Stormy backs Twittleer into the corner

Other than a libtard judge disregarding the contract and the law, Stormy Daniels has no case.

It doesn't matter than Trump didn't sign it, as he's not party to the deal. It doesn't matter whether Trump confirms or denies if he's the one in the contract, as he's not a party to the deal, nor do I expect the contract to say there was an affair.
Don't care.
How is America's GDP lately?


Typical right winger, I'd bet s/he was all aghast over Clinton's behavior and yet excuses the most inept, incompetent and dumbest ever President of the United States for his behavior.

Any person who votes for a Republican in this election year, who claims to be a Christian, is a liar.
Trump will end up with her double-wide and 2008 Nissan Sentra....stupid bitch. :badgrin:

Reports are that she has a net worth of about $4,000,000.

Doubt she lives in a double wide and drives a Sentra since she appears to have outsmarted one of the business geniuses of the world who plays 11 dimensional chess.

Trump will end up with her double-wide and 2008 Nissan Sentra....stupid bitch. :badgrin:

Reports are that she has a net worth of about $4,000,000.

Doubt she lives in a double wide and drives a Sentra since she appears to have outsmarted one of the business geniuses of the world who plays 11 dimensional chess.


I hate to disagree, but she didn't outsmart one of the business geniuses of the world who plays 11 dimensional chess. She just outsmarted Trump. Any third grader would have a good chance of doing that.
Don't care.
How is America's GDP lately?


Typical right winger, I'd bet s/he was all aghast over Clinton's behavior and yet excuses the most inept, incompetent and dumbest ever President of the United States for his behavior.

Any person who votes for a Republican in this election year, who claims to be a Christian, is a liar.

Yes, there is some hypocrisy among some Republicans. But, so?

Why do you let the Democrats off the hook for hypocrisy? As I see it, Democrats are doubly hypocritical for how their approval of Bill Clinton's behavior. Not only do they condemn Trump for the same thing (actually, less), but they're the snowflake party always crying about how men treat women.

A Christian is obligated to vote for Trump over Hillary. Trump never pretended to be a saint, but Hillary is worse on every issue, as well as enabled Bill Clinton to do worse than Trump has done.

Hmmm, a guy who had an affair and uses inflammatory language vs. a woman who promised tyrannical government to enforce racism, sexism, and perversion.
You know, Trump would have had a much easier time denying this and taking her down via Twitter if he didn't have this NDA sitting out there.

The fact that he didn't sign it is even worse, because now, either (A) he holds her to the NDA and basically admits that he had the affair, or (B) he keeps denying it and that will give her the leverage needed to get rid of the NDA and she can tell what she knows.

Either way, he's screwed.

And, if he does hold her to the NDA, that brings in a whole bunch of other problems, because now there are campaign finance laws that have been broken.
Like h is wife, and how was the married person in the situation with these two?

Teabaggers! hypocrites. to the core.

she is a whore--simple
don't tell me you guys don't sin/lust/mess around/anything like that
''let he who has not sinned cast the first stone''
You know, I wonder what Melania thinks of all this? I mean, if it was just a normal affair, she could yell at him and be done with it, and the only people that would know about it is the ones that they told.

Now? Trump's affair with Ms. Daniels is all over the television and is being talked about daily. That's gotta be rough on her, because even if she wants to overlook it, she can't because of the news coverage.
Don't care.
How is America's GDP lately?


Typical right winger, I'd bet s/he was all aghast over Clinton's behavior and yet excuses the most inept, incompetent and dumbest ever President of the United States for his behavior.

Any person who votes for a Republican in this election year, who claims to be a Christian, is a liar.

Yes, there is some hypocrisy among some Republicans. But, so?

Why do you let the Democrats off the hook for hypocrisy? As I see it, Democrats are doubly hypocritical for how their approval of Bill Clinton's behavior. Not only do they condemn Trump for the same thing (actually, less), but they're the snowflake party always crying about how men treat women.

A Christian is obligated to vote for Trump over Hillary. Trump never pretended to be a saint, but Hillary is worse on every issue, as well as enabled Bill Clinton to do worse than Trump has done.

Hmmm, a guy who had an affair and uses inflammatory language vs. a woman who promised tyrannical government to enforce racism, sexism, and perversion.

A Christian is obligated to vote for trump? If you don't go to hell for a lie that big, there can't be a hell.
Like h is wife, and how was the married person in the situation with these two?
View attachment 182112

Teabaggers! hypocrites. to the core.

she is a whore--simple
don't tell me you guys don't sin/lust/mess around/anything like that
''let he who has not sinned cast the first stone''
you have never sinned??!! you are perfect??!!
cast the stone perfect one

I don't remember Trump-0 the great pussy grabber ever asking for forgiveness.
she is a whore--simple
don't tell me you guys don't sin/lust/mess around/anything like that
''let he who has not sinned cast the first stone''

I can honestly say...

(1) In 31 years of marriage I've never banged a porn star within months of my wife giving birth to our child (Hell, I've never banged a porn start in 31 years of marriage. Double hell, I've never banged a porn star period.)

(2) I have never paid porn star $130,000 just weeks before an election to sign an NDA so she couldn't tell the world that I banged her (or didn't bang a porn star in my case).

she is a whore--simple
don't tell me you guys don't sin/lust/mess around/anything like that
''let he who has not sinned cast the first stone''

I can honestly say...

(1) In 31 years of marriage I've never banged a porn star within months of my wife giving birth to our child (Hell, I've never banged a porn start in 31 years of marriage. Double hell, I've never banged a porn star period.)

(2) I have never paid porn star $130,000 just weeks before an election to sign an NDA so she couldn't tell the world that I banged her (or didn't bang a porn star in my case).

what about lusting?? every man lusts
she is a whore--simple
don't tell me you guys don't sin/lust/mess around/anything like that
''let he who has not sinned cast the first stone''

I can honestly say...

(1) In 31 years of marriage I've never banged a porn star within months of my wife giving birth to our child (Hell, I've never banged a porn start in 31 years of marriage. Double hell, I've never banged a porn star period.)

(2) I have never paid porn star $130,000 just weeks before an election to sign an NDA so she couldn't tell the world that I banged her (or didn't bang a porn star in my case).


Does it count as banging a porn star if you made a video with a girlfriend? I'm asking for a friend.,.........................
she is a whore--simple
don't tell me you guys don't sin/lust/mess around/anything like that
''let he who has not sinned cast the first stone''

I can honestly say...

(1) In 31 years of marriage I've never banged a porn star within months of my wife giving birth to our child (Hell, I've never banged a porn start in 31 years of marriage. Double hell, I've never banged a porn star period.)

(2) I have never paid porn star $130,000 just weeks before an election to sign an NDA so she couldn't tell the world that I banged her (or didn't bang a porn star in my case).

what about lusting?? every man lusts

I lust all the time.

But I don't take action on it. Unlike President Dennison such that I had to pay a porn star $130,000 just prior to an election to keep her mouth such about a weekend of banging said porn start.

she is a whore--simple
don't tell me you guys don't sin/lust/mess around/anything like that
''let he who has not sinned cast the first stone''

I can honestly say...

(1) In 31 years of marriage I've never banged a porn star within months of my wife giving birth to our child (Hell, I've never banged a porn start in 31 years of marriage. Double hell, I've never banged a porn star period.)

(2) I have never paid porn star $130,000 just weeks before an election to sign an NDA so she couldn't tell the world that I banged her (or didn't bang a porn star in my case).


Does it count as banging a porn star if you made a video with a girlfriend? I'm asking for a friend.,.........................

Depends, is your girlfriend a professional? Is she a famous porn star?

If yes, then yes you have banged a porn star. If no, then you still banged your girlfriend (sorry for that but you asked), but you haven't banged a porn star.

BTW - did you pay her $130,000 like President Dennison may have not to talk about it just before the election so it stayed hidden from voters?

she is a whore--simple
don't tell me you guys don't sin/lust/mess around/anything like that
''let he who has not sinned cast the first stone''

I can honestly say...

(1) In 31 years of marriage I've never banged a porn star within months of my wife giving birth to our child (Hell, I've never banged a porn start in 31 years of marriage. Double hell, I've never banged a porn star period.)

(2) I have never paid porn star $130,000 just weeks before an election to sign an NDA so she couldn't tell the world that I banged her (or didn't bang a porn star in my case).


Does it count as banging a porn star if you made a video with a girlfriend? I'm asking for a friend.,.........................

Depends, is your girlfriend a professional? Is she a famous porn star?

If yes, then yes you have banged a porn star. If no, then you still banged your girlfriend (sorry for that but you asked), but you haven't banged a porn star.

BTW - did you pay her $130,000 like President Dennison may have not to talk about it just before the election so it stayed hidden from voters?


So, just making a movie doesn't count. Got it.

Well, since she wasn't a professional, I guess I don't have to worry about paying her 130,000 like Chump did.
I just did. Fool.

Oh wait, you and your kind feel "the pee meister" is god.

Like h is wife, and how was the married person in the situation with these two?
View attachment 182112

Teabaggers! hypocrites. to the core.

she is a whore--simple
don't tell me you guys don't sin/lust/mess around/anything like that
''let he who has not sinned cast the first stone''
you have never sinned??!! you are perfect??!!
cast the stone perfect one

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