Straight Repeal Fail in Senate

It doesn't matter what the Congress does. Those seven people cannot be re-elected or hold political office again. Make an example out of them.
Those 7 cared about their constituents. The rest of the republican congress doesn't. Of course you have it backwards.
They care about no one but themselves and their Democrat buddies because the truth is - none of these people are true Republicans. They need to be driven out of office and kept out. Don't vote for any of these seven people EVER AGAIN.
They should have a ticker tape parade. You want 22 million to lose insurance. They don't.
Good to know there is still some sanity left in the Republican Party. A few, not many.
Those 7 people will be out come next election because their names are out there now. We know who they are.
Poor bastards have been deliberately dumbed down. Their brains are so soft they don't remember health care costs were rising FASTER before ObamaCare.

So yeah. Repeal it. See how that works for you. :lol:
Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada

Their voters should primary them or better yet recall them

Hey, move to Maine, West Virginia, AridZona, Ohio, Tennessee, Alaska and Nevada and live in all of them simultaneously, and you'll have a basis to actually make that case.

Welcome to our country. Please to learn how it works.


I do know how this country works. Many of these "Republicans" rode Trump's cought tail into their seats.


Oh really. Let's add 'em up.

Collins -- been there multi-terms. No coattails needed.
Murkowski -- ditto
McCain -- ditto.
Alexander -- dotto, plus from a red state.
Capito -- red state. No coattails needed.
Portman --- already an incumbent, ran against weak candidate for re-election
Heller -- his state voted against Rump.

So WHO exaclty are these "many" who rode Rump's "coughtt tail"? Hm?

And what business is it of yours what other states are telling their constituents to do?
have a good look at healthcare, then take a glance at the big wall right beside it.
Lol and the president of Mexico with a check in hand to pay for the wall.
We've already got the money. It's earmarked aid to Mexico and not one cent of it will be released until that wall is paid for. Mexico can have what is left over if there is anything left over..........doubtful.


No it's not.

It's now coming from transgendered people.

Don't you read the alt right media?
why not come up with an acceptable bill to replace it with? looks like our vaunted conservatives need more than 7 years to do much more than fart. We want obamacare gone then immediately replaced with something acceptable. key word acceptable. those so called traitors know you can't just toss people out of health insurance. FIND A WAY. It CANNOT be that difficult in the wealthiest nation on the planet.
Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada

Their voters should primary them or better yet recall them
She's serving her 4th term in a state that has been blue for ages. We like her. I don't agree with her a lot, being she's a Republican, but when the chips are down, she comes through for US.

Who knew there walk among us those who actually understand how the Constitution works. :clap2:
if this nation cannot figure out low cost healthcare for all citizens it flat out isn't that great. Can't be great unless this happens. who's I zinged it.
Trump last October: "My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

It doesn't matter what the Congress does. Those seven people cannot be re-elected or hold political office again. Make an example out of them.
Those 7 cared about their constituents. The rest of the republican congress doesn't. Of course you have it backwards.
They care about no one but themselves and their Democrat buddies because the truth is - none of these people are true Republicans. They need to be driven out of office and kept out. Don't vote for any of these seven people EVER AGAIN.

The GOP had a chance to do a health ins. bill and when they did not, Obama did it. Bout time too. If you do not like it, too bad, get insurance.
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -
They must be liberal repubs, you know, what used to populate the party from 1861-1964?
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
Bleev me...bleev me...bleev me...

One was probably Angus King, also from Maine. He said he was opposed, anyway. He caucuses with the Dems.

Susan Collins (R) of Maine, too. And of course "Sydney MaCcain" (RINO) of Arizona.
Susan Collins is the biggest quisling on that list. She came out the other day telling our President what an honorable man Mueller was and that President Trump needed to be quiet and stop posting on Twitter. She's got some nerve. The witch.
She's 100% right. She didn't vote for him either. She's my kind of Republican. She's got a sense of right and wrong.
They must be liberal repubs, you know, what used to populate the party from 1861-1964?
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.

Go lie about plywood or something, Hairy Back. I'm tired of your trolling
Got it, thanks Bush92 .........
Senators on Tuesday night blocked a wide-ranging proposal by Republicans to repeal much of ObamaCare and replace it with a more restrictive plan.

In Wednesday's vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition.

I could have told you that Susan Collins was a traitor long before this vote. She's part of Hillary Clinton's gang and is a fake Republican.

I noticed they did not name the two independents - who were they?
One was probably Angus King, also from Maine. He said he was opposed, anyway. He caucuses with the Dems.
So he is a Democrat then.

No, he's a Senator. Sorry if that term is unfamiliar to you. Maybe you should read the Constitution.
"Democrat" is a member of a political party.

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