Stop LYING Obama.. Only 4 million truly want and need insurance!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
18 million people under 34 and earning over $50,000 do not spend more the $1,000 a year for health services. They also are very careful with the credit so obviously they don't run up health bills and most carry "catastrophic health insurance" !
So why were they included in Obama's 46 million "uninsured' that was used to pass by just 6 votes ACA?

YOU don''t believe me?? LOOK IT UP! Source: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009

14 million people COUNTED by the Census said "yup don't have health insurance" so that was included in Obama's number!
YET these same 14 million people QUALIFY.. ALL THEY NEED to do is REGISTER with MEDICAID and they are covered!
Don't believe me??

Consider what happened the last time we tried to give away more health care. In the late 1990s, the State Children's Health Insurance Program made it easier for children to get Medicaid-style insurance, and by 2002, almost half of all American kids qualified for free coverage. As a result, the number of uninsured dropped from 12 million to 10 million, which was great news. But consider the missed opportunity: Among the 10 million children who still lacked coverage, 60 percent were eligible for free care but never signed up.

Finally counted among Obamacare's 46 million are 10 million illegals!
Don't believe ME???
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

So even though the ABOVE FACTS show over 42 million BOGUS, not legal people counted wrongly as "uninsured and wanting insurance"... THERE ARE Less the 4 million that truly want and need health insurance!
SO instead of bogus numbers ACA/Obama floats around to destroy our health system... FACTS!
Lawyers like tanning salons COST health care money.. Unlike tanning salons at $500 million LAWYERS cause $850 BILLION!
90% of doctors say they wastefully order tests,etc ALL BECAUSE they fear lawsuits and this is $850 billion!

So as ACA taxes tanning salons 10% TAX LAWYERs 10% or $27 billion and use to buy insurance for the truly 4 million that need it!
SIMPLE taxing millionaire lawyers SOLUTION!

What is wrong with that?
FABLE never were 46 million uninsured! But 4 million that want and need.

FABLE Lawyers won't help you win the lottery i.e. you idiots who think when you sue your doctor for some idiocy only the lawyers win!
Insurance/medicare just pay out of court snowballing the number to $850 Billion a year!
I just don' understand why you, of all the people in the world, are the ONLY one that knows there are only 4 million people that want or need health insurance.

Have you contacted your Congresscritter and told them the good news? Why won't the newspapers pick up on this story. And it is a story for sure.

Are you sure it's 4 million? My calculations say that it is only 12 people without health insurance.

You better double check.
I just don' understand why you, of all the people in the world, are the ONLY one that knows there are only 4 million people that want or need health insurance.

Have you contacted your Congresscritter and told them the good news? Why won't the newspapers pick up on this story. And it is a story for sure.

Are you sure it's 4 million? My calculations say that it is only 12 people without health insurance.

You better double check.

GEEZ Idiots like you are the reason WHY!
Did YOU NOT go to the sources I listed?
YOU think I made up those numbers??
WHAT is wrong with you?

YOU are like that idiot who tries to jerk the truck that is stuck under the bridge using brute force when the simple solution is
LET the air out of the tires!
Idiots LIKE YOU don't EVEN LOOK at the proof!
I mean why do YOU think it is necessary to force 18 million people to buy something they don't WANT or NEED?
Why do you insist that 10 million people be covered that breaks the laws you abide by or do you are you an illegal???
finally why are you so insistent on ignoring 14 million people that don't know all they need do is register.. they have Medicaid!
That is 42 million subtracted from 46 million! Dumb f...K!! Leaves 4 million!!
Obama and his crew were claiming that 48 million people were without insurance.
I just don' understand why you, of all the people in the world, are the ONLY one that knows there are only 4 million people that want or need health insurance.

Have you contacted your Congresscritter and told them the good news? Why won't the newspapers pick up on this story. And it is a story for sure.

Are you sure it's 4 million? My calculations say that it is only 12 people without health insurance.

You better double check.

GEEZ Idiots like you are the reason WHY!
Did YOU NOT go to the sources I listed?
YOU think I made up those numbers??
WHAT is wrong with you?

YOU are like that idiot who tries to jerk the truck that is stuck under the bridge using brute force when the simple solution is
LET the air out of the tires!
Idiots LIKE YOU don't EVEN LOOK at the proof!
I mean why do YOU think it is necessary to force 18 million people to buy something they don't WANT or NEED?
Why do you insist that 10 million people be covered that breaks the laws you abide by or do you are you an illegal???
finally why are you so insistent on ignoring 14 million people that don't know all they need do is register.. they have Medicaid!
That is 42 million subtracted from 46 million! Dumb f...K!! Leaves 4 million!!

Hey I did my own calculations and came up with 12.

But I can tell you are really REALLY passionate about only 4 million. I just don't know why you can't convince those that are making these decisions that there are only 4 million who want and need health insurance.

You must not be explaining yourself very well if you can't sell your story to the decision makers.

Please try harder. This story is BIG I tell you. BIG.
Just one of many examples why Obama is a lying POS! The sheepies are just as bad.
Just one of many examples why Obama is a lying POS! The sheepies are just as bad.

How about you bird dog? Have YOU taken up the health care fight with your elected congresscritter to make them understand that healthy myths has determined, with out a doubt that there are ONLY 4 million people that need this new health insurance?

Or are you not a "believer"?
4 million?

There are no Americans who NEED insurance

Our founding fathers did not have health insurance
I just don' understand why you, of all the people in the world, are the ONLY one that knows there are only 4 million people that want or need health insurance.

Have you contacted your Congresscritter and told them the good news? Why won't the newspapers pick up on this story. And it is a story for sure.

Are you sure it's 4 million? My calculations say that it is only 12 people without health insurance.

You better double check.

GEEZ Idiots like you are the reason WHY!
Did YOU NOT go to the sources I listed?
YOU think I made up those numbers??
WHAT is wrong with you?

YOU are like that idiot who tries to jerk the truck that is stuck under the bridge using brute force when the simple solution is
LET the air out of the tires!
Idiots LIKE YOU don't EVEN LOOK at the proof!
I mean why do YOU think it is necessary to force 18 million people to buy something they don't WANT or NEED?
Why do you insist that 10 million people be covered that breaks the laws you abide by or do you are you an illegal???
finally why are you so insistent on ignoring 14 million people that don't know all they need do is register.. they have Medicaid!
That is 42 million subtracted from 46 million! Dumb f...K!! Leaves 4 million!!

Hey I did my own calculations and came up with 12.

But I can tell you are really REALLY passionate about only 4 million. I just don't know why you can't convince those that are making these decisions that there are only 4 million who want and need health insurance.

You must not be explaining yourself very well if you can't sell your story to the decision makers.

Please try harder. This story is BIG I tell you. BIG.

I DON"T HAVE To explain if YOU have enough GUTS and intelligence to follow these LINKS!!!

10 million illegal aliens counted as "uninsured" by the Census even though they aren't legally able to buy health insurance.
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

14 million counted as uninsured EVEN though they simply need to register with Medicaid and they are covered.
But when asked by the Census these 14 million didn't know their poverty level allowed them to be covered by Medicaid.

18 million that make over $50k so they can afford, are under 34 but they don't need it and don't want insurance are counted! These people should NOT be forced to buy health insurance just to raise the RISK POOL when there is NO
need? But idiots NOT obviously aware that 24 million aren't legal or are covered, think they must add these people and
it creates that bogus phony number of 46 million!

Adds up to 42 million. Subtract from 46 and you get 4 million!
I truly don't understand why you persist IN NOT following the links and comprehending I'm not saying this!!!
READ the links!

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