Stop with the hyperbole


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
I’m the first one to criticize Trump, especially after that performance in Helsinki. There is much to critique about that meeting but the over reaction I’m seeing from his opponents about the headline “Trump considers turning over Ambassador to Putin” well it is premature and just plain silly. A decision has not been made. If Trump does send the Ambassador to Russia then you all can be outraged. I don’t see that happening. What if he allows the Russians to talk to the Ambassador via Skype in exchange for us getting something from the Russians? Then you all look like fools.

Point is, this hyperbolic reaction to something that hasn’t been decided yet is unproductive and it simply discredits your arguments. Trump gives plenty of ammo to attack. Stick to the stuff that has actually happened and stop reacting to hypotheticals.
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It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants. My point is that it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
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Extremes attacking extremes, and the major media outlets cover the conflict 24/7. It's as hilarious as it is unhealthy.
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants? My point it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
Because he called it an incredible offer.
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion.

Neither is the Trump Administration.

You people still after eighteen months have no clue how this guy works. :auiqs.jpg:
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants? My point it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
Because he called it an incredible offer.
He called the Russians letting Muellers team interview the indicted Russians an incredible offer. Did you not understand that? Let’s be honest here please.
How does a Skype conversation compromise safety? Do you even know what the Russians are accusing the ambassador of doing?
Diplomats do not questioned/interrogated by enemy powers. Trump is a treasonous traitorous dupe

must be making a deal to build. lease, sell in Russia
How does a Skype conversation compromise safety? Do you even know what the Russians are accusing the ambassador of doing?
Diplomats do not questioned/interrogated by enemy powers. Trump is a treasonous traitorous dupe

must be making a deal to build. lease, sell in Russia
You didn’t answer either of my questions. Want to try again?

How does a Skype conversation compromise safety?
Do you know what the Russians are accusing the ambassador of doing?
He called the Russians letting Muellers team interview the indicted Russians an incredible offer.
why in the world would any American intel agency agree to that -- with it's quid quo pro?

It's a Putin/KGB old hand game
Why would Mueller want to talk to the Russians he is indicting for meddling in our elections? Do I really need to answer that?
I’m the first one to criticize Trump, especially after that performance in Helsinki. There is much to critique about that meeting but the over reaction I’m seeing from his opponents about the headline “Trump considers turning over Ambassador to Putin” well it is premature and just plain silly. A decision has not been made. If Trump does send the Ambassador to Russia then you all can be outraged. I don’t see that happening. What if he allows the Russians to talk to the Ambassador via Skype in exchange for us getting something from the Russians? Then you all look like fools.

Point is, this hyperbolic reaction to something that hasn’t been decided yet is unproductive and it simply discredits your arguments. Trump gives plenty of ammo to attack. Stick to the stuff that has actually happened and stop reacting to hypotheticals.

Stop worrying about something that hasn't happened? You mean like the RWNJs who still say gay rights will lead to legalized bestiality, pedophilia, and sex with dead people?
Why would Mueller want to talk to the Russians he is indicting for meddling in our elections? Do I really need to answer that?

Why would Mueller want to talk to the Russians, with a quid pro quo from Putin/KGB guy? Mueller is not stupid - as Trump is. Everyone keeps trying to bait Mueller - Nunes, House GOP members , rightwing media, Trump/Giuliani, and now Putin

Mueller is a pro Opinion | I Led the F.B.I. Mueller Is Just Doing His Job.

quotes: I Led the F.B.I. Mueller Is Just Doing His Job.
Faith in the justice system and in our intelligence agencies cannot be collateral damage in a partisan grudge match, says the former director of the F.B.I. and C.I.A.

Why do people side with Putin over US intel and interests?
It's the fact that he's even considering sending an American citizen over to a foreign hostile government. Any normal administration would have not even considered the suggestion. But we have the Orange Nightmare.
How do you know he is considering it? It is something that Putin wants so instead of immediately taking it off the table maybe he is trying to figure out how to use it to get something that he wants? My point it is way to early to be so hyperbolic about this, I’d bet anything that ambassador is not going to Russia
Because he called it an incredible offer.
He called the Russians letting Muellers team interview the indicted Russians an incredible offer. Did you not understand that? Let’s be honest here please.

You're getting a taste of interacting with liberals....good luck.
I’m the first one to criticize Trump, especially after that performance in Helsinki. There is much to critique about that meeting but the over reaction I’m seeing from his opponents about the headline “Trump considers turning over Ambassador to Putin” well it is premature and just plain silly. A decision has not been made. If Trump does send the Ambassador to Russia then you all can be outraged. I don’t see that happening. What if he allows the Russians to talk to the Ambassador via Skype in exchange for us getting something from the Russians? Then you all look like fools.

Point is, this hyperbolic reaction to something that hasn’t been decided yet is unproductive and it simply discredits your arguments. Trump gives plenty of ammo to attack. Stick to the stuff that has actually happened and stop reacting to hypotheticals.
Stop worrying about something that hasn't happened? You mean like the RWNJs who still say gay rights will lead to legalized bestiality, pedophilia, and sex with dead people?
I’m the first one to criticize Trump, especially after that performance in Helsinki. There is much to critique about that meeting but the over reaction I’m seeing from his opponents about the headline “Trump considers turning over Ambassador to Putin” well it is premature and just plain silly. A decision has not been made. If Trump does send the Ambassador to Russia then you all can be outraged. I don’t see that happening. What if he allows the Russians to talk to the Ambassador via Skype in exchange for us getting something from the Russians? Then you all look like fools.

Point is, this hyperbolic reaction to something that hasn’t been decided yet is unproductive and it simply discredits your arguments. Trump gives plenty of ammo to attack. Stick to the stuff that has actually happened and stop reacting to hypotheticals.

Weren't you the guy that said "Mueller is a fine upstanding "law man' and is a fair minded individual with integrity?"

Then we find out he has tried to railroad several innocent people to jail.
He's been involved in Prosecutorial Misconduct
He helped to cover up the Russian Uranium One Bribery Scandal
He sent an innocent man to jail over the Anthrax scare.
He and his goons have been caught multiple times manufacturing "evidence"
He Wrongfully imprisoned 4 innocent men from Enron.
He cost the taxpayers Millions of Dollars in Lawsuits won against him and his cronies
He was involved in the Fast and Furious cover up.

The Russia Russia Russia hysterical "Investigation" is made up of entirely Anti-Trump Pro-Clinton Investigators who donated to her campaign, 5 of them so blatantly biased that they had to be fired.

And did you know Rod Rosenstein who also was involved in Uranium One and Fast and Furious hired over 200 Prosecutors to try to dig up dirt on The President's SCOTUS nominee? This has never been done in the history of the Supreme Court.

We are sticking to stuff that actually happened. Hillary and Obama and their Cronies, with the solicited help of The Russians, tried to stage a COUP against President Trump when their efforts at rigging an election failed.

You are right about one thing.....THE HYPERBOLE is all on The Left side. The Right is just bitching about actual FACTS, violations of ethics, rigged investigations, and crooked FBI and DOJ employees.

IFTHE LEFT actually stuck to "The Facts" there would be no discussions here. They have to rely on Hyperbole even to have a discussion.
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