Story of shooting BEFORE the cellphone video showed up, "He took my tazer"

He'll walk. This country is fucked.
A country is fucked when people sympathize with those who resist arrest, run, and then get shot.

A country is fucked when failure to pay child support is just blown off routinely.
A country is fucked when the government's domestic murdering of citizens becomes a regular occurrence, and half the country's population cheers it on. :cool:
It gets old chasing all these criminal negros, it was a good shot
He'll walk. This country is fucked.
A country is fucked when people sympathize with those who resist arrest, run, and then get shot.

A country is fucked when failure to pay child support is just blown off routinely.
A country is fucked when the government's domestic murdering of citizens becomes a regular occurrence, and half the country's population cheers it on. :cool:
The country is fucked when it's commonplace for bigoted sheeple like you to be parroting bullshit propaganda like it's truth.
He'll walk. This country is fucked.
A country is fucked when people sympathize with those who resist arrest, run, and then get shot.

A country is fucked when failure to pay child support is just blown off routinely.
A country is fucked when the government's domestic murdering of citizens becomes a regular occurrence, and half the country's population cheers it on. :cool:
The country is fucked when it's commonplace for bigoted sheeple like you to be parroting bullshit propaganda like it's truth.
Omg listen to yourself. :cuckoo:
He'll walk. This country is fucked.
I don't think so. IF this stuff is true, and he did lie about the tazer, which it looks like he did, then he will go to prison. The cop was wrong and he should go to jail. All the other cases ive seen previous to this, i.e. Brown, Garner, etc., the cop was in the right, but this one is different. Id say that makes it pretty fucking rare. In a nation our size, youd think you could find at least one example of this kind of stuff per day on youtube.

There is no epidemic of cop violence. Sure it happens, but its an inevitability. Whenever you have guys with guns in dangerous situations, there will be gun violence. Sometimes the violence will be illegal. The cops know this. They know if they break the rules, they go to prison. There are millions of cameras in the streets now, so they are playing with fire if they decide to execute people. Life in prison is a great deterrent, but its not like we have a choice, because thats the only deterrent weve got.

Whats the point with protests? What more do you expect to get? Should they make it a rule that only good guys are allowed to sign up? There are bad people in all walks of life. Do you really expect the police force to be any different? A small percentage will do bad stuff. No matter what you do, that will never change. Its human nature.
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race baiters are ghey.....lots on this thread.

The cop needs to go to jail for a long time..........but this crap PC progressive gheyness about cops routinely killing blacks is beyond fucked up. Limpwristers............
The man was stopped for a broken tail light. Hardly a threat to anyone. Why was the tazer brought out? The man was shot in the back. He was not a threat to the cop. This was not a good shooting. The cop should be prosecuted for murder as the facts show right now.

It also appeared the police officer dropped a gun near the body. What was that all about?
He'll walk. This country is fucked.
I don't think so. IF this stuff is true, and he did lie about the tazer, which it looks like he did, then he will go to prison. The cop was wrong and he should go to jail. All the other cases ive seen previous to this, i.e. Brown, Garner, etc., the cop was in the right, but this one is different. Id say that makes it pretty fucking rare. In a nation our size, youd think you could find at least one example of this kind of stuff per day on youtube.

There is no epidemic of cop violence. Sure it happens, but its an inevitability. Whenever you have guys with guns in dangerous situations, there will be gun violence. Sometimes the violence will be illegal. The cops know this. They know if they break the rules, they go to prison. There are millions of cameras in the streets now, so they are playing with fire if they decide to execute people. Life in prison is a great deterrent, but its not like we have a choice, because thats the only deterrent weve got.

Whats the point with protests? What more do you expect to get? Should they make it a rule that only good guys are allowed to sign up? There are bad people in all walks of life. Do you really expect the police force to be any different? A small percentage will do bad stuff. No matter what you do, that will never change. Its human nature.

What's the point of protests?
Really? Ferguson protestors didn't put pressure on the powers that be to expose a problem and make change? They just had elections there yesterday.
It was the protests that led to a federal investigation that exposed the truth.
People shouldn't be upset and voice their concerns publicly after such an event in their community?
The man was stopped for a broken tail light. Hardly a threat to anyone. Why was the tazer brought out? The man was shot in the back. He was not a threat to the cop. This was not a good shooting. The cop should be prosecuted for murder as the facts show right now.

It also appeared the police officer dropped a gun near the body. What was that all about?
The tail light stop led to warrants for his arrest.

He would be alive if he paid his child support, he would be alive if he had not resisted arrest and just had his day in court.

The cop has been arrested and charged, a jury will determine his fate, the system is working.

What more can you ask for?
He'll walk. This country is fucked.
I don't think so. IF this stuff is true, and he did lie about the tazer, which it looks like he did, then he will go to prison. The cop was wrong and he should go to jail. All the other cases ive seen previous to this, i.e. Brown, Garner, etc., the cop was in the right, but this one is different. Id say that makes it pretty fucking rare. In a nation our size, youd think you could find at least one example of this kind of stuff per day on youtube.

There is no epidemic of cop violence. Sure it happens, but its an inevitability. Whenever you have guys with guns in dangerous situations, there will be gun violence. Sometimes the violence will be illegal. The cops know this. They know if they break the rules, they go to prison. There are millions of cameras in the streets now, so they are playing with fire if they decide to execute people. Life in prison is a great deterrent, but its not like we have a choice, because thats the only deterrent weve got.

Whats the point with protests? What more do you expect to get? Should they make it a rule that only good guys are allowed to sign up? There are bad people in all walks of life. Do you really expect the police force to be any different? A small percentage will do bad stuff. No matter what you do, that will never change. Its human nature.

What's the point of protests?
Really? Ferguson protestors didn't put pressure on the powers that be to expose a problem and make change? They just had elections there yesterday.
It was the protests that led to a federal investigation that exposed the truth.
People shouldn't be upset and voice their concerns publically after such an event in their community?
I wonder what percentage turned out to vote yesterday?

Where is Stats when he is needed?

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