Stormy's amended lawsuit: Bad news for Cohen and, you know who...

Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
Trump accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
WTF is the matter with you?? you can't see the comparison??

where does the $130k payoff fit in in your little fantasy?
it's the crime you are accusing Trump off
Clinton was accused of a crime = perjury
stop the stupid, immature crap
stop acting like a 14 year old

and yet, none of you trumplings seem to mention the payoff.

i wonder why that is?
. All corporations pay off regardless of guilt or innocence. Trump was a CEO, and he operates in the same way.

on what planet are corporations paying off porn stars?

how's trump's duodenum look today?

should be bright and shiny clean with you guys around
. Extorting or blackmailing a sitting President is highly illegal.
where does the $130k payoff fit in in your little fantasy?
it's the crime you are accusing Trump off
Clinton was accused of a crime = perjury
stop the stupid, immature crap
stop acting like a 14 year old

and yet, none of you trumplings seem to mention the payoff.

i wonder why that is?
. All corporations pay off regardless of guilt or innocence. Trump was a CEO, and he operates in the same way.

on what planet are corporations paying off porn stars?

how's trump's duodenum look today?

should be bright and shiny clean with you guys around
. Extorting or blackmailing a sitting President is highly illegal.

no kidding?

i'll write that down
Stormy Daniels has amended her lawsuit against Donald Trump to include two key new points: a defamation claim against Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and an argument that the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law.

Cohen defamed Daniels, the lawsuit now says, by implying on February 13 that she was lying about her 2006 affair with Trump, even as he paid her six figures to not talk about it.

Washington Post
What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?
One could have asked the same question of Bill Clinton.

Too much moral preening and hypocrisy in this thread.

I'll be going now.
and yet, none of you trumplings seem to mention the payoff.

i wonder why that is?
please cap your ''i''s

please suck my dick first
it figures a vulgar, disgusting evil person like you would back up the porn slut--evil devilwoman

you mean the one trump fucked?
...he made love to her --not knowing the evil devil in her.....she poisoned him with her evilness
Trump is the good guy here--she is the evil WITCH with her voodoo spells

that's what i said

he fucked her

so who's the evil one here? a single woman getting laid or a pervy old man out cheating on his third wife who's home taking care of his infant son?

don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out, trumpling
One could have asked the same question of Bill Clinton.

Too much moral preening and hypocrisy in this thread.

Trump cultists have REFUSED to address the more salient point that Trump and Cohen my have broken campaign finance laws...........

please cap your ''i''s

please suck my dick first
it figures a vulgar, disgusting evil person like you would back up the porn slut--evil devilwoman

you mean the one trump fucked?
...he made love to her --not knowing the evil devil in her.....she poisoned him with her evilness
Trump is the good guy here--she is the evil WITCH with her voodoo spells

that's what i said

he fucked her

so who's the evil one here? a single woman getting laid or a pervy old man out cheating on his third wife who's home taking care of his infant son?

don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out, trumpling
the wicked witch Daniels is the EVIL witch --BURN her
please suck my dick first
it figures a vulgar, disgusting evil person like you would back up the porn slut--evil devilwoman

you mean the one trump fucked?
...he made love to her --not knowing the evil devil in her.....she poisoned him with her evilness
Trump is the good guy here--she is the evil WITCH with her voodoo spells

that's what i said

he fucked her

so who's the evil one here? a single woman getting laid or a pervy old man out cheating on his third wife who's home taking care of his infant son?

don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out, trumpling
the wicked witch Daniels is the EVIL witch --BURN her

yeah, whatever you say, bobo
please cap your ''i''s

please suck my dick first
it figures a vulgar, disgusting evil person like you would back up the porn slut--evil devilwoman

you mean the one trump fucked?
...he made love to her --not knowing the evil devil in her.....she poisoned him with her evilness
Trump is the good guy here--she is the evil WITCH with her voodoo spells

that's what i said

he fucked her

so who's the evil one here? a single woman getting laid or a pervy old man out cheating on his third wife who's home taking care of his infant son?

don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out, trumpling
.So you give her a pass on her knowingly laying down with a married man to have sex with him, and her knowing also that her female soul sister was like you state "home taking care of his infant son" ?? How disgusting is she as well as Trump if at all true ?? We don't even know who advanced on who in which might have caused the weak moment in either of their lives knowing a marriage was involved.... Yet for political purposes you choose to take sides only for your agenda that might be just as wrong as what the two alledgedly had done together here ??
Stormy Daniels has amended her lawsuit against Donald Trump to include two key new points: a defamation claim against Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and an argument that the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law.

Cohen defamed Daniels, the lawsuit now says, by implying on February 13 that she was lying about her 2006 affair with Trump, even as he paid her six figures to not talk about it.

Washington Post
What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?
One could have asked the same question of Bill Clinton.

Too much moral preening and hypocrisy in this thread.

I'll be going now.
You don’t see it’s you guys who are the hypocrites? Are you really that brainwashed? You cared about bill but not about trump who lets face it if bill sold secrets to China trump has definitely sold secrets to Putin.

I don’t mind that trump screwed stormy. The question is why don’t you mind?
would there have to be character there to be ruined first?

Well, a crooked charlatan does have some sort of "character"

Trump Business Failures

As well, Donald Trump has undertaken a number of business projects that ultimately failed (or failed to live up to his lofty projections) without resulting in bankruptcies, including:

Trump Steaks
Go-Trump (online travel site)
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump: The Board Game
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice (bottled water)
The New Jersey Generals (pro football team)
Tour de Trump (bicycle race)
Trump Network (nutritional supplements)
please suck my dick first
it figures a vulgar, disgusting evil person like you would back up the porn slut--evil devilwoman

you mean the one trump fucked?
...he made love to her --not knowing the evil devil in her.....she poisoned him with her evilness
Trump is the good guy here--she is the evil WITCH with her voodoo spells

that's what i said

he fucked her

so who's the evil one here? a single woman getting laid or a pervy old man out cheating on his third wife who's home taking care of his infant son?

don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out, trumpling
.So you give her a pass on her knowingly laying down with a married man to have sex with him, and her knowing also that her female soul sister was like you state "home taking care of his infant son" ?? How disgusting is she as well as Trump if at all true ?? We don't even know who advanced on who in which might have caused the weak moment in either of their lives knowing a marriage was involved.... Yet for political purposes you choose to take sides only for your agenda that might be just as wrong as what the two alledgedly had done together here ??

she's not the potus.

she could *knowingly* lay down with the 3rd marines for all i care.

my only agenda is pointing out that 90% of trump supporters are morons and the other 10% aspire to be because a man's reach should exceed his grasp.

have a pleasant evening :thup:
If these lawsuits and investigations go the way you're hoping them to, what would the likely outcome be? Impeachment. A ruination of a man's character. Something you're no doubt hoping for. Nat, you're one of the biggest trolls on this board, but still you're capable of exercising at least half a brain.

Psst. It doesn't take the lawsuits and investigations for the ruination of the man's character. The ruination of his character results from HIS OWN ACTIONS...

  • The fact that he's been divorced multiple times.
  • The fact that he's had affairs on his wives.
  • That he boinked a porn star while his wife was at home having just given birth to his son.
  • Paying off the porn star that he boinked in 2006 just weeks before the 2016 to keep the information hidden from the American voter.
  • The fact there are hours of tape of him on the Howard Stern show showing he has no character.
  • The fact that he is a fraud (see Trump University).
  • The fact that he imports labor instead of hiring Americans.
  • The fact that he stiffs contractors instead of paying them for the work they did.
  • The his commercial product lines are often manufactured by foreign labor and imported to the US instead of manufacturing them here.

Those a are a few off the top of my head.


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