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Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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There was no Hamas or violent activity of any kind occurring on that beach until an IDF gunboat deliberately murdered four innocent children. The only reason we know about this instance of IDF murder is because the Jews on board that gunboat were arrogant enough to murder the children in front of a hotel filled with international press. You are predictably pathetic in your defense of Israel's ethnic cleansing in Palestine.


As we all can see, Gaza George is still faking it that he cares about children. However, if he truly cared, he certainly would have been posting all along about the unfortunate Arab children killed in the rest of the Middle East. If ISIS, God forbid, killed a thousand Arab children today, Gaza George would not even blink because he could not blame his scapegoats for these murders. By the way, Gaza George, why not leave that little subsidized apartment of yours, walk down to a Macdonald's and see if someone left a copy of the L.A. Times since you don't have it delivered to your place. If there is a copy, go to page 3 and see a Gazan woman looking over her living room. She appears to have a slew of seating accommodations and the room is probably larger than your apartment..
Are you disappointed there's at least one woman in Gaza your heroic people haven't murdered/cleansed yet?

Don't worry, Moshe's working on it.

"Gaza is part of our land”

“'Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever,' Feiglin concludes.

“Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.”

"Feiglin has a long history of incitement. Last week he expelled Arab members of the Knesset who dared to criticize Israel’s ongoing slaughter in Gaza and called for Israel to cut off power to dialysis patients there.

"As of now, ninety percent of Gaza is without electricity, journalist Mohammed Omer reports, and most Palestinians in Gaza are getting as little as two hours of electricity per day."

Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker | The Electronic Intifada

How would you feel if Hamas cut off the electricity to your dialysis treatments?:eusa_boohoo:

But, Gaza George, you seem to overlook that your new masters want to take over the world for Islam. I think many of us realize that you will be happy to become a Dhimmi if they were lucky enough to do so. Can you tell us why Egypt isn't supplying electricity to their Arab brethren? By the way, before the Israelis tooks over the administration of these disputed territories and put in infrastructure, can you tell us about all the plants that were set up by the Egyptians so that the Gazans would receive electricity or did they have to use candlelight at night? Why not ask the man Alo who started the Electronic Intifada to give you a little history about how the Arabs were living before the Israelis took over the administration of these two areas. He should know all about it. Can you get back to us with what he told you? Thanks.

Gaza George must think that all those innocent people set upon by his new masters in Iraq are getting excellent medical treatment from his new masters. Actually, he cares nothing about these people or even the Palestinian Arabs, and is just using the Palestinians as his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
1. What does thousands of rockets being fired at Israel (obtained from Iran) have to do with terrorism ? That a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. EVERYTHING.

2. What does hundreds of tunnels bored into Israel (using concrete intended for peaceful purposes) have to do with terrorism ? Again, EVERYTHING.

3. Country Designation

Australia > The military wing of Hamas, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, is listed as a terrorist organization.[403]

Canada > Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the Government of Canada currently lists Hamas as a terrorist entity, thus establishing it as a terrorist group, since 2002.[404][405]

European Union > Hamas has been included in the black list of EU-designated terrorists groups since 2003[14]

Israel > The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs states, "Hamas maintains a terrorist infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank, and acts to carry out terrorist attacks in the territories and Israel."[406]

Japan > As of 2005, Japan had frozen the assets of 472 terrorists and terrorist organizations including those of Hamas.[407]

Jordan > Banned Hamas in 1999[408] In 2013, Jordan rejected requests to allow Hamas to return.[16]

United Kingdom > The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades have been listed as a proscribed organization under the Terrorism Act since 2001, but Hamas as a whole is not listed.[413]

United States > Lists Hamas as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization"[415]

Egypt . Banned Hamas in 2014 and branded it a terrorist organization. Egyptian authorities accuse the group of supporting al Qaeda-inspired Islamist insurgents in the Sinai peninsula.[17][416]

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3. You're out.

I asked you 3 questions, are you going to answer them?


Obama was always clear but Kerry was thought to be a friend. Israel has now had their eyes opened wide.

Even those who are hard leftists in Israel understand Kerry now.

The USA and UK give Israel much money t o support the war in Gaza. Israel have more then 400 missiles that can hit anywere i n Europe. So who send missiles that hit Gaza to kill more then 1,000 civilian women and children since war begin?


Obama was always clear but Kerry was thought to be a friend. Israel has now had their eyes opened wide.

Even those who are hard leftists in Israel understand Kerry now.

The USA and UK give Israel much money t o support the war in Gaza. Israel have more then 400 missiles that can hit anywere i n Europe. So who send missiles that hit Gaza to kill more then 1,000 civilian women and children since war begin?


The US and UK also give money to Aza.
Does the government of Aza, known as Hamas, use that money to further education and developement their OWN advanced technology?
Of course not!
They're too busy spending the money on tunnels under other nations.
1. What does thousands of rockets being fired at Israel (obtained from Iran) have to do with terrorism ? That a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. EVERYTHING.

2. What does hundreds of tunnels bored into Israel (using concrete intended for peaceful purposes) have to do with terrorism ? Again, EVERYTHING.

3. Country Designation

Australia > The military wing of Hamas, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, is listed as a terrorist organization.[403]

Canada > Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the Government of Canada currently lists Hamas as a terrorist entity, thus establishing it as a terrorist group, since 2002.[404][405]

European Union > Hamas has been included in the black list of EU-designated terrorists groups since 2003[14]

Israel > The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs states, "Hamas maintains a terrorist infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank, and acts to carry out terrorist attacks in the territories and Israel."[406]

Japan > As of 2005, Japan had frozen the assets of 472 terrorists and terrorist organizations including those of Hamas.[407]

Jordan > Banned Hamas in 1999[408] In 2013, Jordan rejected requests to allow Hamas to return.[16]

United Kingdom > The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades have been listed as a proscribed organization under the Terrorism Act since 2001, but Hamas as a whole is not listed.[413]

United States > Lists Hamas as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization"[415]

Egypt . Banned Hamas in 2014 and branded it a terrorist organization. Egyptian authorities accuse the group of supporting al Qaeda-inspired Islamist insurgents in the Sinai peninsula.[17][416]

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3. You're out.

I asked you 3 questions, are you going to answer them?

Your loaded questions don't make any sense. Do you have point hidden in here somewhere ? > If so, let's hear it.

PS - you need not answer my questions. I already answered them for you. (in Post # 585)
Maybe your heroic Jews should stop murdering children on peaceful Gazan beaches. Remember that one, Hasbara Sal? Two shells fired thirty seconds apart killed four cousins in front of a hotel filled with international journalists? Why do your people do things like that, and then act surprised when much of the world spits on them for their racist, inhuman actions? Surely, you would never do such a thing, would you?

And why would Israel target children on a peaceful Gazan beach? Perhaps because Hamas were using the area? Hang around in the vicinity of Hamas and you must be crazy to do so. Oh, maybe Hamas was encouraging, even forcing the children to stay there.
There was no Hamas or violent activity of any kind occurring on that beach until an IDF gunboat deliberately murdered four innocent children. The only reason we know about this instance of IDF murder is because the Jews on board that gunboat were arrogant enough to murder the children in front of a hotel filled with international press. You are predictably pathetic in your defense of Israel's ethnic cleansing in Palestine.


Not according to the journalists that where staying in the hotel, they saw the rocket launchers being erected and realised that they were being used as human shields.
Gaza's population includes over a million refugees driven from its homes in southern Palestine in 1948 and from the West Bank and Negev since that time. Israel has stolen water from Gaza's coastal aquifer, and it is refilling with salt water. Jews take 85% of ground water in Gaza for their West Bank swimming pools. Heavy metals and ecoli in water are measured in parts per thousands in Gaza. Israel has never displayed any intention of sharing the land between the River and the sea with non-Jews. Jews are the reason there is no peace in Gaza.

So there are only 800,000 actual gazan arab muslims. The evidence from Google Earth shows that there are more private swimming pools in gaza than in Israel, and that it is the hamas overlords that are taking all the water. As for the e-coli and heavy metals that is down to the Palestinian practise of stealing the steel pipes from the sewage and water treatment works to use in making missiles and bombs. Here is the reason there is no peace in gaza

May 19, 1967: "This is our chance Arabs, to deal Israel a mortal blow of annihilation, to blot out its entire presence in our holy land"

May 22, 1967: "The Arab people is firmly resolved to wipe Israel off the map"

May 25, 1967: "The Gulf of Aqaba, by the dictum of history and the protection of our soldiers, is Arab, Arab, Arab."

May 25, 1967: "Millions of Arabs are ... preparing to blow up all of America's interests, all of America's installations, and your entire existence, America."

May 27, 1967: "We challenge you, Eshkol, to try all your weapons. Put them to the test; they will spell Israel's death and annihilation."

May 30, 1967: "With the closing of the Gulf of Akaba, Israel is faced with two alternatives either of which will destroy it; it will either be strangled to death by the Arab military and economic boycott, or it will perish by the fire of the Arab forces encompassing it from the South from the North and from the East."

May 30, 1967: "The world will know that the Arabs are girded for battle as the fateful hour approaches."

As for the land read the treaties signed with Egypt and Jordan that gives then land in the area you claim is between the river and the sea.

"Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker."

This is what your people have in mind for Gaza in 2014.
It's exactly what you brought to Jaffa in 1948.
What makes you think Jews are that special?

Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker | The Electronic Intifada

One person voicing his opinion, what about the many hundreds of thousands of muslim leaders that chant the Islamic mantra "KILL THE JEWS"

How about the hamas charter that says

Article Eight: The Slogan of the Hamas
Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur’an its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief
There was no Hamas or violent activity of any kind occurring on that beach until an IDF gunboat deliberately murdered four innocent children. The only reason we know about this instance of IDF murder is because the Jews on board that gunboat were arrogant enough to murder the children in front of a hotel filled with international press. You are predictably pathetic in your defense of Israel's ethnic cleansing in Palestine.


As we all can see, Gaza George is still faking it that he cares about children. However, if he truly cared, he certainly would have been posting all along about the unfortunate Arab children killed in the rest of the Middle East. If ISIS, God forbid, killed a thousand Arab children today, Gaza George would not even blink because he could not blame his scapegoats for these murders. By the way, Gaza George, why not leave that little subsidized apartment of yours, walk down to a Macdonald's and see if someone left a copy of the L.A. Times since you don't have it delivered to your place. If there is a copy, go to page 3 and see a Gazan woman looking over her living room. She appears to have a slew of seating accommodations and the room is probably larger than your apartment..
Are you disappointed there's at least one woman in Gaza your heroic people haven't murdered/cleansed yet?

Don't worry, Moshe's working on it.

"Gaza is part of our land”

“'Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever,' Feiglin concludes.

“Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.”

"Feiglin has a long history of incitement. Last week he expelled Arab members of the Knesset who dared to criticize Israel’s ongoing slaughter in Gaza and called for Israel to cut off power to dialysis patients there.

"As of now, ninety percent of Gaza is without electricity, journalist Mohammed Omer reports, and most Palestinians in Gaza are getting as little as two hours of electricity per day."

Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker | The Electronic Intifada

How would you feel if Hamas cut off the electricity to your dialysis treatments?:eusa_boohoo:

They cant as they don't control it, but if they paid their bills they would get more electricity. Just as if they ceased all violence, terrorism and belligerence the blockade would be lifted. The fault lies with the terrorists of hamas in gaza and not with the jews.
How would you like to be faced with bombings, rapings, murders, beatings and violence all day every day because of some 1400 year old book that says god gave the world to muslims and they will kill to own it all.

This is what all muslims work by

[2.190] ...fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you...[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

...the spoils of war...The spoils of war belong to Allah and the messenger
1. What does thousands of rockets being fired at Israel (obtained from Iran) have to do with terrorism ? That a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. EVERYTHING.

2. What does hundreds of tunnels bored into Israel (using concrete intended for peaceful purposes) have to do with terrorism ? Again, EVERYTHING.

3. Country Designation

Australia > The military wing of Hamas, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, is listed as a terrorist organization.[403]

Canada > Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the Government of Canada currently lists Hamas as a terrorist entity, thus establishing it as a terrorist group, since 2002.[404][405]

European Union > Hamas has been included in the black list of EU-designated terrorists groups since 2003[14]

Israel > The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs states, "Hamas maintains a terrorist infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank, and acts to carry out terrorist attacks in the territories and Israel."[406]

Japan > As of 2005, Japan had frozen the assets of 472 terrorists and terrorist organizations including those of Hamas.[407]

Jordan > Banned Hamas in 1999[408] In 2013, Jordan rejected requests to allow Hamas to return.[16]

United Kingdom > The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades have been listed as a proscribed organization under the Terrorism Act since 2001, but Hamas as a whole is not listed.[413]

United States > Lists Hamas as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization"[415]

Egypt . Banned Hamas in 2014 and branded it a terrorist organization. Egyptian authorities accuse the group of supporting al Qaeda-inspired Islamist insurgents in the Sinai peninsula.[17][416]

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Strike 1. Strike 2. Strike 3. You're out.

I asked you 3 questions, are you going to answer them?

You have been asked 300 questions will you answer them..................:eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

Obama was always clear but Kerry was thought to be a friend. Israel has now had their eyes opened wide.

Even those who are hard leftists in Israel understand Kerry now.

The USA and UK give Israel much money t o support the war in Gaza. Israel have more then 400 missiles that can hit anywere i n Europe. So who send missiles that hit Gaza to kill more then 1,000 civilian women and children since war begin?


The UN alone gives Palestine more money in one month than Israel gets in aid in one year. The weapons are bought and not given freely, and many of Israel's armaments are home produced and they are pin point accurate. So if women and children are acting as human shields under the Geneva conventions they are no longer civilians but militia.
I wonder if the UN will try and change International law in favour of the Palestinian terrorists so they can arrest Jews and take the land of Israel away. We need a referendum in every UN nation asking the people to vote on continual membership of the UN, see how the voting goes.
And why would Israel target children on a peaceful Gazan beach? Perhaps because Hamas were using the area? Hang around in the vicinity of Hamas and you must be crazy to do so. Oh, maybe Hamas was encouraging, even forcing the children to stay there.
There was no Hamas or violent activity of any kind occurring on that beach until an IDF gunboat deliberately murdered four innocent children. The only reason we know about this instance of IDF murder is because the Jews on board that gunboat were arrogant enough to murder the children in front of a hotel filled with international press. You are predictably pathetic in your defense of Israel's ethnic cleansing in Palestine.


Not according to the journalists that where staying in the hotel, they saw the rocket launchers being erected and realised that they were being used as human shields.
No, they didn't.

"'The whole incident was awful,' he said. 'From where I was, I saw a group of small boys playing by the fisherman’s container and I wondered what they were doing there. The first missiles were aimed straight at the container.'

“'I then saw four escaping and they got about 200 metres from the container and another shell targeted them directly. Because it was so far from the container, I was sure they had been directly targeted. I have experienced three different wars and this is the worst thing I have seen. It’s a real catastrophe.'

"Lying on a bed at Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital waiting for surgery, Hamad Bakr said he too was sure he and his friends had been deliberately pinpointed.

'We were playing and there was a rocket fired, which killed one of our group,' he said. 'Then there was a second missile and three others died. At that point, we started to run to the hotel.'”

Israel strike kills four boys on Gaza beach as 'humanitarian ceasefire' announced - Telegraph
So there are only 800,000 actual gazan arab muslims. The evidence from Google Earth shows that there are more private swimming pools in gaza than in Israel, and that it is the hamas overlords that are taking all the water. As for the e-coli and heavy metals that is down to the Palestinian practise of stealing the steel pipes from the sewage and water treatment works to use in making missiles and bombs. Here is the reason there is no peace in gaza

May 19, 1967: "This is our chance Arabs, to deal Israel a mortal blow of annihilation, to blot out its entire presence in our holy land"

May 22, 1967: "The Arab people is firmly resolved to wipe Israel off the map"

May 25, 1967: "The Gulf of Aqaba, by the dictum of history and the protection of our soldiers, is Arab, Arab, Arab."

May 25, 1967: "Millions of Arabs are ... preparing to blow up all of America's interests, all of America's installations, and your entire existence, America."

May 27, 1967: "We challenge you, Eshkol, to try all your weapons. Put them to the test; they will spell Israel's death and annihilation."

May 30, 1967: "With the closing of the Gulf of Akaba, Israel is faced with two alternatives either of which will destroy it; it will either be strangled to death by the Arab military and economic boycott, or it will perish by the fire of the Arab forces encompassing it from the South from the North and from the East."

May 30, 1967: "The world will know that the Arabs are girded for battle as the fateful hour approaches."

As for the land read the treaties signed with Egypt and Jordan that gives then land in the area you claim is between the river and the sea.

"Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker."

This is what your people have in mind for Gaza in 2014.
It's exactly what you brought to Jaffa in 1948.
What makes you think Jews are that special?

Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker | The Electronic Intifada

One person voicing his opinion, what about the many hundreds of thousands of muslim leaders that chant the Islamic mantra "KILL THE JEWS"

How about the hamas charter that says

Article Eight: The Slogan of the Hamas
Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur’an its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief
Millions of Jews support the Likud Charter:

"a. 'The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.'

"b. 'Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.
The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem'

"c. 'The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.'

"d. 'The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment
As we all can see, Gaza George is still faking it that he cares about children. However, if he truly cared, he certainly would have been posting all along about the unfortunate Arab children killed in the rest of the Middle East. If ISIS, God forbid, killed a thousand Arab children today, Gaza George would not even blink because he could not blame his scapegoats for these murders. By the way, Gaza George, why not leave that little subsidized apartment of yours, walk down to a Macdonald's and see if someone left a copy of the L.A. Times since you don't have it delivered to your place. If there is a copy, go to page 3 and see a Gazan woman looking over her living room. She appears to have a slew of seating accommodations and the room is probably larger than your apartment..
Are you disappointed there's at least one woman in Gaza your heroic people haven't murdered/cleansed yet?

Don't worry, Moshe's working on it.

"Gaza is part of our land”

“'Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever,' Feiglin concludes.

“Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.”

"Feiglin has a long history of incitement. Last week he expelled Arab members of the Knesset who dared to criticize Israel’s ongoing slaughter in Gaza and called for Israel to cut off power to dialysis patients there.

"As of now, ninety percent of Gaza is without electricity, journalist Mohammed Omer reports, and most Palestinians in Gaza are getting as little as two hours of electricity per day."

Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker | The Electronic Intifada

How would you feel if Hamas cut off the electricity to your dialysis treatments?:eusa_boohoo:

They cant as they don't control it, but if they paid their bills they would get more electricity. Just as if they ceased all violence, terrorism and belligerence the blockade would be lifted. The fault lies with the terrorists of hamas in gaza and not with the jews.
How would you like to be faced with bombings, rapings, murders, beatings and violence all day every day because of some 1400 year old book that says god gave the world to muslims and they will kill to own it all.

This is what all muslims work by

[2.190] ...fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you...[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

...the spoils of war...The spoils of war belong to Allah and the messenger
The Greed of some Jews:

"And just three weeks ago, speaking at a press conference, Netanyahu said:
'I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.'

"As David Horovitz wrote in The Times of Israel:
'He wasn’t saying that he doesn’t support a two-state solution. He was saying that it’s impossible. This was not a new, dramatic change of stance by the prime minister. It was a new, dramatic exposition of his long-held stance.”

"'In other words, no independent Palestinian state. Period. Ever.'"

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment
Are you disappointed there's at least one woman in Gaza your heroic people haven't murdered/cleansed yet?

Don't worry, Moshe's working on it.

"Gaza is part of our land”

“'Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever,' Feiglin concludes.

“Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.”

"Feiglin has a long history of incitement. Last week he expelled Arab members of the Knesset who dared to criticize Israel’s ongoing slaughter in Gaza and called for Israel to cut off power to dialysis patients there.

"As of now, ninety percent of Gaza is without electricity, journalist Mohammed Omer reports, and most Palestinians in Gaza are getting as little as two hours of electricity per day."

Expel Palestinians, populate Gaza with Jews, says Knesset deputy speaker | The Electronic Intifada

How would you feel if Hamas cut off the electricity to your dialysis treatments?:eusa_boohoo:

They cant as they don't control it, but if they paid their bills they would get more electricity. Just as if they ceased all violence, terrorism and belligerence the blockade would be lifted. The fault lies with the terrorists of hamas in gaza and not with the jews.
How would you like to be faced with bombings, rapings, murders, beatings and violence all day every day because of some 1400 year old book that says god gave the world to muslims and they will kill to own it all.

This is what all muslims work by

[2.190] ...fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you...[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

...the spoils of war...The spoils of war belong to Allah and the messenger
The Greed of some Jews:

"And just three weeks ago, speaking at a press conference, Netanyahu said:
'I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.'

"As David Horovitz wrote in The Times of Israel:
'He wasn’t saying that he doesn’t support a two-state solution. He was saying that it’s impossible. This was not a new, dramatic change of stance by the prime minister. It was a new, dramatic exposition of his long-held stance.”

"'In other words, no independent Palestinian state. Period. Ever.'"

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment

Tough. The Jews were given that land in 1922, voted by the League of Nations in San Remo. Why should they give it away, particularly as giving away land has not brought Israel peace.
They cant as they don't control it, but if they paid their bills they would get more electricity. Just as if they ceased all violence, terrorism and belligerence the blockade would be lifted. The fault lies with the terrorists of hamas in gaza and not with the jews.
How would you like to be faced with bombings, rapings, murders, beatings and violence all day every day because of some 1400 year old book that says god gave the world to muslims and they will kill to own it all.

This is what all muslims work by

[2.190] ...fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you...[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

...the spoils of war...The spoils of war belong to Allah and the messenger
The Greed of some Jews:

"And just three weeks ago, speaking at a press conference, Netanyahu said:
'I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.'

"As David Horovitz wrote in The Times of Israel:
'He wasn’t saying that he doesn’t support a two-state solution. He was saying that it’s impossible. This was not a new, dramatic change of stance by the prime minister. It was a new, dramatic exposition of his long-held stance.”

"'In other words, no independent Palestinian state. Period. Ever.'"

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment

Tough. The Jews were given that land in 1922, voted by the League of Nations in San Remo. Why should they give it away, particularly as giving away land has not brought Israel peace.
What makes you think Europeans had any authority to authorize the Zionist colonization of Palestine in 1922? There were ten times as many Arabs as Jews living between the River and the sea at that time, and Jews have been stealing arab land and driving them into refugee camps ever since. Is that your idea of self-determination?
The Greed of some Jews:

"And just three weeks ago, speaking at a press conference, Netanyahu said:
'I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.'

"As David Horovitz wrote in The Times of Israel:
'He wasn’t saying that he doesn’t support a two-state solution. He was saying that it’s impossible. This was not a new, dramatic change of stance by the prime minister. It was a new, dramatic exposition of his long-held stance.”

"'In other words, no independent Palestinian state. Period. Ever.'"

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment

Tough. The Jews were given that land in 1922, voted by the League of Nations in San Remo. Why should they give it away, particularly as giving away land has not brought Israel peace.
What makes you think Europeans had any authority to authorize the Zionist colonization of Palestine in 1922? There were ten times as many Arabs as Jews living between the River and the sea at that time, and Jews have been stealing arab land and driving them into refugee camps ever since. Is that your idea of self-determination?

What makes ME think? The case is ALL 51 MEMBER NATIONS OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS VOTED TO GIVE THE LAND TO THE JEWS. Israel has given away enough land, far more than it should have or was entitled to give away. No more land giveaways. The give me give me mentality of the Palestinians is to stop.
There was no Hamas or violent activity of any kind occurring on that beach until an IDF gunboat deliberately murdered four innocent children. The only reason we know about this instance of IDF murder is because the Jews on board that gunboat were arrogant enough to murder the children in front of a hotel filled with international press. You are predictably pathetic in your defense of Israel's ethnic cleansing in Palestine.


Not according to the journalists that where staying in the hotel, they saw the rocket launchers being erected and realised that they were being used as human shields.
No, they didn't.

"'The whole incident was awful,' he said. 'From where I was, I saw a group of small boys playing by the fisherman’s container and I wondered what they were doing there. The first missiles were aimed straight at the container.'

“'I then saw four escaping and they got about 200 metres from the container and another shell targeted them directly. Because it was so far from the container, I was sure they had been directly targeted. I have experienced three different wars and this is the worst thing I have seen. It’s a real catastrophe.'

"Lying on a bed at Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital waiting for surgery, Hamad Bakr said he too was sure he and his friends had been deliberately pinpointed.

'We were playing and there was a rocket fired, which killed one of our group,' he said. 'Then there was a second missile and three others died. At that point, we started to run to the hotel.'”

Israel strike kills four boys on Gaza beach as 'humanitarian ceasefire' announced - Telegraph

And here is first hand experience from a Journalist

Spanish Journalist in Gaza: Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Freelance Spanish journalist Fernando Gutiérrez said on Twitter Hamas was launching rockets from the press hotel, in Gaza.

In Spanish, Gutiérrez, who is writing for Melilla Hoy, tweeted, “On Saturday, 9th of August, Hamas launched a battery of rockets from the press hotel. What was their intent? To provoke Israel to kill us?#SaveGazaFromHamas.”

The journalist later said he recorded audio of the rockets being launched.

On Twitter, Gutiérrez told followers that he went to Gaza to see the facts for himself.

In another popular tweet in Spanish, Gutiérrez said, “I would be lying if I told you I saw signs of apartheid in Israel. But I’m not going to lie,” posting a photo of an Arab IDF soldier kissing his mother, wearing a hijab, on the cheek.

Guess your ANTI SEMITIC SOURCES are wrong
...And here is first hand experience from a Journalist

Spanish Journalist in Gaza: Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Freelance Spanish journalist Fernando Gutiérrez said on Twitter Hamas was launching rockets from the press hotel, in Gaza.

In Spanish, Gutiérrez, who is writing for Melilla Hoy, tweeted, “On Saturday, 9th of August, Hamas launched a battery of rockets from the press hotel. What was their intent? To provoke Israel to kill us?#SaveGazaFromHamas.”

The journalist later said he recorded audio of the rockets being launched.

On Twitter, Gutiérrez told followers that he went to Gaza to see the facts for himself.

In another popular tweet in Spanish, Gutiérrez said, “I would be lying if I told you I saw signs of apartheid in Israel. But I’m not going to lie,” posting a photo of an Arab IDF soldier kissing his mother, wearing a hijab, on the cheek.

Guess your ANTI SEMITIC SOURCES are wrong

Clearly another foreign journalist fooled by Pallywood....
Not according to the journalists that where staying in the hotel, they saw the rocket launchers being erected and realised that they were being used as human shields.
No, they didn't.

"'The whole incident was awful,' he said. 'From where I was, I saw a group of small boys playing by the fisherman’s container and I wondered what they were doing there. The first missiles were aimed straight at the container.'

“'I then saw four escaping and they got about 200 metres from the container and another shell targeted them directly. Because it was so far from the container, I was sure they had been directly targeted. I have experienced three different wars and this is the worst thing I have seen. It’s a real catastrophe.'

"Lying on a bed at Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital waiting for surgery, Hamad Bakr said he too was sure he and his friends had been deliberately pinpointed.

'We were playing and there was a rocket fired, which killed one of our group,' he said. 'Then there was a second missile and three others died. At that point, we started to run to the hotel.'”

Israel strike kills four boys on Gaza beach as 'humanitarian ceasefire' announced - Telegraph

And here is first hand experience from a Journalist

Spanish Journalist in Gaza: Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Freelance Spanish journalist Fernando Gutiérrez said on Twitter Hamas was launching rockets from the press hotel, in Gaza.

In Spanish, Gutiérrez, who is writing for Melilla Hoy, tweeted, “On Saturday, 9th of August, Hamas launched a battery of rockets from the press hotel. What was their intent? To provoke Israel to kill us?#SaveGazaFromHamas.”

The journalist later said he recorded audio of the rockets being launched.

On Twitter, Gutiérrez told followers that he went to Gaza to see the facts for himself.

In another popular tweet in Spanish, Gutiérrez said, “I would be lying if I told you I saw signs of apartheid in Israel. But I’m not going to lie,” posting a photo of an Arab IDF soldier kissing his mother, wearing a hijab, on the cheek.

Guess your ANTI SEMITIC SOURCES are wrong
Guess you didn't notice your heroic people murdered the four cousins on Wednesday, July 16?

You can't even find convincing hasbara liars for you cause.

Maybe you should convert to Islam?:lol:
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