Straight Repeal Fail in Senate

They must be liberal repubs, you know, what used to populate the party from 1861-1964?
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
I expect Twitter users will make sure her political career is over.
Yeah, you go with that. :lol:
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.

Go lie about plywood or something, Hairy Back. I'm tired of your trolling
Makes you tingle even more.....something you sure like to talk about....

I can link the FZ threads....BoPete :lmao:
I'm sure that would get you all tingly even more, Bi-Catfish......
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
I expect Twitter users will make sure her political career is over.

IDK, it's Maine and full of people like OldLady, too freaking stupid to function
We can pray her out of office if there isn't enough people to vote her out. All things are possible with God.
Three out of the four Republican females in the Senate voted not to repeal ObamaCare, thus proving women really are smarter than men.
It doesn't matter what the Congress does. Those seven people cannot be re-elected or hold political office again. Make an example out of them.
What are you suggesting? Violence against them?

That's a dem thing,,,,,ya know like shooting up baseball practices.
Exactly. I'm talking about not voting for them every again no matter what office they run for after the lose the next election. A lifetime political ban. That is what I'm talking about.

So let's get this straight -----

you're calling for sitting Senators ---- from states you don't even live in and are therefore NOT their constituent ---- to be "banned" because you ---- in a whole different state --- don't like the fact that they did their jobs as a representative of that state's citizens.

That about sum it up?
No, these seven traitors don't deserve to be in office. They deserve to be put OUT OF OFFICE FOR GOOD.

So you live in Maine?
And Tennesee?
And Alaska?
And Ohio?
And West Virginia?
And Nevada?
And AridZona?


That smells like voter fraud to me.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
I expect Twitter users will make sure her political career is over.

IDK, it's Maine and full of people like OldLady, too freaking stupid to function
We can pray her out of office if there isn't enough people to vote her out. All things are possible with God.
God's on vacation..
These ugly, bleeding women will not be re-elected. Bleev me...bleev me...bleev me...
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
We've known for a while who some of these imposters / traitors were but now we have 7 names that need to be put at the top of the DO NOT VOTE FOR LIST. There are more but these are 7 that must go.


--- and how long have you been dictating to people in other states how they should vote?
Susan Collins voted against the repeal.


Shelley Moore Capito voted against the repeal.


Lisa Murkowski voted against the repeal.

Good thing they voted yesterday to approve talking about Health care in the Senate... wait, no repeal and replace? Wait no repeal? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Republicans are selling their Conservative souls for the votes of the people that got insurance under Obamacare. I love it. It's the right thing to do if they were doing it for the right reasons, but we all know they are just doing it to get re-elected.
No, the GOP has been hoaxing the rubes for the past seven years: Day 2,512 Of Our Captivity

Trump has been hoaxing the rubes, too: The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Chumps have STILL not caught on they were massively hoaxed. Just look at them, spitting fire at the wrong people. :lol:

Yeah it was the flavor of the month to campaign on repealing Obamacare so that's what they did, and now people have it and don't want to lose it... so they are flipping in order to hold for re-election. It's fucking crazy. I really wish it was just a change of heart by these people realizing that empathy for the less fortunate isn't a disease but actually a good trait in people, but we all know that isn't the case.
Three out of the four Republican females in the Senate voted not to repeal ObamaCare, thus proving women really are smarter than men.

I think they voted against it because under the new rules it would be considered a pre-existing condition if a woman got raped or had an abortion. Not to mention how much Planned Parenthood helps women and the Repubs want to defund it. Women were getting the short end of the stick in this and they weren't even invited to be part of the team to write the new bill.
Good thing they voted yesterday to approve talking about Health care in the Senate... wait, no repeal and replace? Wait no repeal? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Republicans are selling their Conservative souls for the votes of the people that got insurance under Obamacare. I love it. It's the right thing to do if they were doing it for the right reasons, but we all know they are just doing it to get re-elected.
No, the GOP has been hoaxing the rubes for the past seven years: Day 2,512 Of Our Captivity

Trump has been hoaxing the rubes, too: The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Chumps have STILL not caught on they were massively hoaxed. Just look at them, spitting fire at the wrong people. :lol:

Yeah it was the flavor of the month to campaign on repealing Obamacare so that's what they did, and now people have it and don't want to lose it... so they are flipping in order to hold for re-election. It's fucking crazy. I really wish it was just a change of heart by these people realizing that empathy for the less fortunate isn't a disease but actually a good trait in people, but we all know that isn't the case.
Poor people need to get off their lazy asses and get a job and stop sitting around watching their color TVs and eating the steaks and drinking the malt liquor they bought with their EBT cards. They need to stop playing the knockout game and get off the porch and get back to pickin cotton so they can get back to being happy like they used to be.
One was probably Angus King, also from Maine. He said he was opposed, anyway. He caucuses with the Dems.

Susan Collins (R) of Maine, too. And of course "Sydney MaCcain" (RINO) of Arizona.
Susan Collins is the biggest quisling on that list. She came out the other day telling our President what an honorable man Mueller was and that President Trump needed to be quiet and stop posting on Twitter. She's got some nerve. The witch.
She's 100% right. She didn't vote for him either. She's my kind of Republican. She's got a sense of right and wrong.

Obamacare is right?
Good thing they voted yesterday to approve talking about Health care in the Senate... wait, no repeal and replace? Wait no repeal? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Republicans are selling their Conservative souls for the votes of the people that got insurance under Obamacare. I love it. It's the right thing to do if they were doing it for the right reasons, but we all know they are just doing it to get re-elected.
No, the GOP has been hoaxing the rubes for the past seven years: Day 2,512 Of Our Captivity

Trump has been hoaxing the rubes, too: The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Chumps have STILL not caught on they were massively hoaxed. Just look at them, spitting fire at the wrong people. :lol:

Yeah it was the flavor of the month to campaign on repealing Obamacare so that's what they did, and now people have it and don't want to lose it... so they are flipping in order to hold for re-election. It's fucking crazy. I really wish it was just a change of heart by these people realizing that empathy for the less fortunate isn't a disease but actually a good trait in people, but we all know that isn't the case.
That's not why. They voted against it because it was that time of the month and women are emotionally unbalanced. Women shouldn't even be in the Senate, except to have their pussies grabbed. They love that.

Would you like a Tic Tac?
Good thing they voted yesterday to approve talking about Health care in the Senate... wait, no repeal and replace? Wait no repeal? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Republicans are selling their Conservative souls for the votes of the people that got insurance under Obamacare. I love it. It's the right thing to do if they were doing it for the right reasons, but we all know they are just doing it to get re-elected.
No, the GOP has been hoaxing the rubes for the past seven years: Day 2,512 Of Our Captivity

Trump has been hoaxing the rubes, too: The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Chumps have STILL not caught on they were massively hoaxed. Just look at them, spitting fire at the wrong people. :lol:

Yeah it was the flavor of the month to campaign on repealing Obamacare so that's what they did, and now people have it and don't want to lose it... so they are flipping in order to hold for re-election. It's fucking crazy. I really wish it was just a change of heart by these people realizing that empathy for the less fortunate isn't a disease but actually a good trait in people, but we all know that isn't the case.
Poor people need to get off their lazy asses and get a job and stop sitting around watching their color TVs and eating the steaks and drinking the malt liquor they bought with their EBT cards. They need to stop playing the knockout game and get off the porch and get back to pickin cotton so they can get back to being happy like they used to be.

I think the conservatives want to cut the Opioid addiction money hoping all the poor people will just kill themselves off and then not get anymore hand-outs!
One was probably Angus King, also from Maine. He said he was opposed, anyway. He caucuses with the Dems.

Susan Collins (R) of Maine, too. And of course "Sydney MaCcain" (RINO) of Arizona.
Susan Collins is the biggest quisling on that list. She came out the other day telling our President what an honorable man Mueller was and that President Trump needed to be quiet and stop posting on Twitter. She's got some nerve. The witch.
She's 100% right. She didn't vote for him either. She's my kind of Republican. She's got a sense of right and wrong.

Obamacare is right?
ObamaCare is right, when compared to NOTHING.

Put a fucking plan on the table which will lower costs, as has been promised, THEN repeal ObamaCare.

The GOP has had DECADES to put a plan on the table, and now they and Trump are caught with their dicks in their hands.
Susan Collins had her reasons for her vote.
Maine has the oldest population in the nation, and it has actually even had a small drop in population. It's not going to get better. We also have an economy in the toilet. Absolutely in the toilet, except for Southern Maine which can't afford to save us all. So Senator Collins studied the replacement bills and saw that people between 50 and 64 were going to have much, much higher premiums. We can't pay them. Hell, we can't afford to pay the premiums now. And with Medicaid and funds to subsidize the premiums being cut, that chunk of the population would be screwed royally. Plus the slow shrinking of Medicaid (we were not an expansion state) over the next several years. There are a lot of people living in poverty in Maine and they are on Medicaid. So some of them would be hurt, as well.
Senator Collins knows quite a bit about insurance stuff. She and a couple of other senators actually wrote and floated a bill to replace Obamacare. It didn't get much interest, from what I can tell.
She wants bipartisan input and a bipartisan bill. It's the only way one is going to pass, Republicans. Look at what is happening. She's not nuts and she's definitely not a Democrat.
I've never in my life spent so much time defending a Republican. LOL
One was probably Angus King, also from Maine. He said he was opposed, anyway. He caucuses with the Dems.

Susan Collins (R) of Maine, too. And of course "Sydney MaCcain" (RINO) of Arizona.
Susan Collins is the biggest quisling on that list. She came out the other day telling our President what an honorable man Mueller was and that President Trump needed to be quiet and stop posting on Twitter. She's got some nerve. The witch.
She's 100% right. She didn't vote for him either. She's my kind of Republican. She's got a sense of right and wrong.

Obamacare is right?
Read the post I was responding to. No. Obamacare needs work.

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