Story of the Birth of Jesus Adds to the Validity of Who He Is

maybe if your religion wasn't so fucking stupid a child could see its made up nonsense, i would?

Santa claus is more believable

Can you shine a light on all this then?

What does your religion teach?
I dont have one? Why do you feel you need one?

Were all of our great, great, great... et al. grandparents once clams or mice? And before that a pile of dirt? And all "BY CHANCE" all these fantastic chemical reactions occurred and from rocks and water (we won't ask where the rocks and water came from) grew stomachs and mouths and eyeballs and ears and so on and so on?

By the way, "survival of the fittest" is so lame I cannot stand to think about it. But I really doubt "Mr. Chance" or should we call it "natural selection" was clever enough to one day say "today is good day to start growing a spleen, we've never had one of those before."

Are you following me, or am I just another babbling christian monkey?
what am i a biologist? look it up yourself I have no more beleif that evolution is real than I do gravity is real and I'm not a physicist either

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

So you admit total ignorance on the entire subject of God and creation of life, etc., but yet you feel the need to attack those who have reasons for their beliefs?

Note: I am prepared to argue why I am certain God exists, Jesus is God, evolution without ID is a colossal joke, et al., but not with someone who has nothing to say except we are idiots.
No reason to try to converse with the spiritually dead. That do not touch the dead thing is applicable in some cases here.....
The spiritually dead like Purpleowl are attracted to Islam because of its violence against fellow mankind and its inhumane treatment of women.
it made so much more sense to call us atheists secret jews atleast then the denying jesus part made sense

but then you christians just couldn't stop with the showering
i dont need a biology degree to tell you Jesus, Krishna, or the flying spaghetti monster isn't real

And I don't need another post from you to tell me what a sad fool you are. I wish I could be of more help, but I guess my insulting you will only make you more isolated and defiant. (my apologies)
are biology books like reading the devils scroll or something?

the only reason you deny evolution is because it conflicts with your bible, there are still people alive in 2016 who beleive the earth is flat because its their "religous beleifs".... this has nothing to do with science

do you believe the world is flat and that "scientists are lying"??

You really think I have time to go over this again? Especially since you are posing "arguments" that are either unrelated or at the most rudimentary stages.

Whether I believe in evolution or not is not the question. At all!

As it is, I see no evidence that evolution has taken place (the fossil record is not your friend) or that it shows any legitimate claims since mankind has been around to observe for ourselves. I think it impossible a quadrillionchanges took place from the beginning in all life forms to get to these hyper-complex animals we now have today --- and yet, not a single one shows any signs of wanting to become another species or grow something far more different than what it now contains. I am not impressed with micro-evolution to explain macro-evolution. I do not care about Darwin's bird beaks.

But bad to the "real question." I will grant you that evolution is how we got here. The question then is simple --- Could evolution ever have occurred without a supreme intelligence or designer guiding the process? And the answer to that is an absolute "NO!" It is a major insult to human intelligence to say we all got here by hook and by crook, by chance, by "natural selection" (which is a joke of a term if there ever was one.)

Evolutionist high priest Richard Dawkins says in his book - - - "Natural selection is the blind watchmaker, blind because it does not see ahead, does not plan consequences, has no purpose in view. Yet the living results of natural selection overwhelmingly impress us with the appearance of design as if by a master watchmaker, impress us with the illusion of design and planning.”

“the illusion of design.” --- right. That’s not science… that is agenda.

so do you beleive the earth was created 10,000 years ago in 6 days and is flat? or not?

No, I do not. But I could be wrong because God can make things appear howsoever he wishes, even if your carbon dating insists something is one million years old, it could have all been set in place a mere 10,000 years ago. I do not care. It is a total red herring to argue the earth's age when evolution has more holes in it than firing range targets.

Note: Do not try to pin me down or pin down the validity of Jesus and Christianity by doing a Bible search for quotes that get you all excited. For one, the Catholic faith does quite well in explaining almost any of it. But far more importantly, the revelations of the Christian God since Jesus' resurrection are legion and undeniably supernatural. Try discrediting all those signs and wonders.
Even just this morning Purpleowl was pushing Islam.
are biology books like reading the devils scroll or something?

the only reason you deny evolution is because it conflicts with your bible, there are still people alive in 2016 who beleive the earth is flat because its their "religous beleifs".... this has nothing to do with science

do you believe the world is flat and that "scientists are lying"??

You really think I have time to go over this again? Especially since you are posing "arguments" that are either unrelated or at the most rudimentary stages.

Whether I believe in evolution or not is not the question. At all!

As it is, I see no evidence that evolution has taken place (the fossil record is not your friend) or that it shows any legitimate claims since mankind has been around to observe for ourselves. I think it impossible a quadrillionchanges took place from the beginning in all life forms to get to these hyper-complex animals we now have today --- and yet, not a single one shows any signs of wanting to become another species or grow something far more different than what it now contains. I am not impressed with micro-evolution to explain macro-evolution. I do not care about Darwin's bird beaks.

But bad to the "real question." I will grant you that evolution is how we got here. The question then is simple --- Could evolution ever have occurred without a supreme intelligence or designer guiding the process? And the answer to that is an absolute "NO!" It is a major insult to human intelligence to say we all got here by hook and by crook, by chance, by "natural selection" (which is a joke of a term if there ever was one.)

Evolutionist high priest Richard Dawkins says in his book - - - "Natural selection is the blind watchmaker, blind because it does not see ahead, does not plan consequences, has no purpose in view. Yet the living results of natural selection overwhelmingly impress us with the appearance of design as if by a master watchmaker, impress us with the illusion of design and planning.”

“the illusion of design.” --- right. That’s not science… that is agenda.

so do you beleive the earth was created 10,000 years ago in 6 days and is flat? or not?

No, I do not. But I could be wrong because God can make things appear howsoever he wishes, even if your carbon dating insists something is one million years old, it could have all been set in place a mere 10,000 years ago. I do not care. It is a total red herring to argue the earth's age when evolution has more holes in it than firing range targets.

Note: Do not try to pin me down or pin down the validity of Jesus and Christianity by doing a Bible search for quotes that get you all excited. For one, the Catholic faith does quite well in explaining almost any of it. But far more importantly, the revelations of the Christian God since Jesus' resurrection are legion and undeniably supernatural. Try discrediting all those signs and wonders.

I could the same thing about the gods of every other religion? what makes you think yours is real and all those are not?

the only difference between a theist and an atheist is.... an atheist beleives in one less god

Lots of reasons makes me think my God is real and the only One, and all those other gods do not exist.

However, no one reads long posts so that kind of limits what I can use as a defense.

Suffice it to say, the major, major miracles revealed by the Judeo-Christian G-d over the last 2000 years where neither science nor other religions can explain away is all the evidence I need. But those who do not want to believe in the one true God either ignore this evidence or they try hard to forget it was ever given. Their counter-explanations surely sound desperate and totally untenable to me. Not too mention Christianity is the only one that makes any historical sense, demonstrates incomparable charity, and provides the most sound reasons for G-d's divine mercy and justice and enormous gift of eternal life. Note: It is not just Christians who ultimately make it to heaven, nor do all Christians make it if they are total hypocrites and showmen.
Christianity is one of least historically plausible major religions, zoroatrianism has no miracle casting wizards, hinduism is 9000 years old so unlike Christianity we can't 100% prove that those things did not happen. Taoism is largely based on philosophy

and then there's every atheists favorite world religion


theyre all still made up garbage like yours but aleast theres no star babies who can walk on water and make food and liqour appear out of nowhere
And I don't need another post from you to tell me what a sad fool you are. I wish I could be of more help, but I guess my insulting you will only make you more isolated and defiant. (my apologies)
are biology books like reading the devils scroll or something?

the only reason you deny evolution is because it conflicts with your bible, there are still people alive in 2016 who beleive the earth is flat because its their "religous beleifs".... this has nothing to do with science

do you believe the world is flat and that "scientists are lying"??

You really think I have time to go over this again? Especially since you are posing "arguments" that are either unrelated or at the most rudimentary stages.

Whether I believe in evolution or not is not the question. At all!

As it is, I see no evidence that evolution has taken place (the fossil record is not your friend) or that it shows any legitimate claims since mankind has been around to observe for ourselves. I think it impossible a quadrillionchanges took place from the beginning in all life forms to get to these hyper-complex animals we now have today --- and yet, not a single one shows any signs of wanting to become another species or grow something far more different than what it now contains. I am not impressed with micro-evolution to explain macro-evolution. I do not care about Darwin's bird beaks.

But bad to the "real question." I will grant you that evolution is how we got here. The question then is simple --- Could evolution ever have occurred without a supreme intelligence or designer guiding the process? And the answer to that is an absolute "NO!" It is a major insult to human intelligence to say we all got here by hook and by crook, by chance, by "natural selection" (which is a joke of a term if there ever was one.)

Evolutionist high priest Richard Dawkins says in his book - - - "Natural selection is the blind watchmaker, blind because it does not see ahead, does not plan consequences, has no purpose in view. Yet the living results of natural selection overwhelmingly impress us with the appearance of design as if by a master watchmaker, impress us with the illusion of design and planning.”

“the illusion of design.” --- right. That’s not science… that is agenda.

so do you beleive the earth was created 10,000 years ago in 6 days and is flat? or not?

No, I do not. But I could be wrong because God can make things appear howsoever he wishes, even if your carbon dating insists something is one million years old, it could have all been set in place a mere 10,000 years ago. I do not care. It is a total red herring to argue the earth's age when evolution has more holes in it than firing range targets.

Note: Do not try to pin me down or pin down the validity of Jesus and Christianity by doing a Bible search for quotes that get you all excited. For one, the Catholic faith does quite well in explaining almost any of it. But far more importantly, the revelations of the Christian God since Jesus' resurrection are legion and undeniably supernatural. Try discrediting all those signs and wonders.
Even just this morning Purpleowl was pushing Islam.
paranoid delusions at their finest
Funny how the Muslim cult spends all of its time defending their actions.

The simple act of mentioning Jesus being born sends them into a foaming mouth frenzy.
Funny how the Muslim cult spends all of its time defending their actions.

The simple act of mentioning Jesus being born sends them into a foaming mouth frenzy.
there's no muslims on this white supremacist forum moron

they wouldve been ran out of here along time ago probably banned
Hilarious watching the deranged anti-Chritian haters prove who the one true God is.
And I don't need another post from you to tell me what a sad fool you are. I wish I could be of more help, but I guess my insulting you will only make you more isolated and defiant. (my apologies)
are biology books like reading the devils scroll or something?

the only reason you deny evolution is because it conflicts with your bible, there are still people alive in 2016 who beleive the earth is flat because its their "religous beleifs".... this has nothing to do with science

do you believe the world is flat and that "scientists are lying"??

You really think I have time to go over this again? Especially since you are posing "arguments" that are either unrelated or at the most rudimentary stages.

Whether I believe in evolution or not is not the question. At all!

As it is, I see no evidence that evolution has taken place (the fossil record is not your friend) or that it shows any legitimate claims since mankind has been around to observe for ourselves. I think it impossible a quadrillionchanges took place from the beginning in all life forms to get to these hyper-complex animals we now have today --- and yet, not a single one shows any signs of wanting to become another species or grow something far more different than what it now contains. I am not impressed with micro-evolution to explain macro-evolution. I do not care about Darwin's bird beaks.

But bad to the "real question." I will grant you that evolution is how we got here. The question then is simple --- Could evolution ever have occurred without a supreme intelligence or designer guiding the process? And the answer to that is an absolute "NO!" It is a major insult to human intelligence to say we all got here by hook and by crook, by chance, by "natural selection" (which is a joke of a term if there ever was one.)

Evolutionist high priest Richard Dawkins says in his book - - - "Natural selection is the blind watchmaker, blind because it does not see ahead, does not plan consequences, has no purpose in view. Yet the living results of natural selection overwhelmingly impress us with the appearance of design as if by a master watchmaker, impress us with the illusion of design and planning.”

“the illusion of design.” --- right. That’s not science… that is agenda.

so do you beleive the earth was created 10,000 years ago in 6 days and is flat? or not?

No, I do not. But I could be wrong because God can make things appear howsoever he wishes, even if your carbon dating insists something is one million years old, it could have all been set in place a mere 10,000 years ago. I do not care. It is a total red herring to argue the earth's age when evolution has more holes in it than firing range targets.

Note: Do not try to pin me down or pin down the validity of Jesus and Christianity by doing a Bible search for quotes that get you all excited. For one, the Catholic faith does quite well in explaining almost any of it. But far more importantly, the revelations of the Christian God since Jesus' resurrection are legion and undeniably supernatural. Try discrediting all those signs and wonders.
Even just this morning Purpleowl was pushing Islam.
tell you what you little paranoid muslim hunter why dont you look how many times i defend jews its probably ten times more often, i defend whatever religion some neo nazi racist peice of shit is bashing on.... If a member of ISIS shows up here i promise i will cuss him out too sweetie
Christianity is one of least historically plausible major religions, zoroatrianism has no miracle casting wizards, hinduism is 9000 years old so we unlike Christianity we can't 100% prove that those things did not happen. Taoism is largely based on philosophy

and then there's every atheists favorite world religion, Buddhism. They're all still made up garbage like yours but at least there's no star babies who can walk on water and make food and liqour appear out of nowhere
You really have not said anything all that interesting or controversial to me.

We don't deal in wizards either. We have God. Trust me... turning the sky green and making the sun dance on command (as God did at Fatima 1917) is not one of his best tricks. God's miracles are merely to bolster the faith of the believers and challenge the doubters for a response. But as the Virgin Mary told a visionary from Ecuador --- "There is no peace because of pride and pride is the cancer of the soul. Your lack of humility is the greatest fault. Only on bended knees can one come to understand God.” < < < That is how God usually works and prefers to communicate with His creation.
Christianity is one of least historically plausible major religions, zoroatrianism has no miracle casting wizards, hinduism is 9000 years old so we unlike Christianity we can't 100% prove that those things did not happen. Taoism is largely based on philosophy

and then there's every atheists favorite world religion, Buddhism. They're all still made up garbage like yours but at least there's no star babies who can walk on water and make food and liqour appear out of nowhere
You really have not said anything all that interesting or controversial to me.

We don't deal in wizards either. We have God. Trust me... turning the sky green and making the sun dance on command (as God did at Fatima 1917) is not one of his best tricks. God's miracles are merely to bolster the faith of the believers and challenge the doubters for a response. But as the Virgin Mary told a visionary from Ecuador --- "There is no peace because of pride and pride is the cancer of the soul. Your lack of humility is the greatest fault. Only on bended knees can one come to understand God.” < < < That is how God usually works and prefers to communicate with His creation.
When people of the caliber like Purpleowl choose to only attack one religion, you have all the information you need to see which one is true. They can't tell you a downside to Christian Faith because there is none.
Christianity is one of least historically plausible major religions, zoroatrianism has no miracle casting wizards, hinduism is 9000 years old so we unlike Christianity we can't 100% prove that those things did not happen. Taoism is largely based on philosophy

and then there's every atheists favorite world religion, Buddhism. They're all still made up garbage like yours but at least there's no star babies who can walk on water and make food and liqour appear out of nowhere
You really have not said anything all that interesting or controversial to me.

We don't deal in wizards either. We have God. Trust me... turning the sky green and making the sun dance on command (as God did at Fatima 1917) is not one of his best tricks. God's miracles are merely to bolster the faith of the believers and challenge the doubters for a response. But as the Virgin Mary told a visionary from Ecuador --- "There is no peace because of pride and pride is the cancer of the soul. Your lack of humility is the greatest fault. Only on bended knees can one come to understand God.” < < < That is how God usually works and prefers to communicate with His creation.
did you just make that up is the dancing green sun thing real?
Christianity is one of least historically plausible major religions, zoroatrianism has no miracle casting wizards, hinduism is 9000 years old so we unlike Christianity we can't 100% prove that those things did not happen. Taoism is largely based on philosophy

and then there's every atheists favorite world religion, Buddhism. They're all still made up garbage like yours but at least there's no star babies who can walk on water and make food and liqour appear out of nowhere
You really have not said anything all that interesting or controversial to me.

We don't deal in wizards either. We have God. Trust me... turning the sky green and making the sun dance on command (as God did at Fatima 1917) is not one of his best tricks. God's miracles are merely to bolster the faith of the believers and challenge the doubters for a response. But as the Virgin Mary told a visionary from Ecuador --- "There is no peace because of pride and pride is the cancer of the soul. Your lack of humility is the greatest fault. Only on bended knees can one come to understand God.” < < < That is how God usually works and prefers to communicate with His creation.
When people of the caliber like Purpleowl choose to only attack one religion, you have all the information you need to see which one is true. They can't tell you a downside to Christian Faith because there is none.
stupid fucking moron JESUS IS A PROPHET IN ISLAM so is the virgin mary fucking hell if your going to hate 1.5 billion people atleast learn a couple things about them... fucking racist nazi

just call me a witch its easier
Hilarious that the haters think the pedophile Mohammed calling Jesus a prophet means anything.
i dont need a biology degree to tell you Jesus, Krishna, or the flying spaghetti monster isn't real

And I don't need another post from you to tell me what a sad fool you are. I wish I could be of more help, but I guess my insulting you will only make you more isolated and defiant. (my apologies)
are biology books like reading the devils scroll or something?

the only reason you deny evolution is because it conflicts with your bible, there are still people alive in 2016 who beleive the earth is flat because its their "religous beleifs".... this has nothing to do with science

do you believe the world is flat and that "scientists are lying"??
2,000 years and He still has them foaming at the mouth.
so what happen to your dead god man on two sticks? he said he was coming back soon
i dont need a biology degree to tell you Jesus, Krishna, or the flying spaghetti monster isn't real

And I don't need another post from you to tell me what a sad fool you are. I wish I could be of more help, but I guess my insulting you will only make you more isolated and defiant. (my apologies)
are biology books like reading the devils scroll or something?

the only reason you deny evolution is because it conflicts with your bible, there are still people alive in 2016 who beleive the earth is flat because its their "religous beleifs".... this has nothing to do with science

do you believe the world is flat and that "scientists are lying"??
2,000 years and He still has them foaming at the mouth.
so what happen to your dead god man on two sticks? he said he was coming back soon

I'm curious, is there an official category in the Guiness Book of World Records for the most one person can hate on an average day towards some group or ideology that causes that person no direct harm? Is that your motivation for such herculean efforts, trying to break a record?
King of Kings, Eternal Creator of all things yet born as a human in order to reach out to us. The announcement of His birth was not to Kings and Rulers, but to shepards, the lowest income people. He was not born in a palace, but in a cave used to hold animals, filled with animal waste. He was not placed in a silk bed to sleep, but an animal food trough.

God wanted us to know that He knows what it is like to be human and to reach out to us so that we may be with Him.

From Bethlehem would come a ruler, whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. Micah 5:2

1)Micah 5 was about out of a lineage not a town thus says "Bethlehem Ephratah" (a persons name) not just Bethlehem under the gender of a town. That's why context says clan (lineage). In other words they lied and placed him in scripture that they themselves didn't understand or know Hebrew gender of words.
2) the Dec 25th birth is Baal's birthday thus the cave birth and description is actually plagiarising the story of Baal which is why his death scene also matches Baal tablets precise mythology.
Baal's son was the "morning star" which is why they say father & son are one, because Jesus is Baal masked as a Jew to convert Jews to Baal worship. Why else would they want to convert YHWH worshipers over to Jesus (Baal) worship if they were one in the same?
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