Story is changing: the authorities said driver smashed a car into a line of cars

I've heard of people panicking and becoming spastic. Plenty of people have hit the gas instead of the break when flustered. However, that's not what it looks like at all to me. My opinion is that it was intentional, likely out of hate or anger (if his car was struck by bats), but that's just my opinion.
He most likely was trying to get away from the mob attacking him. That would be consistent with the tactics of the left as we've seen it happen before.
From the sweet comfort of his air-conditioned, darkly tinted, suped-up Charger?

Taylor Lorenz is an excellent reporter for the Hill This is what she witnessed and she has video. AND she doesn't have a fucking agenda. And she talked to the police.

"Lorenz adds that The driver was taken into police custody right after the incident. Police say the car was covered in dents prior and apparently hit by a bat. She adds that "If you watch the earlier part of my stream you can see anti-right wing chasing after a Lexus and throwing rocks, bottles, a shoe. This car was not the one that mowed people down. That was a differ grey car."

Lorentz also notes that according to "several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn't malicious. They said the driver was scared. His car was being swarmed by protesters and some of them were getting violent (like the guy who punched me/threw me down)"

Anyway several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn't malicious. They said the driver was scared

— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) August 12, 2017"

Suspect Name, Mugshot Emerges In Charlottesville Car Attack That Killed 1, Injured 26 | Zero Hedge
Most interesting. I noticed that this story was starting to morph back to what I had originally read before everyone and their mother decided to have a "hands up don't shoot" moment.

Now if this young man is found guilty of purposefully ramming these anti protest protestors then hang him high.

BUT more than one source is now claiming he ran into a couple of other cars and then veered into the crowd.


James Alex Fields Jr. of Ohio was charged with second-degree murder in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday after the authorities said he smashed a car into a line of cars in an episode that left a 32-year-old woman dead and injured at least 19 other people who were protesting a rally staged by white nationalists.

What We Know About James Alex Fields, Driver Charged in Charlottesville Killing

AND The car was covered in dents and hit by a bat. The antifa people are known for violence.

As Mic's Taylor Lorenz further adds, the police are asking private citizens with video of the car to share them with authorities. They are said to have arrested a driver, but it was unclear of which car.

Lorenz adds that The driver was taken into police custody right after the incident. Police say the car was covered in dents prior and apparently hit by a bat. She adds that "If you watch the earlier part of my stream you can see anti-right wing chasing after a Lexus and throwing rocks, bottles, a shoe. This car was not the one that mowed people down. That was a differ grey car."

Lorentz also notes that according to "several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn't malicious. They said the driver was scared. His car was being swarmed by protesters and some of them were getting violent (like the guy who punched me/threw me down)"

Anyway several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn't malicious. They said the driver was scared

— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) August 12, 2017

Suspect Name, Mugshot Emerges In Charlottesville Car Attack That Killed 1, Injured 26 | Zero Hedge
It's disgraceful what they are doing to this fine young white man. His mother even vouched for him when she said he has an African-American friend. I think you should see what you can do about getting him a good lawyer who can get him bailed out.

Like I said if he's guilty by all means hang him high. But I remember the bullshit out of Ferguson.
His mother did get this part right when she said that she didn't know her son was going to Virginia for a white nationalist rally. She thought it was a pro-Trump event.

It was a pro-Trump event/white nationalist rally. Same thing.

His mother, Samantha Bloom, told the Toledo Blade that she didn't know her son was going to Virginia for a white nationalist rally. She thought it was a pro-Trump event..
He most likely was trying to get away from the mob attacking him. That would be consistent with the tactics of the left as we've seen it happen before.
From the sweet comfort of his air-conditioned, darkly tinted, suped-up Charger?


A person in a Lexus had to boot it out of there. Attacked by the Antifa mob with rocks and bottles.
I voted for Trump. I despise people that hijack a ideology to hurt people. Think here, kids, about ISLAM. People crash planes , and crash vehicles into innocent bystanders, and liberals don't bat an eye. I despise these things. But liberals use this as leverage in a moral equivalency game. But there are no winners in that game.We all lose.

The OP posted this in the other thread and I showed how stupid her post was... so what does she do? Start a new thread about it.

There is tons of video showing he sped up his car to over 40 mph from an area where there were little to no protesters to an area crowded with protesters and cars at an absolute stand still.

Then she posted an article from the New York times as proof things have changed... and within it they interviewed one of his history teachers that said that Fields started to embrace the Nazi Germany. She then attacks him saying he was just trying to get his name in the paper... FROM HER OWN SOURCE!

Now it was bad enough that people on this forum were spreading fake news within hours of the incident, but what's even worse is here we are a day later with tons of video and the OP continues to spread fake news. So shameful.
The OP tinydancer is like some deranged Captain Save-A-Hoe to the rescue, always on the wrong side of everything, doing it the wrong way as they bumble around about it.

I voted for Trump. I despise people that hijack a ideology to hurt people. Think here, kids, about ISLAM. People crash planes , and crash vehicles into innocent bystanders, and liberals don't bat an eye. I despise these things. But liberals use this as leverage in a moral equivalency game. But there are no winners in that game.
Your Honor, I present to you another exampe of DEFLECTION...

Your defense: Nazis don't kill people. Lines of cars struck by Nazis
Most interesting. I noticed that this story was starting to morph back to what I had originally read before everyone and their mother decided to have a "hands up don't shoot" moment.

Now if this young man is found guilty of purposefully ramming these anti protest protestors then hang him high.

BUT more than one source is now claiming he ran into a couple of other cars and then veered into the crowd.


James Alex Fields Jr. of Ohio was charged with second-degree murder in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday after the authorities said he smashed a car into a line of cars in an episode that left a 32-year-old woman dead and injured at least 19 other people who were protesting a rally staged by white nationalists.

What We Know About James Alex Fields, Driver Charged in Charlottesville Killing

AND The car was covered in dents and hit by a bat. The antifa people are known for violence.

As Mic's Taylor Lorenz further adds, the police are asking private citizens with video of the car to share them with authorities. They are said to have arrested a driver, but it was unclear of which car.

Lorenz adds that The driver was taken into police custody right after the incident. Police say the car was covered in dents prior and apparently hit by a bat. She adds that "If you watch the earlier part of my stream you can see anti-right wing chasing after a Lexus and throwing rocks, bottles, a shoe. This car was not the one that mowed people down. That was a differ grey car."

Lorentz also notes that according to "several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn't malicious. They said the driver was scared. His car was being swarmed by protesters and some of them were getting violent (like the guy who punched me/threw me down)"

Anyway several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn't malicious. They said the driver was scared

— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) August 12, 2017

Suspect Name, Mugshot Emerges In Charlottesville Car Attack That Killed 1, Injured 26 | Zero Hedge
This man is innocent. I crash against sedans at high speeds in areas where dozens of people who disagree with me are standing. Doesn't mean I was trying to hurt them on purpose. No intent, no murder.
You forgot to link evidence that the individual in question is a Nazi, or that he did it intentionally.
If he was escaping an attack from the crowd he is NOT GUILTY of a crime!
By law that can be true. In fact; those who attacked him would be responsible for the death, and injuries. I guess we'll have to see how this shakes out.

More excuses. Never mind he had a real good running start into the crowd.
We'll have to see. If that's his claim; it needs to be investigated. Lots of cameras were out that day. I'm sure more footage will help paint a clearer picture of the days events.

Sure, if that helps you sleep at night.
Why would I have trouble sleeping at night?
I voted for Trump. I despise people that hijack a ideology to hurt people. Think here, kids, about ISLAM. People crash planes , and crash vehicles into innocent bystanders, and liberals don't bat an eye. I despise these things. But liberals use this as leverage in a moral equivalency game. But there are no winners in that game.
Your Honor, I present to you another exampe of DEFLECTION...
.And you are deluded. Sorry. You seem like a good person otherwise.
Last edited:
Having a life and not watching news 24/7 I will admit I have not heard or seen all the coverage.

But this is the one point that seems to come up every time there is a riot or violent protest that includes leftists. The police hang back and refuse to do their job and maintain order. The on the scene reporters say this iot could have been prevented early if police had moved in and taken control. They standby and watch the violence escalate and in this case run away when leftists, leftists mind you, throw tear gas into the crowd. Whether it is Charlottesville or Berkeley as long as the rioters are beating up trump supporters, conservatives, or rightwingers democratic mayors and governors( and I actually think this is a coordinated policy of the deep state) refuse to interrupt the violence. Whether you like the original protestors or not, the episode in Virginia is just another way to deny free speech to the people the left doesn't like.

Both the right wing and the imported leftist protesters were there to cause trouble. You don't come to public places with shields and masks and tear gas to protest peacefully and I suspect the klan looking guys got the word that the leftists were being shipped in to rough them up. But the police I am sure were privy to this same information and they were neither involved or prepared to protect all citizens. Under such circumstances I would probably make arrangements to protect myself too.

This undoubtably will bring up the question of leadership and competence in the public figures responsible for allowing this chaos to get out of hand. None of this will,appear in the mainstream media and no matter how egregious the behavior of the leftists were only the righties will be found at fault.

Finally, I am in full agreement that removing statues of the civil war generals and such is only trying to rewrite history. There were 250,000 southerners who lost their lives in the civil war. It was claimed that every southern family lost at least one family member. In comparison it is claimed that 4000 black people were lynched from 1877 to 1950. Even Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest generals to ever live, struggled with his loyalties, and didn't join the south to support slavery, but to support his family and his state, to support his roots. He and many others served bravely, with honor, with courage, and with sacrifice. Erasing the history of the bloodiest war the world had ever seen to suit political correctness of today's culture should be criminal.
Having a life and not watching news 24/7 I will admit I have not heard or seen all the coverage.

But this is the one point that seems to come up every time there is a riot or violent protest that includes leftists. The police hang back and refuse to do their job and maintain order. The on the scene reporters say this iot could have been prevented early if police had moved in and taken control. They standby and watch the violence escalate and in this case run away when leftists, leftists mind you, throw tear gas into the crowd. Whether it is Charlottesville or Berkeley as long as the rioters are beating up trump supporters, conservatives, or rightwingers democratic mayors and governors( and I actually think this is a coordinated policy of the deep state) refuse to interrupt the violence. Whether you like the original protestors or not, the episode in Virginia is just another way to deny free speech to the people the left doesn't like.

Both the right wing and the imported leftist protesters were there to cause trouble. You don't come to public places with shields and masks and tear gas to protest peacefully and I suspect the klan looking guys got the word that the leftists were being shipped in to rough them up. But the police I am sure were privy to this same information and they were neither involved or prepared to protect all citizens. Under such circumstances I would probably make arrangements to protect myself too.

This undoubtably will bring up the question of leadership and competence in the public figures responsible for allowing this chaos to get out of hand. None of this will,appear in the mainstream media and no matter how egregious the behavior of the leftists were only the righties will be found at fault.

Finally, I am in full agreement that removing statues of the civil war generals and such is only trying to rewrite history. There were 250,000 southerners who lost their lives in the civil war. It was claimed that every southern family lost at least one family member. In comparison it is claimed that 4000 black people were lynched from 1877 to 1950. Even Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest generals to ever live, struggled with his loyalties, and didn't join the south to support slavery, but to support his family and his state, to support his roots. He and many others served bravely, with honor, with courage, and with sacrifice. Erasing the history of the bloodiest war the world had ever seen to suit political correctness of today's culture should be criminal.

Decent people just want to get rid of the racist monuments on public lands. Racists can continue to fly their Nazi Confederate flags on private property.
Yes, he also did that - while taking down people along the way. We've known that since seeing it live on TV. Maybe you should watch the video several times.


NEW VIDEO: Charlottesville Car Attack Graphically Captured in New Video

The lying OP tinydancer is just a blatant damn liar.

From the video you can clearly see there were NO SOULS chasing that car, not ONE. They clearly attacked the group of anti-protesters, and sped away from the scene of the crime in reverse.

I hope that state has the death penalty and slaps the driver and his financial backers with it.

I'm glad the lying racist Captain Save-A-Ho poster tinydancer has shown her true colors.

Absolutely sickening!


I voted for Trump, this makes me sick . That poor girl was a innocent child And I dont care about politics anymore I remember Kent state. Redirect Notice
Having a life and not watching news 24/7 I will admit I have not heard or seen all the coverage.

But this is the one point that seems to come up every time there is a riot or violent protest that includes leftists. The police hang back and refuse to do their job and maintain order. The on the scene reporters say this iot could have been prevented early if police had moved in and taken control. They standby and watch the violence escalate and in this case run away when leftists, leftists mind you, throw tear gas into the crowd. Whether it is Charlottesville or Berkeley as long as the rioters are beating up trump supporters, conservatives, or rightwingers democratic mayors and governors( and I actually think this is a coordinated policy of the deep state) refuse to interrupt the violence. Whether you like the original protestors or not, the episode in Virginia is just another way to deny free speech to the people the left doesn't like.

Both the right wing and the imported leftist protesters were there to cause trouble. You don't come to public places with shields and masks and tear gas to protest peacefully and I suspect the klan looking guys got the word that the leftists were being shipped in to rough them up. But the police I am sure were privy to this same information and they were neither involved or prepared to protect all citizens. Under such circumstances I would probably make arrangements to protect myself too.

This undoubtably will bring up the question of leadership and competence in the public figures responsible for allowing this chaos to get out of hand. None of this will,appear in the mainstream media and no matter how egregious the behavior of the leftists were only the righties will be found at fault.

Finally, I am in full agreement that removing statues of the civil war generals and such is only trying to rewrite history. There were 250,000 southerners who lost their lives in the civil war. It was claimed that every southern family lost at least one family member. In comparison it is claimed that 4000 black people were lynched from 1877 to 1950. Even Robert E. Lee, one of the greatest generals to ever live, struggled with his loyalties, and didn't join the south to support slavery, but to support his family and his state, to support his roots. He and many others served bravely, with honor, with courage, and with sacrifice. Erasing the history of the bloodiest war the world had ever seen to suit political correctness of today's culture should be criminal.

Decent people just want to get rid of the racist monuments on public lands. Racists can continue to fly their Nazi Confederate flags on private property.
Decent people could care less.
Indecent people have a habit of trashing public property and trying to force everyone else to do what they want.

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