Stop the Steal!

Play the whole call and listen to the SOS tell Trump GA. data is wrong. How do you call an election with faulty data?
Play the whole call and listen to the Georgia officials tell Trump that every one of those claims had been looked into and found to be false
Law and order?

Ya mean like when MAGArats assault Congressmen and make death threats to election officials and Congressmen?
Like the FBI terorizing Jesse Morgan's family after he reported taking ballots over state lines, like that?
Another documentary showing how our elections have been manipulated (stolen) for quite awhile. No one is giving up. The push for election integrity will not stop.

Trump wanted Raffensberger to give Trump 11,780 votes.
I hope that is your best evidence so this shitshow can again be laughed out of court! :21: We all know the election was rigged, dummass. But then, if the dummass had BETTER evidence, you'd be talking about that instead.

Why else would Trump say to him on a phone call "i want to find 11,780 votes";
Maybe Trump just wanted to WIN, dummass. It PROVES absolutely nothing dummasss. No more than Hunter's "10% to the Big Guy." Maybe we need a panel investigate that?

Perhaps even more significant is the email proof of fake electors for Georgia.
No such thing as fake electors, dummass, they are called alternate electors and are perfectly legal, dummass.

MAGA. See ya in November, dummass! :1peleas:
An excellent example of a classic fascist response. An insult with an attack on free speech.

What else ya got Mendy?
Fascists put people in solitary for trespassing. Your response is a classic you do not know a fucking thing remotely near reality.
No such thing as fake electors, dummass, they are called alternate electors and are perfectly legal, dummass.
If they ain't certified they ain't any kind of electors. And that "alternate" list was not duly certified.

It was a list of name purporting to be official electors. That's fraud

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