Stormfront White Nationalists Showing Overwhelming Support For Ron Paul

I want to go on the record as saying that I am disgusted by some of the things that have been posted in this thread especially from Matthew. You cannot believe in liberty and then turn around and say one race is better than another. All people are equal and there are good and bad elements in each race. Racism goes against the very core tenets of libertarianism, and anyone who holds racism in thier heart needs to re-evaluate their principles. If I thought that Ron Paul was a racist I would withdraw my support for him immediately. I had the chance to look at some of the quotes last night and tonight when I am at home I will look at a few more.

Some of the vitriol I can rule out immediately because I have read enough of Ron Paul's stuff to be able to recognize his style of writing and I believe those newsletters were not written by him.
People get sucked into the whole racist thing...I mean, they figure if it works for animals, it ought to work for people. Progressives are just as bad, only they cloak it in terms like "population control" and "freedom of choice" but the result is just the're culling out undesirables.

They cannot grasp that we truly do have the divine in us, and that is why it is ALWAYS wrong to structure society the same way you would structure a horse farm. If you don't recognize that we're special, then you are admitting humans are just animals, and therefore not worthy of things like liberty and freedom.

Not only doesn't work. Line breeding (and that is essentially what we're talking about; breeding within a specific gene pool) will increase positive traits...for a while. But it ALWAYS degenerates and the breed either dies out or has to have new blood brought in..and that changes the breed. It's the same for people. Look at royal families throughout the history of mankind. Yes, some truly spectacular individuals were produced, and in some lines, multiple spectacular individuals, but they always degenerate after a certain period of time. I can understand being proud of your culture, even your race, and I GET the desire to preserve it, but you can't. People are healthier, smarter, and freer only when they are allowed to breed at will, across lines of race, geography, nationality, culture.
THE Communist Party endorses Obama. So, according to your logic, Obama is a communist who wants to destroy this country.

Ron Paul has a huge following of supporters who call themselves 'White Nationalists' over at the website called Stormfront. Right now, there is a thread put up the other day for the December 16 Tea Party Money Bomb fundraiser that was held today asking fellow Stormfronters to help out, donate and get support for Ron Paul for his presidential campaign. I don't know if I am allowed to post a link to Stormfront but it's there including many other threads supportive of him. If you think it is safe for me to post a link there to the thread, let me know and I will. I am new here but I don't want to break forum rules. Do you think the White Nationalist support for Ron Paul will hurt him and what do you think the attraction is that White Nationalists have for Mr. Paul? Maybe a Ron Paul supporter on the board here can explain this.

One poster stated this:

"My best guess based on following Ron Paul for over 8 years is that he secretly has White Nationalist tendencies, but he dare not admit it until he is President. Ron Paul does not want to see America swamped with Illegal Mexicans, but again he has to watch what he says. Politics is such a lousy game, as at this time you can't get elected if you tell the whole truth."

Ron Paul with Stormfront owner Don Black and son Derick Black
Well, I guess anyone that wants to fight to remain a first world nation is somehow unelectable at this time. Whites built this country and have every right to fight for our future and our childrens future, but you brainwashed morons think that we can take in tens of millions of third worlders and nothing will happen. Sad, heck Ron Paul isn't even a white nationalist, but a man that wants to cut spending and get our troops out of the middle east.

Your hatred for any white that fights your anti-white machine is disgusting. Why the fuck should we have any blacks anywhere near power after what they clearly did within Africa, hati, or any other place. Civilization is fucked because of people like you...The shining city on the hill that whites built is dieing.

I'd give money to this man if I found out he was really fighting for the majority in this country. Hell, I'd go door to door.

Your 'race' is clearly 'Stupidus Motherfuckerus.' You and your fellow defective, cowardly mistakes of humanity come in all colors.
Your people are the mother fucking mistake as you people can't seem to build anything besides a third world backward shit house. fuck you mother fucker!!!
As with racists attracted to the TPM, it’s not Paul’s fault white supremacists are attracted to his campaign.

But both should find it troubling.

And it’s incumbent upon supporters of both the TPM and Paul to find out why.
As with racists attracted to the TPM, it’s not Paul’s fault white supremacists are attracted to his campaign.

But both should find it troubling.

And it’s incumbent upon supporters of both the TPM and Paul to find out why.

Maybe those two are fighting for what we want? We want sane policies and a first world nation for our children to grow up in. We want more than just what we post at stormfront, but anyways the two area's link: 1# keeping this nation white and 2# sane economic, trade and policies on the world stage is generally linked hand to hand. Do you see any central American nation that isn't a third world nation? Honestly???

Seriously, most of us are middle class males that don't want this nation to become a third world shit hole. Why the fuck would you be against such is over my scope of thought.
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Ron Paul has a huge following of supporters who call themselves 'White Nationalists' over at the website called Stormfront. Right now, there is a thread put up the other day for the December 16 Tea Party Money Bomb fundraiser that was held today asking fellow Stormfronters to help out, donate and get support for Ron Paul for his presidential campaign. I don't know if I am allowed to post a link to Stormfront but it's there including many other threads supportive of him. If you think it is safe for me to post a link there to the thread, let me know and I will. I am new here but I don't want to break forum rules. Do you think the White Nationalist support for Ron Paul will hurt him and what do you think the attraction is that White Nationalists have for Mr. Paul? Maybe a Ron Paul supporter on the board here can explain this.

One poster stated this:

"My best guess based on following Ron Paul for over 8 years is that he secretly has White Nationalist tendencies, but he dare not admit it until he is President. Ron Paul does not want to see America swamped with Illegal Mexicans, but again he has to watch what he says. Politics is such a lousy game, as at this time you can't get elected if you tell the whole truth."

Ron Paul with Stormfront owner Don Black and son Derick Black

Smells like a "Politician" post.
1# keeping this nation white.

What do you mean "keeping," coward? There always have been and always will be people of every hue buiding and strengthening MY nation. You and your tiny minority of fucking cowards need to get the fuck out and find someplace where your bullshit is welcome, because it sure as hell isn't in MY nation.
1# keeping this nation white.

What do you mean "keeping," coward? There always have been and always will be people of every hue buiding and strengthening MY nation. You and your tiny minority of fucking cowards need to get the fuck out and find someplace where your bullshit is welcome, because it sure as hell isn't in MY nation.

Like Africa or central America is the future that you fucking lust for that has to demand aid from the white world that then bends down backwards to wipe your fucking bitching ass. You people come here seeking a better life, but than bring your disease and third world mind set here. Lets see how you bastards do when whitey is gone! Lets see how the rest of humanity dives backwards and half the population of it starves to death.

Also, if you're a fucking third worlder go fuck your self. It may just be yours one day, but it will look like central America or Africa. :badgrin:
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1# keeping this nation white.

What do you mean "keeping," coward? There always have been and always will be people of every hue buiding and strengthening MY nation. You and your tiny minority of fucking cowards need to get the fuck out and find someplace where your bullshit is welcome, because it sure as hell isn't in MY nation.

Like Africa or central America :

I don't care where you go, just get the fuck out of my country, coward.

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