Temple Kol Emeth, where Lily, Hannah and Evan belong. John has participated in service projects and came before the congregation to answer questions one night, including: why?

“I don’t really have a valid reason for that,” John says.

John says he and a friend were drawing vulgar words on the wall as part of the social media challenge. The more provocative posts are the most popular ones. Things escalated, John says and soon he and his friend were drawing swastikas and the words, ‘Heil Hitler.’

“We just assumed that we could just keep doing it without like getting caught since we had already drawn like a bunch of stuff and didn’t get caught,” John says. “We didn’t realize how bad the things we were drawing were and like the impacts those things like have on some people.”

(full article online)

The report clearly shows a growing antisemitism problem in the German capital. In 2021, Berlin authorities dealt with up to 661 cases motivated by antisemitism, including “antisemitic animosities, insults, threats and physical attacks.” This marks an increase from 417 such incidents in 2020 and 386 in 2019. This follows a similar report put out by the Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Antisemitism (RIAS), a Berlin-based agency that reports and documents antisemitic incidents throughout Germany. The RIAS study revealed that there had been 522 antisemitic incidents registered in Berlin between January and June 2021 – a period that includes the elevated tensions between Israel and Hamas – marking a seventeen percent year-on-year increase, and the highest number of such incidents since 2018.

Chief Prosecutor Claudia Vanoni said of the most recent report that “In 2021, the year of the 1700th anniversary of Jewish life in Germany, antisemitism was omnipresent as well.”

(full article online)

Since the beginning of March, there have been at least 18 reported bomb threats directed at Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) and synagogues in nine states, according to a report by the Secure Community Network (SCN). In a press release by the Jewish Security organization in the US, it said that it “is actively working with community leaders and law enforcement agencies to address a recent wave of bomb threats against Jewish facilities nationwide.” According to SCN, “this alarming number serves as a reminder that the Jewish community remains a top target for hate crimes in the United States and must continue to foster preparedness and resiliency.”

(full article online)

Anti-Zionism was already a noxious theme spreading through University of Connecticut’s social media circuit, Shclover told The Algemeiner on Wednesday. Days earlier, when President Maric announced that she, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, and other local officials would visit Israel in support of the state’s partnerships with Israeli higher education, an Instagram post about the trip was swamped with comments describing Israelis as “greedy” and demanding “another intifada.”

The flyers that met Shclover at the UConn Library continued the social media criticisms of Maric, prompting her to call student services and ask whether they were posted in violation of university rules. After learning that they were and that any left on the ground are considered “public property,” she and her boyfriend, Zacharia El-Tayyeb, who is Muslim and of Jordanian descent, returned to the library later that day to remove “or even discard them.” But when El-Tayyeb proceeded to remove them, an argument with four other students ensued.

Shclover also urged University of Connecticut to encourage tolerance of Jews who support Israel.

“I know that this is a greater issue, one that the Jews and Zionist on this campus are afraid to talk about because they fear what happened to me might happen to them, and I don’t blame them,” Shclover continued. “UConn is not going to thrive if every Jewish student on this campus feels the way they do now, which is unsafe, unprotected, and unheard. UConn will not thrive as a space that is inclusive for everyone but the Jews.”

On Friday, UConn Hillel condemned the “antisemitic harassment” of Shclover, defending her removal of the flyers as “upholding UConn’s free speech policy.” The Anti-Defamation League has also commented on how Shclover was treated, saying it is “deeply disturbed by what [she] had had to endure after rightfully & respectfully taking a stand for what she believes in.”

Last Wednesday, a petition urging the university to reinstate Shclover in The Chordials was posted on “U Conn cannot be the kind of school where this [kind] of racist and bigoted persecution can be allowed to stand,” it said.

Shclover, just weeks away from graduation, told The Algemeiner that since the incident, “nothing has really been the same.”

“[The Chordials] didn’t even speak to me. I had no communication at all from the moment that video was posted to the moment I was dismissed from the group,” she continued. “These were my best friends. When I joined The Chordials, it kept me at UConn. I really was having a hard time my freshman year. I joined an a cappella group and just felt like I found my family.”

(full article online)


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