Stop telling us to buy electric!

Another big lie of the Democrat party is that we even have the technology to eliminate fossil fuels. We are not close to actually switching our economy. Democrats don't care, it's just another way to destroy us
The Dumbocrats don't think logically or practically. They just follow the leader and the other sheep.
Yeah, a three year waiting list because they are so unpopular. :auiqs.jpg:

You know what's really unpopular?

Fossil fuel

Yeah….rich people who can afford multiple cars are buying them……normal people can’t afford ego based car purchases, but the democrats don’t care
The Dumbocrats don't think logically or practically. They just follow the leader and the other sheep.

It's already happening around here. As the Solar and Wind farms (including the battery storage for night and calm days) the coal plants are down to one burner in Craig. The last plant is progged to go down in 2025 when there is an excess of replacement power is created by solar and wind.

We don't import electricity, we export it. Hence the cost of Electricity is much lower than almost anywhere else.
preorders for the car are over 200,000. Ford typically get around 40k preorders on their new cars, so.............
Another big lie of the Democrat party is that we even have the technology to eliminate fossil fuels. We are not close to actually switching our economy. Democrats don't care, it's just another way to destroy us
Not us, you. “You” whined when we went off whale oil, electrified the phonograph and even went to gasoline over the horse and buggy. Conservatives would like nothing better then make everyone as dumb as they are. Short of inbreeding, the quickest way there is to breathe their own pollutants. No thanks.
It's already happening around here. As the Solar and Wind farms (including the battery storage for night and calm days) the coal plants are down to one burner in Craig. The last plant is progged to go down in 2025 when there is an excess of replacement power is created by solar and wind.

We don't import electricity, we export it. Hence the cost of Electricity is much lower than almost anywhere else.
Yup, around here too. Deniers don’t even understand “ electricity”. They still think it’s magic. Literally every vehicle made totally depends upon electricity to run already. The stupid are the last to know. Let’s keep it that way and just move on.
So how come all EVs are powered by fossil fuels?
No they aren’t. It’s the opposite and has been for decades. Every fossil fuel vehicle is literally powered by electricity. They can’t run without it. There are no exceptions.
Geesus, even fossil fuel companies are going to renewable generated electricity just to refine their products......So, if there were NO AGW, we’d still be electrifying everything more. It’s just fking cheaper.
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Deniers don’t even understand “ electricity”. They still think it’s magic
I've been an electrician for decades Dag

my trade IS the most expensive fuel these days

if the green machine is going to rely on it, there best be nuke plants poppin' up everywhere in this country

you can wager the devil be in the details on that !

that is not denial......that is reality

I've been an electrician for decades Dag

my trade IS the most expensive fuel these days

if the green machine is going to rely on it, there best be nuke plants poppin' up everywhere in this country

you can wager the devil be in the details on that !

that is not denial......that is reality

Congrats, at least we can managed to modernize a select few of our goals from coal and fossil fuels to nuclear power.
But we need to get things straight, even fission power is a stop gap to fusion and direct conversion of fusion from the sun. The IS and will always be a need for temporary portable fission and later fusion generation. Self contained, safer and more easily managed portable fission units have a definite place.
The military has 108 just in vessels now and is on track for many more and later will send a fusion reactor into space in a few years.
So yes, there could be an influx of decades nuclear power. But the monstrosities and vulnerable ones we use today are TEMPORARY.

If you’re an electrician, you should know it’s not about generating electricity. We can now do that easily. It’s about distribution and energy dense storage. Either way, Once solved, everything else will go the way of the dinosaur.
I've been an electrician for decades Dag

my trade IS the most expensive fuel these days

if the green machine is going to rely on it, there best be nuke plants poppin' up everywhere in this country

you can wager the devil be in the details on that !

that is not denial......that is reality

Btw, electricity is the most modern energy when it comes fungibility and converts everything else to a common source of power. Solar is only 20% efficient while nuclear generation is much, much higher. The difference is Photons are free and even at 20% more potential electricity hits the earth in the form of these photons then what we need for an entire year, in just two hours. Solar farms are a no brainier. But even they are temporary....
If you’re an electrician, you should know it’s not about generating electricity. We can now do that easily. It’s about distribution and energy dense storage. Either way, Once solved, everything else will go the way of the dinosaur.
Indeed so Dag
where i am in the northeast coast , we've some of the most antiquated electrical infrastructure in the nation, some even of original rural electrification era vintage

These days, the green machine has folks convinced that EV's & Minisplits, and Tesla power banks are saving the planet, and because they're often subsidized are selling like hotcakes

The end result is local poco's being confronted with distribution woes they are struggling with.

Enter smart meter technology coupled with manufacturing ,and we've poco's that will shut your EV charger down during peak usage , suck the juice out of your power banks in an outage , and render your heating systems useless at their whim

So far, that's the deal

where i am in the northeast coast , we've some of the most antiquated electrical infrastructure in the nation, some even of original rural electrification era vintage
Ha ha
Me too.
Living in the most tree laden state in the union, I’m tired of archaic above ground power lines taken out a dozen times a year. We lose power so much, own standby generator needs an oil change more often then our cars. The solution is self containment. We have a solar farm going in just three miles away. Buried lines would be a god sent.

So yes, it’s about distribution and our archaic electrical infrastructure. So who is the only admin to pass any infrastructure package ? Old “senile” Biden. It won’t be conservatives. But, we’re still stupid about the use of the money. The same poles are upgraded for broad band for direct connection. Geesus, that’s the last way we need to spend money.
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So yes, it’s about distribution and our archaic electrical infrastructure. So who is the only admin to pass any infrastructure package ? Old “senile” Biden It won’t be conservatives.

unfortunately , while our nukes are being decommissioned, the northern pass is gaining ground, as well as buying up all the small poco's along the route down from Hydro Quebec

Essentially mimicking foreign oil .....


unfortunately , while our nukes are being decommissioned, the northern pass is gaining ground, as well as buying up all the small poco's along the route down from Hydro Quebec

Essentially mimicking foreign oil .....

Fear not, its only the archaic, attack susceptible plants fission plants that we are wavering on. There will be plenty of nuclear power in the next twenty five years come on line. The environmentalist killed hydro power and opened the door for “Hydro Quebec”. We could be selling power to Canada other wise.
Tidal power is a huge untapped source the north east could use. The problem is, it’s too powerful to harness economically. Go figure.

unfortunately , while our nukes are being decommissioned, the northern pass is gaining ground, as well as buying up all the small poco's along the route down from Hydro Quebec

Essentially mimicking foreign oil .....

Deniers don’t even understand “ electricity”.
What is a denier to you, jackass? Anyone who disagrees with YOUR views.

They still think it’s magic.
So anyone who would rather not own an EV just thinks electricity is magic? I'd bet that I know 10,000X more about electricity and electrons that you, Morosa! Aside from being an EE, I've studied the electron down to its quantum state as a statistical package of quarks defining the characteristics of each element! Love to talk electricity with you, you condescending jackass and show you just how much you don't know about everything from the Michelson-Morley experiments to quantum chromodynamics. Let's rock.

Literally every vehicle made totally depends upon electricity to run already.
ICE cars depend on it only as far as taking a switched 12VDC supply coming off the starter battery through a distribution system and using the collapse of the charge through a step up transformer to spark the fuel mixture to synchronize the combustion, a self-supplying, self-sustaining process once begun. A far cry from needing to carry a battery half the size and weight of the car that can take up to 5 days to fully charge that has lost 25-30% of ts capacity within 5-7 years!

The stupid are the last to know. Let’s keep it that way and just move on.
Then, others like you never learn.
What is a denier to you, jackass? Anyone who disagrees with YOUR views.
Nope, I practically have few views that I didn’t look up one from a credible resource. . But one view is refuted by deniers is based on an illusion. The idea that a few deniers know what they are talking about with no credibility and is anti science that is practiced by every nation in the world, every related research facility and every religion and accredited educational institute, makes me ask, ‘when was the last time aliens molested a deniers brain .”
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