Stormfront White Nationalists Showing Overwhelming Support For Ron Paul

We think that materialism and wealth is our salvation. .

Who is "we," asshole? Why don't you try speaking for yourself? I know the concept of the individual is a tough one for you extreme lefties, but give it a shot.
I wonder how long it's going to take for THIS version of Matthew to get banned.

Anyone got a stopwatch?

Having to ban me is the clearest indication that I am right, not that i needed the clarification.

Actually, getting banned from this board requires a really high level of douchebaggery, because the mods are actually pretty reasonable and fair.

just so you know, he achieved it
To blacks anything you say can be seen as racism even if it wasnt your intent. They use it as a crutch. I am not saying there is not racism. I see it all the time it goes both ways. But if you cry wolf to many times people tend to not listen!
To blacks anything you say can be seen as racism even if it wasnt your intent. They use it as a crutch. I am not saying there is not racism. I see it all the time it goes both ways. But if you cry wolf to many times people tend to not listen!

You know how I know that you're excusing your racism?

No race's history is "pretty".

Yeah... no kidding. But why can't we ever learn from past mistakes?
we have !!! native Americans are afforded the same wrights by law as every one else !! as a matter of fact shitskins are given even more opportunity than anyone else !!! business grants,college grants,affirmative action ect...the fact is blacks destroy everything they get their simian paws on !!

Another happy Paultard...
and 2 happy anti [!@#%$&^America ] libbs !! bet you have no problem with this pic do you !!


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Blacks show overwhelming support for Obama. A lot of people that are gung-ho for Israel don't like Ron Paul, so what. Blacks and Jews can like whoever they want and it's not racist. I believe Black Panthers were putting their support behind Herman Cain at one point, I don't think that meant Herman Cain was a racist.

They like Ron Paul because he made the comment that if you want to have a store and only serve WHITE people you should be allowed to. Namely he says because you'd only be hurting yourself and your business by alienating from a racial group. Part of his message about freedom and liberty resonates with white supremacists, it's not hard to understand why. Just because certain people like his message doesn't mean that's what he represents. The people that know Ron Paul also have already talked great lengths about how the man is not a racist.
Having to ban me is the clearest indication that I am right, not that i needed the clarification.

Actually, getting banned from this board requires a really high level of douchebaggery, because the mods are actually pretty reasonable and fair.

just so you know, he achieved it

Thank you....

But do we have an official ruling that "Douchebaggery" is an official word?
No race's history is "pretty".

Yeah... no kidding. But why can't we ever learn from past mistakes?
we have !!! native Americans are afforded the same wrights by law as every one else !! as a matter of fact shitskins are given even more opportunity than anyone else !!! business grants,college grants,affirmative action ect...the fact is blacks destroy everything they get their simian paws on !!

shitskins? How quaint... and racist...
Yeah... no kidding. But why can't we ever learn from past mistakes?
we have !!! native Americans are afforded the same wrights by law as every one else !! as a matter of fact shitskins are given even more opportunity than anyone else !!! business grants,college grants,affirmative action ect...the fact is blacks destroy everything they get their simian paws on !!

shitskins? How quaint... and racist...
i got news for you !!! blacks hate everybody !!!
As with racists attracted to the TPM, it’s not Paul’s fault white supremacists are attracted to his campaign.

But both should find it troubling.

And it’s incumbent upon supporters of both the TPM and Paul to find out why.

Maybe those two are fighting for what we want? We want sane policies and a first world nation for our children to grow up in. We want more than just what we post at stormfront, but anyways the two area's link: 1# keeping this nation white and 2# sane economic, trade and policies on the world stage is generally linked hand to hand. Do you see any central American nation that isn't a third world nation? Honestly???

Seriously, most of us are middle class males that don't want this nation to become a third world shit hole. Why the fuck would you be against such is over my scope of thought.

I trust you don't include yourself under that description. The contributions you've made to this thread indicate that you are of very poor intellect with absolutely NO class.
No race's history is "pretty".

Yeah... no kidding. But why can't we ever learn from past mistakes?
we have !!! native Americans are afforded the same wrights by law as every one else !! as a matter of fact shitskins are given even more opportunity than anyone else !!! business grants,college grants,affirmative action ect...the fact is blacks destroy everything they get their simian paws on !!

Really? Which Wrights? Cameron Wright? Jason Wright? Barry Wright? Dr Jonathan Wright? The Wright bothers? Perhaps you could elucidate (I assume you know what that means). Sorry you ain't Wright you're Rong. In fact, you're a Wright-off!

BTW I thought I saw your name on a pre-sliced loaf of bread today but when I got closer it said, Thick cut.

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