Stormfront White Nationalists Showing Overwhelming Support For Ron Paul

Why the fuck should we have any blacks anywhere near power after what they clearly did within Africa, hati, or any other place. Civilization is fucked because of people like you...The shining city on the hill that whites built is dieing.

Do you think that Jews have disproportionate amount of power over banking & foreign policy?

What are your feelings about Israel?
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Another happy Paultard...
Really, I had no idea that Ron Paul is/was a supreme racist. The quotes on the following link make my skin crawl.

Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters Revealed | News One

You and a whole bunch of young people. Honestly, I wonder at your teachers. When one is going to 'support' a candidate, doesn't it make sense to check them out? In 2008 it was easy to find the links, now? Not so much so, they've been scrubbed.

I'm 65, and never had any interest in knowing anything about Ron Paul - and still don't. I've never been one of his supporters (Moonies/Paulies).

Really, I didn't know your age. Still, when you say you're 'surprised', 'shocked,' what have you, one must admit that the information was out there years ago, I mean I linked to one page of what I was posting how many years ago? Many of same links you just posted today.

What scared me is that he's polling so high. Shouldn't be happening, especially with the young, but alas, they don't know the person they 'support.'
You and a whole bunch of young people. Honestly, I wonder at your teachers. When one is going to 'support' a candidate, doesn't it make sense to check them out? In 2008 it was easy to find the links, now? Not so much so, they've been scrubbed.

I'm 65, and never had any interest in knowing anything about Ron Paul - and still don't. I've never been one of his supporters (Moonies/Paulies).

Really, I didn't know your age. Still, when you say you're 'surprised', 'shocked,' what have you, one must admit that the information was out there years ago, I mean I linked to one page of what I was posting how many years ago? Many of same links you just posted today.

What scared me is that he's polling so high. Shouldn't be happening, especially with the young, but alas, they don't know the person they 'support.'

I said "I had no idea"...
"Indian casinos are operated in 28 states by 233 of the nation’s 562 tribes. The total number of Indian casino and bingo halls approaches 500."

I guess half is "a few"?

Indian Casino Facts

  • Tribes receive $4 of every $10 that Americans wager at casinos.
  • [COLOR=#004578 !important][COLOR=#004578 !important]Indian [COLOR=#004578 !important]casinos[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] earned $26.5 billion in 2009 revenues.
  • There are 425 Indian gaming facilities.
  • 233 tribes operate casinos.
  • Indian gaming operates in 28 states
  • 24 states allow full-scale Indian casinos, 4 allow only Class II casinos (bingo slots)
  • Indian casinos provide 712,000 jobs.
  • Indian gaming paid $10.8 billion in local, state and federal taxes in 2008.
  • Indian gaming pays $1.3 billion in taxes to federal, state, local governments.
Source: National Indian Gaming Commission

500 Nations Indian Casinos SuperSite!

Google "native american poverty"...

Did you look at those numbers?
And there are still more whites living in poverty than Indians. We are all American citizens. If they weren't Americans, they would be French. Or Spanish. It would have been much, much worse.

My children are native. They are being raised off the reservation. They will go to college, and not be burdened with the racist litany of blood quota that each and every enrolled tribal member has memorized and stamped on a piece of paper. Quotas, and the concept of different races did not originate with Indians, who saw themselves as individual CULTURAL groups, not individual GENETIC groups, and who welcomed people from all colors into their tribes. Before they adopted the BIA standards and internalized that racism into their hearts. Indians don't need anything from whites except to be allowed to restore and teach their culture..and they are now able to do that and provided the resources to do it. The rest is up to them, and us, not as separate nations but as Americans, who look after all their own. But the idea of entitlement is just as nauseating in natives as it is in the inner cities. It creates a depraved and backwards society.
The question is will we remain a first world country? Will we contiue to lead the world with idea's and inventions- even through, we're getting the population of central America and Africa that appear to be a very backwards parts of the world. All iq studies show that africa and central America are two of the lowest on earth. Can we really change these people into us? That's what we will have to do!

Nothing has shown to me that we're in fact all uniformally equal; being no test scores or iq(anything to do with science of the brain), which is what we would as a human race have to be for us to remain a tech, idea and living standard first world nation. This is what I fear...I fear this country becoming poor and turning into a third world country. If we were all equal, why do so much of the non-white world live in such condition with very little advancement of idea's?

Seriously, look at africa than look at europe. You on the left will of course state that all of humanity is uniform, but theres nothing to support such. To much of it believes in idea's of backwardsness(islam) and lust for power at the cost of its own people(africa). It takes a great amount of thought and iq to make a society break out of these natural tencies.

I'm scared for civilization. Seriously.:( How is allowing millions of muslim into europe=a future of advancement(something conseratives can understand).
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It's just a matter of education and health, ultimately. And genetic diversity. Any gene pool that isn't diverse eventually becomes diseased and sickly. ANY gene pool.
It's like saying if a candidate has the support of women, or blacks, then that candidate must be female, or black. It's possible, but not necessarily indicated by the support of those groups.

White Racists (Storm Front) like Ron Paul.
Black Racists (Louis Farrakhan) like Ron Paul.

If we can just get the Jewish, Mexican and Asian Racists to like Ron Paul It'll be a clean sweep in 2012! :D

I am no Paul supporter, but this is most likely bullshit. Name any candidate and there will most likely be a picture of them with a dirt bag, and general support for then by a group of dirt bags. It does not mean the candidate supports the dirt bags cause. Until I see Ron Pauls acknowledgement of this group its nothing more to me then political funny business.
Well, I guess anyone that wants to fight to remain a first world nation is somehow unelectable at this time. Whites built this country and have every right to fight for our future and our childrens future, but you brainwashed morons think that we can take in tens of millions of third worlders and nothing will happen. Sad, heck Ron Paul isn't even a white nationalist, but a man that wants to cut spending and get our troops out of the middle east.

Your hatred for any white that fights your anti-white machine is disgusting. Why the fuck should we have any blacks anywhere near power after what they clearly did within Africa, hati, or any other place. Civilization is fucked because of people like you...The shining city on the hill that whites built is dieing.

I'd give money to this man if I found out he was really fighting for the majority in this country. Hell, I'd go door to door.

Wow... another one pops out of the woodwork. First yidnar...then the retired Military guy with David Duke in his sigline... Now Matthew. I find it utterly amazing how some people can blame a skin color for the woes of other countries like that.. Couldn't be that they are poorly educated, poorly fed and easily manipulated, right? No... it's the color of their skin.

Thanks for being honest though... I do appreciate it. I wish more of you would come out of the closet.
"Indian casinos are operated in 28 states by 233 of the nation’s 562 tribes. The total number of Indian casino and bingo halls approaches 500."

I guess half is "a few"?

Indian Casino Facts

  • Tribes receive $4 of every $10 that Americans wager at casinos.
  • [COLOR=#004578 !important][COLOR=#004578 !important]Indian [COLOR=#004578 !important]casinos[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] earned $26.5 billion in 2009 revenues.
  • There are 425 Indian gaming facilities.
  • 233 tribes operate casinos.
  • Indian gaming operates in 28 states
  • 24 states allow full-scale Indian casinos, 4 allow only Class II casinos (bingo slots)
  • Indian casinos provide 712,000 jobs.
  • Indian gaming paid $10.8 billion in local, state and federal taxes in 2008.
  • Indian gaming pays $1.3 billion in taxes to federal, state, local governments.
Source: National Indian Gaming Commission

500 Nations Indian Casinos SuperSite!

Google "native american poverty"...

Rather than lay up on the res and live on the government dole, perhaps trying the novel approach of getting jobs might do the trick.
Oh wow, a brand new poster here starting off with "Paul is racist" threads.

I never saw it coming :rolleyes:

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