Straight Answers Only: Why is the WH banning cameras from the Daily Press Briefing?

I don't understand the Libs howling that no cameras in the DPB is violating the 1st Amendment and "gagging" the press. Trump could prohibit all forms of electronic recording, and unless he tries to pull the press passes from reporters too, that is NOT a Constitutional violation. Reporters could still use their ears and a pencil & paper like they used to.

By not allowing the use of electronic recording devices it's more difficult for reporters to cobble together statements to change the context of what was said.

I have watched some DPB's and later watched CNN (I'm not masochist enough to voluntarily watch MSNBC). I have seen that what was said in the briefing and how it was reported was outrageous. CNN reporting was half-statements, and the like, to present as fact a statement that was taken completely out of context. They then went on to "interpret" what was said by Spicer, Huckabee, or whoever, to adhere to their Trump Hating agenda.

And you folks want to know why cameras are prohibited? I say banned all form of recording except a pad and a writing stick.

""Trump could prohibit all forms of electronic recording..."
Want to show me where that is in the Constitution, butt head?
And he HAS pulled press passes. And yes it is a violation of the 1st Amendment.
Read it sometime.
You're another empty headed Trump-wipe.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.""""
Don't know don't care. If a reporter can't ask questions without a camera there maybe they need to be in another line of work.

DUH! They do. There is audio, as I stated in my first post. You do know what "audio" means, right?
Experience has shown that most of the video shot in the briefings is edited to twist its true meaning.

The "videographers" are simply trolls. just don't feed the trolls.

You're full of shit. Those press briefings are broadcast live, just like CNN, MSNBC and FOX broadcast Trump's
And who was the last POTUS to turn the cameras off in the DPB?
Name one, idiot.
They are aired live while everyone is at work and the chopped up like a Philly sandwich for evening consumption when everyone gets home.
You asked for straight answers but failed at your own demand

You're not answering the question. I asked why Trump is turning off the cameras. I didn't ask for your opinion of how a clip is edited for the nightly networks.
I gave you the fucking answer dumbfuck. I gave you the only real answer.


If the asshole OP doesn't like an answer he just gets pissed and claim you didn't answer it. He is like a little child, if he asks mommy and she says no, she goes to daddy. The lefty children are pretty intolerant and bigoted.

I asked for why Trump is doing black outs on the daily press briefings and you want to deflect as well. Pussy.
You're full of shit. Those press briefings are broadcast live, just like CNN, MSNBC and FOX broadcast Trump's
And who was the last POTUS to turn the cameras off in the DPB?
Name one, idiot.
They are aired live while everyone is at work and the chopped up like a Philly sandwich for evening consumption when everyone gets home.
You asked for straight answers but failed at your own demand

You're not answering the question. I asked why Trump is turning off the cameras. I didn't ask for your opinion of how a clip is edited for the nightly networks.
I gave you the fucking answer dumbfuck. I gave you the only real answer.


If the asshole OP doesn't like an answer he just gets pissed and claim you didn't answer it. He is like a little child, if he asks mommy and she says no, she goes to daddy. The lefty children are pretty intolerant and bigoted.

I asked for why Trump is doing black outs on the daily press briefings and you want to deflect as well. Pussy.
Don't know don't care. If a reporter can't ask questions without a camera there maybe they need to be in another line of work.

DUH! They do. There is audio, as I stated in my first post. You do know what "audio" means, right?
Then why are you bitching and whinning about this? It would seem like your just looking for something irrelevant to complain about and just being a partisan hack.
I don't understand the Libs howling that no cameras in the DPB is violating the 1st Amendment and "gagging" the press. Trump could prohibit all forms of electronic recording, and unless he tries to pull the press passes from reporters too, that is NOT a Constitutional violation. Reporters could still use their ears and a pencil & paper like they used to.

By not allowing the use of electronic recording devices it's more difficult for reporters to cobble together statements to change the context of what was said.

I have watched some DPB's and later watched CNN (I'm not masochist enough to voluntarily watch MSNBC). I have seen that what was said in the briefing and how it was reported was outrageous. CNN reporting was half-statements, and the like, to present as fact a statement that was taken completely out of context. They then went on to "interpret" what was said by Spicer, Huckabee, or whoever, to adhere to their Trump Hating agenda.

And you folks want to know why cameras are prohibited? I say banned all form of recording except a pad and a writing stick.

""Trump could prohibit all forms of electronic recording..."
Want to show me where that is in the Constitution, butt head?
And he HAS pulled press passes. And yes it is a violation of the 1st Amendment.
Read it sometime.
You're another empty headed Trump-wipe.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.""""

Who's press pass did he pull and when?
Bullshit, all politicians and elected officials are employees of the people. They are required to answer all questions and be absolutely open about what money they are spending, what it is being spent on, and what rights they want to tamper with or eliminate.
Where is that written? And I don't recall the same level of care the previous administration. The fact is the media is highly corrupt and is more interested in propaganda these days.
You're full of shit. Those press briefings are broadcast live, just like CNN, MSNBC and FOX broadcast Trump's
And who was the last POTUS to turn the cameras off in the DPB?
Name one, idiot.
They are aired live while everyone is at work and the chopped up like a Philly sandwich for evening consumption when everyone gets home.
You asked for straight answers but failed at your own demand

You're not answering the question. I asked why Trump is turning off the cameras. I didn't ask for your opinion of how a clip is edited for the nightly networks.
I gave you the fucking answer dumbfuck. I gave you the only real answer.


If the asshole OP doesn't like an answer he just gets pissed and claim you didn't answer it. He is like a little child, if he asks mommy and she says no, she goes to daddy. The lefty children are pretty intolerant and bigoted.

I asked for why Trump is doing black outs on the daily press briefings and you want to deflect as well. Pussy.

Thanks fruitcake, you keep proving that you are a childish, it's okay most lefties can't handle real answers.

The answer is because Trump didn't want cameras, he isn't denying anyone access to the press briefings, he is denying a camera. No big deal unless you are a whiney crybaby leftwing nut.
We also believe thst Morality needs to be enforced because you dimwits are too incompetent to live properly on your own.

This is one area where you and I differ. If Libs want to live an immoral life, so be it. But if they break the law or harm others (personal or property) prosecute their ass.

I m neither a Libertarian or Republican, and I'm damned sure not a Democrat. I identify myself as a Reagan Conservative, "Peace through strength", "Our better days are head of us", and "A shining city on the hill", and all.

I find that I have some major disagreements with all 3. It seems that all f they tend to want to restrict freedoms in one way or the other, whereas, in my opinion, Reagan wanted to unlock American potential in the economy, innovation, and society without taking into consideration anyone's race, creed, color, sex, religion, etc. Like me, he believed that "All men are created equal" such that everyone should have equal opportunity, equal chance in life, and equality under the law. What he didn't espouse is equal outcome, that is left up to the inividual.
Why? Twice now they've just allowed only audio. So why is Trump starting to make the DPBs go dark and not be broadcast to the public?
Just answer the question.

White House still banning cameras from briefings so CNN sends a courtroom sketch artist (Details)

My answer is in the other thread on the topic, see it there.


I don't care much what you write here. What makes you think anybody will track down what you might have posted somewhere else?

Yet here you are. LMAO That was my subtle way of telling the ignorant OP that another ignorant regressive had started an earlier thread on the same topic asking the same dumbass question. In my opinion the threads should have been combined, then it wouldn't have put you pathetic snowflakes out, and I wouldn't be accused of spamming.

Why? Twice now they've just allowed only audio. So why is Trump starting to make the DPBs go dark and not be broadcast to the public?
Just answer the question.

White House still banning cameras from briefings so CNN sends a courtroom sketch artist (Details)

You do realize they allow audio...right? They are teaching the anti-Trump press that if they can lie about Trump, he can take away their camera time.....

The fact is journalism is dead in the MSM, has been for more than a decade. Now most are just regressive propagandist only interested in pushing the regressive agenda. That agenda right now is Trumps destruction. No reason for him to enable their effort.

Because Trump can. George Bush Sr. was hopeless when it came to media pressure and George Jr. wasn't much better. Remember when Barry Hussein got applause from the media when he said "republicans can get on the bus but they have to sit in the back"? Trump is in his element with audiences and he is running circles around the hostile media. Meanwhile the democrat party is eating it's own and lefties worry about T.V. cameras during briefings. Live with it
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I find that I have some major disagreements with all 3. It seems that all f they tend to want to restrict freedoms in one way or the other, whereas, in my opinion, Reagan wanted to unlock American potential in the economy, innovation, and society without taking into consideration anyone's race, creed, color, sex, religion, etc. Like me, he believed that "All men are created equal" such that everyone should have equal opportunity, equal chance in life, and equality under the law. What he didn't espouse is equal outcome, that is left up to the inividual.

I don't believe all people are equal. At least not after about age 3, when they stsrt making conscious decisions. I'm a far stronger believer in Privileges than in Rights.
I find that I have some major disagreements with all 3. It seems that all f they tend to want to restrict freedoms in one way or the other, whereas, in my opinion, Reagan wanted to unlock American potential in the economy, innovation, and society without taking into consideration anyone's race, creed, color, sex, religion, etc. Like me, he believed that "All men are created equal" such that everyone should have equal opportunity, equal chance in life, and equality under the law. What he didn't espouse is equal outcome, that is left up to the inividual.

I don't believe all people are equal. At least not after about age 3, when they stsrt making conscious decisions. I'm a far stronger believer in Privileges than in Rights.

I said "created" equal. When they get to a certain point in development and start making decision for themselves, they are either knowingly, or unknowingly, making decisions about their outcome. So, in the overall picture, their acceptance, or refusal, of opportunity will make them equal in the eyes of others. People are equal in that they are all created with equal stature, equal god-given rights to life, (depending on their choices). There is no person that is created as a lesser human being. Even poor choices don't make an individual less of a human being.

By your logic slavery makes sense. Slaves were considered a lesser entity, sub-human, closer to animals than people.

Equality is not an opinion, it's a state of being. To do so is classifying people as lesser beings..
I said "created" equal. When they get to a certain point in development and start making decision for themselves, they are either knowingly, or unknowingly, making decisions about their outcome. So, in the overall picture, their acceptance, or refusal, of opportunity will make them equal in the eyes of others. People are equal in that they are all created with equal stature, equal god-given rights to life, (depending on their choices). There is no person that is created as a lesser human being. Even poor choices don't make an individual less of a human being.

Trust me, not everyone is created equal. Many of us start two steps behind because if physical, mental or psychological disabilities. Poor choices, thoughts and words do make one a lesser being. Remember, I dont believe in Rights, only Privileges.

By your logic slavery makes sense. Slaves were considered a lesser entity, sub-human, closer to animals than people.

Equality is not an opinion, it's a state of being. To do so is classifying people as lesser beings..

I have no problem with slavery, o long as it's not based on race. Equality is a farce and always has been.

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