#StopTrumpers showing us all what Liberalism is all about.

I love how the Libtards are deflecting and denying. They refuse to accept the truth.

San Francisco’s Trump Protest Sums Up Election 2016 in One Flaming Piñata

I have a gut feeling a whole lot of those “protestors” weren't there for free. Someone is behind this and I'd bet it's Dimbocrap backers like Soros and his ilk. All one has to do is watch the videos and view the photos to see that these thugs have no idea to conduct a “peaceful demonstration.” Kinda like out of a radical handbook we all know about.

Story @ San Francisco’s Trump Protest Sums Up Election 2016 in One Flaming Piñata

Deflecting and denying?

There are people on the left who are violent, who are bad, but that doesn't mean all are. It's a minority just like the KKK is a minority on the right who don't represent the whole right.
Which one of your fellow liberals did only moments ago.

I did? Where? Here's what I said. Trump is not racist, he's just supported by most of the racists. Here, I'll go even further for you. I don't think the GOP is made up of racists. A majority of GOP members are not racists.

However, most of the racists are most comfortable in the GOP.

Not even close to true. Most White racists are. The black racists, the Hispanic racists and the self-hating white racists are squarely in the Democrat Party and they are far more in number.

Try looking up the definition of racism sometime.

I know what it is. There is nothing in the ideology of the BLM or the NAACP that intimates that their race is superior to any other...unlike the Trump supporting white supremacists.

If only black lives matter and you are offended by "All lives matter" White lives are of less value to you .That's common sense genius... You lack that:slap:

No one, not even the BLM movement, has said that only black lives matter. Only idiots need the "too" added.

Yes they have said only black lives matter. They attack anyone who says all lives matter.
Yes, Libs are the champions of free speech, you can openly and freely agree with them.
This campaign season they have been clearly showing themselves as the SILENCERS of free speech. Free speech rarely had worse enemies.

the left is working their way down the bill of rights

anti free speech

anti freedom of religion

anti guns

no one is anti free speech or anti freedom of religion, nut bar. but your "freedom" doesn't permit you to impose your bigotry on people when working in a service business.

If you own the business, then declining to serve anyone you don't want to serve would be included in your freedom to associate, your freedom of religion, and your freedom of speech.[/QUOTE]
Intimidation, violence, blocking traffic, shouting down the opposing voices, jumping on cop cars, dragging Trump supporters out their car and beating them. Yes there is no better illustration for the current meaning of Liberalism than anti-Trump protesters.
Egg-sactly! For people that want to stop hate, they are damned good at it. I am no Trump supporter. We are all hypocrites one way or the other. Understand that. Peace.
Yes, Libs are the champions of free speech, you can openly and freely agree with them.
This campaign season they have been clearly showing themselves as the SILENCERS of free speech. Free speech rarely had worse enemies.

the left is working their way down the bill of rights

anti free speech

anti freedom of religion

anti guns

no one is anti free speech or anti freedom of religion, nut bar. but your "freedom" doesn't permit you to impose your bigotry on people when working in a service business.

go to the church you want to. no one gives a flying.

but i'm pretty sure jesus wasn't a bigot, freak boy

and not wanting guns in the hands of criminals and crazies is normal and intelligent....and the appropriate response of anyone who doesn't use a gun to make up for a lack of genitalia

sure you are

it is the fascist leftists trying to stop Trump speeches

it the fascist leftists that try and stop conservatives from speaking on campus

it is fascist leftists that want to jail folks who speak out against the man made global warming hoax

it is the fascist lefts who are trying to disarm the law abiding citizen

no the leftists are definitely anti freedom
Yes, Libs are the champions of free speech, you can openly and freely agree with them.
This campaign season they have been clearly showing themselves as the SILENCERS of free speech. Free speech rarely had worse enemies.

the left is working their way down the bill of rights

anti free speech

anti freedom of religion

anti guns

no one is anti free speech or anti freedom of religion, nut bar. but your "freedom" doesn't permit you to impose your bigotry on people when working in a service business.

If you own the business, then declining to serve anyone you don't want to serve would be included in your freedom to associate, your freedom of religion, and your freedom of speech.

jillian agrees with that is ok to stifle some peoples right to free speech

mostly if that speech is not the speech she likes
Which Republicans support raising the minimum wage? I don't mean the voters who vote for politicians who do not support a living wage, I mean the politicians themselves. Which prominent Republicans support it?

As for the GOP party, roughly only about half supporting raising it, well behind everyone else.
Since I don't support thee illegal alien ass-kisser, Muslim ass-kisser, black-radical ass-kisser, bad budget RINOs of the Republican Congress, I feel no need to defend them on the minimum wage or anything else. Simple fact is they all need to be replaced with REAL conservatives, who represent the wishes of American conservatives.

You'll know who they are when they propose, sponsor, co-sponsor legislation for Operation Wetback II.
no one is anti free speech or anti freedom of religion, nut bar. but your "freedom" doesn't permit you to impose your bigotry on people when working in a service business.

go to the church you want to. no one gives a flying.

but i'm pretty sure jesus wasn't a bigot, freak boy

and not wanting guns in the hands of criminals and crazies is normal and intelligent....and the appropriate response of anyone who doesn't use a gun to make up for a lack of genitalia
"No one" ?

1. The anti-Trump protestors (disruptors), sure are anti free speech.

2. And the gays who demand to be served to homosexual standards, sure are anti freedom of religion.

3. And those who impose gun-free zones, sure are anti -gun. And those who oppose CCW laws, sure are too.

Back to the drawing board for you.
Which Republicans support raising the minimum wage? I don't mean the voters who vote for politicians who do not support a living wage, I mean the politicians themselves. Which prominent Republicans support it?

As for the GOP party, roughly only about half supporting raising it, well behind everyone else.
Since I don't support thee illegal alien ass-kisser, Muslim ass-kisser, black-radical ass-kisser, bad budget RINOs of the Republican Congress, I feel no need to defend them on the minimum wage or anything else. Simple fact is they all need to be replaced with REAL conservatives, who represent the wishes of American conservatives.

You'll know who they are when they propose, sponsor, co-sponsor legislation for Operation Wetback II.

So, when asked which Republican politicians support a minimum wage hike to include Trump your answer should have been "I can' think of any". Doesn't matter whether you defend them or not, you'll certainly vote for them, you know, like Trump. That's all you had to say.
Yes, Libs are the champions of free speech, you can openly and freely agree with them.
This campaign season they have been clearly showing themselves as the SILENCERS of free speech. Free speech rarely had worse enemies.

the left is working their way down the bill of rights

anti free speech

anti freedom of religion

anti guns

no one is anti free speech or anti freedom of religion, nut bar. but your "freedom" doesn't permit you to impose your bigotry on people when working in a service business.

go to the church you want to. no one gives a flying.

but i'm pretty sure jesus wasn't a bigot, freak boy

and not wanting guns in the hands of criminals and crazies is normal and intelligent....and the appropriate response of anyone who doesn't use a gun to make up for a lack of genitalia

When libs run out of good arguments they attack the individual. When you are losing the debate , turn to personal attacks and name calling.
Yes, Libs are the champions of free speech, you can openly and freely agree with them.
This campaign season they have been clearly showing themselves as the SILENCERS of free speech. Free speech rarely had worse enemies.

the left is working their way down the bill of rights

anti free speech

anti freedom of religion

anti guns

no one is anti free speech or anti freedom of religion, nut bar. but your "freedom" doesn't permit you to impose your bigotry on people when working in a service business.

go to the church you want to. no one gives a flying.

but i'm pretty sure jesus wasn't a bigot, freak boy

and not wanting guns in the hands of criminals and crazies is normal and intelligent....and the appropriate response of anyone who doesn't use a gun to make up for a lack of genitalia

When libs run out of good arguments they attack the individual. When you are losing the debate , turn to personal attacks and name calling.

Nah, that's just you being a perpetual victim.
Considering the violent attacks Trump encouraged against protesters, particularly those of color, at his rallies, any idiot would know it was only a matter of time before there was a backlash.

Of course, you can't let yourself believe everything you see...

Some were Trump protesters attacking supporters.
Some were actually supporters attacking protestors.
Some were total fakes, plants, brought in on buses and turned loose on the crowd to make the protestors look bad.

Bottom line - if the Trump fans weren't so brutal throughout his campaign, none of this would have happened yesterday.

Barry did tell them to bring guns.
Trump supporters started the violence.
Trump condoned the violence.
He's getting exactly what he puts out.

Horseshit. You're obviously a douche bag.

Condone the violence and rhetoric when Trump and his supporters do it, blame liberals when the protesters commit violence.

I think the violence coming from both groups is reprehensible, why is it so hard to say?

What violence from Trump supporters? A reporter's arm was grabbed? Please.

Yep, that's all that happened.

That's pretty damn stupid, even from you.

He's upping the ignorant rhetoric as he sees the hildabeasts chances slipping away.
Intimidation, violence, blocking traffic, shouting down the opposing voices, jumping on cop cars, dragging Trump supporters out their car and beating them. Yes there is no better illustration for the current meaning of Liberalism than anti-Trump protesters.
You have yet to prove that they are all liberals...
Obama in a speech told his supporters to get in the face of the opponents. So he was inciting violence?

Yes he did, but that doesn't change your mind about your Messiah.

Nope, he wasn't inciting violence.
Then why would he tell his followers to get in the face of others?

Why are you taking something so literally? He wanted his supporters to be vocal and discuss and confront different ideas...you know, debate.

So why did he tell them to bring guns to the fight?
Intimidation, violence, blocking traffic, shouting down the opposing voices, jumping on cop cars, dragging Trump supporters out their car and beating them. Yes there is no better illustration for the current meaning of Liberalism than anti-Trump protesters.
You have yet to prove that they are all liberals...

Yeah, clearly these people are uber conservatives.

The facepalm...

Which part of his statement requires ALL of them to be liberals by the way? Is this the famous regressive logic again?
Yes he did, but that doesn't change your mind about your Messiah.

Nope, he wasn't inciting violence.
Then why would he tell his followers to get in the face of others?

Why are you taking something so literally? He wanted his supporters to be vocal and discuss and confront different ideas...you know, debate.

So why did he tell them to bring guns to the fight?

In Philadelphia? Was there some mass Obama army with guns? I must have missed that.
Yes he did, but that doesn't change your mind about your Messiah.

Nope, he wasn't inciting violence.
Then why would he tell his followers to get in the face of others?

Why are you taking something so literally? He wanted his supporters to be vocal and discuss and confront different ideas...you know, debate.

So why did he tell them to bring guns to the fight?

In Philadelphia? Was there some mass Obama army with guns? I must have missed that.

Aaaah yes...the typical liberal dodge.
Pretends to have never heard Barry's call to arms because it doesnt fit his narrative.
Liberals are truly pathetic...

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