Straight Answers Only: Why is the WH banning cameras from the Daily Press Briefing?

Experience has shown that most of the video shot in the briefings is edited to twist its true meaning.

The "videographers" are simply trolls. just don't feed the trolls.

yes, how dare they present the pond scum's own words.

Remember when trump said he liked the uneducated?

He tells them what to read and what to believe and their empty bobble heads bounce up and now.

They always obey Derr Leader.

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the media should never change their coverage of the criminal orange sociopath

or any real president, for that matter.

Then the media should not expect any information from the administration.
There is no choice, a free press in the United States has to by definition NEVER agree to what the government wants them to agree to. Their very existence is opposition, at all times on all things. That any government official would limit the free press says nothing about the press, it merely illuminates the government's desire to silence that freedom for it's own benefit at the expense of the people.

"We are the government and we are silencing the free press because you only need to hear what WE say. Trust us".

Not now, not ever.

Then they shouldn't expect any form of assistance or openness from the politicians.

They'd love me as a politician... "Please submit your questions (10 maximum from the press corps) in writing and I'll get back to yoiu in 4i-72 hours"
Experience has shown that most of the video shot in the briefings is edited to twist its true meaning.

The "videographers" are simply trolls. just don't feed the trolls.

You're full of shit. Those press briefings are broadcast live, just like CNN, MSNBC and FOX broadcast Trump's
And who was the last POTUS to turn the cameras off in the DPB?
Name one, idiot.
They are aired live while everyone is at work and the chopped up like a Philly sandwich for evening consumption when everyone gets home.
You asked for straight answers but failed at your own demand

You're not answering the question. I asked why Trump is turning off the cameras. I didn't ask for your opinion of how a clip is edited for the nightly networks.
I gave you the fucking answer dumbfuck. I gave you the only real answer.


No. You gave a theory that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
Why? Twice now they've just allowed only audio. So why is Trump starting to make the DPBs go dark and not be broadcast to the public?
Just answer the question.

White House still banning cameras from briefings so CNN sends a courtroom sketch artist (Details)

My answer is in the other thread on the topic, see it there.


I don't care much what you write here. What makes you think anybody will track down what you might have posted somewhere else?
Because we can no longer trust the mms to get it right. This discourages (at least) the television portion of that.

Just the opposite is true.

RWs agree with trump = gut the constitution and he can't gag them, he just won't let them in. That way, there's no proof of what he's doing.

He's already done it with Tillerson. He's travel in the world on our money and doing trump, Exxon business.

You RWs - remember, YOU did this.

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How about a nice big cup of shut the fuck up?
There is no choice, a free press in the United States has to by definition NEVER agree to what the government wants them to agree to. Their very existence is opposition, at all times on all things. That any government official would limit the free press says nothing about the press, it merely illuminates the government's desire to silence that freedom for it's own benefit at the expense of the people.

"We are the government and we are silencing the free press because you only need to hear what WE say. Trust us".

Not now, not ever.

Then they shouldn't expect any form of assistance or openness from the politicians.

They'd love me as a politician... "Please submit your questions (10 maximum from the press corps) in writing and I'll get back to yoiu in 4i-72 hours"

Bullshit, all politicians and elected officials are employees of the people. They are required to answer all questions and be absolutely open about what money they are spending, what it is being spent on, and what rights they want to tamper with or eliminate.

Conservatives you have become the Politburo from the old Soviet Union. You now believe the government is the last word in how all things operate in a democracy. This phoney cry we've heard from conservatives how they 'hate government' is just that, phoney. They actually love government as long as they are the government and can force their beliefs on the population.
I don't understand the Libs howling that no cameras in the DPB is violating the 1st Amendment and "gagging" the press. Trump could prohibit all forms of electronic recording, and unless he tries to pull the press passes from reporters too, that is NOT a Constitutional violation. Reporters could still use their ears and a pencil & paper like they used to.

By not allowing the use of electronic recording devices it's more difficult for reporters to cobble together statements to change the context of what was said.

I have watched some DPB's and later watched CNN (I'm not masochist enough to voluntarily watch MSNBC). I have seen that what was said in the briefing and how it was reported was outrageous. CNN reporting was half-statements, and the like, to present as fact a statement that was taken completely out of context. They then went on to "interpret" what was said by Spicer, Huckabee, or whoever, to adhere to their Trump Hating agenda.

And you folks want to know why cameras are prohibited? I say banned all form of recording except a pad and a writing stick.
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Bullshit, all politicians and elected officials are employees of the people. They are required to answer all questions and be absolutely open about what money they are spending, what it is being spent on, and what rights they want to tamper with or eliminate.

That's why I have no use for thjs current system. The only thing politicians and the media should be answering to is Morality... Right and Wrong.

Conservatives you have become the Politburo from the old Soviet Union. You now believe the government is the last word in how all things operate in a democracy. This phoney cry we've heard from conservatives how they 'hate government' is just that, phoney. They actually love government as long as they are the government and can force their beliefs on the population.

No. I believe Right and Wrong are the last word in politics. Conservatives believe in Proper Government, not Big or Small Government. We also believe thst Morality needs to be enforced because you dimwits are too incompetent to live properly on your own.
Bullshit, all politicians and elected officials are employees of the people. They are required to answer all questions and be absolutely open about what money they are spending, what it is being spent on, and what rights they want to tamper with or eliminate.

That's why I have no use for thjs current system. The only thing politicians and the media should be answering to is Morality... Right and Wrong.

Conservatives you have become the Politburo from the old Soviet Union. You now believe the government is the last word in how all things operate in a democracy. This phoney cry we've heard from conservatives how they 'hate government' is just that, phoney. They actually love government as long as they are the government and can force their beliefs on the population.

No. I believe Right and Wrong are the last word in politics. Conservatives believe in Proper Government, not Big or Small Government. We also believe thst Morality needs to be enforced because you dimwits are too incompetent to live properly on your own.

Sorry Cubby, you and your Republican party gave up on morality long ago. Even the memory of that being part of what Republicans believe in is sitting old and dusty in a tomb somewhere.
Experience has shown that most of the video shot in the briefings is edited to twist its true meaning.

The "videographers" are simply trolls. just don't feed the trolls.

You're full of shit. Those press briefings are broadcast live, just like CNN, MSNBC and FOX broadcast Trump's
And who was the last POTUS to turn the cameras off in the DPB?
Name one, idiot.
They are aired live while everyone is at work and the chopped up like a Philly sandwich for evening consumption when everyone gets home.
You asked for straight answers but failed at your own demand

You're not answering the question. I asked why Trump is turning off the cameras. I didn't ask for your opinion of how a clip is edited for the nightly networks.
I gave you the fucking answer dumbfuck. I gave you the only real answer.


If the asshole OP doesn't like an answer he just gets pissed and claim you didn't answer it. He is like a little child, if he asks mommy and she says no, she goes to daddy. The lefty children are pretty intolerant and bigoted.
There is no choice, a free press in the United States has to by definition NEVER agree to what the government wants them to agree to. Their very existence is opposition, at all times on all things. That any government official would limit the free press says nothing about the press, it merely illuminates the government's desire to silence that freedom for it's own benefit at the expense of the people.

"We are the government and we are silencing the free press because you only need to hear what WE say. Trust us".

Not now, not ever.

Then they shouldn't expect any form of assistance or openness from the politicians.

They'd love me as a politician... "Please submit your questions (10 maximum from the press corps) in writing and I'll get back to yoiu in 4i-72 hours"

Bullshit, all politicians and elected officials are employees of the people. They are required to answer all questions and be absolutely open about what money they are spending, what it is being spent on, and what rights they want to tamper with or eliminate.

Conservatives you have become the Politburo from the old Soviet Union. You now believe the government is the last word in how all things operate in a democracy. This phoney cry we've heard from conservatives how they 'hate government' is just that, phoney. They actually love government as long as they are the government and can force their beliefs on the population.
I was with you until you got to the second paragraph.

Then you went full retard and tried to paint your fingernails with a spray paint gun from the auto dealership.

A glimpse of sanity and then full mental breakdown
Sorry Cubby, you and your Republican party gave up on morality long ago. Even the memory of that being part of what Republicans believe in is sitting old and dusty in a tomb somewhere.

Im not a Republican. I'm a Conservative. I didn't vote for Trump. He's nowhere near Conservative enough for my tastes.

You Libs never knew Moraljty to begin with.
Experience has shown that most of the video shot in the briefings is edited to twist its true meaning.

The "videographers" are simply trolls. just don't feed the trolls.

You're full of shit. Those press briefings are broadcast live, just like CNN, MSNBC and FOX broadcast Trump's
And who was the last POTUS to turn the cameras off in the DPB?
Name one, idiot.
They are aired live while everyone is at work and the chopped up like a Philly sandwich for evening consumption when everyone gets home.
You asked for straight answers but failed at your own demand

You're not answering the question. I asked why Trump is turning off the cameras. I didn't ask for your opinion of how a clip is edited for the nightly networks.
I gave you the fucking answer dumbfuck. I gave you the only real answer.


If the asshole OP doesn't like an answer he just gets pissed and claim you didn't answer it. He is like a little child, if he asks mommy and she says no, she goes to daddy. The lefty children are pretty intolerant and bigoted.
My grandson does that shit now. Comes to me to tattle on mommy and I'm like, "Boy are you crazy?!? You're gonna get us both in trouble!"
Don't know don't care. If a reporter can't ask questions without a camera there maybe they need to be in another line of work.

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