Stop Blaming the Dems for "Not Stopping" the GOP Failure machine

Everything the GOP does is based around manipulating their idiot supporters and giving handouts to the ultra wealthy.
Then the ultra wealthy in turn donate money to the republicans campaign to get more handouts, and give more campaign donations.

Basically the republicans subsidize their campaigns by handing out free money to the ultra wealthy, then the ultra wealthy donate said $$ to their campaigns
and your pathetic party doesnt manipulate their idiot supporters?....
The GOP are the party of weaklings and frauds.

They try to act tough and have this fake wanna be tough attitude, then they cry like little pussy bitches.

The GOP is the cry party and they are always crying like weaklings over something, usually some lie.
Rooms at the Waldorf Astoria Monarch Beach resort, where the Republican National Committee is holed up this week, start at $1,283 for Wednesday night, with a AAA discount, and $881 for Thursday night. Those rates do not include a mandatory $55 a night resort fee.

“It costs $75 just to park a car!” complained conservative radio host John Fredericks as he sat in the lobby bar, adding that breakfast for two had set him back $120. “And we’re supposed to be the party of the working class?

Rooms at the Waldorf Astoria Monarch Beach resort, where the Republican National Committee is holed up this week, start at $1,283 for Wednesday night, with a AAA discount, and $881 for Thursday night. Those rates do not include a mandatory $55 a night resort fee.

“It costs $75 just to park a car!” complained conservative radio host John Fredericks as he sat in the lobby bar, adding that breakfast for two had set him back $120. “And we’re supposed to be the party of the working class?

The GOP is the party of say one thing, do another.

Idiot republican voters will believe any lie they are fed.
Republicans are the laughing stock of America
The GOP is the party of say one thing, do another.

Idiot republican voters will believe any lie they are fed.
Republicans are the laughing stock of America
look so called banker....i realize you are just trying to be a good little democrat cheerleader....but your party is pretty pathetic too...and half the country is also laughing at you guys...
look so called banker....i realize you are just trying to be a good little democrat cheerleader....but your party is pretty pathetic too...and half the country is also laughing at you guys...
the dems are definitely bad, but the GOP is a disgraceful failure with no success, weak economies, mega massive debt and deficits, failed and mismanaged wars, riots at the Capitol, and lies and corruption and pardons of convicted super criminals.

All the major problems in America are the result of GOP policy mistakes
the dems are definitely bad, but the GOP is a disgraceful failure with no success, weak economies, mega massive debt and deficits, failed and mismanaged wars, riots at the Capitol, and lies and corruption and pardons of convicted super criminals.

All the major problems in America are the result of GOP policy mistakes
you say they are bad but yet we never see you harping on some of the shit their policies have given us...
The GOP is the party of say one thing, do another.

Idiot republican voters will believe any lie they are fed.
Republicans are the laughing stock of America
Actually, they are the laughing stock of the world. In upper class suburbia a lot of conservatives proudly fly their trump flags and signs...

You are right though. Secretly a lot of us are laughing at them. It doesn't embolden everyone else to come out and be a hard core Republican. It makes Republicans look like idiots.

My one neighbor during the pandemic had a sign "my governor is an idiot" referring to Gretchen Whitmer. They stormed the Capitol with guns. Open carry. It was legal before but it is not anymore. Even Republicans voted no guns at the capitol. Unless you have a concealed weapons permit. No open carry.

So the next insurrection is going to be much harder for them. And I hope Capitol police are ready for the next insurrection. We can't have that shit.
Actually, they are the laughing stock of the world. In upper class suburbia a lot of conservatives proudly fly their trump flags and signs...

You are right though. Secretly a lot of us are laughing at them. It doesn't embolden everyone else to come out and be a hard core Republican. It makes Republicans look like idiots.

My one neighbor during the pandemic had a sign "my governor is an idiot" referring to Gretchen Whitmer. They stormed the Capitol with guns. Open carry. It was legal before but it is not anymore. Even Republicans voted no guns at the capitol. Unless you have a concealed weapons permit. No open carry.

So the next insurrection is going to be much harder for them. And I hope Capitol police are ready for the next insurrection. We can't have that shit.
i got news for you bobo....your party is a laughing stock too....yea i know,the banker told you how wonderful you guys are...
i got news for you bobo....your party is a laughing stock too....yea i know,the banker told you how wonderful you guys are...
No I go over to Europe unlike you and I hear them talk. They are always fascinated with two things. Policies right wingers are trying to pass and how we treat black people in our ghettos.

For example, you guys they think are gun nuts.

And they can't believe you deny global warming and evolution.

Or how racist we are to minorities

All the crazy things Republicans/Conservatives are doing.

They knew Bush lied us into Iraq even when you didn't.

And they knew Trump was acting like Hitler.
No I go over to Europe unlike you and I hear them talk. They are always fascinated with two things. Policies right wingers are trying to pass and how we treat black people in our ghettos.

For example, you guys they think are gun nuts.

And they can't believe you deny global warming and evolution.

Or how racist we are to minorities

All the crazy things Republicans/Conservatives are doing.

They knew Bush lied us into Iraq even when you didn't.

And they knew Trump was acting like Hitler.
i believe in none of those things bobo.....why do you always assume shit without any proof? have been like that since 2008.....always assuming shit...
i believe in none of those things bobo.....why do you always assume shit without any proof? have been like that since 2008.....always assuming shit...
Like my relatives and friends tell me when we talk politics. You're not a liberal. In your case it would be, you're not a conservative.

I don't assume. I lump you in with the party you defend. You vote for it so you must believe in it. If not why do you vote for it?
Like my relatives and friends tell me when we talk politics. You're not a liberal. In your case it would be, you're not a conservative.

I don't assume. I lump you in with the party you defend. You vote for it so you must believe in it. If not why do you vote for it?
and once again your assuming i vote republican....i am such a great republican i defend being in a union,i defend health ins for everyone,medical pot if one wants it,saying here many a time what an asswipe trump is and many more things they like....i notice i never see you in those threads helping me out....maybe you vote republican...
and once again your assuming i vote republican....i am such a great republican i defend being in a union,i defend health ins for everyone,medical pot if one wants it,saying here many a time what an asswipe trump is and many more things they like....i notice i never see you in those threads helping me out....maybe you vote republican...
I never see you talking liberal. I'll keep an eye out for it.
It seems the biggest criticism of the Democrats is their inability to stop or reverse failed GOP policy.

Its already been established that the Republicans fucked up America badly over the past 20+ years. They inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and squandered it and then blew up the economy badly, they started the war in Iraq and mismanaged it and it fell into total chaos, they fucked up covid badly, Trump spent like a drunken sailor and ramped up annual deficits from $587B in 2016 to $3.1T in 2020. The list goes on and on.

When you try and hold the GOP accountable for their repeated failures and bad policy the response is pathetic, "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP therefore the GOP failure is the fault of the dems !"

Its laughable !
When are the republicans going to be held accountable for their consistent failure? Its the dems fault that the republicans have failed so badly.

Stop blaming the GOP for the last 6 years of Democrat failure and scandal

Stop blaming the GOP for Biden's Espionage and classified material clusterfuck.
you only see what you want to see bobo.....typical party person....
I see what I see. I'm 52 years old and my life experiences, education, color, anatomy, intellect and observation all play in to my conclusions.

I would be a great politician. As a Democrat I could work with Republicans. Meet them in the middle because I see their points when it comes to global warming, affirmative action, taxes, inflation, minimum wage, refugees, taxes, spending, etc.....

But I would always advocate for the poor and middle class. Their policies would be for corporate America. And that's wise because if they aren't doing good, none of us are.

It's not either pro labor or pro corporation. There is a fine line. You can't be too pro labor otherwise the corporations and shareholders can't make any money and yes they deserve the most. But how much is too much? I notice that since Union membership has declined in America from 35% of the workforce to 9%, wages have gone down. And the gap between us and them has widened. No coincidence. I'm glad you are pro union. You realize they are still necessary and important. Republicans say they are outdated and no longer necessary. So you and I agree that Republicans are trying to fuck workers. Thank you.
i got news for you bobo....your party is a laughing stock too....yea i know,the banker told you how wonderful you guys are...

Interesting I found this story today after our conversation yesterday

Authors of a new report say Donald Trump’s presidency may still be hurting how people around the world view the U.S.

Archer is one of the many people whose outlook on the U.S. has changed drastically since 2017, according to Gallup World Poll data released Tuesday. Although the U.S. is still the country most people around the world would most like to migrate to, the number of people who want to do so is lower than ever before.

When asked where in the world they would want to migrate, 1 in 5 potential migrants — or about 18% — named the U.S. as their desired future residence. The new numbers marked a historic decline that began in 2017, when just 17% — the lowest rate ever recorded — said they’d want to move to the U.S. In previous years, the U.S. has polled between 20% and 24%.

Donald Trump’s presidency was in full swing by 2017. As one of his first acts as president, Trump signed into law the first iteration of a policy that banned travelers from several Muslim-majority countries. Children began being separated from their parents at the southern border that same year under the administration’s zero-tolerance program. In August 2017, white nationalists and members of the alt-right gathered for a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Such policies and events likely deterred people from moving to the U.S. and tainted how immigrants around the world saw the country, said Julie Ray, the managing editor for World News Gallup and one of the authors of the report. “It is a pretty well-documented, chilling effect,” she said.

People wanted to come here when Obama was president. And the number is going back up. But this story is a perfect example of how Trump and Republicans are the ones making us look bad around the world.

Can you give me an example of how Democrats make us look bad?
Interesting I found this story today after our conversation yesterday

Authors of a new report say Donald Trump’s presidency may still be hurting how people around the world view the U.S.

Archer is one of the many people whose outlook on the U.S. has changed drastically since 2017, according to Gallup World Poll data released Tuesday. Although the U.S. is still the country most people around the world would most like to migrate to, the number of people who want to do so is lower than ever before.

When asked where in the world they would want to migrate, 1 in 5 potential migrants — or about 18% — named the U.S. as their desired future residence. The new numbers marked a historic decline that began in 2017, when just 17% — the lowest rate ever recorded — said they’d want to move to the U.S. In previous years, the U.S. has polled between 20% and 24%.

Donald Trump’s presidency was in full swing by 2017. As one of his first acts as president, Trump signed into law the first iteration of a policy that banned travelers from several Muslim-majority countries. Children began being separated from their parents at the southern border that same year under the administration’s zero-tolerance program. In August 2017, white nationalists and members of the alt-right gathered for a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Such policies and events likely deterred people from moving to the U.S. and tainted how immigrants around the world saw the country, said Julie Ray, the managing editor for World News Gallup and one of the authors of the report. “It is a pretty well-documented, chilling effect,” she said.

People wanted to come here when Obama was president. And the number is going back up. But this story is a perfect example of how Trump and Republicans are the ones making us look bad around the world.

Can you give me an example of how Democrats make us look bad?
look at some of the politicians you guys put up....just as many incompetent loons as the Republicans put up.......including a very old guy in charge of things and a not very good VP.....what the hell happened to quality people?....and democrats have had a big hand in bringing california down many a peg.....and if not many wanted to come here any more,great....S.Cal at one time was a great place to live,look at what too many people have done to the place.....even on Sundays the dam freeways are backed up.....people pollution can be just as bad as many other types.....Canada has lots of room,send them up there....

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