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Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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George, do you think anyone here cares what you think anymore?? Your evident hatred for Jews had flushed your credibility down the toilet.

Without a doubt. Including that British-sounding name he goes by. I suppose if he used his real name (Mohammed, by any chance ?) his disguise would be blown. :D
I find it interesting that people describe the Israeli thing upon GAZA as an
economic SIEGE--------is there something wrong with an economic siege?
since about 1950----the entire muslim world has imposed an economic siege
upon Israel. It works like this. Islamic lands do no business with large
corporations that do business with Israel ------they sorta manage to accomplish
this thing. The "thing" is meant to be an ECONOMIC SIEGE. PEPSI---
does (or at least did not for decades) do any business at all with Israel-----
if it did----it could not do business with any muslim countries. Is there some-
thing wrong with an ECONOMIC SIEGE? is there something wrong with BDS?
Why don't you start your own thread, since you obviously refuse to stick to the topic which is the cause of the Gaza War, which is simply Islamic jihad. And this lunacy has been going on ever since the cancer of Islam began. No matter waht Israel has done or hasn't done, jihadist lunatics like Hamas are going to attack, and all of this will not cease until they are completely wiped out.

You can't remember the title you gave to your thread?
Israel is to blame for its latest "mowing the lawn" turf war in Gaza in exactly the same way it was responsible for al-Nakba in 1948, and the Jews are responsible for exactly the same motives; they want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
Your ignorance of the context changes nothing.

Nonsense. There is no "context"other than the Muslim jihad clearly stated in the Hamas Charter. Are you "ignorant" of THAT ?
I'm aware of the Likud Charter, as well.
Are you?
Likud wants no Palestinian state west of the Jordan River.
What does that tell you about the Jew's plans for Gaza?

"Since virtually every comment on Hamas in American media includes the assertion that the group’s Charter rejects Israel’s right to exist, it’s worth noting the following from the Likud Platform of 1999:

a. “'The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.'

b. “'Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.
The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem'

c. “'The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.'

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel.

"The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment

Can you figure out which charter has the most chance of success in Palestine?
No it was born out of a need for compassion that is still lacking in the arab muslims. At the end of the day the arab muslims really had no say in what the lands LEGAL OWNERS did with the land. They were just squatters living of the backs of the hard working Jews and being parasites, still clinging to a 7c declaration that their god had made them the chosen people and had given them the world to own. Every civilised history book tells of illegal arab muslim migration to Palestine on the rumours of work and possible theft of Jewish farms. A practise as old as islam itself and it is proscribed for muslims as a means of gaining land and sex slaves. The Palestinians have practised ethnic cleansing since the arrived in the land and just recently cleansed its land of 10% of the population and not a whisper from you lot. Same when hamas/fatah wiped out each others families in gaza and the west bank and more children were murdered then than Israel has killed since 2005, again not a whisper from you over this. In fact every time the Palestinians murder their own people or go on a killing spree you say nothing, but let the Jews defend themselves against Palestinian violence and terrorism and you make vile claims about war crimes and child murder that have no basis in truth or reality. Your common sense is blinded by your hatred of the Jews and you need to be treated for it before you do something stupid.

Now show what territory Israel has stolen by force of arms, and none of your partisan ISLAMONAZI LYING SITES
"Gaza’s economic decline is seen in the near collapse of its agricultural sector.

"One factor is the destruction of around 7,800 acres of agricultural land during Cast Lead. Consequently, approximately one-third of Gaza’s total arable land is out of production.

"Furthermore, Israeli-imposed buffer zones — areas of restricted access — now absorb nearly 14 percent of Gaza’s total land and at least 48 percent of total arable land.

"Similarly, the sea buffer zone covers 85 percent of the maritime area promised to Palestinians in the Oslo Accords, reducing 20 nautical miles to three, where waters are fouled by sewage flows in excess of 23 million gallons daily.

"Another critical constraint is water. Gaza’s aquifer has been ruined by prolonged over-pumping and sewage and contaminant infiltration.

"Almost all of Gaza’s municipal wells used for drinking water are seriously polluted.

"Due to the breakdown of Gaza’s sanitation infrastructure, particularly after 2008, this infiltration has led to elevated levels of nitrates and chlorides in the groundwater and soil — far above World Health Organization safety levels — posing a dangerous health risk to humans and livestock.

"Israel’s blockade policy restricts the entry of materials needed to repair, maintain, and upgrade Gaza’s sewage and wastewater treatment infrastructure. Save the Children reported in 2011 that Israeli airstrikes destroyed water and sanitation infrastructure valued at $1.3 million."

Where?s our humanity for Gaza? - Opinion - The Boston Globe

Palestinians have no one to blame for "Israeli-imposed buffer zones" than Hamas. Were it not for Hamas, and their maniacal jihad, these buffer zones would not exist. Would they exist if all the people (minus Muslim nutjobs) of Denmark were living there ? Or the people of Switzerland ? Ask yourself that.
The buffer zones were there before Hamas came into existence.
What does that tell you about the Likud Charter and its well-publicized provision stating there will be no Arab state west of the Jordan river?
You seem to be telling us that you're not only ignorant of Israel's recent history, but you are actually indifferent to the fact that Jews have been practicing creeping annexation in Palestine since 1948.
You can't remember the title you gave to your thread?
Israel is to blame for its latest "mowing the lawn" turf war in Gaza in exactly the same way it was responsible for al-Nakba in 1948, and the Jews are responsible for exactly the same motives; they want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
Your ignorance of the context changes nothing.

Nonsense. There is no "context"other than the Muslim jihad clearly stated in the Hamas Charter. Are you "ignorant" of THAT ?
I'm aware of the Likud Charter, as well.
Are you?
Likud wants no Palestinian state west of the Jordan River.
What does that tell you about the Jew's plans for Gaza?

"Since virtually every comment on Hamas in American media includes the assertion that the group’s Charter rejects Israel’s right to exist, it’s worth noting the following from the Likud Platform of 1999:

a. “'The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.'

b. “'Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.
The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem'

c. “'The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.'

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel.

"The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment

Can you figure out which charter has the most chance of success in Palestine?

try again------the LIKUD statement does not exclude a state for the people who call themselves
"palesstinians" in the LEVANT ---(keeping in mind that just about the entire LEVANT is
the historic "Palestina" ad described by Herodotus----an idea that makes sense even today both
culturally and linquistically) HOWEVER the hamas charter and the filth of shariah in general
excludes a jewish homeland ANYWHERE in the LEVANT which shariah enthusiasts actually do consider
all "MUSLIM LAND" The Jordan river does seem to be a natural border -------
natural borders make good borders --------no border works for a CALIPHATE MAN-----you
got some UMMAHNIKS ready to give up THE CALIPHATE aka DAR AL ISLAM?
You can't remember the title you gave to your thread?
Israel is to blame for its latest "mowing the lawn" turf war in Gaza in exactly the same way it was responsible for al-Nakba in 1948, and the Jews are responsible for exactly the same motives; they want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
Your ignorance of the context changes nothing.

Do explain how this is when hamas declared war on Israel by riring over 200 rockets and mortars at Israel in the months leading up to the retaliation. Maybe Israel should do what hamas does and fire rockets at gaza, targeting schools, kindegartens, playgrounds and anywhere else children are to be found.

That's exactly what Britain and the USA did to Germany (carpet-bombing) anfter Germany had done to Britain what Hamas has done to Israel. If israel engaged in the same recourse as the Allies did in World War II, this war would already be over, there be no Hamas at all, and ther would be very little left of Gaza. Lucky for the Gazans and Hamas, the Israelis are concerned with the lives of the Palestinians. The Israelis could also have taken the measures that the US took in Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Instead they suffer deaths to their own soldiers to save innocent Palestinians (who many people would say aren't so innocent, after voting for Hamas - if they actually did do that)
Are you too fucking stupid to know the difference between sovereign states like Britain, the US, Germany, and Israel and an occupied territory like Gaza, or are you Jewish? Israel doesn't carpet bomb Gaza because the world community would vanish it from the page of time, not because the Jews running Israel have the slightest concern for human rights in Gaza. If you disagree, explain why there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living between the River and the sea in 1948, and there are equal numbers of each nation living on the same land today.
Nonsense. There is no "context"other than the Muslim jihad clearly stated in the Hamas Charter. Are you "ignorant" of THAT ?
I'm aware of the Likud Charter, as well.
Are you?
Likud wants no Palestinian state west of the Jordan River.
What does that tell you about the Jew's plans for Gaza?

"Since virtually every comment on Hamas in American media includes the assertion that the group’s Charter rejects Israel’s right to exist, it’s worth noting the following from the Likud Platform of 1999:

a. “'The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.'

b. “'Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.
The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem'

c. “'The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.'

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel.

"The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment

Can you figure out which charter has the most chance of success in Palestine?

try again------the LIKUD statement does not exclude a state for the people who call themselves
"palesstinians" in the LEVANT ---(keeping in mind that just about the entire LEVANT is
the historic "Palestina" ad described by Herodotus----an idea that makes sense even today both
culturally and linquistically) HOWEVER the hamas charter and the filth of shariah in general
excludes a jewish homeland ANYWHERE in the LEVANT which shariah enthusiasts actually do consider
all "MUSLIM LAND" The Jordan river does seem to be a natural border -------
natural borders make good borders --------no border works for a CALIPHATE MAN-----you
got some UMMAHNIKS ready to give up THE CALIPHATE aka DAR AL ISLAM?
The Hamas Charter ceased to be operational with the forming of the latest unity government in Palestine. The Likud Charter on the other hand makes no mention of the Levant, Herodotus, or sharia in general, it clearly states there will be no Arab state west of the Jordan river, which would seem to include Gaza and the West Bank. Why do you try to lie about the Zionist goal of controlling all of Palestine by Jews?
What has that got to do with Israel when it is hamas that causes the problems

1) Who used the agricultural land for terrorist attacks, not Israel

2)Who caused cast lead by firing rockets at Israeli children non stop, not Israel

3)Who caused that by trying to plant bombs and firing illegal rockets at Israeli children, not Israel

4)Who caused that by smuggling in weapons and destroying the sewage treatment works, not Israel

5) Who caused that by stealing steel pipes to make rockets, not Israel

6) Who caused that by stealing steel pipes to make rockets, not Israel

7) Who caused that by stealing steel pipes from sewage treatment works, not Israel

8) Who caused that by firing rockets into Israel and stealing steel pipes destined for repairs, not Israel

So you see when you look at it with clear vision it all boils down to hamas and its terrorist policies and violence in the name of islam
It's still the occupation, Stupid

"The Gaza Strip is now in its 46th year of occupation, 22nd year of closure, and sixth year of intensified closure.

"The resulting normalization of the occupation assumes a dangerous form in the Gaza Strip, whose status as an occupied territory has ceased to matter in the West; the attention has shifted — after Hamas’s 2006 electoral victory and 2007 takeover of the territory — to Gaza’s containment and punishment, rendering illegitimate any notion of human rights or freedom for Palestinians.

"The Israeli government has referred to its siege policy as a form of 'economic warfare.'

"In a Nov. 2008 cable from the US embassy in Tel Aviv released by WikiLeaks, US officials wrote, 'As part of their overall embargo plan against Gaza, Israeli officials have confirmed . . . on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge' with the aim of having Gaza’s economy 'functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis.'

"This was achieved through an Israeli-imposed blockade that ended all normal trade.

"The result has been high and persistent unemployment, which stood near 30 percent by June 2012, according to the International Monetary Fund. Approximately 39 percent of Gaza’s people lived below the poverty line in 2011. The figure would be far greater without donor aid."

Where?s our humanity for Gaza? - Opinion - The Boston Globe

There is no occupation. Israelis left Gaza in 2005. There isn't an Israeli soldier, or settler, or Jew in Gaza, that wasn't caused to be there by Hamas 'rocketing. And the blockade was imposed by Hamas, just like all the other trouble. Eliminate the Koran, eliminate Hamas, and this all goes away.
The only was this all goes away is if 80% of Gazans agree to leave their homes, businesses and farms and move to unknown parts of the world while a roughly equal number of Jew squatters flood into Gaza and solve the housing crisis in Israel.

The only was this all goes away is if 80% of Gazans agree to leave their homes, businesses and farms and move to unknown parts of the world while a roughly equal number of Jew squatters flood into Gaza and solve the housing crisis in Israel.

what "businesses and farms" ?? Gaza is a concentration camp. People don't have businesses and
farms in concentration camps Were there businesses and farms in Auschwitz? The Gazans
should be happy to leave the CONCENTRATION CAMP-------as I recall---GETTING out to anywhere
was the biggie for all the inmates of Auschwitz
I'm aware of the Likud Charter, as well.
Are you?
Likud wants no Palestinian state west of the Jordan River.
What does that tell you about the Jew's plans for Gaza?

"Since virtually every comment on Hamas in American media includes the assertion that the group’s Charter rejects Israel’s right to exist, it’s worth noting the following from the Likud Platform of 1999:

a. “'The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.'

b. “'Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.
The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem'

c. “'The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.'

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel.

"The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment

Can you figure out which charter has the most chance of success in Palestine?

try again------the LIKUD statement does not exclude a state for the people who call themselves
"palesstinians" in the LEVANT ---(keeping in mind that just about the entire LEVANT is
the historic "Palestina" ad described by Herodotus----an idea that makes sense even today both
culturally and linquistically) HOWEVER the hamas charter and the filth of shariah in general
excludes a jewish homeland ANYWHERE in the LEVANT which shariah enthusiasts actually do consider
all "MUSLIM LAND" The Jordan river does seem to be a natural border -------
natural borders make good borders --------no border works for a CALIPHATE MAN-----you
got some UMMAHNIKS ready to give up THE CALIPHATE aka DAR AL ISLAM?
The Hamas Charter ceased to be operational with the forming of the latest unity government in Palestine. The Likud Charter on the other hand makes no mention of the Levant, Herodotus, or sharia in general, it clearly states there will be no Arab state west of the Jordan river, which would seem to include Gaza and the West Bank. Why do you try to lie about the Zionist goal of controlling all of Palestine by Jews?

As you keep on blabbering like the one-trick pony that you are, bringing up basically the same old stuff over and over, it is quite obvious that you aren't the least bit interested in what is happening in the rest of the Middle East even though you are here on the Middle East forum. If you are going to keep blabbering about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, at least give us new things to ponder about, such as:

Hamas admits intimidating foreign press who reported wrong 'message' | The Times of Israel

Grumbling in Gaza: Bitter voices of anti-Hamas dissent surface | The Times of Israel

Hamas TV shows Gaza missile production during war | The Times of Israel
Do explain how this is when hamas declared war on Israel by riring over 200 rockets and mortars at Israel in the months leading up to the retaliation. Maybe Israel should do what hamas does and fire rockets at gaza, targeting schools, kindegartens, playgrounds and anywhere else children are to be found.
Israel shot dead four Palestinian children between 12/13 and 5/14, including one 15 year-old shot in the back from 100 meters away; how many rockets did Hamas retaliate with during those six months? Israel has failed to live up to the "ceasefire" it agreed to in 2012; why is that? Because Israel wants all of historical Palestine for Jews ALONE.


Only if you promise to WHINE LOUDLY about the source:

"However, reaction to the recent unity government announced in April this year was very different. A government of ‘technocrats’ – comprising not a single Hamas member – was endorsed by both Fatah and Hamas in an attempt to end the isolation and strangulation of the Gaza strip.

"As noted in the Independent at the time, this new government would 'adhere to the conditions of the Middle East Quartet [the EU, UN Russia and US], recognise Israel, ratify all signed agreements and renounce violence' according to a 'senior Palestinian official' quoted on the Times of Israel site.

"As such, it was welcomed by both the US and the EU.

"Israel no longer had ‘Palestinian disunity’ as an excuse for refusing to engage in peace talks.

"Nor did they have ‘terrorism’ as an excuse, as Hamas had steadfastly stood by the terms of the 2012 ceasefire, not only ceasing their own rocket fire, but also successfully preventing rocket attacks by other Palestinian groups in Gaza.

"And all this despite continuous violations of the ceasefire by Israel beginning before the ink was even dry – from a refusal to lift the blockade (as required by the ceasefire terms), to continued attacks on Palestinians, killing 4 and maiming nearly 100 within the first three months of the ‘ceasefire’ alone.

"Even after Israeli attacks were stepped up over the past year, with four Palestinian children shot dead by Israeli forces between December 2013 and May 2014, including a 15 year old shot in the back from 100m, Hamas held their fire.

"Netanyahu’s narrative of negotiations being impossible due to..."

Israel?s Real Target is Not Hamas » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The only was this all goes away is if 80% of Gazans agree to leave their homes, businesses and farms and move to unknown parts of the world while a roughly equal number of Jew squatters flood into Gaza and solve the housing crisis in Israel.

what "businesses and farms" ?? Gaza is a concentration camp. People don't have businesses and
farms in concentration camps Were there businesses and farms in Auschwitz? The Gazans
should be happy to leave the CONCENTRATION CAMP-------as I recall---GETTING out to anywhere
was the biggie for all the inmates of Auschwitz
Your hasbara is going the way of Auschwitz inmates.
Do you feel it?

"DEIR EL-BALAH, Gaza Strip – Mohammed al-Telbani lost his life's work when Israeli shells repeatedly slammed into his four-story snack and cookie factory during the Gaza war, finally sparking a fire that engulfed vats of margarine and sacks of cocoa powder.

"As he contemplated starting over, sitting near the smoldering ruins of one of Gaza's largest factories, he looked to Cairo for answers.

"There, negotiators from Israel and Hamas launched another attempt Monday to negotiate an end to the 34-day-old war — and, perhaps even more crucial for Gaza's 1.8 million people, reach a new border deal for the coastal territory."

7-year-old border blockade, imposed to isolate Hamas, has hurt Gaza's 1.8 million people | Fox News

The only was this all goes away is if 80% of Gazans agree to leave their homes, businesses and farms and move to unknown parts of the world while a roughly equal number of Jew squatters flood into Gaza and solve the housing crisis in Israel.

what "businesses and farms" ?? Gaza is a concentration camp. People don't have businesses and
farms in concentration camps Were there businesses and farms in Auschwitz? The Gazans
should be happy to leave the CONCENTRATION CAMP-------as I recall---GETTING out to anywhere
was the biggie for all the inmates of Auschwitz
Your hasbara is going the way of Auschwitz inmates.
Do you feel it?

"DEIR EL-BALAH, Gaza Strip – Mohammed al-Telbani lost his life's work when Israeli shells repeatedly slammed into his four-story snack and cookie factory during the Gaza war, finally sparking a fire that engulfed vats of margarine and sacks of cocoa powder.

"As he contemplated starting over, sitting near the smoldering ruins of one of Gaza's largest factories, he looked to Cairo for answers.

"There, negotiators from Israel and Hamas launched another attempt Monday to negotiate an end to the 34-day-old war — and, perhaps even more crucial for Gaza's 1.8 million people, reach a new border deal for the coastal territory."

7-year-old border blockade, imposed to isolate Hamas, has hurt Gaza's 1.8 million people | Fox News

As bad as Gaza looks at the moment, we have to remember that there will be tons of money pooring into the area from different nations to rebuild. Can Gaza George tell us who will be sending all the money to Iraq and Syria to help them rebuild? Meanwhile, I wonder if Gaza George can tell us of any other people who have had their own relief agency looking out for their needs for years and years on end when there have been so many other areas in the world who have needed help desperately. I don't think we have seen any Gazans looking like skin and bones the way we have seen other groups look.
what "businesses and farms" ?? Gaza is a concentration camp. People don't have businesses and
farms in concentration camps Were there businesses and farms in Auschwitz? The Gazans
should be happy to leave the CONCENTRATION CAMP-------as I recall---GETTING out to anywhere
was the biggie for all the inmates of Auschwitz
Your hasbara is going the way of Auschwitz inmates.
Do you feel it?

"DEIR EL-BALAH, Gaza Strip – Mohammed al-Telbani lost his life's work when Israeli shells repeatedly slammed into his four-story snack and cookie factory during the Gaza war, finally sparking a fire that engulfed vats of margarine and sacks of cocoa powder.

"As he contemplated starting over, sitting near the smoldering ruins of one of Gaza's largest factories, he looked to Cairo for answers.

"There, negotiators from Israel and Hamas launched another attempt Monday to negotiate an end to the 34-day-old war — and, perhaps even more crucial for Gaza's 1.8 million people, reach a new border deal for the coastal territory."

7-year-old border blockade, imposed to isolate Hamas, has hurt Gaza's 1.8 million people | Fox News

As bad as Gaza looks at the moment, we have to remember that there will be tons of money pooring into the area from different nations to rebuild. Can Gaza George tell us who will be sending all the money to Iraq and Syria to help them rebuild? Meanwhile, I wonder if Gaza George can tell us of any other people who have had their own relief agency looking out for their needs for years and years on end when there have been so many other areas in the world who have needed help desperately. I don't think we have seen any Gazans looking like skin and bones the way we have seen other groups look.
Greedy Jews destroyed Gaza, so let them pay to rebuild it.
It's still the occupation, Stupid

"The Gaza Strip is now in its 46th year of occupation, 22nd year of closure, and sixth year of intensified closure.

"The resulting normalization of the occupation assumes a dangerous form in the Gaza Strip, whose status as an occupied territory has ceased to matter in the West; the attention has shifted — after Hamas’s 2006 electoral victory and 2007 takeover of the territory — to Gaza’s containment and punishment, rendering illegitimate any notion of human rights or freedom for Palestinians.

"The Israeli government has referred to its siege policy as a form of 'economic warfare.'

"In a Nov. 2008 cable from the US embassy in Tel Aviv released by WikiLeaks, US officials wrote, 'As part of their overall embargo plan against Gaza, Israeli officials have confirmed . . . on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge' with the aim of having Gaza’s economy 'functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis.'

"This was achieved through an Israeli-imposed blockade that ended all normal trade.

"The result has been high and persistent unemployment, which stood near 30 percent by June 2012, according to the International Monetary Fund. Approximately 39 percent of Gaza’s people lived below the poverty line in 2011. The figure would be far greater without donor aid."

Where?s our humanity for Gaza? - Opinion - The Boston Globe

There is no occupation. Israelis left Gaza in 2005. There isn't an Israeli soldier, or settler, or Jew in Gaza, that wasn't caused to be there by Hamas 'rocketing. And the blockade was imposed by Hamas, just like all the other trouble. Eliminate the Koran, eliminate Hamas, and this all goes away.
The only was this all goes away is if 80% of Gazans agree to leave their homes, businesses and farms and move to unknown parts of the world while a roughly equal number of Jew squatters flood into Gaza and solve the housing crisis in Israel.

What housing crisis in Israel, there are plenty of areas the muslim immigrants can go to if they wanted. There is the arteas around the gaza border, or the area around the Syrian border.
It is the arab muslims that are overcrowded and want to force the Jews to move away so they can infest the land of Israel like the vermin they are
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