Stormy's amended lawsuit: Bad news for Cohen and, you know who...

means absolutely nothing...if Bill can perjure himself--a very serious crime--and get away with it, so can Trump over this stupid crap
Not sure this has anything to do with Bill Clinton. The problem with this is how it was handled: paying money to shut someone up about something that happened. Trump's answers are irrelevant for the most part: if he didn't have the affair, there would be no NDA, and the affair is not a crime or something he's accused of.

Coke snorting, porn whore has no credibility.

You mean Trump, right? Minus the weed, of course.
means absolutely nothing...if Bill can perjure himself--a very serious crime--and get away with it, so can Trump over this stupid crap
Not sure this has anything to do with Bill Clinton. The problem with this is how it was handled: paying money to shut someone up about something that happened. Trump's answers are irrelevant for the most part: if he didn't have the affair, there would be no NDA, and the affair is not a crime or something he's accused of.

Coke snorting, porn whore has no credibility.

You mean Trump, right? Minus the weed, of course.
not sure??!!! Bill commits a serious crime--it's on record--and he doesn't go to jail, stays in office/etc.....why should we even be talking about Trump and crime when there is no evidence a crime has been committed??
Bill - POTUS
Trump -POTUS
Bill -accused of a crime
Trump accused of a crime
now do you see the comparison??!!!
means absolutely nothing...if Bill can perjure himself--a very serious crime--and get away with it, so can Trump over this stupid crap
Not sure this has anything to do with Bill Clinton. The problem with this is how it was handled: paying money to shut someone up about something that happened. Trump's answers are irrelevant for the most part: if he didn't have the affair, there would be no NDA, and the affair is not a crime or something he's accused of.

Coke snorting, porn whore has no credibility.

You mean Trump, right? Minus the weed, of course.
not sure??!!! Bill commits a serious crime--it's on record--and he doesn't go to jail, stays in office/etc.....why should we even be talking about Trump and crime when there is no evidence a crime has been committed??
Bill - POTUS
Trump -POTUS
Bill -accused of a crime
Trump accused of a crime
now do you see the comparison??!!!
Vaguely, but the particulars are very different. Not saying Trump will get jailed for this, but I don't see much similarity in the cases other than they have something to do with adultery.
means absolutely nothing...if Bill can perjure himself--a very serious crime--and get away with it

Idiotic retort....
Clinton was IMPEACHED....and his law license suspended.....How do you define "get away with it"???
Impeached...but acquitted by the senate. Lost his law license...but no longer practiced law anyway.
Trump broke no laws. It was a one night stand dozen years ago.
This is why Trump has his wife and kids locked away from microphones and reporters. So tards like you have time to convince yourselves adultery is harmless.
Trump has not made any comment about Stormy. So much for "consistent".

All of his lickspittles are talking for him and teamed up against the porn star. I'm surprised Pastor Huckabee's daughter hasn't developed facial tics yet.

But, yes, Trump is a more accomplished liar than Stormy. I agree.

Saying nothing is consistent. Stop drinking your own piss, tard.
Trump has no choice but to be silent.

To tell the truth would give Melania everything she needs to tear up the pre-nup. To lie would open him up to impeachment.

And even Trump's fake Christian supporters would find themselves having to defend the creep or abandon him if he tells the truth.

So, yeah. Silence is the adulterer's only option right now. He is letting his lickspittles lie for him.

Sorry Gtard, this is yet another nothing burger.

Nobody cares what a coke snorting, cum guzzling, porn whore says....especially when the porn whore has voluntarily signed not one, not two, but THREE statements to the contrary. :rofl:

Go back to screaming RUSSIA!!!
The 60 minutes interview with Stormy Daniels had its best ratings in ten years. Your desperate wishful thinking that no one cares is amusing. :lol:

And you obviously care, too. That's why you have chained yourself to Trump in the gutter.

Reality check.

The reason 60 minutes had the high ratings is because the cum guzzling, coke snorting, porn whore's sleaze bag attorney promised PROOF. He failed to deliver any.

I don't care what he did 12 years ago. Even if he did screw her it was consensual.

enjoy your dinner....

This is why Trump has his wife and kids locked away from microphones and reporters. So tards like you have time to convince yourselves adultery is harmless.
So now that "Russia collusion" failed, "Stormy bareback" failed, what is next on The Swamp's agenda to attack our President?
Hypocrite lefties enjoy a booming economy and the lowest unemployment in recent history. China is on board with sanctions against N.K. when they were shooting at us over Korea on Harry Truman's watch. Illegal entry into the U.S. is down by about 80% and the President handled two hurricanes and two mass shootings (by left wing activists?) . Meanwhile the crazy angry left worries about a deposition by a freaking hooker that alleges consensual intercourse with the President. What the hell are they thinking?
I don't think the President of the United States would appreciate his girlfriend being called a jizzbucket.

Then again, maybe he would. He does trash his girlfriends after he's used them.
So now that "Russia collusion" failed, "Stormy bareback" failed, what is next on The Swamp's agenda to attack our President? Maybe it is time for The Swamp to plant another gay reporter except this like with a gimp. :p
He had two scoops of ICE CREAM!!!!

The Russian hookers using Trump as a toilet is becoming less and less outside the realm of mean possibility.
Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the hookers that are pissing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.
Zander, no doubt they have to do something until they hire another clown like Stormy Daniels or find someone in The Donald's administration didn't file state taxes correctly or some other bullshit.

Strangely, I received a letter from my state's Dept of Revenue Services the other day claiming I did not file correctly, will possibly be subject to audit, but I can avoid prosecution by doing certain things.
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I don't think the President of the United States would appreciate his girlfriend being called a jizzbucket.

Then again, maybe he would. He does trash his girlfriends after he's used them.
Stop projecting GTard5000.. Just because you call the porn whores you spank your monkey to your "girlfriend"., doesn't mean anyone else does......
Zander, no doubt they have to do something until they hire another clown like Stormy Daniels or find someone in The Donald's administration didn't file state taxes correctly or some other bullshit.

Yeah, but he really DID have 2 scoops of ice cream!! That is EVIL!!

I don't think the President of the United States would appreciate his girlfriend being called a jizzbucket.

Then again, maybe he would. He does trash his girlfriends after he's used them.
Stop projecting GTard5000.. Just because you call the porn whores you spank your monkey to your "girlfriend"., doesn't mean anyone else does......
The President not only considered Stormy his girlfriend, he wanted her to be his next apprentice!
So where does the greedy bitch get standing to sue on behalf of the FEC? Last I head the FEC is charged with enforcement of election laws. Of course she is free to file a complaint with the FEC, I think da bitch needs a new lawyer.

Checkout what happened to John Edwards and the FEC....

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