Stop Antisemitism

Four of the five students have said in a statement of claim filed with the court that they left the Melbourne bayside school prematurely to escape the alleged serial racist abuse and discrimination that occurred between 2013 and 2020 and the school’s repeated failure to protect them or discipline perpetrators.

Many of the allegations relate to frequent verbal abuse of the five students, often within earshot of staff, it is claimed, including taunts of “Jewboy”, “skullboy”, “Heil Hitler”, and “burn in an oven”.

Swastikas were often graffitied around the school, the boys were subjected to Nazi salutes, while one boy claims to have had Star of David symbols, a reference to the Holocaust, scrawled on the front of his schoolbook and stuck on his locker, it is alleged.

A boy who began to wear a kippah or skullcap to school claimed it was regularly torn off his head and sometimes tossed around as a Frisbee.

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Councillors in the northern Bavarian town of Bayreuth have voted to give new names to two streets once dedicated to noted antisemites.

One was named after the bishop, Hans Meiser, the first Landesbischof (Regional Bishop) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria from 1933 to 1955. Bishop Meisner, boasting a huge following among Bavarian Protestants, was said to have had Nazi ties and once wrote that there was something “corrosive, caustic, dissolving about the Jewish mind”. It has been renamed Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Straße in honour of the anti-Nazi theologian.

Hans-von-Wolzogen-Straße, named after the friend and biographer of the antisemitic composer Richard Wagner, is now to be called Friedelind-Wagner-Straße. Friedelind Wagner, the composer’s granddaughter, escaped Nazi Germany to the United States in 1941 after being implicated in anti-Nazi propaganda. Baron von Wolzogen, believed to have shared the composer’s antisemitic views, was the editor of the publication Bayreuther Blätter, which published antisemitic material, from 1878-1938.

Richard Wagner lived in Bayreuth from 1873 until his death in 1883. The Bayreuth Festspielhaus (Opera House) was constructed especially for the purpose of showing Wagner’s operas. His villa, Wahnfriend, was converted into a museum dedicated to his life and work after the Second World War.

It has been reported that a man woke up his Jewish neighbours at 4:00 by knocking on their door and yelling antisemitic abuse.

The man was said to have shouted: “I will kill you all, Hitler should come back.”

The alleged incident took place on 19th March and is understood to have occurred in the Stamford Hill area of North London on the morning of the Jewish Sabbath and lasted for approximately one hour.

It was also alleged that, yesterday, the same man told a six-year-old girl: “Get inside, I will kill you”, before threatening to burn her house down.

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A neo-Nazi activist and rapper from Austria has been handed a ten-year jail sentence by a Vienna court.

The 37-year-old artist, who recorded music under the name ‘Mr Bond’, was found guilty of glorifying Nazi ideology. This is a crime in Austria under the country’s 1947 Verbotsgesetz (Prohibition Act), which not only banned the far-right paramilitary organisations that flourished even after the defeat of the Nazi regime, but made it illegal to deny, condone or try to justify the Holocaust.

Mr Bond’s music was based on the appropriation of existing rap songs, to which he gave new lyrics with Nazi and antisemitic themes. One such song was used by the assailant of the October 2019 attack outside a synagogue in the eastern German city of Halle, in which two people died. The murderer, Stephan Balliet, filmed his crime and put it on the internet, soundtracked by Mr Bond’s song.

Mr Bond was described as “particularly dangerous” by the court. In the same trial, his brother was sentenced to four years in prison for running an antisemitic website.

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More antisemitic fliers popped up over the weekend in a Sarasota neighborhood. Sarasota police have said they are investigating the source of the hate messages.
The anti-Jewish fliers showed up on Wisteria Lane and the Arlington Park neighborhood overnight and police started getting calls about them on Saturday morning.

The fliers showed up in Ziploc bags, weighed down with rice. They read: "Every Single Aspect of the Ukraine Russia War is Jewish."

This would be the second time in a month that such hate-filled fliers have been distributed in neighborhoods. Similar fliers showed up in the Cherokee Park neighborhood in February, which referenced COVID-19 propaganda.

But neighbors and leaders in the community have responded to the hate message with their own message of unity

More than 1,000 yard signs that read "United Against Hate" have now been placed in front of several homes across Sarasota since the February incident. Community leaders have urged neighbors to use the signs to drown out the hate message popping up in their driveways.

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More antisemitic fliers popped up over the weekend in a Sarasota neighborhood. Sarasota police have said they are investigating the source of the hate messages.
The anti-Jewish fliers showed up on Wisteria Lane and the Arlington Park neighborhood overnight and police started getting calls about them on Saturday morning.

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Lithuania’s major Holocaust memorial at Ponary, where the mass murder of up to 100,000 people took place, was smeared with antisemitic graffiti on April 1 and April 3, the Simon Wiesenthal Center said on Thursday. The graffiti ostensibly expressed support for the Russian military campaign in Ukraine and is cause for grave concern, it said.

Linking the local Jewish community with the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a completely false and very dangerous accusation that can only inspire the spread of antisemitism and encourage attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions, said Dr. Efraim Zuroff, the center’s director for Eastern European affairs and a Holocaust historian.

“These incidents are reminiscent of the false accusations of Judeo-Bolshevism, which fueled the collaboration of tens of thousands of local Nazi collaborators in Eastern Europe during World War II and their active participation in the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews,” he said. “We urge the local authorities to apprehend and punish the perpetrators of these ugly incidents as quickly as possible.”

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Wikipedia describes the 1934 Constantine pogrom:

The 1934 Constantine riots was an anti-Jewish riot that erupted in the Algerian city of Constantine.
The general consensus is that the initial cause of the conflict was a confrontation between Eliahou Khalifa, a Jewish Zouave, and Muslim worshippers in a mosque next to his home. The Muslims said that Khalifa was drunk, and insulted Islam. A report by the Jewish authorities claimed he was not intoxicated, and that after getting into an argument with them, the Muslims had cursed Khalifa's faith and he cursed them and their faith back.
JTA reported on August 8, 1934:

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The notorious antisemite Alison Chabloz has been found guilty of a communications offence after action by Campaign Against Antisemitism.

The two-day trial at Westminster Magistrates’ Court concerned a video of the scene in the classic Oliver Twist film when Fagin, a fictitious Jewish criminal (a character that has come under significant criticism over the past century for its antisemitic depiction), is explaining to his newest recruit how his legion of children followers pick pockets. Ms Chabloz uploaded the video and sings an accompanying song of her own about how Jews are greedy, “grift” for “shekels” and cheat on their taxes.

The video appeared to be either a bizarre fundraising effort for her mounting legal costs due to numerous charges she has faced, including several ongoing prosecutions in which Campaign Against Antisemitism has provided evidence, or an attempt at mockery of Campaign Against Antisemitism for pursuing her in the courts.

At court, Ms Chabloz tried to suggest that the video was part of a personal quarrel and that her racism is directed not at “Jews” but at “Zionists”. She expressed scepticism about the facts of the Holocaust on the stand, and replicated a racist Quennelle gesture, which she has performed in the past. She rather insightfully observed that “antisemitism is not a crime. If it was, the prisons would be full.”

Summing up, the magistrate said that the defendant “was making up evidence” as she went along, and she did not accept Ms Chabloz’s claim that her song was about the controversial activist Tommy Robinson, describing that suggestion as “ludicrous”. Instead, the magistrate said, “I have not doubt” that the song related to Jews. She further noted that, given Ms Chabloz’s previous convictions, she “knew exactly what she was doing” and that she had a propensity to commit these types of offences.

(full article online)

Given Sarsour's record - supporting antisemite Louis Farrakhan, invoking "Jewish supremacy," saying Zionists cannot be feminists, and supporting Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh, this is an accurate representation of her views. Beyond that, she has publicly praised a misogynist and anti-gay Muslim cleric, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, as her mentor.

Sarsour is no role model for Muslims. She is filled with hate, and Geico was correct in uninviting her.

But now she is very upset, and her disingenuous argument is that Geico is effectively Islamophobic for this cancellation, placing herself as being synonymous with Islam itself. Here's most of an email she sent out to her MPower Change mailing list: (A shorter version demanding Geico apologize is here.)

I’m sending this message to you with a heavy heart, shortly after beginning my daily fast for Ramadan.
Just before Ramadan began, GEICO Insurance invited me to meet and talk with their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team. I was happy to discuss Arab-American heritage, especially during the holy month ofRamadan.
Then, yesterday, in the middle of my fast for Ramadan two things happened that shocked me — and broke my heart.
I got the news that GEICO — the world-famous insurance company worth tens of billions of dollars — had decided to abruptly cancel the event with me.
Then, GEICO publicly justified their decision by smearing my work advocating for marginalized communities as “hatred” across their social media accounts.
All during Ramadan.
Let GEICO know you demand they do the right thing and rescind their statement & apologize to their Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian employees and customers. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment to push back against anti-Arab and Islamophobic hate.
On Twitter? Tweet at GEICO to let them know that we won’t back down from anti-Arab, anti-Muslim discrimination.
If one of the largest companies in the world can get away with smearing advocacy for U.S. Muslims, Arab Americans and Palestinian-Americans as “hatred,” all in the midst of Ramadan, then we are in very, very big trouble.
GEICO decided they were more comfortable publicly vilifying and dehumanizing a prominent advocate for Arab Americans, U.S. Muslims, Palestinians and other marginalized communities — caving at the first sign of disapproval from anti-Muslim, anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian voices — than simply having a conversation with me.
GEICO thought they could silence me from talking to their staff about fighting bigotry, racism and Islamophobia.
They were wrong about that.
But if we want GEICO to realize that there’s a real price to be paid for ignoring or antagonizing millions of people — U.S. Muslims, Arab-Americans, and the righteous allies who organize alongside us — then we need to be as loud as possible, right now.
P.S. This latest attack on the Muslim communityreminds me of how important our Muslim-led organizing work with marginalized communities is...

Of course Geico didn't say or imply anything negative about Muslims. There are plenty of wonderful non-bigoted Muslims they can invite to speak to them - and they probably did exactly that after this incident.

Sarsour is so full of herself that she is pretending that she represents Islam itself. And her repeated references to Ramadan are meant to imply that Geico deliberately chose to disrespect a Muslim "leader" during their holy month.

Funny, I didn't hear her say anything about Muslims attacking Jews in Israel during the "holy month of Ramadan." Her interest in Ramadan's holiness is more that a little self-serving.

And who exactly does she lead, anyway?

Sarsour is saying that Geico, by canceling the speech of someone who supports Islamic antisemitism, homophobia and hate for women, is really attacking Islam.

If that's true, Linda Sarsour is Islamophobic herself.

Sarsour's supporters of course are circling around and mimicking her absurd charges. CAIR and other hate groups issued a statement saying, "GEICO’s defamatory attack on Linda Sarsour is an attack on all Americans who dare to criticize the Israeli government and other human rights violators." One of her fans said that the cancellation is a "violation of human rights."

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A Chicago woman has been charged with a hate crime for attacking a Jewish bartender with antisemitic abuse and a cocktail glass, CWB Chicago reported.

On Wednesday, prosecutors filed a hate crime charged against CVS pharmacy manager Sara Abdulrasoul who is accused of using antisemitic language and throwing a cocktail glass at a River North bartender at 2:30 a.m. on November 7, 2021.

The incident, which occurred at The Underground bar, started when Abdulrasoul, 30, began talking with the bartender and allegedly demanded that she remove her Star of David Necklace. Abdulrasoul called the Jewish bartender a derogatory term and then used “offensive and virulently antisemitic language” to demand that she remove her necklace, Assistant State’s Attorney Loukas Kalliantasis said.

The bartender told Abdulrasoul that she went to school in Israel. Abdulrasoul called her “derogatory terms” and repeated her demand that she take off the necklace, Kalliantasis recounted.

According to Kalliantasis, the bartender apologized and told Abdulrasoul that she wasn’t trying to upset her. However, Abdulrasoul responded that she hated Jews and once again told the Jewish woman to remove her necklace. She then said that the “bartender’s people were killing her people.” The bartender replied, “Oh, you’re Palestinian?”

It was at that point that Abdulrasoul allegedly threw her cocktail glass, which was full, at the bartender, hitting her in the collarbone.

(full article online)

A New Jersey man was charged with attempted murder and bias intimidation on Saturday after a violently antisemitic crime spree that left four Jewish victims injured, including two critically.

27-year-old Dion Marsh was charged Friday after a string of incidents around Lakewood, NJ, that began at about 1 p.m., when he assaulted a driver and stole his car, the Lakewood Police Department said. At around 6 p.m., Marsh hit another man with the vehicle, who was left in stable condition.

Before 7.p.m, Marsh then stabbed a third man in the chest, and at about 9 p.m. struck another pedestrian with his car. Both victims were in critical but stable condition on Saturday.

All four of the victims were Orthodox Jews, according to reports in the local Lakewood Alerts and Lakewood Scoop news sites.

(full article online)


A banner at UC Berkeley as part of the ‘Palestinian Apartheid Week’ held by Students Supporting Israel. Photo: Students Supporting Israel – A pro-Israel student group is going on the offensive by tabling at multiple campuses across the United States, highlighting systemic discrimination against Jews in Palestinian-controlled territories such as the West Bank and Gaza Strip for the first time ever in what the group is calling “Palestinian Apartheid Week.”

Students Supporting Israel (SSI) has visited three college campuses throughout the country since March 21, highlighting the realities college students rarely confront about the Palestinian-controlled territories.

Issues like salaries paid to the families of Palestinian terrorists for killing Jews as part of a policy called “pay for slay;” the Palestinian Authority making it illegal to sell property to Jews; Jews not being able to openly pray at holy sites in the Palestinian territory unless accompanied by security; erasing the existence of Jews from Palestinian textbooks and maps; as well as Hamas’s charter calling for the killing of all Jews.

“Those policies — if someone wants to discuss true apartheid and discrimination and separation from people — this is it,” said Ilan Sinelnikov, president and founder of SSI. “This is maybe not even true apartheid because nothing is the same as South Africa, but this is the closest that can possibly be that shows signs of apartheid like that.”
They set up in high-traffic areas, such as in front of student unions or, as at UC Berkeley, in a staircase by the entrance with multiple tables featuring different banners. Some of the banners include portraits of victims of Palestinian terrorists in Israel, such as Taylor Force, a 28-year-old American graduate student; Ari Fuld, a 45-year-old father of four; and three teenage boys kidnapped in June 2014. The signs also included the amounts the PA pays their families each year.

Other banners include a quote from Hamas’s charter or anti-Semitic statements from Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.

Nearby, the group put up an improvised tent made to look like a bomb shelter they called a “Safe Space” and painted on it the many threats faced by Israelis from Palestinian terrorist attacks. They also erected a plastic children’s playhouse. On the house there is a “For Sale” sign, stating that under Palestinian law, selling a house to a Jew is considered high treason, punishable by either a life sentence or death.

Nowhere in the display are there any Israeli flags or pro-Israel messages or T-shirts from their organization. This is done so that the event focused only on Palestinian policies, rather than always bringing the issue back to Israel.

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