Stop Antisemitism

A new audit by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation revealed an increase of 450 percent in reported antisemitic incidents in Wisconsin since 2015.

While the annual audit released last week also showed that the overall number of incidents went down 4 percent from 2020, in the last year there has been an 80 percent increase in antisemitic incidents in middle and high schools, “many of them ranging around Holocaust jokes or direct harassment of Jewish students.”

Other areas that saw an uptick in 2021 were conspiracy theories tying Jews to the coronavirus pandemic (46 percent increase); antisemitic social media activity (30 percent increase); and Holocaust minimization and comparisons (30 percent increase). There were also small increases in antisemitic references to Israel and Zionism, as well as in harassment, threats and assaults.

(full article online)

The new president of the National Union of Students has come under fire for having a slogan used by Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in her Twitter bio.

Shaima Dallali had 'death for the sake of Allah is our most exalted wish' promoted at the top of her page.

The City University activist had the sentence - which experts said is not in the Quran and is associated with the two groups - written in Arabic next to #Tunisia.

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The Jewish teens were given a “final warning” for not complying with COVID-19 protocols regarding their masks and were threatened with arrest, said the complaint. They believe KLM staff targeted them with warnings “solely for the purpose of unlawfully harassing plaintiffs because of their Jewish race, ethnicity and/or religion.”

KLM apparently then didn’t allow the girls to board their next flight from Amsterdam to New York, according to the complaint cited by Insider. The banned passengers included two tour group members who had not traveled with the girls on their trip from Kyiv to Amsterdam. The group spent the night sleeping at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport.

“By barring plaintiffs from traveling without any regard to their individual conduct, defendants sought to target and penalize the group of Jewish passengers as a whole by barring 19 of its members from traveling,” said the complaint.

The following morning, the plaintiffs boarded a Delta flight to New York but were ordered off the plane for “misbehaving” after one girl switched seats with a woman who asked the teenager to do so.

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Authorities in Columbus, Ohio, have charged a man who threatened to commit a mass shooting at a Jewish day school with making terroristic threats, according to local reports.

On Friday, a CBS affiliate reported that Thomas Develin photographed himself holding a semi-automatic handgun, and posted the image on social media with the caption, “I’m at a Jewish school and about to make it everyone’s problem … This playground is about to turn into a self-defense situation.”

Develin, who said in a second post that he “wanted to shoot parents coming to pick up their children,” made the posts while working security at Columbus Torah Academy.

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The motion was proposed by the left-leaning Renew Europe Party and supported by the centrist European People's Party. It demands that the Palestinian Authority be “closely scrutinized” and that the curriculum be modified “expeditiously.”

The EU “deplores that problematic and hateful material in Palestinian school textbooks has still not been removed and is concerned about the continued failure to act effectively against hate speech and violence in school textbooks and especially in the newly created study cards,” the motion reads.

The EU "requests, therefore, the Commission to closely scrutinize that the Palestinian Authority and relevant experts modify the curriculum expeditiously,” it says.

“This new resolution received bipartisan support: left-leaning parliament members are as concerned about the Palestinian Authority teaching hate as their right-leaning colleagues," IMPACT-se CEO Marcus Sheff said. "Meanwhile, a funding freeze worth hundreds of millions of euros is in place because of the textbooks.

“The issue is being discussed by EU member state ministers and the EU Commission president," he said. "But the Palestinian Authority leadership remains unshakable in its belief that teaching to follow in the footsteps of a terrorist like Dalal al-Mughrabi is worth the pain. That’s a terrible decision.”

Deliberations on continued funding suspension and conditionality of EU funding to the PA have now reached EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and its College of Commissioners.

(full article online)

The book of Leviticus as well as other parts of the Torah make it clear: Jews are strictly forbidden from eating the blood of animals.

Therefore, it is peculiar that out of all the European-originated anti-Jewish fables, the one that stuck and became the icon of Middle Age opposition to Judaism was the accusation that Jews consume blood – but not the blood of animals, but that of children.

The “fact” that Jews prepare Passover matzos using the blood of Christian children became common knowledge in many European mainstream communities throughout the middle-ages and into the modern era. It was later exported by Europeans to the world, such as in the 1840 French-orchestrated Damascus blood libels.

This is not just coming from a few “rotten apples.” It is coming from mainstream media outlets and credible organizations, such as the United Nations and Amnesty International.

As the organizing principle of the Jewish nation-religion has shifted from its religious aspect (Rabbinic Judaism – Judaism 2.0) to its national aspect (Zionism – Judaism 3.0), so has the currency of age-old opposition to Judaism.


Unlike in the past, there is an invaluable asset available today to the Jews and their friends (and there are a lot of them around the world: Arabs, Americans, Africans, Asians and even righteous Europeans).

The bashers of the 21st century do not want to be perceived as Jew-haters. For the first time, hating Jews is no longer fashionable. Hence, by artificially separating Judaism from Zionism, the haters can achieve both of their objectives: Pursue with vigor their age-old opposition to Judaism (through Zionism), and maintain their modern-day claim that they love the Jews.

Israel-bashers must stay in Judaism 2.0. As long as Judaism’s organizing principle is perceived to be its religious aspect and not its national aspect, they can claim that they are pro-Jewish and anti-Zionist. Once it is broadly recognized that Judaism has transformed and that its national aspect, Zionism, is now its organizing principle, one can only be an Israel-basher if he is okay with being a Jew-basher. Are Jews committing crimes against humanity (“again”)? Is Judaism an apartheid concept? (After all, non-Jews do not have the same status in Jewish houses of worship as Jews do.)

Recognizing that we are in Judaism 3.0 would address existential threats to Judaism, but it would also provide Jewish clarity that would advance humanity, just as Herzl envisioned. The Israel-bashers would then have a choice: Come out and proclaim your opposition to Judaism openly, or abandon your ways and join those in the Middle East and around the world who are benefiting from Zionism and praying for the success of the Jewish state.

(full article online)

On March 16th, the College Dean’s Office at American University (AU) announced that the university would drop its co-sponsorship of a March 17th event featuring virulent antisemite Mohammed El-Kurd.

AU’s rescission of sponsorship came after more than 30 concerned students brought a series of libelous and inflammatory comments made by El-Kurd to the administration’s attention. The letter requested that AU drop its co-sponsorship of the event.

On the evening of March 17th, El-Kurd recited 35 minutes of poetry from the pulpit, including a poem featuring an antisemitic blood libel. After El-Kurd completed his segment, Hagler spoke enthusiastically about hosting El-Kurd, and stressed his commitment to the anti-Zionist cause.

Hagler argued that “white supremacy must be defeated; that’s what we have to deal with, from South Africa to Palestine to Washington D.C.”

Hagler’s words are just a thinly-veiled contemporization of classic antisemitism: vilify Jews and the world’s only Jewish state — one of the most historically persecuted minorities — by conflating them with contemporary evil.

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According to earlier reports by the same website, the suspect, 49, shouted antisemitic obscenities at Perelman on the street as he and other members of the local Jewish community delivered food and aid to needy residents.

The suspect, who was not named in Ukrainian media, is being charged with premeditated hooliganism committed with the use of a sharp weapon, an offense carrying a prison sentence of at least three years.

(full article online)

In short, allowing Walker to have a platform allows her to spew her lies, and unless a rabbi is invited to each of her talks, any challenge to her views will be turned around with the audience not knowing whom to believe.

To think that Walker can become contrite over her views, when she has been unrepentant about them even as they have been refuted, is dizzyingly optimistic. The person who proudly says that her knowledge of the Talmud somes from watching YouTube videos of antisemites is not about to start caring about facts.

Walker is an antisemite. There is no reason to sugar-coat it or excuse it because of her writings or skin color or political views. She should be treated exactly as a unrepentant racist would be treated on a book tour - and nowadays, that means that her hosts would want to be very careful not to be associated with someone whose views are so repugnant.

If that is cancellation, so be it.

Walker has had years to revisit her views. Her slanderous, patently false poem on the Talmud remains on her website, today. Even beyond the fake Talmud quotes, her poem considers all Jews the enemies of "us":

Are Goyim (us) meant to be slaves of Jews, and not only
That, but to enjoy it?
Are three year old (and a day) girls eligible for marriage and intercourse?
Are young boys fair game for rape?
Must even the best of the Goyim (us, again) be killed?
Pause a moment and think what this could mean
Or already has meant
In our own lifetime.

You may find that as the cattle
We have begun to feel we are
We have an ancient history of oppression
Of which most of us have not been even vaguely
Aware. You will find that we, Goyim, sub-humans, animals
-The Palestinians of Gaza
The most obvious representatives of us
At the present time – are a cruel example of what may be done
With impunity, and without conscience,
By a Chosen people,
To the vast majority of the people
On the planet
Who were not Chosen.

The only person she listened to was an anti-Zionist Israeli whose knowledge of the Talmud is nearly as poor as Walker's. And Walker's response was...more antisemitism.

This has nothing to do with Israel. This is a seething hatred of Jews. Perhaps it is because of Walker's hate of her first husband, who was Jewish. Who knows? It isn't important.

What is important is that this noxious, hateful person is about to be celebrated for her "journals." Her publisher will call her a genius who must be read. She will do the talk show circuit. And even well-meaning interviewers will not know enough to confront her intelligently without ending up legitimizing her and her hate.

The proper response to antisemitism and racism is not always so clear. Some people who spout offensive opinions can be educated. Alice Walker is not one of them.

(full article online)

How does one stop Antisemitism? Which is another word for Jew hatred .
First it was Judeophobia, and then a German Jew-hater changed the expression to Antisemitism in the 19th century. Nothing changes, It is all the same.

Many groups like to say that Jews are against Israel or against Judaism.

This one seems to be one of them. And there probably are many others, which I will post in the future.

Jew hatred may morph, but the intent is always the same.

Let us try to stop it.

You know you're posting on Stormfront Lite, right?
Shaima Dallali was confirmed as the next president of Britain’s National Union of Students in March and is already in hot water over antisemitic social media posts.

Jews denounced Dallali over another recently-surfaced tweet. In 2012, she tweeted in Arabic, “Khaybar Khaybar O Jews … Muhammad’s army will return #Gaza.”

The tweet referred to the Battle of Khayber in 628 C.E. An army of Muslims led by Mohammed overran an the Khayber oasis in the Arabian peninsula inhabited by Jews and defended by a network of forts.

Scholars suggest that the terms of surrender set a precedent in Islamic law for the status of dhimmis, or non-Muslims living under Muslim rule.

Dallali apologized for that tweet and removed it, calling it “wrong” and “unacceptable.” She said she posted it as a teenager.

Other contentious tweets cited in British media reports include:

• Labeling Jordanian-Emirati preacher Waseem Yousef a “dirty Zionist” after he criticized Hamas for firing rockets at Israeli civilians.

• Praising firebrand Islamic preacher Yusuf al-Qaradawi as a “moral compass” even though he is banned from entering the US, Britain, France and Germany for incitement.

• A prayer for the soul of Hamas commander Ahmed Jabari on the day he was killed in an IDF targeted assassination in 2012. Jabari was connected to several suicide bombings in the 90s and masterminded the 2006 kidnapping of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.

• Tweets saying former UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn should never have been suspended over antisemitism in his party.

• Tweets criticizing Britain’s Union of Jewish Students for “bullying” pro-Palestinian student leaders.


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