Straight Repeal Fail in Senate

It doesn't matter what the Congress does. Those seven people cannot be re-elected or hold political office again. Make an example out of them.
Those 7 cared about their constituents. The rest of the republican congress doesn't. Of course you have it backwards.
They care about no one but themselves and their Democrat buddies because the truth is - none of these people are true Republicans. They need to be driven out of office and kept out. Don't vote for any of these seven people EVER AGAIN.
They should have a ticker tape parade. You want 22 million to lose insurance. They don't.
Good to know there is still some sanity left in the Republican Party. A few, not many.
Those 7 people will be out come next election because their names are out there now. We know who they are.

They were never a "secret". You can't very well win a statewide election that way. :rolleyes:
Yes, those GOP who sided with the democrats need to be ousted, but actually, this is the best thing that could happen for the GOP in 2018. The democrats will get hammered in 0bamacare.

How so ? Look at the numbers . People like o care. And the GOP is in trouble . Dems aint
staying home this time , and cons are pissed that the GOP is doing nothing even though they are at the height of power .

Polls? You democrats never learn do you?

The GOP is not in trouble, not even close.

What an interesting fantasy you live in.
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.

Go lie about plywood or something, Hairy Back. I'm tired of your trolling
Makes you tingle even more.....something you sure like to talk about....
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
Our senator is no "betrayer." She is being mindful of the best outcomes for the people in her state. She also is mindful of the people in the whole country.
The people should come first, not party. The bills suck, and passing a skinny repeal would be a disaster, since I do NOT see a replacement in the offing. If they can't agree on the basics of a plan now, what magic is going to cause that to happen a year from now?
She's toast.
Got it, thanks Bush92 .........
Senators on Tuesday night blocked a wide-ranging proposal by Republicans to repeal much of ObamaCare and replace it with a more restrictive plan.

In Wednesday's vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition.

I could have told you that Susan Collins was a traitor long before this vote. She's part of Hillary Clinton's gang and is a fake Republican.

I noticed they did not name the two independents - who were they?

LOL, you post on a political message board and don't know who the I's in the Senate are! Wow!
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
Our senator is no "betrayer." She is being mindful of the best outcomes for the people in her state. She also is mindful of the people in the whole country.
The people should come first, not party. The bills suck, and passing a skinny repeal would be a disaster, since I do NOT see a replacement in the offing. If they can't agree on the basics of a plan now, what magic is going to cause that to happen a year from now?
Not sure who you are referring to. A couple questions though:
  1. Did "she" campaign on a promise to repeal?
  2. How did "she" vote on past repeal bills?
She wasn't on the ballot in 2016. She has voted no on the repeals in past years. Only one in 2015.
Bleev me...bleev me...bleev me...


You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful. And cheap!

His hair changed over the years.........

"Be careful son -- I can sue you" :rofl:


"I am the only one. Trust me. I can build a wall around your homes that nothing will penetrate!"

Trump is a textbook huckster.

That's why I used to satirize clips from the Music Man about him.

TRUMP: Now, Melania, I need some ideas if I'm going to get our country out of the serious trouble it's in.

MELANIA: America ain't in any trouble.

TRUMP: We're gonna have to create some. Must create a desperate need in America to be great again.

Tennessee can find a replacement for Lamar Alexander.
Tennessee Legislature named most conservative in nation
What have we got to replace Collins with? Maine is going to need a replacement.

I think it should be you. After all --- you don't live in Maine; you have no clue what Mainers want; you have no idea how the Constitution works; and you haven't won an election. You're perfect.
I'd be a far sight better than Susan Collins. I could find someone in the phone book to replace her with and it would be a great improvement from the traitor Collins has proven to be.
Tennessee can find a replacement for Lamar Alexander.
Tennessee Legislature named most conservative in nation
What have we got to replace Collins with? Maine is going to need a replacement.

I think it should be you. After all --- you don't live in Maine; you have no clue what Mainers want; you have no idea how the Constitution works; and you haven't won an election. You're perfect.
I'd be a far sight better than Susan Collins. I could find someone in the phone book to replace her with and it would be a great improvement from the traitor Collins has proven to be.
You? You don't even know who's not running for re-election in 2018.....:lol:
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.

Go lie about plywood or something, Hairy Back. I'm tired of your trolling
Makes you tingle even more.....something you sure like to talk about....

I can link the FZ threads....BoPete :lmao:
It doesn't matter what the Congress does. Those seven people cannot be re-elected or hold political office again. Make an example out of them.
What are you suggesting? Violence against them?

That's a dem thing,,,,,ya know like shooting up baseball practices.
Exactly. I'm talking about not voting for them every again no matter what office they run for after the lose the next election. A lifetime political ban. That is what I'm talking about.

So let's get this straight -----

you're calling for sitting Senators ---- from states you don't even live in and are therefore NOT their constituent ---- to be "banned" because you ---- in a whole different state --- don't like the fact that they did their jobs as a representative of that state's citizens.

That about sum it up?
Good thing they voted yesterday to approve talking about Health care in the Senate... wait, no repeal and replace? Wait no repeal? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Republicans are selling their Conservative souls for the votes of the people that got insurance under Obamacare. I love it. It's the right thing to do if they were doing it for the right reasons, but we all know they are just doing it to get re-elected.
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -
They must be liberal repubs, you know, what used to populate the party from 1861-1964?
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
I expect Twitter users will make sure her political career is over.
It doesn't matter what the Congress does. Those seven people cannot be re-elected or hold political office again. Make an example out of them.
What are you suggesting? Violence against them?

That's a dem thing,,,,,ya know like shooting up baseball practices.
Exactly. I'm talking about not voting for them every again no matter what office they run for after the lose the next election. A lifetime political ban. That is what I'm talking about.

So let's get this straight -----

you're calling for sitting Senators ---- from states you don't even live in and are therefore NOT their constituent ---- to be "banned" because you ---- in a whole different state --- don't like the fact that they did their jobs as a representative of that state's citizens.

That about sum it up?
No, these seven traitors don't deserve to be in office. They deserve to be put OUT OF OFFICE FOR GOOD.
Tennessee can find a replacement for Lamar Alexander.
Tennessee Legislature named most conservative in nation
What have we got to replace Collins with? Maine is going to need a replacement.

I think it should be you. After all --- you don't live in Maine; you have no clue what Mainers want; you have no idea how the Constitution works; and you haven't won an election. You're perfect.
I'd be a far sight better than Susan Collins. I could find someone in the phone book to replace her with and it would be a great improvement from the traitor Collins has proven to be.

Uh --- really.
And what are the issues of Maine that she has been a "traitor" on? Hm?
They must be liberal repubs, you know, what used to populate the party from 1861-1964?
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
I expect Twitter users will make sure her political career is over.

IDK, it's Maine and full of people like OldLady, too freaking stupid to function
Good thing they voted yesterday to approve talking about Health care in the Senate... wait, no repeal and replace? Wait no repeal? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Republicans are selling their Conservative souls for the votes of the people that got insurance under Obamacare. I love it. It's the right thing to do if they were doing it for the right reasons, but we all know they are just doing it to get re-elected.
No, the GOP has been hoaxing the rubes for the past seven years: Day 2,512 Of Our Captivity

Trump has been hoaxing the rubes, too: The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Chumps have STILL not caught on they were massively hoaxed. Just look at them, spitting fire at the wrong people. :lol:
They must be liberal repubs, you know, what used to populate the party from 1861-1964?
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
I expect Twitter users will make sure her political career is over.

Once again for the dense --- Senators are elected by their state's citizens --- not by "Twitter".
Check your Constitution on that. I could be wrong.
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
We've known for a while who some of these imposters / traitors were but now we have 7 names that need to be put at the top of the DO NOT VOTE FOR LIST. There are more but these are 7 that must go.

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