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Stop Tossing the Mullahs a Lifeline; Let the Revolution Begin!

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Fancy a Seppo making such an incredibly injudicious statement as that. As usual, your neo-Nazi ignorance is only bested by your breathtaking hypocrisy!

Your self-righteous dismissal of Diuretic is s-o-o characteristic of America's deep-seated double standards.

As a matter of fact, if you were an Australian you would be justifiably calling for your government to nuke America for what it has done to you; like overthrowing our democratically elected Labour government in 1975 for starters. here and here

Yet if a bunch of Aussie Yobbos (my religion) flew planes into the new Twin Towers, THE most uniformed people on the planet, Americans, would be back to bleating "Why us, when we are so G-O-O-D?!!" all over again. :eusa_wall:

Face it, Stupe, no country in the history of the world has interfered in the internal affairs of other nations as much as holier-than-thou America.

IF you bother to read this, remember this is the work of just one subversive agency of many in a whole procession of your “evil” governments since the universally despised Puritans slimed ashore.

Even as I write America and its Jewish puppet masters are killing democratically elected Palestinian government ministers and basically admitting it is carying out covert ops inside Iran.

Don’t get me started on the subject of clandestinely overthrowing other's governments Gummy, I’ll make you look like a proper fucking goose. :evil:

Your religion is being a yobbo?

Noun: yobbo (yobbos) yóbow
Usage: Brit

An uncultured, aggressive, rude, noisy troublemaker
- bully, tough, hooligan, ruffian, roughneck, rowdy, yob [Brit], yobo [Brit]
Derived forms: yobbos

Type of: aggressor, assailant, assailer, assaulter, attacker

Encyclopedia: Yobbo


Yobbo or yob is a slang term for an uncouth or thuggish blue collar person. The word derives from a backslang reading of the word "boy" (boy or boyo reversed becomes yob or — slightly modified — yobbo


Face it, Stupe, no country in the history of the world has interfered in the internal affairs of other nations as much as holier-than-thou America.

Really? And the British weren't the ones who carved up the Ottoman Empire in the first place, huh?

Even as I write America and its Jewish puppet masters are killing democratically elected Palestinian government ministers and basically admitting it is carying out covert ops inside Iran.

Jewish puppet masters? Perhaps the yobbos should emphasize education more and anti-semitism less. I suppose Israel should encourage the terrorists in the territories to send more missiles over to hit its civilians.

Yeah... that's the ticket.

You sure you're an Aussie? I usually like antipodes.

Oh...and I ain't a seppo.
I'll say it again - why not stay out of the affairs of other nations?

:omg: :omg: How could you be so vile, so evil, as to suggest this belligerent Bubba relinquish his God-given right to turn the entire world into Waffle-house warriors like him from the safety of his armoured armchair!

The only thing that could explain such a mutinous anti-American mind-set coming from a historically subservient Aussie is that Satan has overcome your shallow born-againity and you have back-slid into the sinful socialism of your forefathers.

Say twenty five “Our Founding Fathers,” twenty five “Hail John Waynes,” sing the Star Spangled Banner and shout W-O-O-O-O!!! at each “Station of the Burning Cross” as your penance.

No go and sin no more, my son! :eusa_naughty:
:omg: :omg: How could you be so vile, so evil, as to suggest this belligerent Bubba relinquish his God-given right to turn the entire world into Waffle-house warriors like him from the safety of his armoured armchair!

The only thing that could explain such a mutinous anti-American mind-set coming from a historically subservient Aussie is that Satan has overcome your shallow born-againity and you have back-slid into the sinful socialism of your forefathers.

Say twenty five “Our Founding Fathers,” twenty five “Hail John Waynes,” sing the Star Spangled Banner and shout W-O-O-O-O!!! at each “Station of the Burning Cross” as your penance.

No go and sin no more, my son! :eusa_naughty:

Do you enjoy looking like an asshole?
Do you enjoy looking like an asshole?

Why am I an "asshole" (God will never know Americans mean ARSEhole…:eusa_shifty: ) for expressing what amounts to a global majority opinion, Alki’tard?

Has the reason why about four billion people share my sentiments ever momentarily encroached on your excessively egocentric train of thought?

I’m sure most here, who ostensibly are so obsessed with the parlous state of global democracy that they just gave Dear Leader Dimwit free rein to attack Eye-ran/anyone else whenever His imaginary “Guard” tells Him to, would certainly agree with my cynical sentiments. (Hey, I didn’t realise all the 9/11 hijackers were Eye-Ranionians! :wtf: )

What is so abrasive about someone speaking factually about the fascistic behaviour of a long succession of your mega aggressive war-mongering Go(d)vernments? (And please, spare me the self-serving ol' chestnut about your intrinsic "Christian" compassion for your fellow man! :eusa_sick: :eusa_sick: )

Is it because you resent a satanic counter anti-evolutionary like me impudently appropriating your perceived imperial prerogative to berate, rob, and obliterate any non-American sub-humans that you please. Is that it?

Do you just hate being hit with a ball of your own supremacist shit?

Do I sound too much like you? :redface: :redface:

I certainly hope so, because I’m trying very hard to do so! :eusa_think:
Do you enjoy looking like an asshole?

Let me paraphase Alkiturd in one of HIS previous posts:

My family and I recently went on a United Airlines ice hockey trip to Michigan.

First of all WHAT A DUMP!

I can honestly say the only good that came out of the trip was that now my wife and 15 year old son understand and concur with my general dislike for Americans... They were dirty, smelly,ignorant, arrogant, rotten, jealous bastards...The language the American kids used was disgusting and their parents were no better...

Thanks for not disappointing!

Fancy the Proddie pot calling the anti-Christ kettle black! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You are a true Seppo hypocrite, aren't you, you sanctimonious little turd!
Where do rabid, mouth-foaming, lunatic-left Australians, like Chips Rafferty, that hate America come from? After all, is not America an ally of Australia? The following article from The Age, an Australian newspaper, attempts an explanation:

What Has US Done for Us? A Lot, Actually

Complete article: http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/what-has-us-done-for-us-a-lot-actually/2005/08/21/1124562749389.html

If there must be one superpower, let it be one that shares our values, writes Peter Costello.

Last Monday was the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Pacific. Australia and the United States went into World War II separately but came out of it together: as allies, as friends.

By February 1942 the continental mainland of Australia was under direct air attack. Australia faced its gravest security threat. But beginning with the naval battles in the Coral Sea, with the Australian land defence of Port Moresby and the island campaign under Douglas MacArthur, the war began to turn. It ended in circumstances that are well known.

Anyone who lived through that period knows that in Australia's greatest hour of need it was the forces of the United States that stood with us in the defence of Australia and ultimately secured victory in the Pacific.

This is the World War II generation - a generation sometimes described as the "greatest generation". My generation is the sons and daughters of that generation.

But we should not assume that these events loom large in the minds of the next generation.

It is common in this country, like so many others, to come across anti-American sentiment.

It is always there, but it rises at times of Australia's military engagement in coalition with the US. Most recently Australia's engagement in Iraq has raised these sentiments.

Critics commonly allege that Australia is only engaged in these theatres at the urging of, or in some supine gesture towards, the US. "After all," one senior school student aggressively asked me at a local school, "what have the Americans ever done for us?"

What indeed? I began my answer with the events of 1941. There was no flicker of recognition. It was clear to me that whatever the educational achievements of this school, the teaching of history was not among them.

Anti-Americanism is not unique to Australia. In Europe, particularly France, it is widespread.

Part of the feeling against America in Europe stems from the fact that although America is a much younger country it has managed to take the leadership role in world affairs that Europeans believe rightly should belong to them. In the minds of many in Europe, America is an immature upstart. Of course, one of the reasons this upstart became a global leader is that it proved quite successful and valuable to France in 1944!

Anti-Americanism is virulent in the Arab world. I will not give examples. They are regularly published in newspapers and on websites. Some of them can be extremely offensive. They mostly revolve around perceived injustices to Islam, the Palestinians or the so-called influence of the Jews.

But a sense of denied global leadership or a perceived injustice to the Arab world is not likely to be the source of anti-Americanism in Australia. So where does it come from?

There has always been hostility from some on the left of politics towards America. These are people who believe capitalism is evil and that the US is the place where the evil of capitalism and exploitation is most at home. During the Cold War, Marxists and socialists of various types were ideologically or emotionally drawn to the communist side. Their side lost. This gave them even stronger reason to dislike America.

Fortunately, communism has now been consigned to the dustbin of history. But the sentiment hasn't entirely disappeared. The left in Australian politics is still there but has morphed itself into other names. One of the names you will find it takes today is "anti-globalisation".

Outside of left-wing circles, there might be another reason for resentment towards the US. There is a resentment about the level of US power.

People get suspicious about power because they fear that at the end of the day it might be used against them, or their interests, or the interests of those they care for.

But if the world is to have a hegemon, the modern US is the kind of hegemon we would like to have: democratic, respectful of human rights, with strong and genuine belief in individual liberty.
Where do rabid, mouth-foaming, lunatic-left Australians, like Chips Rafferty, that hate America come from? After all, is not America an ally of Australia? The following article from The Age, an Australian newspaper, attempts an explanation:

If brains were dynamite, Dominus, you wouldn't have enough to part your arse hair. :rolleyes:

Peter Costello is the Treasurer of the Liberal (i.e. Conservative) Calvinazi Partei that presently runs Oz. This "Born-to-Rule" Partiei of wannabe Bluebloods has so shamelessly sucked Seppo arse for the last few years, it has even disgusted the normally U.S centric Aussie electorate.

ALL polls are showing it facing a landslide loss in the next election.

Even Costello's fellow Liberal Partei members are sickened by their party’s shit-licking obsequiousness to WASPington and are deserting it in droves.

For your info, Peter Costello is probably the most despised man in Oz. Mainly because of the supercilious smirk that is a permanent feature of this \!/'s exceedingly kickable, characteristically plastic Baptist façade of smug superiority that Americans admire and dinkum Aussies despise.

You'll find this Yank ingratiating maggot's name on this Cafflik-hating “Christian family values” (how fucking much more suck-holing of America can ya get! :eusa_sick: :eusa_sick: ) neo-Nazi Lyons Forum membership list.

A scabby-gutted, bootlicking little Blockleiter and congenital control freak like you would get on like a synagogue on fire with this suppurating syphilitic neo-Nazi \!/, who sold his country for thirty pieces of Seppo silver.

No wonder you were attracted to the article!

(BTW, I can tear the myth of America saving Australia out the inherent goodness of their greedy little hearts to absolute shreds, anytime you want to argue it.)
Where do rabid, mouth-foaming, lunatic-left Australians, like Chips Rafferty, that hate America come from? After all, is not America an ally of Australia? The following article from The Age, an Australian newspaper, attempts an explanation:

Furthermore, as for your latest pitiful attempt to paint me as a terrorist/traitor in the star-spangled eyes of your feeble-minded fascist friends with your glaringly obvious
“After all, is not America an ally of Australia”
gibe - get this, Gomer;

I’m fucking disgusted Australia is allied with America! :muahaha:

After all, is not Uzbekistan an ally of America?
I’m fucking disgusted Australia is allied with America! :muahaha:
That line speaks for itself. You can barely control yourself to pen your madness. Take a look in the mirror to see the face of a person consumed with hate. Seriously, seek some professional help before it is too late.
Chips, get some professional help before you hurt yourself or someone else.

How typical of the puerile replies, prompted by their exasperated impotence at being unable to respond to/disprove my arguments/indictments, I have come to expect from authoritarian automatons like you!

Still, its IS hard to defend the indefensible. So I can understand how a cerebral minnow like you has to resort to such infantile retorts.
That line speaks for itself. You can barely control yourself to pen your madness. Take a look in the mirror to see the face of a person consumed with hate. Seriously, seek some professional help before it is too late.

Never mind Domino, you’ll be glad to know that the genus of Australians that I belong to is quickly dying out.

Already we have lunatic asylums cum churches where dangerously delusional Aussies mimic happy-clappy Americrischuns. The inmates of whom would have been pelted with refuse and laughed outta town when I was a kid.

Allah Almighty! To think we used to look on the Salvation Army as certifiably insane! :rolleyes:

Now we have our own home grown hillbillies that roll around the floor screeching utter drivel in pidgin Arabic that remind me of the words in an old Perry Como classic :shock:

Give us two or three more generations of American infotainment and religious programming and we will all be drooling doppelgangers of the goosestepping goons here who dutifully regurgitate their Republicrat government’s transparent propaganda while imagining they are still “rugged individualists.”

You'll also be happy to hear that, just like our Big Bubba, we too are "intervening" i.e. invading coral atolls around us at the behest of their corrupt political leaders.

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