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Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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Already did and no they didn't.

Back to you.

Not that I have seen, all I can see is immature name calling and personal attacks, so were is the link that shows hamas has scrapped its charter ?

Here is the evidence that hamas invokes it's charter to justify the attacks on Israel

The Latest Hamas-Israel Confrontation -- Some Pertinent Legal Points

No. 602 July-August 2014
The ideological foundation of Hamas as set out in its national charter, and its actions of indiscriminate terror directed against Israeli towns, villages and citizens, clearly define its character as a terrorist entity. This is reflected in the fact that Hamas has been formally outlawed in several major states.
The terrorist actions by Hamas, including the indiscriminate targeting of Israel’s civilian population centers and the deliberate and cynical exposure and use of its own civilians, mosques, hospitals and schools as human shields, are violations of international humanitarian law. for which Hamas’ leaders and commanders are accountable and prosecutable.
International law recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself, whether by the conventional international right of self-defense as set out in the UN Charter or by the international customary right to self-defense.
Accusations that Israel is collectively punishing the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip have no basis. Israel’s military actions are solely directed to one strategic and tactical purpose, not to punish the population, but to halt the indiscriminate rocket fire and terror infiltration into Israel’s sovereign territory.
The allegation leveled against Israel that it uses disproportionate force, is a misreading of the international rules of proportionality in armed conflict which are intended to regulate the extent of force needed in relation to the military challenge anticipated.

The Inherent Character of Hamas as a Terrorist Entity

Its declared modus operandi advocates and espouses terror against Israel as the means to achieve its ends. It views every Israeli man, woman and child as a legitimate military target thereby justifying its terrorist attacks by missiles, suicide bombings, murder and abductions. It openly admits its strategy of terrorizing Israel’s civilian population through the use of rockets and missiles indiscriminately aimed at Israel’s towns and villages. Its leaders and spokesmen are on public record admitting their responsibility for such acts of terror. Thus the indiscriminate rocket fire is consistent with its ideology, which sees Israeli civilian casualties as strategic and tactical military successes

International Crimes and Criminal Responsibility by Hamas The terrorist actions practiced by Hamas – both indiscriminate targeting of Israeli towns, villages and civilians, as well as the exposure of its own residents as human shields — are violations of international law and internationally accepted humanitarian norms, specifically, the violation of the rule of distinction, which requires combatants to limit attacks to legitimate military targets. As such these constitute both crimes against humanity and war crimes, prosecutable before the International Criminal Court (ICC), as well as before municipal courts and tribunals that are guided by universal criminal jurisdiction. Advocating a religious holy war aimed at creating a regional Islamic entity encompassing the whole of the territory of Israel, and the call to “liberate Palestine” and to “raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine” appear to contravene the provisions of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention of Genocide.

That website is totally bias and so what you posted means nothing.

Boilerplate piffle.

We (sensible infidels and Jews) understand that the fundamental character of the Hamas charter remains unchanged, and that Hamas is still a despicable jihad/sharia terror gang.

Only if you promise to WHINE LOUDLY about the source:

"However, reaction to the recent unity government announced in April this year was very different. A government of ‘technocrats’ – comprising not a single Hamas member – was endorsed by both Fatah and Hamas in an attempt to end the isolation and strangulation of the Gaza strip.

"As noted in the Independent at the time, this new government would 'adhere to the conditions of the Middle East Quartet [the EU, UN Russia and US], recognise Israel, ratify all signed agreements and renounce violence' according to a 'senior Palestinian official' quoted on the Times of Israel site.

"As such, it was welcomed by both the US and the EU.

"Israel no longer had ‘Palestinian disunity’ as an excuse for refusing to engage in peace talks.

"Nor did they have ‘terrorism’ as an excuse, as Hamas had steadfastly stood by the terms of the 2012 ceasefire, not only ceasing their own rocket fire, but also successfully preventing rocket attacks by other Palestinian groups in Gaza.

"And all this despite continuous violations of the ceasefire by Israel beginning before the ink was even dry – from a refusal to lift the blockade (as required by the ceasefire terms), to continued attacks on Palestinians, killing 4 and maiming nearly 100 within the first three months of the ‘ceasefire’ alone.

"Even after Israeli attacks were stepped up over the past year, with four Palestinian children shot dead by Israeli forces between December 2013 and May 2014, including a 15 year old shot in the back from 100m, Hamas held their fire.

"Netanyahu’s narrative of negotiations being impossible due to..."

Israel?s Real Target is Not Hamas » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

A pity your source is

The Anti-Defamation League in 2007 described CounterPunch as an "anti-Zionist radical left newsletter". The pro-Israel media watchdog group Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) in 2007 described CounterPunch.org as an "extremist anti-Israel web site

In 2004, Max Boot described CounterPunch as an "extreme" "conspiracy-mongering website", citing a 2003 article by Dave Lindorff comparing George W. Bush to Hitler. The same article was also referred to by James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal as similarly permitting the dismissal of CounterPunch ("an outfit whose staple is stuff comparing Bush to Hitler"). Lindorff has defended his article against this characterisation.

So hardly an unbiased source of your POV, while you use proven ISLAMONAZI SOURCES you will be laughed at and seen as a complete moron.
If you believe the ADL, CAMERA, and Max Boot provide a more balanced view of Israel's occupation of Palestine, you can probably explain why Israel refused to lift its blockade of Gaza in 2012? Too tough? How many Gazans did Israel kill within the first three months after the 2012 ceasefire? Still stuck? Maybe you should find some new hasbara talking points.
what "businesses and farms" ?? Gaza is a concentration camp. People don't have businesses and
farms in concentration camps Were there businesses and farms in Auschwitz? The Gazans
should be happy to leave the CONCENTRATION CAMP-------as I recall---GETTING out to anywhere
was the biggie for all the inmates of Auschwitz
Your hasbara is going the way of Auschwitz inmates.
Do you feel it?

"DEIR EL-BALAH, Gaza Strip – Mohammed al-Telbani lost his life's work when Israeli shells repeatedly slammed into his four-story snack and cookie factory during the Gaza war, finally sparking a fire that engulfed vats of margarine and sacks of cocoa powder.

"As he contemplated starting over, sitting near the smoldering ruins of one of Gaza's largest factories, he looked to Cairo for answers.

"There, negotiators from Israel and Hamas launched another attempt Monday to negotiate an end to the 34-day-old war — and, perhaps even more crucial for Gaza's 1.8 million people, reach a new border deal for the coastal territory."

7-year-old border blockade, imposed to isolate Hamas, has hurt Gaza's 1.8 million people | Fox News

Then he should be claiming from hamas that allowed rocket launchers to be built close to his factory. They have over 50% of the gaza strip they can use for firing their missiles at Israel, so why do they need the civilian areas to do so.
Link to your proof Hamas had rocket launchers around his factory.
Or keep spamming hapless hasbara.
Only if you promise to WHINE LOUDLY about the source:

"However, reaction to the recent unity government announced in April this year was very different. A government of ‘technocrats’ – comprising not a single Hamas member – was endorsed by both Fatah and Hamas in an attempt to end the isolation and strangulation of the Gaza strip.

"As noted in the Independent at the time, this new government would 'adhere to the conditions of the Middle East Quartet [the EU, UN Russia and US], recognise Israel, ratify all signed agreements and renounce violence' according to a 'senior Palestinian official' quoted on the Times of Israel site.

"As such, it was welcomed by both the US and the EU.

"Israel no longer had ‘Palestinian disunity’ as an excuse for refusing to engage in peace talks.

"Nor did they have ‘terrorism’ as an excuse, as Hamas had steadfastly stood by the terms of the 2012 ceasefire, not only ceasing their own rocket fire, but also successfully preventing rocket attacks by other Palestinian groups in Gaza.

"And all this despite continuous violations of the ceasefire by Israel beginning before the ink was even dry – from a refusal to lift the blockade (as required by the ceasefire terms), to continued attacks on Palestinians, killing 4 and maiming nearly 100 within the first three months of the ‘ceasefire’ alone.

"Even after Israeli attacks were stepped up over the past year, with four Palestinian children shot dead by Israeli forces between December 2013 and May 2014, including a 15 year old shot in the back from 100m, Hamas held their fire.

"Netanyahu’s narrative of negotiations being impossible due to..."

Israel?s Real Target is Not Hamas » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

A pity your source is

The Anti-Defamation League in 2007 described CounterPunch as an "anti-Zionist radical left newsletter". The pro-Israel media watchdog group Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) in 2007 described CounterPunch.org as an "extremist anti-Israel web site

In 2004, Max Boot described CounterPunch as an "extreme" "conspiracy-mongering website", citing a 2003 article by Dave Lindorff comparing George W. Bush to Hitler. The same article was also referred to by James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal as similarly permitting the dismissal of CounterPunch ("an outfit whose staple is stuff comparing Bush to Hitler"). Lindorff has defended his article against this characterisation.

So hardly an unbiased source of your POV, while you use proven ISLAMONAZI SOURCES you will be laughed at and seen as a complete moron.

If you believe the ADL, CAMERA, and Max Boot provide a more balanced view of Israel's occupation of Palestine, you can probably explain why Israel refused to lift its blockade of Gaza in 2012? Too tough? How many Gazans did Israel kill within the first three months after the 2012 ceasefire? Still stuck? Maybe you should find some new hasbara talking points.

Why, Gaza George, there have been articles from news sources around the world about what your new masters are doing. How many Gazans would have been killed if their leaders didn't start up first and Israel had to defend itself? I think most rational readers realize that you want your favorite scapegoats, the Jew, to just sit back when your new masters attack them. How about you start telling us, especially since you are on this Middle East forum, how many innocent people your new masters have managed to kill in the other Middle East countries? Oh, no Jews for you to blame so you are just not interested in the thousands and thousands of people your new masters have murdered. See how easy it is for Dhimmis to close their eyes to this, especially when they need a scapegoat.
As bad as Gaza looks at the moment, we have to remember that there will be tons of money pooring into the area from different nations to rebuild. Can Gaza George tell us who will be sending all the money to Iraq and Syria to help them rebuild? Meanwhile, I wonder if Gaza George can tell us of any other people who have had their own relief agency looking out for their needs for years and years on end when there have been so many other areas in the world who have needed help desperately. I don't think we have seen any Gazans looking like skin and bones the way we have seen other groups look.
Greedy Jews destroyed Gaza, so let them pay to rebuild it.

Wrong again georgie as it was greedy hamas that destroyed gaza with it terrorism and charter that they invoked in June of this year
Except Israel is the occupying power in Gaza, not Hamas.
Jews broke it; now they will have to pay for their crimes.
The 'occupation' is not going to end until the Palestinians surrender...
You got your sense of morality and justice ass backwards.

The occupation is the cause of all the violence.

So the occupation must end, to end the violence.

Then how do you explain the violence before the occupation, the many terrorist attacks on Israeli children and civilians. Here are just some of the attacks that show the violence was there before the occupation

Apr 16, 1957 - Militants infiltrated from Jordan, and killed two guards at Kibbutz Mesilot.
May 20, 1957 - A gunman opened fire on a truck in the Arava region, killing a worker.
May 29, 1957 - A tractor driver was killed and two others wounded, when the vehicle struck a landmine, next to kibbutz Kissufim.
June 23, 1957 - Israelis were wounded by landmines, close to the Gaza Strip.
Aug 23, 1957 - Two guards of the Israeli Mekorot water company were killed near Kibbutz Beit Govrin.
Dec 21, 1957 - A member of kibbutz Gadot was killed in the Kibbutz fields.
Feb 11, 1958 - Militants killed a resident of moshav Yanov who was on his way to Kfar Yona, in the Sharon area.
Apr 5, 1958 - Militants lying in an ambush shot and killed two people near Tel Lakhish.
Apr 22, 1958 - Jordanian soldiers shot and killed two fishermen near Aqaba.
May 26, 1958 - Four Israeli police officers were killed in a Jordanian attack on Mount Scopus, in Jerusalem. At 1654 Local time Lieutenant-Colonel Flint of the Mixed Armistice Commission was killed apparently by a single sniper round while trying to evacuate the dead and wounded Israelis from an Israeli police patrol. The Israeli police patrol was on a disputed route past the al-Issawiya village in the Jordanian controlled area of Mount Scopus.[9]
Nov 17, 1958 - Syrian Militants killed the wife of the British air attaché in Israel, who was staying at the guesthouse of the Italian Convent on the Mt. of the Beatitudes.
Dec 3, 1958- A shepherd was killed at Kibbutz Gonen. In the artillery attack that followed, 31 civilians were wounded.
Jan 23, 1959 - A shepherd from Kibbutz Lehavot HaBashan was killed.
Feb 1, 1959 - Three civilians were killed by a landmine near Moshav Zavdiel.
Apr 15, 1959 - A guard was killed at kibbutz Ramat Rachel.
Apr 27, 1959 - Two hikers were shot at close range and killed near Massada.
Oct 3, 1959 - A shepherd from kibbutz Heftziba was killed near kibbutz Yad Hana.
Apr 26, 1960 - Militants killed a resident of Ashkelon south of the city.
Apr 12, 1962 - Militants fired on an Egged bus on the way to Eilat; one passenger was wounded.
Sept 30, 1962 - Two Militants attacked an Egged bus on the way to Eilat. No one was wounded.
May 31, 1965 - Jordanian Legionnaires fired on the neighborhood of Musrara in Jerusalem, killing two civilians and wounding four.
June 1, 1965 - Militants attack a house in Kibbutz Yiftah.
Sept 29, 1965 - A Militant was killed as he attempted to attack Moshav Amatzia.
Nov 7, 1965 - A Fatah cell that infiltrated from Jordan blew up a house in Moshav Givat Yeshayahu, south of Beit Shemesh. The house was destroyed, but the inhabitants were unhurt.
Apr 25, 1966 - Explosions placed by Militants wounded two civilians and damaged three houses in moshav Beit Yosef, in the Beit She'an Valley.
May 16, 1966 - Two Israelis were killed when their jeep hit a terrorist landmine, north of the Sea of Galilee and south of Almagor. Tracks led into Syria.
July 14, 1966 - Militants attacked a house in Kfar Yuval, in the North.
July 19, 1966 - Militants infiltrated into Moshav Margaliot on the northern border and planted nine explosive charges.
Oct 27, 1966 - A civilian was wounded by an explosive charge on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem.

List of attacks against Israeli civilians before 1967 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are many more such attacks that show you are talking bullshit and proves that you do not want the Jews to exist.
What would a rational person expect after 650,000 Jews inflict their state upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; over 700,000 Arabs were cleansed from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts inside Israel and into squalid refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. Arabs had no problem with Jews existing until Jews started stealing land and water belonging to Arabs.
You got your sense of morality and justice ass backwards.

The occupation is the cause of all the violence.

So the occupation must end, to end the violence.

Then how do you explain the violence before the occupation, the many terrorist attacks on Israeli children and civilians. Here are just some of the attacks that show the violence was there before the occupation

Apr 16, 1957 - Militants infiltrated from Jordan, and killed two guards at Kibbutz Mesilot.
May 20, 1957 - A gunman opened fire on a truck in the Arava region, killing a worker.
May 29, 1957 - A tractor driver was killed and two others wounded, when the vehicle struck a landmine, next to kibbutz Kissufim.
June 23, 1957 - Israelis were wounded by landmines, close to the Gaza Strip.
Aug 23, 1957 - Two guards of the Israeli Mekorot water company were killed near Kibbutz Beit Govrin.
Dec 21, 1957 - A member of kibbutz Gadot was killed in the Kibbutz fields.
Feb 11, 1958 - Militants killed a resident of moshav Yanov who was on his way to Kfar Yona, in the Sharon area.
Apr 5, 1958 - Militants lying in an ambush shot and killed two people near Tel Lakhish.
Apr 22, 1958 - Jordanian soldiers shot and killed two fishermen near Aqaba.
May 26, 1958 - Four Israeli police officers were killed in a Jordanian attack on Mount Scopus, in Jerusalem. At 1654 Local time Lieutenant-Colonel Flint of the Mixed Armistice Commission was killed apparently by a single sniper round while trying to evacuate the dead and wounded Israelis from an Israeli police patrol. The Israeli police patrol was on a disputed route past the al-Issawiya village in the Jordanian controlled area of Mount Scopus.[9]
Nov 17, 1958 - Syrian Militants killed the wife of the British air attaché in Israel, who was staying at the guesthouse of the Italian Convent on the Mt. of the Beatitudes.
Dec 3, 1958- A shepherd was killed at Kibbutz Gonen. In the artillery attack that followed, 31 civilians were wounded.
Jan 23, 1959 - A shepherd from Kibbutz Lehavot HaBashan was killed.
Feb 1, 1959 - Three civilians were killed by a landmine near Moshav Zavdiel.
Apr 15, 1959 - A guard was killed at kibbutz Ramat Rachel.
Apr 27, 1959 - Two hikers were shot at close range and killed near Massada.
Oct 3, 1959 - A shepherd from kibbutz Heftziba was killed near kibbutz Yad Hana.
Apr 26, 1960 - Militants killed a resident of Ashkelon south of the city.
Apr 12, 1962 - Militants fired on an Egged bus on the way to Eilat; one passenger was wounded.
Sept 30, 1962 - Two Militants attacked an Egged bus on the way to Eilat. No one was wounded.
May 31, 1965 - Jordanian Legionnaires fired on the neighborhood of Musrara in Jerusalem, killing two civilians and wounding four.
June 1, 1965 - Militants attack a house in Kibbutz Yiftah.
Sept 29, 1965 - A Militant was killed as he attempted to attack Moshav Amatzia.
Nov 7, 1965 - A Fatah cell that infiltrated from Jordan blew up a house in Moshav Givat Yeshayahu, south of Beit Shemesh. The house was destroyed, but the inhabitants were unhurt.
Apr 25, 1966 - Explosions placed by Militants wounded two civilians and damaged three houses in moshav Beit Yosef, in the Beit She'an Valley.
May 16, 1966 - Two Israelis were killed when their jeep hit a terrorist landmine, north of the Sea of Galilee and south of Almagor. Tracks led into Syria.
July 14, 1966 - Militants attacked a house in Kfar Yuval, in the North.
July 19, 1966 - Militants infiltrated into Moshav Margaliot on the northern border and planted nine explosive charges.
Oct 27, 1966 - A civilian was wounded by an explosive charge on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem.

List of attacks against Israeli civilians before 1967 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are many more such attacks that show you are talking bullshit and proves that you do not want the Jews to exist.
What would a rational person expect after 650,000 Jews inflict their state upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; over 700,000 Arabs were cleansed from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts inside Israel and into squalid refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. Arabs had no problem with Jews existing until Jews started stealing land and water belonging to Arabs.

Pretty silly, Angry Ahmed. In both a historical and present timeline, Arabs have inflicted their brand of politico-religious fascism across the entirety of the Middle East.

What causes you and your ilk to become incensed is that Israelis have reclaimed their historic homeland and that is an affront to islamo-fascist ideology.
A pity your source is

The Anti-Defamation League in 2007 described CounterPunch as an "anti-Zionist radical left newsletter". The pro-Israel media watchdog group Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) in 2007 described CounterPunch.org as an "extremist anti-Israel web site

In 2004, Max Boot described CounterPunch as an "extreme" "conspiracy-mongering website", citing a 2003 article by Dave Lindorff comparing George W. Bush to Hitler. The same article was also referred to by James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal as similarly permitting the dismissal of CounterPunch ("an outfit whose staple is stuff comparing Bush to Hitler"). Lindorff has defended his article against this characterisation.

So hardly an unbiased source of your POV, while you use proven ISLAMONAZI SOURCES you will be laughed at and seen as a complete moron.

If you believe the ADL, CAMERA, and Max Boot provide a more balanced view of Israel's occupation of Palestine, you can probably explain why Israel refused to lift its blockade of Gaza in 2012? Too tough? How many Gazans did Israel kill within the first three months after the 2012 ceasefire? Still stuck? Maybe you should find some new hasbara talking points.

Why, Gaza George, there have been articles from news sources around the world about what your new masters are doing. How many Gazans would have been killed if their leaders didn't start up first and Israel had to defend itself? I think most rational readers realize that you want your favorite scapegoats, the Jew, to just sit back when your new masters attack them. How about you start telling us, especially since you are on this Middle East forum, how many innocent people your new masters have managed to kill in the other Middle East countries? Oh, no Jews for you to blame so you are just not interested in the thousands and thousands of people your new masters have murdered. See how easy it is for Dhimmis to close their eyes to this, especially when they need a scapegoat.
If you're referring to the latest "mowing the lawn in Gaza" episode, Jews struck first, just as they have in virtually every war/conflict they've been involved in over the past 66 years. Israel is the occupying power in Gaza which means Jews can not simultaneously deny Gaza self-government and claim self-defense against a civilian population it is required to protect. Your people will have to find a new way of stealing the land and water of Gaza; too bad.:badgrin:
Greedy Jews destroyed Gaza, so let them pay to rebuild it.

Wrong again georgie as it was greedy hamas that destroyed gaza with it terrorism and charter that they invoked in June of this year

Except Israel is the occupying power in Gaza, not Hamas.

Jews broke it; now they will have to pay for their crimes.

I wish Gaza George would get in touch with the Hamas leader who had said that Gaza is not occupied. Meanwhile, I think the posters and viewers realize that Gaza George doesn't think that his new masters are committing any crimes in the rest of the Middle East -- no matter how many innocent people they have killed. After all, nobody has seen him ever mentioning what his new masters are doing to these people.

Meanwhile, Phoenall, did you notice Gaza George is back to his "greedy Jews" bit once again? I wonder what he thinks those "greedy Jews" in Los Angeles did to him that made him such a loser that he needed to make them his scapegoat. Imagine if those "greedy Jews" who are taxpapers started complaining about helping losers with subsidized apartments.

Last edited by a moderator:
Then how do you explain the violence before the occupation, the many terrorist attacks on Israeli children and civilians. Here are just some of the attacks that show the violence was there before the occupation

Apr 16, 1957 - Militants infiltrated from Jordan, and killed two guards at Kibbutz Mesilot.
May 20, 1957 - A gunman opened fire on a truck in the Arava region, killing a worker.
May 29, 1957 - A tractor driver was killed and two others wounded, when the vehicle struck a landmine, next to kibbutz Kissufim.
June 23, 1957 - Israelis were wounded by landmines, close to the Gaza Strip.
Aug 23, 1957 - Two guards of the Israeli Mekorot water company were killed near Kibbutz Beit Govrin.
Dec 21, 1957 - A member of kibbutz Gadot was killed in the Kibbutz fields.
Feb 11, 1958 - Militants killed a resident of moshav Yanov who was on his way to Kfar Yona, in the Sharon area.
Apr 5, 1958 - Militants lying in an ambush shot and killed two people near Tel Lakhish.
Apr 22, 1958 - Jordanian soldiers shot and killed two fishermen near Aqaba.
May 26, 1958 - Four Israeli police officers were killed in a Jordanian attack on Mount Scopus, in Jerusalem. At 1654 Local time Lieutenant-Colonel Flint of the Mixed Armistice Commission was killed apparently by a single sniper round while trying to evacuate the dead and wounded Israelis from an Israeli police patrol. The Israeli police patrol was on a disputed route past the al-Issawiya village in the Jordanian controlled area of Mount Scopus.[9]
Nov 17, 1958 - Syrian Militants killed the wife of the British air attaché in Israel, who was staying at the guesthouse of the Italian Convent on the Mt. of the Beatitudes.
Dec 3, 1958- A shepherd was killed at Kibbutz Gonen. In the artillery attack that followed, 31 civilians were wounded.
Jan 23, 1959 - A shepherd from Kibbutz Lehavot HaBashan was killed.
Feb 1, 1959 - Three civilians were killed by a landmine near Moshav Zavdiel.
Apr 15, 1959 - A guard was killed at kibbutz Ramat Rachel.
Apr 27, 1959 - Two hikers were shot at close range and killed near Massada.
Oct 3, 1959 - A shepherd from kibbutz Heftziba was killed near kibbutz Yad Hana.
Apr 26, 1960 - Militants killed a resident of Ashkelon south of the city.
Apr 12, 1962 - Militants fired on an Egged bus on the way to Eilat; one passenger was wounded.
Sept 30, 1962 - Two Militants attacked an Egged bus on the way to Eilat. No one was wounded.
May 31, 1965 - Jordanian Legionnaires fired on the neighborhood of Musrara in Jerusalem, killing two civilians and wounding four.
June 1, 1965 - Militants attack a house in Kibbutz Yiftah.
Sept 29, 1965 - A Militant was killed as he attempted to attack Moshav Amatzia.
Nov 7, 1965 - A Fatah cell that infiltrated from Jordan blew up a house in Moshav Givat Yeshayahu, south of Beit Shemesh. The house was destroyed, but the inhabitants were unhurt.
Apr 25, 1966 - Explosions placed by Militants wounded two civilians and damaged three houses in moshav Beit Yosef, in the Beit She'an Valley.
May 16, 1966 - Two Israelis were killed when their jeep hit a terrorist landmine, north of the Sea of Galilee and south of Almagor. Tracks led into Syria.
July 14, 1966 - Militants attacked a house in Kfar Yuval, in the North.
July 19, 1966 - Militants infiltrated into Moshav Margaliot on the northern border and planted nine explosive charges.
Oct 27, 1966 - A civilian was wounded by an explosive charge on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem.

List of attacks against Israeli civilians before 1967 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are many more such attacks that show you are talking bullshit and proves that you do not want the Jews to exist.
What would a rational person expect after 650,000 Jews inflict their state upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; over 700,000 Arabs were cleansed from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts inside Israel and into squalid refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. Arabs had no problem with Jews existing until Jews started stealing land and water belonging to Arabs.

Pretty silly, Angry Ahmed. In both a historical and present timeline, Arabs have inflicted their brand of politico-religious fascism across the entirety of the Middle East.

What causes you and your ilk to become incensed is that Israelis have reclaimed their historic homeland and that is an affront to islamo-fascist ideology.
In Mandate Palestine of 1948 650,000 Jews inflicted their state on twice as many Arabs by the process of ethnic cleansing; why do you ignore that?
What would a rational person expect after 650,000 Jews inflict their state upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; over 700,000 Arabs were cleansed from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts inside Israel and into squalid refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. Arabs had no problem with Jews existing until Jews started stealing land and water belonging to Arabs.

Pretty silly, Angry Ahmed. In both a historical and present timeline, Arabs have inflicted their brand of politico-religious fascism across the entirety of the Middle East.

What causes you and your ilk to become incensed is that Israelis have reclaimed their historic homeland and that is an affront to islamo-fascist ideology.
In Mandate Palestine of 1948 650,000 Jews inflicted their state on twice as many Arabs by the process of ethnic cleansing; why do you ignore that?

Oh my goodness, we have the same old, same old spiel again from Gaza George. He will never tell you that most of these Arabs came from poor surrounding countries when the Jews had jobs for them, and the British officials stationed in the area noticed this.. (After all, he can't be blind as to why all the Central Americans (many here illegally) have flooded into his own Pico Union neighborhood of Los Angeles.) He will also not tell you that the Arab leaders told these "Palestinians" to get out of the way when they come in to destroy the Jews and then they could come back and take over the property of the Jews. The Arabs who didn't heed their call are now citizens of Israel.
What would a rational person expect after 650,000 Jews inflict their state upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; over 700,000 Arabs were cleansed from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts inside Israel and into squalid refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. Arabs had no problem with Jews existing until Jews started stealing land and water belonging to Arabs.

Pretty silly, Angry Ahmed. In both a historical and present timeline, Arabs have inflicted their brand of politico-religious fascism across the entirety of the Middle East.

What causes you and your ilk to become incensed is that Israelis have reclaimed their historic homeland and that is an affront to islamo-fascist ideology.
In Mandate Palestine of 1948 650,000 Jews inflicted their state on twice as many Arabs by the process of ethnic cleansing; why do you ignore that?

Sorry, Angry Ahmed, but the Mandate provided land for both Israel and the Arab squatters. It was a function of Arab/Islamist fascism that would not allow you and your angry Ahmed brethren to allow Jews in "Moslem Lands".

You should educate yourself about issues you remain ignorant of.

Define the islamo-fascist concept of waqf for us. You will even find reference to it in the Hamas'istan Charter.
Not that I have seen, all I can see is immature name calling and personal attacks, so were is the link that shows hamas has scrapped its charter ?

Here is the evidence that hamas invokes it's charter to justify the attacks on Israel

The Latest Hamas-Israel Confrontation -- Some Pertinent Legal Points

No. 602 July-August 2014
The ideological foundation of Hamas as set out in its national charter, and its actions of indiscriminate terror directed against Israeli towns, villages and citizens, clearly define its character as a terrorist entity. This is reflected in the fact that Hamas has been formally outlawed in several major states.
The terrorist actions by Hamas, including the indiscriminate targeting of Israel’s civilian population centers and the deliberate and cynical exposure and use of its own civilians, mosques, hospitals and schools as human shields, are violations of international humanitarian law. for which Hamas’ leaders and commanders are accountable and prosecutable.
International law recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself, whether by the conventional international right of self-defense as set out in the UN Charter or by the international customary right to self-defense.
Accusations that Israel is collectively punishing the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip have no basis. Israel’s military actions are solely directed to one strategic and tactical purpose, not to punish the population, but to halt the indiscriminate rocket fire and terror infiltration into Israel’s sovereign territory.
The allegation leveled against Israel that it uses disproportionate force, is a misreading of the international rules of proportionality in armed conflict which are intended to regulate the extent of force needed in relation to the military challenge anticipated.

The Inherent Character of Hamas as a Terrorist Entity

Its declared modus operandi advocates and espouses terror against Israel as the means to achieve its ends. It views every Israeli man, woman and child as a legitimate military target thereby justifying its terrorist attacks by missiles, suicide bombings, murder and abductions. It openly admits its strategy of terrorizing Israel’s civilian population through the use of rockets and missiles indiscriminately aimed at Israel’s towns and villages. Its leaders and spokesmen are on public record admitting their responsibility for such acts of terror. Thus the indiscriminate rocket fire is consistent with its ideology, which sees Israeli civilian casualties as strategic and tactical military successes

International Crimes and Criminal Responsibility by Hamas The terrorist actions practiced by Hamas – both indiscriminate targeting of Israeli towns, villages and civilians, as well as the exposure of its own residents as human shields — are violations of international law and internationally accepted humanitarian norms, specifically, the violation of the rule of distinction, which requires combatants to limit attacks to legitimate military targets. As such these constitute both crimes against humanity and war crimes, prosecutable before the International Criminal Court (ICC), as well as before municipal courts and tribunals that are guided by universal criminal jurisdiction. Advocating a religious holy war aimed at creating a regional Islamic entity encompassing the whole of the territory of Israel, and the call to “liberate Palestine” and to “raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine” appear to contravene the provisions of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention of Genocide.
All your evidence is just some Israeli kiss-ass saying what he thinks, Hamas thinks.

If you want to know what Hamas thinks, you ask Hamas!

KHALED MASHAL, CHIEF OF THE POLITICAL BUREAU, HAMAS: We are not fanatics. We are not fundamentalists. We do not actually fight the Jews because they are Jews, per se. We do not fight any other races. We fight the occupiers.

On the contrary, we actually respect the religious people. We ask for tolerance, for coexistence between the Buddhists, the Jews, the Christians, or the Muslims. As God created us as nations, we are different. And the Quran says that, in order for the nations to live together and coexist together without occupation and without any blockade.

CHARLIE ROSE, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: I think I just heard you say--and we'll close on this--you believe in the coexistence of peoples, and therefore you believe in the coexistence of Palestinians and Israelis in the Middle East.

MASHAL: I can't coexist with occupation.

ROSE: Without occupation you can coexist.

MASHAL: I am ready to coexist with which the Jews, with the Christians, and with the Arabs and non-Arabs, and with those who agree with my ideas and those who disagree with them. However, I do not coexist with the occupiers, with the settlers, and those who took siege of us.
There you have it, their current position.

Not some 30 year old document from the '80's.
Not that I have seen, all I can see is immature name calling and personal attacks, so were is the link that shows hamas has scrapped its charter ?

Here is the evidence that hamas invokes it's charter to justify the attacks on Israel

The Latest Hamas-Israel Confrontation -- Some Pertinent Legal Points

No. 602 July-August 2014
The ideological foundation of Hamas as set out in its national charter, and its actions of indiscriminate terror directed against Israeli towns, villages and citizens, clearly define its character as a terrorist entity. This is reflected in the fact that Hamas has been formally outlawed in several major states.
The terrorist actions by Hamas, including the indiscriminate targeting of Israel’s civilian population centers and the deliberate and cynical exposure and use of its own civilians, mosques, hospitals and schools as human shields, are violations of international humanitarian law. for which Hamas’ leaders and commanders are accountable and prosecutable.
International law recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself, whether by the conventional international right of self-defense as set out in the UN Charter or by the international customary right to self-defense.
Accusations that Israel is collectively punishing the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip have no basis. Israel’s military actions are solely directed to one strategic and tactical purpose, not to punish the population, but to halt the indiscriminate rocket fire and terror infiltration into Israel’s sovereign territory.
The allegation leveled against Israel that it uses disproportionate force, is a misreading of the international rules of proportionality in armed conflict which are intended to regulate the extent of force needed in relation to the military challenge anticipated.

The Inherent Character of Hamas as a Terrorist Entity

Its declared modus operandi advocates and espouses terror against Israel as the means to achieve its ends. It views every Israeli man, woman and child as a legitimate military target thereby justifying its terrorist attacks by missiles, suicide bombings, murder and abductions. It openly admits its strategy of terrorizing Israel’s civilian population through the use of rockets and missiles indiscriminately aimed at Israel’s towns and villages. Its leaders and spokesmen are on public record admitting their responsibility for such acts of terror. Thus the indiscriminate rocket fire is consistent with its ideology, which sees Israeli civilian casualties as strategic and tactical military successes

International Crimes and Criminal Responsibility by Hamas The terrorist actions practiced by Hamas – both indiscriminate targeting of Israeli towns, villages and civilians, as well as the exposure of its own residents as human shields — are violations of international law and internationally accepted humanitarian norms, specifically, the violation of the rule of distinction, which requires combatants to limit attacks to legitimate military targets. As such these constitute both crimes against humanity and war crimes, prosecutable before the International Criminal Court (ICC), as well as before municipal courts and tribunals that are guided by universal criminal jurisdiction. Advocating a religious holy war aimed at creating a regional Islamic entity encompassing the whole of the territory of Israel, and the call to “liberate Palestine” and to “raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine” appear to contravene the provisions of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention of Genocide.
All your evidence is just some Israeli kiss-ass saying what he thinks, Hamas thinks.

If you want to know what Hamas thinks, you ask Hamas!

KHALED MASHAL, CHIEF OF THE POLITICAL BUREAU, HAMAS: We are not fanatics. We are not fundamentalists. We do not actually fight the Jews because they are Jews, per se. We do not fight any other races. We fight the occupiers.

On the contrary, we actually respect the religious people. We ask for tolerance, for coexistence between the Buddhists, the Jews, the Christians, or the Muslims. As God created us as nations, we are different. And the Quran says that, in order for the nations to live together and coexist together without occupation and without any blockade.

CHARLIE ROSE, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: I think I just heard you say--and we'll close on this--you believe in the coexistence of peoples, and therefore you believe in the coexistence of Palestinians and Israelis in the Middle East.

MASHAL: I can't coexist with occupation.

ROSE: Without occupation you can coexist.

MASHAL: I am ready to coexist with which the Jews, with the Christians, and with the Arabs and non-Arabs, and with those who agree with my ideas and those who disagree with them. However, I do not coexist with the occupiers, with the settlers, and those who took siege of us.
There you have it, their current position.

Not some 30 year old document from the '80's.

Mashal also has title to a bridge he wants to sell you.
Not that I have seen, all I can see is immature name calling and personal attacks, so were is the link that shows hamas has scrapped its charter ?

Here is the evidence that hamas invokes it's charter to justify the attacks on Israel

The Latest Hamas-Israel Confrontation -- Some Pertinent Legal Points

No. 602 July-August 2014
The ideological foundation of Hamas as set out in its national charter, and its actions of indiscriminate terror directed against Israeli towns, villages and citizens, clearly define its character as a terrorist entity. This is reflected in the fact that Hamas has been formally outlawed in several major states.
The terrorist actions by Hamas, including the indiscriminate targeting of Israel’s civilian population centers and the deliberate and cynical exposure and use of its own civilians, mosques, hospitals and schools as human shields, are violations of international humanitarian law. for which Hamas’ leaders and commanders are accountable and prosecutable.
International law recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself, whether by the conventional international right of self-defense as set out in the UN Charter or by the international customary right to self-defense.
Accusations that Israel is collectively punishing the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip have no basis. Israel’s military actions are solely directed to one strategic and tactical purpose, not to punish the population, but to halt the indiscriminate rocket fire and terror infiltration into Israel’s sovereign territory.
The allegation leveled against Israel that it uses disproportionate force, is a misreading of the international rules of proportionality in armed conflict which are intended to regulate the extent of force needed in relation to the military challenge anticipated.

The Inherent Character of Hamas as a Terrorist Entity

Its declared modus operandi advocates and espouses terror against Israel as the means to achieve its ends. It views every Israeli man, woman and child as a legitimate military target thereby justifying its terrorist attacks by missiles, suicide bombings, murder and abductions. It openly admits its strategy of terrorizing Israel’s civilian population through the use of rockets and missiles indiscriminately aimed at Israel’s towns and villages. Its leaders and spokesmen are on public record admitting their responsibility for such acts of terror. Thus the indiscriminate rocket fire is consistent with its ideology, which sees Israeli civilian casualties as strategic and tactical military successes

International Crimes and Criminal Responsibility by Hamas The terrorist actions practiced by Hamas – both indiscriminate targeting of Israeli towns, villages and civilians, as well as the exposure of its own residents as human shields — are violations of international law and internationally accepted humanitarian norms, specifically, the violation of the rule of distinction, which requires combatants to limit attacks to legitimate military targets. As such these constitute both crimes against humanity and war crimes, prosecutable before the International Criminal Court (ICC), as well as before municipal courts and tribunals that are guided by universal criminal jurisdiction. Advocating a religious holy war aimed at creating a regional Islamic entity encompassing the whole of the territory of Israel, and the call to “liberate Palestine” and to “raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine” appear to contravene the provisions of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention of Genocide.
All your evidence is just some Israeli kiss-ass saying what he thinks, Hamas thinks.

If you want to know what Hamas thinks, you ask Hamas!

KHALED MASHAL, CHIEF OF THE POLITICAL BUREAU, HAMAS: We are not fanatics. We are not fundamentalists. We do not actually fight the Jews because they are Jews, per se. We do not fight any other races. We fight the occupiers.

On the contrary, we actually respect the religious people. We ask for tolerance, for coexistence between the Buddhists, the Jews, the Christians, or the Muslims. As God created us as nations, we are different. And the Quran says that, in order for the nations to live together and coexist together without occupation and without any blockade.

CHARLIE ROSE, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: I think I just heard you say--and we'll close on this--you believe in the coexistence of peoples, and therefore you believe in the coexistence of Palestinians and Israelis in the Middle East.

MASHAL: I can't coexist with occupation.

ROSE: Without occupation you can coexist.

MASHAL: I am ready to coexist with which the Jews, with the Christians, and with the Arabs and non-Arabs, and with those who agree with my ideas and those who disagree with them. However, I do not coexist with the occupiers, with the settlers, and those who took siege of us.
There you have it, their current position.

Not some 30 year old document from the '80's.

Mashal also has title to a bridge he wants to sell you.

We can see how badly the Muslims want to make peace with the Jews.

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The only was this all goes away is if 80% of Gazans agree to leave their homes, businesses and farms and move to unknown parts of the world while a roughly equal number of Jew squatters flood into Gaza and solve the housing crisis in Israel.

What housing crisis in Israel, there are plenty of areas the muslim immigrants can go to if they wanted. There is the arteas around the gaza border, or the area around the Syrian border.
It is the arab muslims that are overcrowded and want to force the Jews to move away so they can infest the land of Israel like the vermin they are
"Tackling the housing shortage
Dissolving the Israel Land Administration's monopoly on land could drive down home prices.
Haaretz Editorial | Jun. 16, 2014 | 7:56 AM"


So no actual crisis apart from the one designed by the ILA
The Hamas Charter ceased to be operational with the forming of the latest unity government in Palestine. The Likud Charter on the other hand makes no mention of the Levant, Herodotus, or sharia in general, it clearly states there will be no Arab state west of the Jordan river, which would seem to include Gaza and the West Bank. Why do you try to lie about the Zionist goal of controlling all of Palestine by Jews?

How about a link then georgie boy that shows the hamas charter is no longer operational. The way it was set up makes it impossible to alter or rescind without a quorum of at least 75% OF THE HAMAS LEADERSHIP
The likud charter is not binding and was rescinded when it was seen to cause problems for the party. Clutching at straws again georgie and running it into the ground.
You first, Hasbara.
Start with your imaginary Hamas quorum.
Then tell us when Likud repealed its racist charter.

Whats wrong georgie cant you find any links that support your false claims. But here you go with links that support my claims

CAMERA: Fatah's Constitution (English Translation)

Likud-Beiteinu struggles to reconcile charter with Netanyahu's 'two state' Bar-Ilan speech Israel News | Haaretz
How about a link then georgie boy that shows the hamas charter is no longer operational. The way it was set up makes it impossible to alter or rescind without a quorum of at least 75% OF THE HAMAS LEADERSHIP
The likud charter is not binding and was rescinded when it was seen to cause problems for the party. Clutching at straws again georgie and running it into the ground.
You first, Hasbara.
Start with your imaginary Hamas quorum.
Then tell us when Likud repealed its racist charter.

Whats wrong georgie cant you find any links that support your false claims. But here you go with links that support my claims

CAMERA: Fatah's Constitution (English Translation)

Likud-Beiteinu struggles to reconcile charter with Netanyahu's 'two state' Bar-Ilan speech Israel News | Haaretz

We have to give Gaza George a little pat on the back. After all he learned a new word -- Hasbara -- to add to his limited vocabulary and he keeps on using it to show us how proud he is of learning it. I hope his neighbors have taught him another word to describe himself, which is cucaracha/
Pretty silly, Angry Ahmed. In both a historical and present timeline, Arabs have inflicted their brand of politico-religious fascism across the entirety of the Middle East.

What causes you and your ilk to become incensed is that Israelis have reclaimed their historic homeland and that is an affront to islamo-fascist ideology.
In Mandate Palestine of 1948 650,000 Jews inflicted their state on twice as many Arabs by the process of ethnic cleansing; why do you ignore that?

Oh my goodness, we have the same old, same old spiel again from Gaza George. He will never tell you that most of these Arabs came from poor surrounding countries when the Jews had jobs for them, and the British officials stationed in the area noticed this.. (After all, he can't be blind as to why all the Central Americans (many here illegally) have flooded into his own Pico Union neighborhood of Los Angeles.) He will also not tell you that the Arab leaders told these "Palestinians" to get out of the way when they come in to destroy the Jews and then they could come back and take over the property of the Jews. The Arabs who didn't heed their call are now citizens of Israel.
Hundreds of thousands of Arabs who didn't heed their call were driven into refugee camps in Gaza, and their homes, businesses and farms were given to Jews from around the Middle East.
In Mandate Palestine of 1948 650,000 Jews inflicted their state on twice as many Arabs by the process of ethnic cleansing; why do you ignore that?

Oh my goodness, we have the same old, same old spiel again from Gaza George. He will never tell you that most of these Arabs came from poor surrounding countries when the Jews had jobs for them, and the British officials stationed in the area noticed this.. (After all, he can't be blind as to why all the Central Americans (many here illegally) have flooded into his own Pico Union neighborhood of Los Angeles.) He will also not tell you that the Arab leaders told these "Palestinians" to get out of the way when they come in to destroy the Jews and then they could come back and take over the property of the Jews. The Arabs who didn't heed their call are now citizens of Israel.

Hundreds of thousands of Arabs who didn't heed their call were driven into refugee camps in Gaza, and their homes, businesses and farms were given to Jews from around the Middle East.

Meanwhile, it was too long before that when there were millions and millions of displaced people from the war in Europe who were helped to settle thousands of miles from their original homes, learn a new language, and got on with their new lives (many certainly more successfully than you were able to do even though you were born here). It appears that your new masters needed these Palestinians as pawns just like you do in their fight against the Jews whom they have hated ever since Mohammed showed up.

By the way, I find it amusing that Gaza George wants the readers to think that the Palestinians who heeded the call of the other Arab leaders were so rich that they owned all these businesses, their own homes and other properties, etc. Most of these Arabs were actually experiencing the same economic conditions that the Central Americans are doing in your own neighborhood.
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