Straight Repeal Fail in Senate

Tennessee can find a replacement for Lamar Alexander.
Tennessee Legislature named most conservative in nation
What have we got to replace Collins with? Maine is going to need a replacement.

I think it should be you. After all --- you don't live in Maine; you have no clue what Mainers want; you have no idea how the Constitution works; and you haven't won an election. You're perfect.
I'd be a far sight better than Susan Collins. I could find someone in the phone book to replace her with and it would be a great improvement from the traitor Collins has proven to be.

Uh --- really.
And what are the issues of Maine that she has been a "traitor" on? Hm?

A chorus of crickets.

There you have it. The most pertinent issue in Maine today is --------------- crickets.
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -

"Quislings"? You're a dirt bag!

A member of The Congress, be he or she a Republican, Democrat or an Independent serves the people of their State or the District upon which they are representing. They are not beholden to the President of the United States, nor to their political party or the special interests who buy votes with campaign donations. At least that's the way the system should work.

The 45 who voted to repeal the ACA today are the traitors, cowards who failed to support the millions of citizen the CBO report indicated would lose their insurance. Bullied by the despot in the White House, they feared he would not support them in their next election, and fund others who would vote as they are told, and not in the best interests of their constituents.
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
We've known for a while who some of these imposters / traitors were but now we have 7 names that need to be put at the top of the DO NOT VOTE FOR LIST. There are more but these are 7 that must go.

How about those Independents, you know ... um, Mr. ahh, ..... and .....
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
I expect Twitter users will make sure her political career is over.
Yeah, you go with that. :lol:
Isn't it a hoot how the trumpanzees are throwing tweets around like real chimpanzees throw their poop?
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
I expect Twitter users will make sure her political career is over.

IDK, it's Maine and full of people like OldLady, too freaking stupid to function
We can pray her out of office if there isn't enough people to vote her out. All things are possible with God.

In other words, you are going to do nothing.....thought so.
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
We've known for a while who some of these imposters / traitors were but now we have 7 names that need to be put at the top of the DO NOT VOTE FOR LIST. There are more but these are 7 that must go.

How about those Independents, you know ... um, Mr. ahh, ..... and .....
Angus and Sanders? The full list is here and both Independents voted with Democrats. You can look for yourself right here:
How Each Senator Voted on Obamacare Repeal Proposals
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -

"Quislings"? You're a dirt bag!

A member of The Congress, be he or she a Republican, Democrat or an Independent serves the people of their State or the District upon which they are representing. They are not beholden to the President of the United States, nor to their political party or the special interests who buy votes with campaign donations. At least that's the way the system should work.

The 45 who voted to repeal the ACA today are the traitors, cowards who failed to support the millions of citizen the CBO report indicated would lose their insurance. Bullied by the despot in the White House, they feared he would not support them in their next election, and fund others who would vote as they are told, and not in the best interests of their constituents.
No he isn't! He's right! They are indeed quislings!
Got it, thanks Bush92 .........
Senators on Tuesday night blocked a wide-ranging proposal by Republicans to repeal much of ObamaCare and replace it with a more restrictive plan.

In Wednesday's vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition.

I could have told you that Susan Collins was a traitor long before this vote. She's part of Hillary Clinton's gang and is a fake Republican.

I noticed they did not name the two independents - who were they?
King and Sanders, I would imagine.
Got it, thanks Bush92 .........
Senators on Tuesday night blocked a wide-ranging proposal by Republicans to repeal much of ObamaCare and replace it with a more restrictive plan.

In Wednesday's vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition.

I could have told you that Susan Collins was a traitor long before this vote. She's part of Hillary Clinton's gang and is a fake Republican.

I noticed they did not name the two independents - who were they?

There are only two "Independents" in the Senate: Bernie Sanders and Angus King.
Got it, thanks Bush92 .........
Senators on Tuesday night blocked a wide-ranging proposal by Republicans to repeal much of ObamaCare and replace it with a more restrictive plan.

In Wednesday's vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition.

I could have told you that Susan Collins was a traitor long before this vote. She's part of Hillary Clinton's gang and is a fake Republican.

I noticed they did not name the two independents - who were they?

There are only two "Independents" in the Senate: Bernie Sanders and Angus King.
finally, those two have been outed. WINNING!
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
We've known for a while who some of these imposters / traitors were but now we have 7 names that need to be put at the top of the DO NOT VOTE FOR LIST. There are more but these are 7 that must go.

How about those Independents, you know ... um, Mr. ahh, ..... and .....
Angus and Sanders? The full list is here and both Independents voted with Democrats. You can look for yourself right here:
How Each Senator Voted on Obamacare Repeal Proposals

Which you did not know, and needed to look up. After going on a tirade about the five Republicans who voted their conscience.
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -

"Quislings"? You're a dirt bag!

A member of The Congress, be he or she a Republican, Democrat or an Independent serves the people of their State or the District upon which they are representing. They are not beholden to the President of the United States, nor to their political party or the special interests who buy votes with campaign donations. At least that's the way the system should work.

The 45 who voted to repeal the ACA today are the traitors, cowards who failed to support the millions of citizen the CBO report indicated would lose their insurance. Bullied by the despot in the White House, they feared he would not support them in their next election, and fund others who would vote as they are told, and not in the best interests of their constituents.
No he isn't! He's right! They are indeed quislings!

The repeated use of the term "Quisling" in this thread is deliciously ironic. Not just for its overblown melodrama but because:

>> The Norwegian sociologist Johan Galtung described Quisling as a mini-Hitler with a CMT (chosenness-myth-trauma) complex, or alternatively, megalo-paranoia, more often diagnosed in modern times as narcissistic personality disorder. << -- Wiki: Vidkun Quisling​
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -

"Quislings"? You're a dirt bag!

A member of The Congress, be he or she a Republican, Democrat or an Independent serves the people of their State or the District upon which they are representing. They are not beholden to the President of the United States, nor to their political party or the special interests who buy votes with campaign donations. At least that's the way the system should work.

The 45 who voted to repeal the ACA today are the traitors, cowards who failed to support the millions of citizen the CBO report indicated would lose their insurance. Bullied by the despot in the White House, they feared he would not support them in their next election, and fund others who would vote as they are told, and not in the best interests of their constituents.
No he isn't! He's right! They are indeed quislings!
Now we have the skinny repeal.
The skinny repeal does away with the individual and employee mandates so the healthiest in the country can forgo buying insurance yet it still require insurance companies to cover the sickest in the country. I can only assume the authors of this bill are hoping to destroy the healthcare system.

The bill would also abolish the tax on medical equipment manufactures and Obama taxes on the wealthy. So we would have premiums going up, more healthcare providers dropping out of the individual market and less government revenue to pay healthcare subsidies.
Apparently this bill doesn't have any more support than a full repeal.

Why in the world are republicans maintaining this facade they call a repeal? Do they think voters are really that stupid? They are changing sections of Obamacare. Most of it will remain because they would need 60 votes to actually do way with the entire law. What it really amounts to is changes to certain sections of the law. The skinny repeal strikes out and changes about 10 paragraphs of the 958 page law.
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -

"Quislings"? You're a dirt bag!

A member of The Congress, be he or she a Republican, Democrat or an Independent serves the people of their State or the District upon which they are representing. They are not beholden to the President of the United States, nor to their political party or the special interests who buy votes with campaign donations. At least that's the way the system should work.

The 45 who voted to repeal the ACA today are the traitors, cowards who failed to support the millions of citizen the CBO report indicated would lose their insurance. Bullied by the despot in the White House, they feared he would not support them in their next election, and fund others who would vote as they are told, and not in the best interests of their constituents.
No he isn't! He's right! They are indeed quislings!
Now we have the skinny repeal.
The skinny repeal does away with the individual and employee mandates so the healthiest in the country can forgo buying insurance yet it still require insurance companies to cover the sickest in the country. I can only assume the authors of this bill are hoping to destroy the healthcare system.

The bill would also abolish the tax on medical equipment manufactures and Obama taxes on the wealthy. So we would have premiums going up, more healthcare providers dropping out of the individual market and less government revenue to pay healthcare subsidies.
Apparently this bill doesn't have any more support than a full repeal.

Why in the world are republicans maintaining this facade they call a repeal? Do they think voters are really that stupid? They are changing sections of Obamacare. Most of it will remain because they would need 60 votes to actually do way with the entire law. What it really amounts to is changes to certain sections of the law. The skinny repeal strikes out and changes about 10 paragraphs of the 958 page law.

And a group in the federal government has decided that many of these issues affect the National Budget thus require 60 votes to pass and not just the 50 with tie breaker vote... do to the Byrd rule. Not going to happen...
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -

"Quislings"? You're a dirt bag!

A member of The Congress, be he or she a Republican, Democrat or an Independent serves the people of their State or the District upon which they are representing. They are not beholden to the President of the United States, nor to their political party or the special interests who buy votes with campaign donations. At least that's the way the system should work.

The 45 who voted to repeal the ACA today are the traitors, cowards who failed to support the millions of citizen the CBO report indicated would lose their insurance. Bullied by the despot in the White House, they feared he would not support them in their next election, and fund others who would vote as they are told, and not in the best interests of their constituents.
No he isn't! He's right! They are indeed quislings!
Now we have the skinny repeal.
The skinny repeal does away with the individual and employee mandates so the healthiest in the country can forgo buying insurance yet it still require insurance companies to cover the sickest in the country. I can only assume the authors of this bill are hoping to destroy the healthcare system.

The bill would also abolish the tax on medical equipment manufactures and Obama taxes on the wealthy. So we would have premiums going up, more healthcare providers dropping out of the individual market and less government revenue to pay healthcare subsidies.
Apparently this bill doesn't have any more support than a full repeal.

Why in the world are republicans maintaining this facade they call a repeal? Do they think voters are really that stupid? They are changing sections of Obamacare. Most of it will remain because they would need 60 votes to actually do way with the entire law. What it really amounts to is changes to certain sections of the law. The skinny repeal strikes out and changes about 10 paragraphs of the 958 page law.

And a group in the federal government has decided that many of these issues affect the National Budget thus require 60 votes to pass and not just the 50 with tie breaker vote... do to the Byrd rule. Not going to happen...
This is why it's going to take so long to go thru the amendment process. The Senate Parliamentary has to rule on each amendment to see if meets the Bryd rule. before a vote and democrats will make at least a hundred amendments. And then there's the CBO to contend with. It's looking more and more like Republicans are going to need the help of democrats to get anything passed. However, if they do that, they will have to drop the silly facade of repeal of Obamacare; that is they will fix the current law which most Americans now support.
I don't think the Democrats should stand on principle here and refuse to deal with any bills that use the word "repeal," since it sounds as if almost all the ideas that have been floated echo a great deal of the ACA. No one is actually "starting over." The ACA is still there. Fix Obamacare and call it the "Great Donald Trump Insurance Plan" if it's what makes Republicans happy.
Democrats should not let ego get in the way of practicality here.
BTW, I think this call for "affordable premiums" is an impossible dream under the current system. No amount of tweaks will achieve it. We either go to single payer where the government determines what it will pay and every citizen and business chips in through their taxes, or we continue with a system that is obscenely expensive and still unaffordable for most.
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.
I don't think the Democrats should stand on principle here and refuse to deal with any bills that use the word "repeal," since it sounds as if almost all the ideas that have been floated echo a great deal of the ACA. No one is actually "starting over." The ACA is still there. Fix Obamacare and call it the "Great Donald Trump Insurance Plan" if it's what makes Republicans happy.
Democrats should not let ego get in the way of practicality here.
BTW, I think this call for "affordable premiums" is an impossible dream under the current system. No amount of tweaks will achieve it. We either go to single payer where the government determines what it will pay and every citizen and business chips in through their taxes, or we continue with a system that is obscenely expensive and still affordable for most.
Nowhere in the Senate republican healthcare bills does the word repeal appear. The bills modify and strikeout selected paragraphs in the ACA. Most of 950+ pages of the law will be unaltered. Repeal is simply republican rhetoric meant solely to placate supporters but there is no repeal of Obamacare being planned in congress and there is not likely to be one, just modifications of the ACA.

I agree, it is unlikely that the premiums of any plan that provide the same coverage to the same people will go down. So far republican attempts to lower cost has focused on:

  • Transferring those with pre-existing conditions to state run high risk pools. Thus coverage would be available but only at very high prices, making insurance for those with prexisting unavailable for many and thus lowering the cost for those that are more healthy.
  • Allowing insurance companies to offer strip down (junk insurance) plans that would be available much cheaper than the comprehensive plans offered today.

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