Stormy's amended lawsuit: Bad news for Cohen and, you know who...

And for the record, I laughed my ass off when the porn star said she didn't want her child to be exposed to all the fuss about her sleeping with the President and that is why she kept quiet until now.

Um, yea. You're a porn star and THAT isn't already a problem for your kid? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Go ahead, say it........... "You can't make this shit up!"
No, she was a 20 something intern who was taken advantage of by a powerful white man. Classic case of Sexual Harassment perpetrated by a classic sexual predator. But then you don't care about any of that.

MORON....this is the crucial part of the O/P

"...........the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law....."
A Porn Star, who's claim is that she slept with someone she barely knew because she felt obligated after he bought her diner, without protection, and ADMITTEDLY did not even file a Police Report when she felt her child was threatened, will have a tough time claiming defamation.

MORON....this is the crucial part of the O/P

"...........the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law....."
you have not provided what that federal law is--until you do, your point is weak--very weak
Stupid crap is right. How many years ago was this? And how many men would turn down a free thrill with a whore? C'mon...let's get out of the Democrat's gutter and think about what he is accomplishing!

MORON....this is the crucial part of the O/P

"...........the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law....."
No, she was a 20 something intern who was taken advantage of by a powerful white man. Classic case of Sexual Harassment perpetrated by a classic sexual predator. But then you don't care about any of that.

MORON....this is the crucial part of the O/P

"...........the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law....."

You brought this shit on yourself. You should have judged Clinton and supported having him removed from an Office he clearly was not worthy of. You made the bed, you lie in it.
Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
Trump accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
WTF is the matter with you?? you can't see the comparison?? Monica was

a. a porn star?
b. was paid to hush her blow job up right before an election?
c. was asked to sign a NDA?

Surely there's a grown up walking around your basement....ask for help

No, she was a 20 something intern who was taken advantage of by a powerful white man. Classic case of Sexual Harassment perpetrated by a classic sexual predator. But then you don't care about any of that.
Stormy is an EVIl devilwoman who needs to be BURNED as soon as possible
BURN the EVIL away
As pointed out earlier, a porn actress, not wanting her child to hear of an affair she had, even though her ENTIRE LIVING is made by having sex with MANY DIFFERENT MEN, is going to have a tough time convincing a jury of such harm that she claims.
Is it possible to defame a porn star?

I’m curious what the case law says
The credibility of the porn star is greater than that of the President of the United States.

Pretty fucking sad.
I wouldn't care if he stole/lied/cheated/ etc just as long as he MAGA and keeps pissing you people off--driving you guys INSANE

it is the last sentence which is all you care about... why? because you internet trolls like having an internet troll as president. it makes you feel better about yourselves
quoted for truth.
Idiotic retort....
Clinton was IMPEACHED....and his law license suspended.....How do you define "get away with it"???

Dear nat4900 he was impeached for perjury not for the actual acts he did.
He never had to face justice for other charges from other cases.

Do you think OJ serving time in prison for trying to steal back his own things
is justice served for the wrongful deaths he was convicted of that he never paid damages for?

Some people do say that he ended up getting caught.
But just ask the family of Goldman and Brown if OJ ever faced justice.

And ask the other women who were denied their charges against Clinton.

What the fuck is the matter with you right wingers............This thread was about Daniels, Cohen and Trump.....YOU morons are babbling about Clinton and OJ Simpson???

ADDRESS the O/P or find another thread to spew your inanities.
Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
Trump accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
WTF is the matter with you?? you can't see the comparison??

where does the $130k payoff fit in in your little fantasy?
it's the crime you are accusing Trump off
Clinton was accused of a crime = perjury
stop the stupid, immature crap
stop acting like a 14 year old

and yet, none of you trumplings seem to mention the payoff.

i wonder why that is?
means absolutely nothing...if Bill can perjure himself--a very serious crime--and get away with it, so can Trump over this stupid crap
Tu quoque aside, Clinton did not get away with it. He was impeached, with all the attendant stains on his Presidency and the office.
.Ok, so Trump whom had nothing to do with that (not his fault), should have to take a vengeful hit that the Demon-crats want to throw (at anyone in their path over the situation that Bill Clinton their god at the time had went through), where as the law was forced to investigate after Linda Tripp came forward with evidence of a crime ?? How would the law not investigate a crime after reported, and evidence was given or submitted ?

Remember how y'all thought it was so wrong for anyone to have to go through what poor old Bill went through, but then here you are prescribing the same for yet another individual for whom you see is alledgedly in the same boat, yet you have changed your attitudes about such a thing therefore making you all hipocrites ??

Seems that the Demon-crats would be fighting to stop the bullcrap instead of piling on, but it is easily seen that these issues become political tools to use against opposition candidates or their administration's therefore corrupting the process, system, and government over and over and over again.
Dear nat4900 he was impeached for perjury not for the actual acts he did.
He never had to face justice for other charges from other cases.

Do you think OJ serving time in prison for trying to steal back his own things
is justice served for the wrongful deaths he was convicted of that he never paid damages for?

Some people do say that he ended up getting caught.
But just ask the family of Goldman and Brown if OJ ever faced justice.

And ask the other women who were denied their charges against Clinton.

What the fuck is the matter with you right wingers............This thread was about Daniels, Cohen and Trump.....YOU morons are babbling about Clinton and OJ Simpson???

ADDRESS the O/P or find another thread to spew your inanities.
Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
Trump accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
WTF is the matter with you?? you can't see the comparison??

where does the $130k payoff fit in in your little fantasy?
it's the crime you are accusing Trump off
Clinton was accused of a crime = perjury
stop the stupid, immature crap
stop acting like a 14 year old

and yet, none of you trumplings seem to mention the payoff.

i wonder why that is?
. All corporations pay off regardless of guilt or innocence. Trump was a CEO, and he operates in the same way.
What the fuck is the matter with you right wingers............This thread was about Daniels, Cohen and Trump.....YOU morons are babbling about Clinton and OJ Simpson???

ADDRESS the O/P or find another thread to spew your inanities.
Clinton POTUS
Bill accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
Trump accused of a crime/having sex when married/etc
WTF is the matter with you?? you can't see the comparison??

where does the $130k payoff fit in in your little fantasy?
it's the crime you are accusing Trump off
Clinton was accused of a crime = perjury
stop the stupid, immature crap
stop acting like a 14 year old

and yet, none of you trumplings seem to mention the payoff.

i wonder why that is?
. All corporations pay off regardless of guilt or innocence. Trump was a CEO, and he operates in the same way.

on what planet are corporations paying off porn stars?

how's trump's duodenum look today?

should be bright and shiny clean with you guys around
Curious... what about any of this will lead to Trump's downfall/impeachment? Nobody, not even you, has an answer for that. You keep frothing at the mouth, hoping for any misfortune to beset Trump. When it does, you cheer.

How childish

Nitwit, WHERE in the O/P did I call for the moron to be impeached???

Just deal with the fact that this orange charlatan will always be facing lawsuits and investigations because at his CORE, he is a slimy, inept piece of shit.
You're too easy to read, Nat. Just look at this very post, and you'll have the answer to your question.

If these lawsuits and investigations go the way you're hoping them to, what would the likely outcome be? Impeachment. A ruination of a man's character. Something you're no doubt hoping for. Nat, you're one of the biggest trolls on this board, but even still, you're capable of exercising at least half a brain.
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Stormy Daniels has amended her lawsuit against Donald Trump to include two key new points: a defamation claim against Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and an argument that the non-disclosure agreement Daniels signed isn’t valid because the $130,00 hush money payment from Cohen to Daniels was in violation of federal election law.

Cohen defamed Daniels, the lawsuit now says, by implying on February 13 that she was lying about her 2006 affair with Trump, even as he paid her six figures to not talk about it.

Washington Post
What kind of character could the don possibly have? How do people believe in him?
it's the crime you are accusing Trump off
Clinton was accused of a crime = perjury
stop the stupid, immature crap
stop acting like a 14 year old

and yet, none of you trumplings seem to mention the payoff.

i wonder why that is?
please cap your ''i''s

please suck my dick first
it figures a vulgar, disgusting evil person like you would back up the porn slut--evil devilwoman

you mean the one trump fucked?
...he made love to her --not knowing the evil devil in her.....she poisoned him with her evilness
Trump is the good guy here--she is the evil WITCH with her voodoo spells

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