Stop the Steal!

Trump was explicit. He believed the election was stolen and if he could show that at least 11,779 were denied to legitimate voters it would swing the state.

{Another tremendous number. We're going to have an accurate number over the next two days with certified accountants. But an accurate number but its in the 50s of thousands— and that's people that went to vote and they were told they can't vote because they've already been voted for. And it's a very sad thing. They walked out complaining. But the number's large. We'll have it for you. But it's much more than the number of 11,779 that's — The current margin is only 11,779. Brad, I think you agree with that, right? That's something I think everyone — at least that's' a number that everyone agrees on.}

See, I can go to transcript, because I'm using facts.

The LIE that is told is that Trump ordered or asked that Raffensberger "find" votes.

That never happened, as the transcript clearly shows. Yet the fascists in this forum and in the Reich press continually lie - using the Big Lie technique of repeating and outrageous lie in order to get people to believe it.

Leech is so stupid, he probably does believe the lie.

Regardless, it IS a lie.

Again he clearly stated that he needed to find 11,780 votes to win and since he had no authority to find anything in Georgia it is reasonable to assume that he wanted Georgia officials who had that power to find enough votes to overturn their election results. Trumps had a long list of allegations of fraud that were all shot down by Georgia.
Again he clearly stated that he needed to find 11,780 votes to win and since he had no authority to find anything in Georgia it is reasonable to assume that he wanted Georgia officials who had that power to find enough votes to overturn their election results. Trumps had a long list of allegations of fraud that were all shot down by Georgia.

There is nothing reasonable about you making shit up.

Trump never asked, much less ordered anyone to find votes.

You Nazis keep repeating the same lies. It the "big lie" technique of your mentor, Adolf Hitler.
So what? Another poll came out showing about 38% think Biden was not legitimately elected. Roughly the same as it's been since the election. Meaning the movie has not shifted peoples' position.
That is patently untrue fuckface.
Spits the nut who can't stop fantasizing about Obama having sex with little boys.


Come up with that quote yet, Nazi?
I could, but I won't. Your tantrum after having it posted directly to you more than once is just too precious.

You won't, because you and I both know you're lying.

No one on this board or in the Nazi press has ever found a quote from the transcripts where President Trump asked or ordered anyone to find votes.

You're a Nazi and a pathological liar - but I repeat myself.

You follow your Mentor Adolf and figure if you repeat a lie enough, people will believe you.
You won't, because you and I both know you're lying.

No one on this board or in the Nazi press has ever found a quote from the transcripts where President Trump asked or ordered anyone to find votes.

You're a Nazi and a pathological liar - but I repeat myself.

You follow your Mentor Adolf and figure if you repeat a lie enough, people will believe you.

So damn freakish

Just, bizarre

Begged for it...spoonfed directly to you more than once...

Now you beat yourself over your head with a big dildo and squeal like a little pig

Trump was explicit. He believed the election was stolen and if he could show that at least 11,779 were denied to legitimate voters it would swing the state.

{Another tremendous number. We're going to have an accurate number over the next two days with certified accountants. But an accurate number but its in the 50s of thousands— and that's people that went to vote and they were told they can't vote because they've already been voted for. And it's a very sad thing. They walked out complaining. But the number's large. We'll have it for you. But it's much more than the number of 11,779 that's — The current margin is only 11,779. Brad, I think you agree with that, right? That's something I think everyone — at least that's' a number that everyone agrees on.}

See, I can go to transcript, because I'm using facts.

The LIE that is told is that Trump ordered or asked that Raffensberger "find" votes.

That never happened, as the transcript clearly shows. Yet the fascists in this forum and in the Reich press continually lie - using the Big Lie technique of repeating and outrageous lie in order to get people to believe it.

Leech is so stupid, he probably does believe the lie.

Regardless, it IS a lie.
belief is irrelevant, what matters is facts & evidence.

its undeniable that Trump pressured georgia secretary of state to find him 11,780 votes. Also undeniable that Trump made up fake electors in secret in several states, one of which is georgia.
The Republican Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

The Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, wanted Donald Trump to become our President in 2016 and wanted the Republican Party to be in power.

He is being rewarded handsomely. America is in turmoil. The very basis of our democracy, free elections, is under attack. Who is responsible for this attack? Aided by a very conservative Supreme Court that has become so unpopular it has walled itself off from the American people, Trump and the Republican Party, of course, while Republicans remain silent.

CNN reports, "Homeland and national security officials are worried about how Russia could significantly exploit US divisions over the November midterms, considering scenarios like Russia staging smaller hacks of local election authorities – done with the deliberate purpose of being noticed – and then using that to seed more conspiracies about the integrity of American elections.

"These efforts, the officials said, would be designed to dovetail with the false doubts about the 2020 presidential election spread by former President Donald Trump and many of his allies.

"Although US elections have become more secure in recent years, officials say that an atmosphere of distrust in America’s elections, coupled with the sheer number of local election systems, means there’s no way to truly be ready for such a convergence of Russian asymmetric warfare techniques."

Is anyone surprised?

Grassroots Republicans have no idea what is going on. They avoid respected news sources and threads like this one. Republicans are not fans of reality.
"Whether his actions were criminal will ultimately be for others to decide. But what he did was without a doubt unconstitutional. It was unpatriotic, and it was fundamentally un-American," Schiff said.

"The committee has appeared to make the case that Trump directly engaged in a conspiracy to defraud the government," ABC.
The report above did not do justice to the Jan. 6 hearing today. One had to watch it to get the full impact. Suffice to say that it was extremely damaging to Trump and the Republican Party, and it is being played out to a national television audience. It is as if Trump wanted to destroy his own party.

One can only surmise that Trump was deranged. He was warned countless times by his own advisors, his own family, for crying out loud. To attempt a coup of this size with little or no support was just plain nuts, doomed to fail from the very start. Only someone with a mental problem would try it.

CNN reports, "Donald Trump is growing increasingly irritated with the House panel investigating the January 6, 2021, riot as it lifts the curtain on some of its findings with public hearings that have garnered gavel-to-gavel cable coverage – much to the annoyance of the TV-obsessed former President.

"He has taken his complaints about the committee on the road, lashing out at the congressional panel during a speech to conservatives in Nashville last Friday."

“I don’t understand why Kevin didn’t put anyone on the committee,” a reference to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s decision to boycott the select committee after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected two Republican members he originally chose to sit on the panel.

"Trump’s growing frustration with the absence of any hard core supporters on the select committee – which has given the panel uninterrupted air time and deprived Republicans of the ability to cross-examine witnesses in real time."

Trump is clueless and completely unaware of his own vulnerability. He really thinks some should come forward and defend him.

There is no defense, and Republicans are proving it with their silence.

McCarthy didn't assign anyone to the committee because he couldn't find any Republicans willing to make fools of themselves trying to defend Trump's actions. McCarthy promised a Republican investigation. There was none for the same reason.

Those testifying against Trump are members of his party.

I told you Trump was nuts.

The problem facing the Republican Party: They are culpable. On Jan. 7, 2021, 147 Republicans voted to accept Trump's Big Lie, to wit, the election was stolen from Trump. In this year's primaries, many Republicans who are winning have Trump's endorsement, meaning those Republicans also believe in Trump's lie, thus earning Trump's endorsement.

In view of the extremely damaging testimony in the past week, one would call that culpable.
The Republican Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

The Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, wanted Donald Trump to become our President in 2016 and wanted the Republican Party to be in power.

He is being rewarded handsomely. America is in turmoil. The very basis of our democracy, free elections, is under attack. Who is responsible for this attack? Aided by a very conservative Supreme Court that has become so unpopular it has walled itself off from the American people, Trump and the Republican Party, of course, while Republicans remain silent.

CNN reports, "Homeland and national security officials are worried about how Russia could significantly exploit US divisions over the November midterms, considering scenarios like Russia staging smaller hacks of local election authorities – done with the deliberate purpose of being noticed – and then using that to seed more conspiracies about the integrity of American elections.

"These efforts, the officials said, would be designed to dovetail with the false doubts about the 2020 presidential election spread by former President Donald Trump and many of his allies.

"Although US elections have become more secure in recent years, officials say that an atmosphere of distrust in America’s elections, coupled with the sheer number of local election systems, means there’s no way to truly be ready for such a convergence of Russian asymmetric warfare techniques."

Is anyone surprised?

Grassroots Republicans have no idea what is going on. They avoid respected news sources and threads like this one. Republicans are not fans of reality.
What a bunch of manufactured bullshit. The hoax has been exposed and Putin wanted Killary because he knew her. He said she would be malleable.

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