#StopTrumpers showing us all what Liberalism is all about.

No, I question anyone who thinks Obama called anyone to violence. It's not like he promised to pay anyone's legal bills. I don't remember violence happening at all called for by Obama. But, I'm sure you'll bend and twist to find something.

Funny...there was a long list posted in this very thread about Barry's call for violence against those who disagree with the fascist liberal cause.
I'm sure you just missed it.

Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

He's been divisive
Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.

Nah....you leftist are just inherently violent.

There is nothing inherently violent about political beliefs in a democracy.
Funny...there was a long list posted in this very thread about Barry's call for violence against those who disagree with the fascist liberal cause.
I'm sure you just missed it.

Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

He's been divisive
Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.

Nah....you leftist are just inherently violent.

There is nothing inherently violent about political beliefs in a democracy.

Where in the post did you see such statement?

Actually, it's a fact that many of these libby regressives are violent protestors. And yes, it most likely has a connection to their inherently coercive ideology, given that normal people don't behave in this way.

If you are against giving them free stuff, they will beat you up, throw your ass in jail, or some other liberal violence. The tolerance...
No, I question anyone who thinks Obama called anyone to violence. It's not like he promised to pay anyone's legal bills. I don't remember violence happening at all called for by Obama. But, I'm sure you'll bend and twist to find something.

Funny...there was a long list posted in this very thread about Barry's call for violence against those who disagree with the fascist liberal cause.
I'm sure you just missed it.

Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?
Ask the families of murdered cops. Obama, the police acted stupidly.

Where is the evidence that there is a link? Who gets the credit for police officer murders going down? Because they have.
Obama said it, you're to stupid and blind to believe it.

Obama said the police acted stupidly on one occurrence and no police officers were hurt on that occasion. So, you'd be wrong.

And again, cops being shot and killed has gone down. I guess Obama isn't much of a 'thug'.
Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

He's been divisive
What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.

Nah....you leftist are just inherently violent.

There is nothing inherently violent about political beliefs in a democracy.

Where in the post did you see such statement?

Actually, it's a fact that many of these libby regressives are violent protestors. And yes, it most likely has a connection to their inherently coercive ideology, given that normal people don't behave in this way.

If you are against giving them free stuff, they will beat you up, throw your ass in jail, or some other liberal violence. The tolerance...

Being a leftist, liberal, progressive, moderate, conservative or even a wingnut doesn't automatically make one violent. it's absurd. Now, feeling like the world is out to get you and you are scared to death that you and your beliefs are being left behind as everyone else moves forward can create feelings of inadequacy and helplessness that may lead to violence.
Funny...there was a long list posted in this very thread about Barry's call for violence against those who disagree with the fascist liberal cause.
I'm sure you just missed it.

Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?
Ask the families of murdered cops. Obama, the police acted stupidly.

Where is the evidence that there is a link? Who gets the credit for police officer murders going down? Because they have.
Obama said it, you're to stupid and blind to believe it.

Obama said the police acted stupidly on one occurrence and no police officers were hurt on that occasion. So, you'd be wrong.

And again, cops being shot and killed has gone down. I guess Obama isn't much of a 'thug'.
Why doesn't Obama condemn the violence? He has been a part of the anti police movement since he has been in office and Hillary is doing the same thing.
Funny...there was a long list posted in this very thread about Barry's call for violence against those who disagree with the fascist liberal cause.
I'm sure you just missed it.

Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

He's been divisive
Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.

Nah....you leftist are just inherently violent.

There is nothing inherently violent about political beliefs in a democracy.

Left wing beliefs are inherently violent because they were all based on taking what I earn at gun point.
Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?
Ask the families of murdered cops. Obama, the police acted stupidly.

Where is the evidence that there is a link? Who gets the credit for police officer murders going down? Because they have.
Obama said it, you're to stupid and blind to believe it.

Obama said the police acted stupidly on one occurrence and no police officers were hurt on that occasion. So, you'd be wrong.

And again, cops being shot and killed has gone down. I guess Obama isn't much of a 'thug'.
Why doesn't Obama condemn the violence? He has been a part of the anti police movement since he has been in office and Hillary is doing the same thing.

President Obama: Violence against police ‘is completely unacceptable’

Let;s not forget, fewer police officers are shot and killed under Obama.
Funny...there was a long list posted in this very thread about Barry's call for violence against those who disagree with the fascist liberal cause.
I'm sure you just missed it.

Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

He's been divisive
Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.

Nah....you leftist are just inherently violent.

There is nothing inherently violent about political beliefs in a democracy.

Then how do you explain the violent protestors that we constantly see from the left?
Obama and Hillary condone violence by not speaking up against their liberal protester supporters and rioters who crash Trump free speech rallies and harass his supporters from gathering at free speech events. Obama only reprimanded Black Lives Matter because they seem to be targeting Hitlery rallies, due to the fact that this group are turning on their Masters and seem to bite the hand that feeds them. Why?









Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

He's been divisive
What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.

Nah....you leftist are just inherently violent.

There is nothing inherently violent about political beliefs in a democracy.

Then how do you explain the violent protestors that we constantly see from the left?

I see frustrated people living in dire economic circumstances, I don't condone it but I don't think violence in black communities has anything to do with liberal ideology. I assume you're speaking about black protesters? I keep hearing from wingnuts about how socially conservative they are.
Sorry, you lost me. When did I play the victim card?

When you focused on a single word out of an entire post to take exception with.

EDIT: Actually it was two words, freak boy.

Ok, guess you and I have different definitions of what playing the victim card is.

You taking exception with a valid reply to one of your posts and ignoring its merit while claiming you are a victim of liberal name calling. That is the definition of playing the victim.

EDIT: All the while ignoring all the name calling that goes on from both sides.

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

He's been divisive
Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.

Nah....you leftist are just inherently violent.

There is nothing inherently violent about political beliefs in a democracy.

Then how do you explain the violent protestors that we constantly see from the left?

I see frustrated people living in dire economic circumstances, I don't condone it but I don't think violence in black communities has anything to do with liberal ideology. I assume you're speaking about black protesters? I keep hearing from wingnuts about how socially conservative they are.

So your theory is that the Trump protesters are actually socially conservative?

Might I recommend a mental health evaluation? Clearly you are hallucinating.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

He's been divisive
I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.

Nah....you leftist are just inherently violent.

There is nothing inherently violent about political beliefs in a democracy.

Then how do you explain the violent protestors that we constantly see from the left?

I see frustrated people living in dire economic circumstances, I don't condone it but I don't think violence in black communities has anything to do with liberal ideology. I assume you're speaking about black protesters? I keep hearing from wingnuts about how socially conservative they are.

So your theory is that the Trump protesters are actually socially conservative?

Might I recommend a mental health evaluation? Clearly you are hallucinating.

I don't think I said Trump supporters are socially conservative. But, since you've 'asked', yeah, I would assume most Trump supporters are socially conservative. Doesn't mean they don't like tits, then again those appear to be anti-Trump protesters.
Intimidation, violence, blocking traffic, shouting down the opposing voices, jumping on cop cars, dragging Trump supporters out their car and beating them. Yes there is no better illustration for the current meaning of Liberalism than anti-Trump protesters.
Blame Liberalism. It's the easy way out.

Could it be that Trump has righteouslypissed off so ,any people, encouraged his supporters to beat the tar out of any dissenters and fostered a campaign of division that he is now reaping what he has sown?

Nope! Political myopic so will fall back on the old tactic: blame Liberalism.
Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

He's been divisive
Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.

Nah....you leftist are just inherently violent.

There is nothing inherently violent about political beliefs in a democracy.

Then how do you explain the violent protestors that we constantly see from the left?

I see frustrated people living in dire economic circumstances, I don't condone it but I don't think violence in black communities has anything to do with liberal ideology. I assume you're speaking about black protesters? I keep hearing from wingnuts about how socially conservative they are.

Actually I was referring to the mexicans since this thread is about the Trump rallies but blacks are just as guilty.
Intimidation, violence, blocking traffic, shouting down the opposing voices, jumping on cop cars, dragging Trump supporters out their car and beating them. Yes there is no better illustration for the current meaning of Liberalism than anti-Trump protesters.
Blame Liberalism. It's the easy way out.

Could it be that Trump has righteouslypissed off so ,any people, encouraged his supporters to beat the tar out of any dissenters and fostered a campaign of division that he is now reaping what he has sown?

Nope! Political myopic so will fall back on the old tactic: blame Liberalism.

So you're for illegal immigration?
Intimidation, violence, blocking traffic, shouting down the opposing voices, jumping on cop cars, dragging Trump supporters out their car and beating them. Yes there is no better illustration for the current meaning of Liberalism than anti-Trump protesters.
Blame Liberalism. It's the easy way out.

Could it be that Trump has righteouslypissed off so ,any people, encouraged his supporters to beat the tar out of any dissenters and fostered a campaign of division that he is now reaping what he has sown?

Nope! Political myopic so will fall back on the old tactic: blame Liberalism.

So you're for illegal immigration?
Another wild, weird deflection?

What is it with you people? Don't see the forest for the trees?

Trump is a dividing, polarizing, confrontational boor who gets violence as he sows violence.
Intimidation, violence, blocking traffic, shouting down the opposing voices, jumping on cop cars, dragging Trump supporters out their car and beating them. Yes there is no better illustration for the current meaning of Liberalism than anti-Trump protesters.
Blame Liberalism. It's the easy way out.

Could it be that Trump has righteouslypissed off so ,any people, encouraged his supporters to beat the tar out of any dissenters and fostered a campaign of division that he is now reaping what he has sown?

Nope! Political myopic so will fall back on the old tactic: blame Liberalism.

So you're for illegal immigration?
Another wild, weird deflection?

What is it with you people? Don't see the forest for the trees?

Trump is a dividing, polarizing, confrontational boor who gets violence as he sows violence.

Barry is the most divisive president ever.
And all these beaner riots do nothing but prove Trumps point....they are violent.
Funny...there was a long list posted in this very thread about Barry's call for violence against those who disagree with the fascist liberal cause.
I'm sure you just missed it.

Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.
Right. And banks attract bank robbers.

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Who answered it? Did Obama's goons go antisemitic and attack a journalist for writing an article about his wife?

Let's see, who answered it: Riots in Ferguson Missouri. Riots in Baltimore. Numerous cops shot dead.

It appears quite a few people answered it.

What did Obama say to the rioters in Ferguson? Or, are you just looking for any acts of violence that fit a racial description?

You made the claim, now it's time for you to specifically link Obama to any violent acts committed in Ferguson.

Can you link Trump specifically to any acts of violence committed by the protesters at his rallies?

No, . . . I didn't think so.

I think Trump attracts the violence, I have no idea if his rhetoric causes it.
Right. And banks attract bank robbers.

Liberalism is a mental illness.

How is that the same thing?

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