Stop Antisemitism

A headline with the words “Iowa” and “antisemitism” caught my eye and brought me back to the story of my grandfather. The headline declared that Iowa has become the first state in the country to pass a bill adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism when assessing the motivation behind illegal discriminatory conduct.

That headline took me back to the story of my grandfather, Max Barish, his car dealership in Iowa, Henry Ford, Sr. and the antisemitism of 101 years ago. As I write these words, I wonder if anyone would be interested in something that happened 101 years ago in the little town of Sioux City to a family of Jewish immigrants. It occurred so long ago in such an out-of-the-way place. But is it really so remote? In fact, the story could be an example of what Jews can accomplish when they take a stand on their Jewish heritage and identity, and their own self-respect.

Grandfather Max and his family settled in Sioux City at the turn of the last century. In 1916 they opened a Ford franchise there and were very successful. So much so that Henry Ford, Sr. himself complimented the Barish brothers calling them “The boys who do things.” That was in January 1921 when Ford was desperate for scrap metal to keep his assembly lines running. He reached out to the brothers for help, as reported in The Lion’s Roar, the Sioux City Jewish newspaper. Jews helping the well-known antisemite stay in business? Why not? In those days, his assembly lines employed thousands of workers, and franchise owners like my grandpa were profiting.

Ford bought the Dearborn Independent in 1919 and starting in May 1920 his antisemitic articles became a mainstay of the weekly newspaper, until he finally capitulated and shut it down in 1927. Yet even Iowa’s recently passed law could not have kept Ford from publishing his libelous views or led to the paper’s demise. This bill does not prevent antisemitic speech but rather focuses on defining antisemitism when assessing a discriminatory act.

So, what did convince Ford to shut down? The answer is simple. It was courageous people like the Barish brothers. When Ford took over the newspaper, he demanded that his franchise owners make it available for the customers in the showrooms. Well, okay, they thought. It’s just sitting there. Maybe no one will notice.However, by September 1921, Ford had changed his policy. He declared that the Dearborn Independent was a “Ford product” just like his cars and ordered his dealers to actively promote the sale of subscriptions to all who entered.

(full article online)

She has described Israel’s “occupation” as a “colonial project that has turned into apartheid”.

Now online investigators GnasherJew have uncovered further material that seems to make absurd any notion of Ms Albanese maintaining neutrality .

In one post in 2015, she celebrated terrorist Leila Khaled, a leader in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Alongside a news story on Electronic Intifada, which revealed “Palestinian resistance icon Leila Khaled” was to tour South Africa, Ms Albanese wrote: “Go Leila go!”

The same year, she shared a story about a border official in Latin America who drew a picture of a penis on the passport of an Israeli citizen and wrote “Viva Palestinia”.

She also shared a post likening Israelis to the Nazis. It featured two pictures of soldiers. The accompanying text read: “In the first pic, a Nazi soldier, a dog, a man on the ground – who is a Jew. In the second pic, an Israeli soldier, a dog, a man on the ground – who is a Palestinian.”

During the 2021 conflict between Israel and Hamas she frequently tweeted under the hashtag “No More Nakbas” (the Arabic term for “catastrophe” used to describe the displacement of Palestinians in 1948).

The 2021 conflict was said to be in part sparked by the dispute over property in the Sheikh Jarrah area of east Jerusalem.

In one post she wrote: “If we stand alone, we are frail like the wings of a butterfly. If we stand together, our wings can unleash a revolution. #SaveSheikhJarrah #NoMoreNakbas.” She claimed Israel was “indiscriminately” bombing civilian areas and said “deliberately targeting civilians… is a war crime”.

She also re-tweeted a post of a bomb-hit building during the conflict that said: “This is not Hiroshima 1945. This is Gaza 2021!”

Israel has formally objected “in the strongest terms” to the appointment of the Italian lawyer to head the UN Human Rights Council’s open-ended investigation into Israel and Palestine, arguing that she has significant bias against the Jewish state.

Merav Marks, legal adviser for the Israeli mission to the UN in Geneva, said during the closing session of the Human Rights Council that Ms Albanese was “unfit” to take the role of Special Rapporteur on Palestine. He said: “The newly appointed special rapporteur’s opinion expressed in numerous articles, events and media outlets endlessly voicing anti-Israel libel shows that she is unfit to take up this role.”

He said that the appointment of Ms Albanese added to the “already one-sided mandate dedicated to delegitimising and demonising Israel”.

(full article online)

On February 4, 2022, Channel 2 (Egypt) aired news report about Jewish assimilation that claimed that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion contains the outline of a Jewish scheme to establish a "global kingdom" and destroy non-Jewish nations. The report claimed that the Jews failed to integrate into European societies because of "their enmity towards humanity" and their "hostile Jewish personality" that was formed because they lived in ghettos. It also claimed that wars and conflicts erupted because of Jewish "schemes." It is noteworthy that Egyptian TV channels are known for airing antisemitic shows and reports. For example, in 2002 Egyptian TV aired an antisemitic Ramadhan TV series titled "A Horseman Without a Horse," in which The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a central subject (see MEMRI TV Clips Nos. 3383 and 7279.)

(full article online)

Princeton University's student government manipulated its voting rules to ensure the success of a Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions referendum that passed on Wednesday. The referendum, which demanded that Princeton boycott a construction company with ties to Israel, received a minority of votes but passed nonetheless after the school’s chief election administrator misled pro-Israel students about how the vote would be tallied.

The tight vote took place at a university home to the "dirty bicker" of 1958 and which has been notoriously inhospitable to Jewish students. It followed a contentious campus debate that received attention from both the Israeli press and Jewish outlets in the United States, where anti-Semitic hate crimes are on the rise.

The controversy over the vote counting began on March 28, when Tigers for Israel president Jared Stone asked the student government's elections manager, Brian Li, whether abstentions would count in the final vote total. The referendum, held between April 11 and April 13, required a 50-percent-plus-1 majority to pass, according to the student government constitution; if the denominator included abstentions, those votes would effectively count against the referendum, giving pro-Israel students a procedural edge.

Li told Stone abstentions did count, so Tigers for Israel developed a campaign that encouraged students to abstain. Rather than persuade students to vote against the referendum, Stone explained, Tigers for Israel assured them it was OK to remain neutral about a complicated geopolitical issue.

(full article online)

Canary Mission released a new report that documents and exposes Students for Justice in Palestine at Cornell University (SJP Cornell) and its efforts to “create an environment hostile for Jews on campus.”

The 25-page report highlighted the activities of the group and its supporters, including students, graduates and professors, from 2014 to 2022. It provided examples of how SJP Cornell “intimidates supporters of Israel and has even waged a misinformation campaign to dismiss the rise in anti-Semitism,” according to Canary Mission.

It also documented the group’s “hostility and gaslighting,” and its strategy to place their activists on the student government to use their positions to demonize Israel and pass resolutions in support of the BDS movement.

The report additionally revealed that Cornell SJP has “a history of aggressive anti-Israel protests and disruptions on campus.”

(full article online)

Teen Vogue, the fashion magazine, has published a 1200-word essay attempting to educate teen readers about Passover. (What Is Passover? Meaning and Traditions of the Spring Jewish Holiday, April 13, 2022.) The article commendably discusses foods that are prohibited on Passover, the length of the holiday, and the fact that Jews may have one or two seders.

But there’s a big omission.

Discussing the Haggadah, author Michael Pincus explains,

Jewish families follow a script called the Haggadah, which means “the telling.” A Haggadah is often chosen to fit a family’s interests, with themes including environmentalism and global justice, and many families opt to create their own.
Throughout the Seder, the Haggadah outlines readings, the ritualistic drinking of four cups of wine, the consumption of symbolic foods, and singing. One notable tradition observed in tandem with the Seder is to fill an extra cup of wine (and for some, to open the door) for Elijah, a prophet who — according to superstition — visits every Jewish home on Passover to witness each celebration. Think of Elijah as a Jewish Santa Claus, but instead of material gifts, he delivers a promise that the messiah will arrive one day to bring the world peace and justice.

Setting aside the issue of the appropriateness of the Elijah/Santa Claus comparison, what’s missing from this description ought to be obvious to anyone who’s ever sat painstakingly through a long seder, waiting for the end. For centuries, Jews around the world have concluded their seders by proclaiming, “L’Shana Haba B’Yerushalayim!” Next year in Jerusalem!

Teen Vogue has a long history of publishing biased articles against Israel, so it’s hard to see this omission as merely a well-intentioned mistake. By trying to strip the Jewish religion of its connection to Jerusalem and Zionism, Teen Vogue is miseducating its young readers, and does a disservice to its Jewish and non-Jewish readers alike.

“The student signatories to this statement are peddling some of the worst and most historically deadly anti-Semitic screeds against Jews, similar to those used by Hitler to justify the Holocaust, and utilized today by far-right and neo-Nazi conspiracists like former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke,” said Sacha Roytman Dratwa, CEO of CAM. “The defaming of the national liberation movement of the Jewish people in its indigenous and ancestral homeland is not a mere legal matter, it provides a tailwind for terror and attacks on Jews. We have seen far too many murderous attacks on Jews in the U.S. in recent years parroting these same conspiracy theories against Jews and Jewish collectivity that have ended in bloodshed.”

He continued, saying “this is sadly no mere academic matter, but a matter of the safety and security of all Jews whose fellow students read this hate and incitement.”

In 2020, NYU agreed to revise its non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy to include anti-Semitism after the school’s response to such incidents was investigated by the U.S. Department of Education’s civil-rights office.

(full article online)


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